Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 295 The irritable Tohsaka Rin

After walking down the stairs, Tohsaka Rin saw Kotomine Kirei's figure at a glance.

Although most of the body was covered by the wall, the clothes on the other party's body that remained unchanged for thousands of years were eye-catching enough.

"Although he looks gloomy, he is still very reliable in his work!" Rin Tosaka commented like a young adult, and quickly walked out of the building towards Kotomine Kirei's position, "But... ...It looks like he is talking to someone else? Will this guy with a paralyzed face take the initiative to chat with someone?"

When Tohsaka Rin walked out of the school gate and saw the scene behind the wall, her whole body stiffened, because she suddenly discovered that the guy standing in front of Kotomine Kirei was the tall guy he saw this morning. magician.

what's the situation? Could it be that this guy Kotomine Kirei betrayed his father?

A whole range of speculations immediately flashed through Tohsaka Rin's mind, and she began to move back cautiously, trying to retreat to the school to contact her father to give a warning.

Unfortunately, with Tohsaka Rin's current level of physical skills, it was impossible to hide it from Kotomine Kirei's ears, so Tohsaka Rin, who had already moved his body back to the school gate, saw the "traitor" and turned around to look To himself.


The hairs on Tohsaka Rin's head stood up, and then she saw Kotomine Kirei waving to her.

"Does this guy want me to go there by myself?!" Tohsaka Rin gritted his teeth.

However, after thinking about it, she gave up the idea of ​​​​escape, and could only reluctantly move to Kotomine Kirei's side step by step.

"Rin, it seems that you have misunderstood this gentleman, but it just so happened that the teacher asked me to protect Ms. Tohsaka Aoi and you during this period. I can feel more at ease with them here." Kotomine Kirei said. Tohsaka Rin nodded, his attitude seemed very strict.

Tohsaka Rin did not listen to Kotomine Kirei's words, but just stared at him angrily to express his determination never to surrender.

Kotomine Kirei looked a little strange at Tohsaka Rin's angry eyes. He didn't know when he offended this little girl, but out of upbringing, he nodded friendly towards Tosaka Rin, and then looked at Zheng Shu .

"Then I will be rude and excuse myself. Ms. Tohsaka Aoi still needs my protection." After speaking to Zheng Shu, Kotomine Kirei looked at Tohsaka Rin, "Then I will leave first. Remember not to play around. It’s too late to go home.”

"What do you mean by this person?!" Tohsaka Rin puffed up her face angrily, and then she saw the unusually tall magician speaking.

"Oh, don't worry, I will help her keep track of the time. By the way, you must try the method I mentioned, especially spicy peppers, which can make people feel happy."

"Chili pepper?" Kotomine Kirei nodded seriously. I don't know if it was an illusion. Tohsaka Rin even felt that this guy's eyes seemed to be a little brighter. "Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will try it."

And then Kotomine Kirei just left... left...

Tohsaka Rin looked at Kotomine Kirei leaving with despair in his eyes. This guy actually abandoned him like this? !

Immediately afterwards, Tohsaka Rin saw Zheng Shu smiling at him. Although the other person's smile looked kind, coupled with his terrifying size, Tohsaka Rin took a few steps back unconsciously.

"Ahem, what, hello, forget it, you two can talk." Zheng Shu found that his smile actually made the girl take several steps back and felt a little embarrassed. She originally wanted to defend herself, but After thinking about it, he simply took a step back, revealing Matou Sakura who had been hiding behind him.


When Tohsaka Rin saw Matou Sakura, his eyes immediately widened, and all the things about the Holy Grail War were thrown out of his mind. He ignored Zheng Shu who was standing aside and ran towards Matou Sakura. Come over.

She has never seen Sakura again since her sister was adopted into the Matou family. Although Tohsaka Rin requested several times from her father, she was rejected for various reasons, so After seeing her sister now, the excitement on Rin Tohsaka's face almost overflowed.

He immediately rushed forward excitedly, ready to hug Sakura's soft body like before.

But then Tohsaka Rin noticed something was wrong again, and even the hand he had just raised to say hello stopped unconsciously.

Because she suddenly discovered that her sister looked different from the one in her memory. Although Matou Sakura was timid in the past and would hide behind her in fear when encountering anything, at that time Matou Sakura's The eyes are very beautiful, like a small animal. Although it is weak, it is full of curiosity about everything.

But now Tohsaka Rin can't see that in Matou Sakura's eyes. She can only see endless holes, as if dead.

Sakura... what exactly have she encountered in her new family? !

The moment he saw his sister's empty eyes, Tohsaka Rin doubted his father, whom he had always respected, for the first time, and felt that he had done something wrong.

Immediately afterwards, Tohsaka Rin saw the red mark on the back of Matou Sakura's right hand.

This is... a command spell? !

This was Tohsaka Rin's first reaction after seeing those red marks. Although Tokiomi Tokiomi had sent his daughter and wife to other cities when he summoned the heroic spirits, Tohsaka Rin did not actually see them. It looked like she had passed the command spell (Kotomine Kirei hid the command spell), but she had learned information about the command spell from the relevant magic books she had read.

Although I have never seen the real thing, the bright red traces that appear on the back of my hand and the powerful fluctuations of magic power must be the so-called Command Seal!

Tohsaka Rin is very sure of this.

Although Zheng Shu would definitely laugh at Tohsaka Rin if she knew what she was thinking. After all, the "command spell" he made can fool laymen at close range, such as a priest or a war wild dog. .

"How is it possible that Sakura actually became the Master?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned. She already knew part of the inside story of the Holy Grail War, and naturally knew what kind of things she would encounter as a Master.

"It must be fake! How could Sakura participate in such a ceremony at such a young age?" Tohsaka Rin tried hard to deny it in her heart.

Then Tohsaka Rin heard the sound of the magic needle in his pocket turning.


"Impossible!" Tohsaka Rin even cried. She took out the magic needle and looked at the pointer pointing to Matou Sakura and the continuously flashing magic flow. She looked at Matou Sakura with eyesight. Confused.

"It must be broken. The needle was pointing at the guy next to me this morning, but now it's not pointing at me anymore. It must be broken!" Tohsaka Rin looked at the pointer in his hand and kept looking for reasons.

"Can this prop of yours indicate magic power? It seems that the accuracy is not very high, because I hide my own magic power." Zheng Shu revealed his face from the side at this time.

Along with his words, Zheng Shu also let go of the blockade on his own magic power, so the magic pointer discovered the huge source of magic power that suddenly appeared around him. The pointer suddenly turned in the direction of Zheng Shu and kept beating, as if It's like it's going to break in the next moment.

Zheng Shu's behavior also broke through the last line of defense in Tohsaka Rin's heart. She couldn't even hold on to this unusually precious item in her hand, and let the magic needle fall to the ground.

But she had no time to worry about her magic needle, but ran to Matou Sakura: "Sakura, how did you become the master? Aren't you already in danger?! Those of the Matou family What on earth are you thinking, how can you become the master!"

Tohsaka Rin grabbed her sister's shoulders and shook her hard. The fact that her sister suddenly turned into a master made her extremely panicked and her mind was in chaos.

At this time, the first reliable image that pops up in Tohsaka Rin's mind is naturally his father Tosaka Tokiomi. She feels that as long as her father knows about this matter, he will definitely be able to help Sakura: "Let's go! Let's go Go find your father, he will definitely help you get rid of this identity, Sakura!"

It's a pity that Tohsaka Rin's intentions are good, but for Matou Sakura, these words touched the reverse scale.

Get rid of the identity of the Master → give up your servants → give up the Holy Grail → return to the original hell.

This logical sequence was clarified by Matou Sakura in an instant, so she became very resistant, and the excitement she was originally excited about seeing her sister suddenly cooled down.

Tohsaka Rin came up and pulled his sister, but found that she was motionless. Matou Sakura seemed to be fixed above the ground. No matter how Tosaka Rin pulled, she could not move her body.

"Rin, I don't want to see Tokiomi Tokiomi, nor do I want to give up my identity as Master." Sakura Matou looked at her hand held by Rin Tosaka, and her other hand tightly held Zheng Shu's penis. finger.

Whether it was Matou Sakura's way of calling Tokiomi Tokiomi by his first name or her emotionless voice, Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't believe that this was her weak sister.

"Sakura, please don't be willful. It is too dangerous for you to participate in the Holy Grail War at such a young age. You must tell your father immediately. Only he can protect you!" The young Tohsaka Rin could not immediately understand what happened to his sister. As a matter of fact, I can only continue to follow my original idea and try to drag Matou Sakura away.

Unfortunately, Tohsaka Rin's statement triggered a thunderstorm again. A trace of irritation flashed in Matou Sakura's heart, and she suddenly shook off Tosaka Rin's hand.

"Protect me?!" Matou Sakura looked at Tohsaka Rin inexplicably. She didn't understand why her former sister would do this. "Berserker will protect me, no one else is needed."

As she spoke, Tongying unconsciously glanced at Zheng Shu next to her, and her actions finally reminded Tohsaka Rin of the unusually tall person next to her.

Tohsaka Rin looked Zheng Shu up and down with doubt on his face: "Berserker? Are you Sakura's servant?"

Zheng Shu smiled and nodded, and then his smile froze after hearing Tohsaka Rin's words.

"Then can you please return to the Hall of Valor now? This way, Sakura will be safe!" Tohsaka Rin's tone was very bad, probably because she took out all the anger she received from her sister on Zheng Zheng On Dawn.

Zheng Shu looked at the young Tohsaka Rin in front of him and shook his head helplessly. This girl really dared to speak. Is she really not afraid of offending others?

Fortunately, Zheng Shu himself is not a real heroic spirit, so he is quite immune to this sentence.

Most of the followers would probably be very angry after hearing her words, because Tohsaka Rin's words are basically equivalent to saying: Please go to hell!

For most people, this is already a serious provocation. For example, Sakura Matou, who already understood very well what it means for a Servant to return to the Hall of Valor, said: "Rin!"

Matou Sakura's voice was so high-pitched that even Zheng Shu couldn't help but glance at her. This was probably the first time he heard her voice full of emotion after rescuing Sakura from Matou's house, even though it was just angry. Emotional, but it can be considered a very gratifying progress.

"Ahhh! Sakura, you must be confused by this guy!" Faced with his sister's severe scolding, Tohsaka Rin looked a little crazy.

Whether it was such a big change in her sister or her joining the Holy Grail War, the young Tosaka Rin's brain was greatly impacted, so much so that her brain now feels a little confused.

As a primary school student, when faced with such a chaotic situation, Tohsaka Rin would naturally think of the person she trusts most - her father.

So Tohsaka Rin immediately said: "No matter what, I still have to find my father. And even if you don't want to give up your identity as Master, you can still help your father obtain the Holy Grail!"

pretty! The third time I stepped on the thunder accurately, it was you Tohsaka Rin.

Zheng Shu on the side felt that he had lost his sight. He could not imagine how unlucky it would be for Tohsaka Rin to choose the wrong option three times in a row, and it was the most wrong one.

How to say this? I can only say that they really deserve to be members of the Tohsaka family? Dropping the chain at the critical moment is worthy of the reputation!

I originally thought that this was a trait that would only appear in the Tohsaka family when they grew up, but I didn't expect that such a young Rin Tosaka would already understand the true meaning of it. In a sense, maybe Sakura's transformation from Tohsaka Sakura to Matou Sakura might be a good thing.

Glancing at Matou Sakura, whose face became increasingly ugly, Zheng Shu reluctantly held her hand to prevent irrational behavior.

Although it is a good thing that Sakura's emotions have become more active, Zheng Shu does not want Sakura to be emotionally activated in this way.

After being held by Zheng Shu, Matou Sakura's emotions that were on the verge of breaking out immediately calmed down. She took one last look at her sister, then took the initiative to turn around and lead Zheng Shu away: "Go back, Berserker, I'm tired."

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