After carefully examining his idea, Zheng Shu felt more and more that it was worth a try.

The most important thing is that according to his idea, almost no one will suffer losses in this incident.

According to the original work, Diarmuid finally died after defeating the sea demon, and was tricked by Emiya Kiritsugu into causing Kenneth to use a command spell, ordering him to commit suicide.

The biggest impact of his death was probably that Emiya Kiritsugu exposed his character in order to kill people and silence him, which brought the conflict between Emiya Kiritsugu and Artoria to its peak, but this still did not affect their subsequent battles. .

To put it simply, although it is very hurtful, the only impact Diarmuid had in the original work was probably to make Artoria's crusade against the sea demon not so smooth. Of course, the fact that the hotel where Kenneth stayed was blown up by Emiya Kiritsugu was probably a point of loss.

If Zheng Shu asked Diarmuid to withdraw here, then at least Kenneth's life would be saved.

Although Kenneth would be ridiculed by his colleagues for failing in a "third-rate rural magic ritual" after returning to the Clock Tower, it was not a big problem compared to his own life.

And because Kenneth is no longer targeted by Emiya Kiritsugu, the place where he lives will not be attacked, and the various magic rituals he rented, including the magic furnace, will not be destroyed.

You know, in the original world line, when Weber became El-Melloi II, Kenneth lost these magic costumes, which caused him to bear a lot of debt, so that he had to work day and night.

Being able to return to the Clock Tower alive without much damage to his property is a good thing for both Kenneth and Webb.

As for Diarmuid...

If Zheng Shu remembered correctly, this buddy's wish to come down from the Throne of Heroes was to be able to truly serve his monarch once again.

In other words, the moment he was summoned, his wish was basically fulfilled. However, because he was targeted by Emiya Kiritsugu and was persecuted by his own master, he returned to the Seat of Heroes with reluctance. superior.

If Zheng Shu kills him now, although Diarmuid himself will feel unwilling, he will not be so angry. At most, he will only feel a little regretful.

Of course, after all these reasons, the most important thing is that if such a big plot can really be changed, Zheng Shu feels that he may get the largest impact factor so far.

On the other side, after discussing the matter about Assassin, the three servants also fell silent at the same time, looking at Berserker who was standing motionless and became wary.

In fact, even the most upright Artoria now has the idea of ​​​​retreating. It is obvious that the opponent's defense strength is not something that the three of them can break through. Artoria even suspects that even her own Noble Phantasm may not be able to break through. Let the other party suffer any harm.

After all, Iskandar's bullock cart had even been destroyed, and the two of them had seen the condition of Diarmuid's magic gun, and knew that the other's treasure phantom was not too far away from being damaged.

Although both Iskandar and Artoria still have their own trump cards, it is unacceptable for them to have all their trump cards exposed just on the second night of the Holy Grail War.

In this case, there is no point in simply spending it here.

The three of them exchanged glances with each other, confirming the intention to retreat in everyone's eyes. However, the initiative now does not lie with them, but with the Berserker in front of them who suddenly fell silent for some reason.

"Berserker, just deal with one of them, then go home and sleep." At this moment, Matou Sakura's voice suddenly came.

The pupils of the remaining three servants shrank suddenly, because they found that after the master's words fell, the aura of Berserker not far away suddenly increased again.

How can it be? ! Can it actually be improved? Can such a young child possess such amazing magic power? !

Along with the aura of terror, Arturia suddenly noticed Berserker's golden eyes looking towards her.

The next moment, a figure covered in black mist had arrived in front of Artoria. She did not have any special movement skills, and only relied on pure power to drive speed.


The intuition that could almost predict the future sent crazy information to Artoria, and her pupils shrank violently. At such a critical moment, Artoria's body's instinctive movements were faster than her thoughts.

The Sword of Vow to Victory had been blocked in front of her, blocking Zheng Shu's fist.


With a simple punch, Artoria was knocked away again.

Even though she was prepared in advance this time, the terrifying force still caused her body to continuously retreat, sliding into deep ravines on the ground and then falling into the sea of ​​the port.

Fortunately, she was protected by the spirit across the lake, so Artoria could move freely on the water. However, even so, she was still retreating on the sea as if she were drifting on water, looking extremely embarrassed.

"I come!"

With a roar, Iskandar rushed forward waving his dagger, stopping Zheng Shu who wanted to pursue.

Although he was quickly knocked back by Zheng Shu with a punch, relying on this short period of time, Arturia regrouped his situation and launched a charge at Zheng Shu from a distance.

Looking at the people already fighting together, Diarmuid waved the magic spear in his hand and prepared to join them.

"Lancer, take advantage of this opportunity and retreat!" Unfortunately, Kenneth's voice suddenly sounded from his ears, blocking Diarmuid's steps.

"But, Master..." Diarmuid looked a little struggling.

"I said, retreat! Do you want to disobey the order?! Or do you want me to waste a command spell?" Kenneth's voice became more severe.

Diarmuid changed his dark color several times, and finally chose the latter between his personal thoughts and the Lord's order. After all, the reason why he came down from the Hall of Heroes this time was to fulfill his regrets during his lifetime.

"Yes! Master." Diarmuid glanced apologetically at Iskandar and Artoria, who were being beaten by Zheng Shu.

For him, this behavior was useless as he abandoned his comrades and fled from the battlefield.

However, his Master's order was absolute, so Diarmuid could only retreat slowly, preparing to retreat into the darkness before transforming into a spirit body and leaving here.

Just when Diarmuid was about to retreat, Zheng Shu, who had been suppressing the two men, glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Sure enough, everything went as he expected.

Whether it is the characters of Kenneth or Diarmuid, he grasped them very accurately through the original work.

After giving a signal to Sakura to tell her the order to attack, Zheng Shu took the initiative to launch the attack, but he did not choose Diarmuid as the first target.

Because of Kenneth's character, after confirming that Zheng Shu can't be dealt with by the strength of these people alone, if he finds that his servant is listed as the main attack target, he will most likely directly activate the command spell to teleport away. .

With Kenneth's decisiveness, this kind of action is still very possible.

However, if Zheng Shu chooses the other two as his main targets, according to Kenneth's personality, he will most likely let Diarmuid evacuate on his own based on the most rational idea.

After all, command spells are still quite precious, so it is certainly a good thing to use one less.

With Diarmuid's character, it is easy to obey orders that do not violate his own ideals, so the current situation will arise.

However, both Kenneth and Diarmuid ignored one thing. In a sense, Diarmuid was disconnected from the other two during the retreat.

In other words, he is now "alone".

Zheng Shu looked at Diarmuid who was about to hide his body in the darkness, and used his hands to push away the entangled Iskandar and Artoria.

Turning his body, magic light burst out from his legs, and he released magic power in an instant, greatly increasing his movement speed.


"not good!"

Artoria and Iskandar also understood what Zheng Shu was thinking. In fact, they had already discovered the fact that Diarmuid had quietly retreated before. However, everyone was actually in a hostile state now, so the other party acted like this. They have no position to blame.

However, they did not expect that Berserker, who they had always regarded as completely irrational, could suddenly behave like this.

However, it was too late to find out now. Iskandar and Artoria could only shout weakly, trying to remind Diarmuid.

"Damn it!" Looking at Berserker who appeared in front of him in just a moment, Diarmuid also understood his current situation.

It was impossible to run at such a distance, but for Diarmuid, just holding on was enough. Whether it is waiting for his master to use a command spell to move him through space, or waiting for the support of the other two servants, it only takes a short time to complete.

Seeing Diarmuid's defensive posture, Zheng Shu also understood what he was thinking, but Zheng Shu just silently raised his fist.


The high-pitched dragon text came out from Zheng Shu's mouth. Although it was not on his servant panel, Zheng Shu could still use the word spirit.

Ordinary hybrids need to chant the spirit of words for several minutes. Zheng Shu relied on his third-generation dragon bloodline to compress it into one syllable using a chanting method similar to high-speed divine words.

The moment Zheng Shu raised his hand, his words had already been chanted. The surging flame elements quickly gathered on his arms and fists, mixed with Zheng Shu's own magical light, causing his arms to emit an almost twisted black-red glow. brilliance.

Instead of releasing the flame element triggered by the word spirit into a light cannon, Zheng Shu chose to condense it on his arm.

The high-intensity flame element combined with Zheng Shu's own magic power made his arm look like a combination of a plasma cutting machine and a hundred-ton hydraulic press in a short time.

Seeing the terrifying energy erupting from Zheng Shu's arms, Diarmui gritted his teeth and raised his two magic guns in front of him.

On the other side, after realizing that his servant was stopped by the Berserker, Kenneth could only curse secretly and raised his hand to use the command spell.

Zheng Shu's eyes moved slightly, and he could already feel the magic power around Diarmuid's body beginning to fluctuate, which was a sign that the command spell was starting to operate.

It seems that Kenneth is relatively decisive, but unfortunately, it is a bit too late now.


Zheng Shu swung his fist down decisively, and without sparing any effort, traces of a sonic boom cloud briefly appeared right in front of his fist.

Bang! Click!

Zheng Shu's fist easily crushed Diarmuid's yellow short spear, which was already full of cracks. Then his fist bombarded the red spear. The high-heat flame energy and the surging black magic power worked together. The intact red magic gun was directly shattered at the moment of contact.


Even after being reduced by two Noble Phantasms, Zheng Shu still carried a lot of power in his arms.

The fist carrying the remaining power hit Diarmuid's chest, piercing through his skin and bones.

"Cough!" Diarmuid's movements suddenly stopped, and he could only cough up a ball of blood.

In front of his chest, Zheng Shu's fist had penetrated his body and emerged from his back - Zheng Shu's punch directly penetrated his body.

"You..." Diarmuid looked up and looked into Zheng Shu's eyes. Being able to make such a decision showed that the mad warrior had not completely lost his mind as they initially understood.

But the moment he saw Zheng Shu's eyes, his instinct as a warrior from the Age of Gods began to kick in: "Are you... helping me?"

Hearing his words, Zheng Shu's eyes became surprised for a moment, and he couldn't understand how this guy came to such a conclusion, but then he smiled, and his smart look didn't look like he had lost his mind at all. people.

Diarmuid didn't understand the information he read, but he still chose to trust his intuition.

"Although I don't know...but thank you, it's just a bit regretful...that we couldn't tell each other our names." Diarmuid's eyes dimmed, and the power of reflection quickly withdrew from his body.

Looking at Diarmuid's body, which had begun to turn into a spirit, Zheng Shu pulled his arm back, and the blood on his arm also turned into a spirit and dissipated along with Diarmuid's body.

After a moment of silence, Zheng Shu walked towards Matou Sakura.

"Berserker, are you injured?" Matou Sakura also ran to Zheng Shu's side, grabbed his hand and examined it carefully.

"Who can let this guy get hurt?" This was the inner complaint of everyone present.

Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to the guys around him, he just looked at Matou Sakura and shook his head gently.

"Okay, let's go back today." Matou Sakura's expression immediately became very happy.

Zheng Shu nodded, reached out and took Matou Sakura's hand, and left here with her.

Others present looked at the leaving figures of one large and one small, and fell into silence for a while.

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