Xu Zhengning and Zheng Shu ran all the way, taking trains and buses. After the fatigue of traveling and traveling, they finally returned to Baiyun Temple in Xibianmen, BJ, in just one week before the New Year.

Seeing the Baiyun Temple becoming more and more lively as the Chinese New Year was approaching, Xu Zhengning breathed a sigh of relief, hugged Zheng Shu tightly in his arms, bought a ticket at the door and walked in.

Ignoring the bustling crowd around him, Xu Zhengning quickly walked through the middle road of Baiyunguan with the baby in his arms, and went straight to the backyard of Baiyunguan.

It's still early now, and most of the Taoist priests of Baiyunguan should still be doing morning classes at the Yunji Mountain House in the backyard. Xu Zhengning also needs to discuss the matter about the baby with the abbot and supervisor in the temple. (The status of the Quanzhen Master is similar to that of the Zhengtian Master. For some reasons, there has not been a master in the Quanzhen lineage for hundreds of years, so now only the leaders of various temples lead them. Not just temples, Taoist palaces The highest leader of the temple is also called "Abbott". As for the reason...because this is the official title stipulated by the state.)

The sporadic Taoist priests who greeted tourists along the way also nodded and greeted Xu Zhengning from a distance. They seemed to be very familiar with him.

However, according to Zheng Shu's perception, none of the Taoist priests he met along the way had special powers. Although most of them were strong and healthy, they were just ordinary people.

Arriving at Yunji Shanfang, Xu Zhengning happened to meet the Taoist priests who were about to leave after morning lessons. After seeing Xu Zhengning holding the baby, the other Taoist priests also showed surprised expressions on their faces.

"Uncle, are you back?!"

After seeing Xu Zhengning, a young man who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old quickly ran up to him with an expression of surprise on his face.

"Xingyang, long time no see. I didn't expect you to have grown so tall in less than half a year. I remember when I left, you had just reached my chest."

Seeing this, Xu Zhengning also showed a gentle smile, stretched out his hand to make a gesture, and looked at the little Taoist priest who was already as high as his shoulders, with a look of emotion on his face.

"Of course, I haven't slacked off during this period of time."

The little Taoist priest named Xingyang showed a proud look on his face, and then he looked curiously at the tightly wrapped cloth ball in Xu Zhengning's arms.

"Uncle Master, the child you are holding in your arms is yours?"


Xu Zhengning reached out and flicked his fingers, causing the little Taoist priest to almost fall to the ground, and his forehead seemed to turn red.

"Silly boy, what are you talking about? We are real and we are not allowed to get married. Where did my children come from? These guys are abandoned babies I picked up on the road. I adopted them because they were pitiful. Okay, I'll go see them first. Master, I’ll talk to you in detail later.”

Xu Zhengning glanced at the crowd surrounding him, then reached out and touched his head with a smile. After saying hello to the Taoist priests around him, he walked to the door of the mountain house.

Inside, his master, Xie Xin, the current abbot of Baiyunguan, had been waiting for a long time.

Zheng Shu had been staring at the Taoist priests around him.

To his surprise, he thought that most of the Taoist priests here should have some cultivation level, but in fact there are not many Taoist priests who really have cultivation level. There are forty or fifty Taoist priests in the whole room, and only those who really have cultivation level are more than ten.

Moreover, it seems that the seniority and status of the several Taoist priests with cultivation should be very high. The Taoist priests around who have no cultivation, even if they have gray hair, will look respectful when facing Xu Zhengning and the young Taoist just now.

Zheng Shu blinked and found it quite interesting to see several old Taoist priests who looked to be in their fifties and sixties addressing the young Taoist priest just now as "junior uncle".

Xu Zhengning stood in front of the room and straightened his robe and hair. He even straightened the clothes covering Zheng Shu to make him look more orderly.

Quanzhen Taoist priests are all monastic Taoist priests. Unlike Zhengdao, their rules are more cumbersome and stricter. They need to meditate and practice, strictly observe the precepts, and eliminate emotions and desires. Their life can be regarded as quite austere.

There are four basic requirements in daily life, namely: first, not to get married; second, not to eat meat; third, you must wear Taoist attire; fourth, tie your hair and keep your beard.

Therefore, before meeting your master, in order to show respect, you must tidy up your clothes and image.

After doing all this, Xu Zhengning stepped into the room with Zheng Shu in his arms.

At this time, there was only an old Taoist priest with white hair and beard left in the room, sitting on the futon in the main seat. The Taoist priests around him also stayed away from here in a tacit understanding, leaving the two of them talking alone.

"Master, my disciple is back."

Xu Zhengning came and bowed in front of the old Taoist. Zheng Shu in his arms was also looking at the abbot of Baiyun Temple curiously.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing special about the old Taoist priest sitting in the center of the hall. Apart from his image of immortality, he does not seem to have any strong sense of oppression.

It doesn't feel like the leader of an extraordinary force, but more like an old man who has experienced a lot.

"came back?"

After Xu Zhengning finished his salute, the old man touched his beard and nodded with a smile. He was even more satisfied after seeing the fluctuations in Xu Zhengning's body.

"Full and perfect, the light is the same as the dust. It seems that you have gained a lot from entering the world this time. You have passed the bottleneck and reached the next stage. Very good!"

"Thank you Master!"

Even with Xu Zhengning's temperament, he looked happy at this compliment from the old Taoist priest.

"Why are you thanking me, an old man? This is your own effort."

The old Taoist priest stood up from the futon lightly, came to Xu Zhengning and patted his shoulder vigorously.

Bang bang!

Hearing the sound of physical contact between the two, Zheng Shu's eyelids jumped. This slap hit an ordinary person on the shoulder, and the bones in the upper body were probably broken.

Xu Zhengning felt that a surging energy was transmitted from his master's hands to his body. It quickly circulated in the body and then stopped at the touch of a touch.

"Yes, yes, it seems that you haven't fallen behind in this aspect of practice since you left."

The old Taoist priest looked even happier after checking the progress of his apprentice's practice. Then he turned his attention to Zheng Shu, who had been holding Xu Zhengning in front of him.

"Tell me what's going on with this child."

"Yes, Master."

Xu Zhengning told everything about what happened after he met Zheng Shu very concisely and without missing any omissions, and also expressed his inferences and thoughts by the way.

"...That's why my disciple brought this baby back."

After hearing this, the old Taoist priest also lifted the clothes covering Zheng Shu's head and saw the two plump ears as Xu Zhengning said, with a look of pity on his face.

"It's really like that. What a poor child. In this case, let's keep him in the temple. Anyway, our Baiyun Temple doesn't lack a bite to eat. A congenital stranger like him can't live in other places. I won’t be too happy, I can at least live a little more comfortably if I stay here.”

"Thank you Master for taking me in."

After Xu Zhengning heard that his master agreed, the look on his face finally relaxed completely.

Zheng Shu also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the old Taoist priest in front of him was reasonable. He originally thought that he would be discriminated against because of the ears on his head, and there would be some twists and turns in the adoption matter.

"Oh no, did I just skip some important information?"

Zheng Shu suddenly opened his eyes in shock, recalling what he had just heard.

"Innately alien, alien? Is this a world under one person?!"

If I heard correctly, and the words "Xiantian" and "Innate" are mixed together, the world I am in now is most likely the world of "Under One Person".

Zheng Shu recalled the special energy he had sensed earlier, and the magical properties of this energy, which were indeed consistent with the setting of "Qi" in the world under one person.

"Silly boy, you are still playing tricks on me at such an old age. This is a life after all. How can I give up on him?"

The old Taoist priest glared at Xu Zhengning, waved his hand in disgust, and took Zheng Shu from his arms, teasing him happily.

Zheng Shu, who was still thinking about the problem just now, was a little confused by the sudden move of the old Taoist priest. Looking at the old face with an unusually bright smile in front of him, he blinked innocently.

But Zheng Shu was actually quite surprised because he didn't react at all just now.

The old Taoist priest's speed was obviously not fast, and he didn't hide it at all, but it felt extremely "natural", and the set of movements was as natural as an antelope hanging its horns.

If Zheng Shu hadn't been convinced that his memory was correct, he almost thought he was being held by the old Taoist priest from the beginning.

You must know that although Zheng Shu is still just a baby now, due to the increase in the triple strengthening template, his observation and reaction speed are no longer inferior to those of top e-sports players.

Being able to hide his perception so easily... This also means that if this old Taoist priest wants to take action against Zheng Shu, Zheng Shu now has no ability to resist at all.

Is this Quanzhen, who, despite being humble among others, can be compared with Zhengyi?

"You yourself are so happy to see this child, and you are talking about me."

Xu Zhengning looked at his master's smiling face and muttered to himself, but he didn't dare to say it out loud, otherwise his master would definitely slap him in the face and let him know what it meant to respect a teacher.

"It's strange, why has this child never made a sound? Maybe there is something wrong with his throat."

After teasing for a while, the old Taoist priest also discovered Zheng Shu's problem. Although he could react according to his own behavior, he never made a sound and was not like an active baby at all.

"This... I haven't heard this child make any noise since I picked it up." Xu Zhengning said with a gloomy expression.

The old Taoist priest put his palm on Zheng Shu's throat and carefully explored it with his Qi for a while, then turned to explore his ears and frowned in confusion.

"The vocal cords are developing very well, and there are no problems with the ears. Judging from the reaction speed, the brain should be fine. Could it be some kind of neurological disease?"

Although it was a bit strange for such an old Taoist priest to use the term modern medicine, Xu Zhengning was no longer surprised. After all, although his master was not well-known in the alien world, he was indeed an expert in medicine.

Moreover, when he was young and had not yet become a monk, he also went to study abroad. However, the situation in the country at that time was quite special. The old Taoist priest felt that Lu Xun was right, so he returned home resolutely.

Later, he was rescued by the previous abbot of Baiyun Temple, and then he became a monk halfway and became a Quanzhen Taoist priest.

Seeing the two people discussing more and more, Zheng Shu knew that if he didn't speak up, these people might really find a way to find a doctor from the alien world to treat him.

Although he is very interested in various situations in this world, what he needs now is to develop steadily, so it is better to be less tossed.


Zheng Shu shouted twice, and even deliberately mobilized the natural power brought by Eli Yi's enhanced template, so that the voice he shouted was transformed into a word spirit: Judgment.

In this element-barren world, the voice Zheng Shu shouted would not become a death order for the surrounding materials like the dragon world, but the spiritual impact contained in the voice was enough to make ordinary people dizzy.

Of course, such a mental shock was of no use to the two Taoist priests in Quanzhenli who specialized in both life and life cultivation, but it was enough to make them notice Zheng Shu's special features.

"Oh? It's interesting. Just shouting can inspire such a strong mental impact, and he has such intensity at such a young age. If he grows up in the future, his future is limitless."

Suffering from the impact on his spirit, the old Taoist priest's eyes lit up. This power... is almost the same as the "blowing (xing) qi" that he just started using.

The so-called blowing out the Qi is a unique way of fighting. The cultivator uses a unique method to mobilize the innate Qi in his body, and then sprays out the Qi with the word "humha" to specifically attack the enemy's spirit and soul.

Those who have mastered the practice can even directly blast away the enemy's soul.

Because in the alien world, methods that can protect or attack the soul are quite rare, so the "innate superpower" that Zheng Shu is showing now is a surprise.

"Hey, no wonder he's been silent. It turns out it's because of this. This kid's talent is really amazing. By the way, does he have a name? Or does he need a name?"

The old Taoist priest rubbed Zheng Shu's face and stopped teasing him. After all, even if the consumption of innate superpowers is not high, it must be a heavy load for such a baby.

"Ah, there is a name. When I first found him, he was still holding a piece of bark in his hand, with words engraved on it."

As he spoke, Xu Zhengning took out the piece of tree bark on which Zheng Shu had previously carved the text from his arms, and handed it to the old Taoist priest respectfully with both hands.

"Let me see, Zheng Shu... OK, the name is good, then you will be called Zheng Shu from now on!"

Seeing the reaction of the old Taoist priest, Zheng Shu also closed his eyes with satisfaction. After his "show off" just now, the other party should not let him speak casually.

This way, he will be less disturbed as a baby. When he gets older, he can use his increased control as an excuse to speak freely.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu couldn't help but praise his wit in his heart - what a perfect method.

"Come on, Zheng Shu, call twice and show off to your master."

In a remote room on Baiyunguan East Road, the old abbot held up Zheng Shu and shook it with excitement, as if he was offering a treasure to show off to the old man with the same white hair and beard in front of him.

Zheng Shu was wrapped in swaddling clothes with an expressionless face, his eyes were dead.

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