Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 296 New Battle Invitation

Tohsaka Rin originally wanted to catch up, but was reminded by Zheng Shu that her magic pointer still fell to the ground.

When Tohsaka Rin picked up the magic pointer, he looked up and found that the two people had disappeared.

"Damn it! Sakura must have been deceived by that guy!" Tohsaka Rin could only stomp her feet on the spot to vent her anger.

On the other side, while Tohsaka Rin was bending down to pick up something, Zheng Shu grabbed Sakura beside him and moved to the corner at high speed, avoiding her pursuit.

Looking at Tohsaka Rin's back as he left aggressively, Zheng Shu looked at Matou Sakura with some concern. Although his expression was still as expressionless as before, Zheng Shu knew that Matou Sakura must be very angry and sad now.

Zheng Shu didn't know how to comfort Matou Sakura, so he could only hold her hand and walk to her residence.

On the way back, just when Zheng Shu was thinking about buying some desserts to comfort Sakura, he found that Matou Sakura suddenly hesitated and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Shu followed Matou Sakura's gaze and found that she was staring closely at a small park on the street.

Did you remember something?

Zheng Shu asked with some uncertainty: "Do you want to go to the park?"

Matou Sakura nodded, raised her head and looked at Zheng Shu, her eyes pleading.

"This is wrong, Sakura." Zheng Shu shook his head, making Matou Sakura's eyes dim for a moment, but then what he said made Matou Sakura's eyes light up again.

"Now you are the Master and I am the Servant, so I should obey your orders. Although I can provide you with advice, the person who makes the final decision is you, so if you want to become a qualified Master , then you have to make your own decisions under various circumstances." After Zheng Shu finished, he lowered his head and looked at Matou Sakura, "So Sakura, do you know what to do?"

Matou Sakura lowered her head and was silent for a while, and finally plucked up the courage to look up at Zheng Shu: "Berserker, accompany me to that park."

Zheng Shu smiled happily: "No problem, Master."

The two held hands and walked to the park together. Since it was not a day off, there were very few people in the park. There were only a few scattered children who were taken by their parents to play on the lawn.

"Sakura, do you want to play with them?" Zheng Shu looked at the children who were the same age as Matou Sakura and asked curiously.

However, Matou Sakura rarely answered him, but lowered her head and fell into memories.

She always remembered this place.

Before being adopted into the Matou family, Aoi often brought her and her sister here to play, and sometimes she could see Uncle Kariya.

Matou Sakura remembers clearly that every time she saw Uncle Kariya, he would carefully prepare various small gifts for herself and her sister. Although Aoi would stop her every time, Matou Sakura would do it every time. Looking forward to what kind of new things Uncle Kariya will bring her next time.

But now... everything is gone, they don't want her anymore!

Matou Sakura knew that she actually didn't hate Tohsaka Rin, because Rin didn't know anything, but she wouldn't go back with Rin, because once she went back, not only would her Holy Grail be taken away, but she would also be taken away by her. His father sent him to his grandfather’s house.

She doesn't want to go back to that hell again!

Even though Matou Zangyan's body had been disposed of by Zheng Shu long ago, Matou Sakura still had a deep psychological shadow on the Matou family.

In the past few days after being rescued by Zheng Shu, she had the most peaceful sleep she had ever had. She didn't have to worry about dreaming about those scary bugs or being woken up in the middle of the night.

As long as Berserker is around, she won't be afraid, and those bugs will definitely not appear.

While reminiscing, Matou Sakura pulled Zheng Shu towards a small pavilion next to her. She let Zheng Shu sit on the seat, while she leaned in Zheng Shu's arms, adjusted her posture and closed her eyes. eyes.

"Are you a little tired? If you want to sleep, just sleep. Don't worry, I will be by your side." Zheng Shu gently stroked a few strands of hair in front of Matou Sakura's forehead.

Matou Sakura nodded silently with her eyes closed, and her breathing became very calm after a while, while Zheng Shu also sat motionless, as if he was a lifeless sculpture.

The afternoon breeze brought warm sunshine to Zheng Shu's face. He could smell the fresh smell of trees in his nose, which made people feel unusually comfortable. Except for the occasional crisp bird calls, everything here was It seemed so quiet, as if the children playing next to it had gone away.

In such a comfortable environment, Matou Sakura slept for a long time, and she didn't wake up until the sunset began to set.

Realizing that Matou Sakura had woken up, Zheng Shu finally made some movement. He looked down and saw that Matou Sakura had opened her eyes and was huddled in his arms, looking around silently.

"Are you awake?"

Matou Sakura nodded, looked at the deserted park, and thought for a moment: "Berserker, go back."

"Okay!" Zheng Shu stood up.

But just when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt his hand tighten. When he looked down, Matou Sakura was holding his arm tightly and looking up at him.

" long as I kill those servants, will the Holy Grail fulfill my wish?"

"Of course, your wish will be realized immediately when the time comes." Zheng Shu said with certainty.

"Yes!" Matou Sakura nodded vigorously, "Then, let's take the initiative tonight and find other servants!"

It doesn't matter whether it is Tohsaka Rin or Tohsaka Tokiomi. Even if she returns to her original "home", she will be sent away again. She no longer wants to be thrown around like cargo, so... The Holy Grail can only be hers!

Zheng Shu's eyes revealed a smile: "Okay!"

But just as the two were about to leave the park, Zheng Shu suddenly asked another question: "Are you coming here again tomorrow?"

Matou Sakura was slightly startled. She looked around her surroundings, then firmly shook her head: "No, I don't need it anymore."

" we really want to go there?"

Weber was a little afraid of the upcoming battle tonight. When he thought about the battle last night, he felt that his legs were a little weak.

Rider and Lancer's Noble Phantasms were destroyed by that monster! Including the news about Caster that he got later, that guy killed three servants in just one night.

The most despairing thing is that after such a cruel battle, the opponent didn't even show any injuries, and even seemed to be at ease. If Berserker's master hadn't finally called him back, Weber even suspected that he and others would have been left there that night.

It’s impossible to beat him!

How could anyone defeat such a monster? !

However, as soon as it gets dark tonight, everyone participating in the Holy Grail War can feel the violent fighting spirit coming from the distance. Even with his eyes closed, Weber can feel it. The person who exudes fighting spirit is the one who makes his legs and feet weak. Berserker.

What does that guy mean? ! Is he planning to clear the Holy Grail War in three days?

"Hahahaha! Of course I'm going, kid!" Iskandar laughed wildly and patted Weber on the shoulder. "If I didn't dare to go in the face of such an invitation, then I would have died in some inconspicuous little place. In the village, instead of being passed down to future generations as the King of Conqueror. Besides, what do you have to be afraid of? Although that Berserker is violent, he has never taken direct action against the Master."

As he spoke, Iskandar's face showed another expression of regret: "What a pity. I originally thought that I could have a drink with heroes from all eras in the Holy Grail War, and then use my personality charm to defeat them all. Take yourself under your own command and create a new world in this world... It seems that it is not feasible now."

"Look Rider, you obviously think you can't beat hurts!" Before Weber could finish his words, Iskandar knocked him back with a bang on his head.

"Silly boy, what I mean is that I regret that I can't recruit all the heroes." Iskandar said angrily.

Without him making any summoning action, a black horse appeared beside him out of thin air: "Long time no see, my old friend."

"Ah! Rider, you obviously have a new mount, but you actually let the two of us walk back together last night." Weber looked at the majestic black horse and accused Iskandar of his "evil deeds."

Iskandar ignored his master's mischief. He just touched the black horse's neck, then got on the horse, and then turned to look at Weber who was sitting on the ground:

"Sooner or later, you will find a path in life that you are truly proud of. Maybe that path may be a bit boring in the eyes of others, but it is not the turn of others to laugh at you, kid."

Leaving his final words to his master, Iskandar grabbed the horse's reins and prepared to leave.


"What kind of stupid things are you talking to yourself, bastard!" Weber grabbed the saddle behind Iskandar and kept trying to jump up. "Hurry up and pull me up. I can't climb up alone. !”

Even Iskandar was stunned by his master's actions, and then an extremely cheerful laugh came from his mouth:

"Hahahaha! You are indeed the master who summoned me, Iskandar. We indeed have some similar characteristics. Come up, my strategist, tonight is not going to be easy!"

With that said, Iskandar reached out and lifted Weber up and put it in front of him. Then he pulled the reins and rushed towards where Zheng Shu was.

On the other hand, Tohsaka Rin did not leave Fuyuki City as requested by Kotomine Kirei, but instead ran back to his home desperately to find his father.

"Rin? Why are you here? Didn't I tell you not to come here during this period." Tokiomi Tosaka looked at Tosaka Rin who was panting from exhaustion with a tired look on his face.

"Father, I saw Sakura today!" Tohsaka Rin didn't notice the fatigue on his father's face. He touched the sweat on his forehead and said excitedly, "What happened to Sakura? She wasn't like this before. Looks like this!"

Faced with this question from his daughter, Tokiomi Tosaka fell silent because he could not answer it.

His dignity as an elder prevented him from admitting the mistakes he had made. Most importantly, he did not want Tohsaka Rin to get involved in this matter.

Tohsaka Tokiomi's silent look also made Tohsaka Rin panic. This was the first time she had seen such an expression on her father.

"I will handle Sakura's matter. You should go back to Zen City quickly. Fuyuki City will become very dangerous at night recently. I have sent Kotomine Kirei to protect you, so don't worry too much."

"But Sakura was obviously not like that before." The suppressed emotions broke out and Tohsaka Rin couldn't help crying, "Obviously Sakura used to like me and my father very much, but now she has completely changed. , she no longer calls me sister, and she also participated in such a dangerous ceremony..."

"Don't worry, I will solve all this." Tokiomi Tokiomi held Tohsaka Rin in his arms, patting his back gently to comfort him, "It will be over soon, and I will keep Sakura safe." Came back."

"Okay." Tohsaka Rin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Father, you will definitely succeed..."

After Tohsaka Rin left, Tohsaka Rin stood up and looked in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

There, golden spirit seeds emerged in the air, and then combined into Gilgamesh's body.

"It was really a good show for me, Tokiomi." Gilgamesh was still wearing the slutty golden armor, but there were still some slight scars on his face, "I thought you were a boring person. Man, I didn’t expect you to have the courage to resist me, and to do such an interesting thing, which makes me reluctant to kill you.”

"Then I really appreciate your kindness of not killing me." Tokiomi Tosaka bowed unusually gracefully. Although his attitude still seemed to be respectful, both parties present knew that this statement meant that Tokiomi Tosaka no longer had any respect for him. Gilgamesh has done his bidding.

"You are so courageous, Tokiomi, you actually dare to change your title at will. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?" Gilgamesh asked sharply.

"Don't be afraid, because our goals are the same now." Tokiomi Tosaka was not frightened by Gilgamesh's stern tone, and still replied unhurriedly.

The air in the house was stagnant for a moment, as if someone had completely drained the air.

After a while, Gilgamesh's face suddenly showed an extremely happy smile: "You are indeed an interesting person, Tokiomi."

When Gilgamesh was first summoned, he actually didn't have much interest in this Holy Grail War. The only thing he wanted to do was to punish the thieves who dared to peek at his treasure.

Since Tokiomi Tosaka summoned him in the first place, allowing him to appear in this era, and treating him with the courtesy of a minister, he would also reciprocate.

Even though this man seemed extremely bored at first, Gilgamesh never changed his mind. As a king, it is natural for him to repay his subjects.

However, Gilgamesh did not expect that he had made a mistake.

This time the Holy Grail War was not as boring as he imagined, but a lot of things happened, and now even Gilgamesh didn't know what direction things would develop next.

Although Gilgamesh was very angry at being humiliated by a mad dog, Tosaka Tokiomi's changes also made him amused.

When he was a king, he had already seen all kinds of things. The rebellion of a mere minister could not bring much psychological fluctuation to Gilgamesh. He only needed to treat the rebellious ministers at the end. Punishment would be fine.

But that Berserker covered in black mist was different!

Thinking of this, the corners of Gilgamesh's mouth that were originally raised due to pleasure calmed down, and his eyes became extremely deep.

Whether before or after his death, no one had ever dared to humiliate him like this.

The most important thing is that although he was indeed caught off guard, he was indeed defeated by the mad dog that night.

Although Gilgamesh, a tyrant, is arrogant and arrogant, he is still very clear about the basic principles of war: on the battlefield, no matter what the reason is, if you lose, you lose, and if you win, you win.

With Gilgamesh's wisdom, he could still admit his failure.

In fact, he didn't even care much about Tohsaka Tokiomi's rebellion, because for Gilgamesh, the king himself should be perfect, and those who failed were naturally no longer worthy of being called kings.

Therefore, even if Tokiomi Tosaka didn't have the means to counterattack, he would not kill the rebellious minister, because the only one who could deal with the minister was the king.

For Gilgamesh, the most important thing now is to wash away his shame and regain his glory. After that, he can deal with these thieves and traitors as a king again.

This is the pride of Gilgamesh!

Thinking of this, Gilgamesh subconsciously looked in a certain direction. He could feel that someone was continuously releasing his fighting spirit in that direction from just now.

"Can't you hold yourself back as soon as it's night? What a veritable mad dog." Gilgamesh had a sarcastic smile on his face, "But as it happens, I also plan to discuss with you what happened the day before yesterday."

Just when he turned around to leave, Tokiomi Tosaka stood up unexpectedly by Gilgamesh.

"Oh? Interesting! I didn't expect you to take the initiative one day. I thought you would stay in this turtle shell and spend the entire Holy Grail War." The joy on Gilgamesh's face became more obvious.

Tokiomi Tosaka bowed very gracefully: "Of course, like I said, we have the same goal now."

Gilgamesh had no objection. In his opinion, Tohsaka Tokiomi's behavior would only make it easier for him to deal with the traitor after killing the mad dog.

(PS: The following words are free.

The text error that appeared during the update yesterday was not my intention, it was caused by my error correction software. Because it was too late, my mind was dizzy and that error occurred. Now it has been corrected.

Also: I should be able to add an update tomorrow. )

Thank you Lanyou readers for the reward, thank you for your support!

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