Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 290 The idea of ​​erasing the plot

I have to say that although Zheng Shu's move is quite a spoof, the effect is really good.

Facing Diarmuid who was swung by Zheng Shu, Artoria could only put away her offensive and switch to defense, blocking Diarmuid's "attack".

There was no other way. With Artoria's character, she was completely unable to attack Diarmuid at this stage. She could only dodge Zheng Shu's attack with her hands tied.

Diarmuid, who had one of his feet held in someone's hand, had not thought about saving himself, but Zheng Shu's power was too great. The speed of just swinging him was enough to make the hero's brain congested, so he didn't persist. The whole person fell into a semi-conscious state within two seconds.

Facing Diarmuid, who had completely lost all resistance, Zheng Shu waved even more excitedly. The air flow caused by the rapid swing turned into a violent wind and gathered on Diarmui's body, turning into a violent wind blade and slashing around, even Even the surrounding street lights can be cut off abruptly.

After taking a look at Iskandar who was about to hit him with the Kamui wheel next to him, Zheng Shu finally stopped playing around. With a shake of his hand, Diarmuid's body turned into a spear and shot out, hitting Artoria next to him.

Facing Diarmuid flying towards her, Artoria had no choice but to put away her sword and tried to catch him with both hands.

However, the moment Artoria touched Diarmuid's body, she felt a surging force coming from his body. Even Artoria, who is a Saber class, could not withstand this force. After being hit by Diarmuid, the two people flew upside down into the ruins of the container again.

After temporarily getting rid of the two people who were in the way, Zheng Shu finally officially fought with Iskandar.

The violent Thunder Bull raised its body high and tried to use its hooves to trample Zheng Shu who was blocking them into a pulp.

But just as their bodies jumped up, a pair of huge palms stretched out, grabbed the heads of the two Thunder Bulls one by one, and slammed them towards the ground.

The unimaginable force instantly suppressed the two flying Thunder Bulls, causing their just-raised hooves to return to the ground.

However, the impact of the charging chariot is not easily dissipated. Zheng Shu's weight is so small compared to a chariot that even if he bursts out his magic power to push back, , the chariot was still pushing his body back, and Zheng Shu's feet also carved two deep ravines on the ground.

However, even if he was constantly pushed back by the chariot, Zheng Shu still had the upper hand in the confrontation with the chariot. Even though the thunder from the Divine Wheel continued to wreak havoc on his body, it still couldn't stop Zheng Shu's next move.

The heads of the two thunder bulls, which could be called monsters, were pushed down toward the ground by Zheng Shu's hands. In the end, they could not even maintain their running posture, and their entire bodies were smashed into the ground.

The roaring chariot was overturned, and blood spurted out from the facial features of the two thunder bulls, but no matter how hard they struggled, they could not break free from Zheng Shu's arms.

However, Iskandar had already jumped out before the chariot overturned. His eyes were flashing with excitement. With the power of jumping from the chariot, he swung the sword blade in his hand and struck Zheng Shu on the head.

Unfortunately, just when Skardar's attack was about to fall on Zheng Shu, he made a jaw-dropping move.

Zheng Shu lifted the bodies of the two thunder bulls together with the chariots connected behind them, and used them as weapons to smash Iskander away.


Iskandar's figure wrapped in a red cloak was just like what happened to the two servants before. He smashed the containers along the way and was finally buried in the rubble.

Then, Zheng Shu used the power he just wielded to lift the two thunder bulls and the chariot high into the air, and then... smashed them down!


With a loud roar, the thunder cow turned into a spirit and dispersed in the wailing sound. The frame of Shenwei Wheels fell to the ground, creating a huge radial pit, and the frame itself turned into a pile of junk. , the surrounding Masters could still see some lightning flashing on the ruins.

Seeing this scene, the other Masters didn't even feel that they were surprised. From the first night to now, the black mist-covered Berserker had proven what it means to be unrivaled in power with his actual actions.

Can anyone really defeat such a monster?

Several Masters present were filled with pessimism. Excluding Caster and Assassin who had not yet shown up, this Berserker had already beaten all four other Servants, and he had won overwhelming victories.

In fact, Emiya Kiritsugu was hiding aside. He is more aware of the terror of this Berserker than other Masters, because Irisviel had told him during the previous battle and discovered that Caster's spiritual base had been recovered.

This shows that without anyone knowing, the first person to withdraw from this Holy Grail War has appeared.

Emiya Kiritsugu really wanted to tell himself that it was Assassin who had dealt with Caster, but judging from the information he had obtained from the people he arranged at the church, the person who called the church to handle the funeral was Matou Kariya from the Matou family.

And the master of Berserker is the little girl named Matou Sakura, which means that the person who killed Caster is most likely the Berserker in front of him.

In other words, the other party had already killed the One Servant before they arrived, and still maintained such terrifying fighting power. If he continued to fight with this guy, Emiya Kiritsugu even doubted that the other party could calm down the Holy Grail in one night. war.

"Where did this guy come from? How could there be such a terrifying guy in history?! And..." Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help but shift his gaze to Matou Sakura, who had been standing aside, "Such a kid, Where did you get such a huge amount of magic power to support this kind of consumption?”

Although the combat effectiveness of a Servant is related to its own origin, the Master's magical power will also affect its attributes. According to Berserker's performance, Emiya Kiritsugu even suspected that Irisviel, who was the Little Holy Grail, did not have any magical power in her body. That little girl has so much magic to offer.

"What an amazing warrior!" But as a heroic voice came, Iskandar pushed away the remains of the container covering himself.

On the other side, Artoria and Diarmuid also lifted the container debris off their bodies and walked out of the ruins.

"You can actually carry my Noble Phantasm, Berserker, how do you think? What I said before still applies. As long as you are willing to join my army, the treatment is negotiable." Although he said this, there was a look in Iskander's eyes. But his expression was full of solemnity.

Carrying his bullock cart to charge without any protection at all, Iskandar recalled that he had never encountered a strong man of this level in his lifetime.

There is no doubt that a servant of this level is extremely famous even in history.

But even if Iskandar carefully searched for the knowledge on which the Holy Grail is based, he still didn't think about the origin of the other party. The only thing that is more conspicuous is probably the very distinctive belt around his waist. But in various myths, it is really Are there any heroes who are more famous because of their belts?

"Berserker, it's a pity that you are here with such a rank, otherwise I would have had a good time with you!" Iskandar sighed regretfully.

Then he looked sharply at a dark place: "It seems that we are not the only ones attracted by this battle. The heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail, you don't have to hide in the dark to watch, I give you permission. Show up to witness this moment of bravery. Of course, the cowards who are afraid of showing their faces will also be despised by me, the conquering king!"

As Iskandar finished speaking, both Zheng Shu and him became active.

Iskander raised the dagger in his hand toward the sky, and Zheng Shu suddenly reached out and pulled down a collapsed street lamp next to him.

The thick street lamp was projected by Zheng Shu as a javelin, and the dagger in Iskandar's hand was also swung down, but the target was not the other party, but invariably attacked the position of his master.

With pure power, the street lamp thrown by Zheng Shu instantly broke through the sound barrier and turned into an afterimage flying towards Matou Sakura with a snow-white sonic boom cloud.

And just after Zheng Shu projected the street light, a black shadow appeared next to Matou Sakura.

The street lamp's astonishing speed gave the black shadow no time to react. Zheng Shu's exquisite control also prevented Matou Sakura from being affected at all. The street lamp directly penetrated the opponent's shoulder, and was nailed to the container in the distance with his body.

Black Shadow's physical fitness was much worse than most people expected. During the flight, he was torn to pieces by the sonic boom cloud. When he was nailed to the container, most of his body had already appeared in the spirit form. tendency.

On the other side, Iskandar's thunder also struck a black figure that suddenly appeared next to Weber. The violent power instantly evaporated most of the black figure's body.

"Assassin?!" Arturia's eyes widened in surprise when she saw this scene, and then she immediately turned her head to look in the direction of Irisviel in horror.

Fortunately, things were not as bad as he thought. Although Irisviel was startled by the sudden appearance of the servants, she was not attacked.

"It seems that the enemy just attacked the Master they thought was a 'soft persimmon'. After all, regular magicians usually set up protective spells on the outside of their bodies." Diarmuid looked at the scene in front of him with some emotion. .

Just now, he also observed the direction of his master and found that there was no black shadow touching him.

However, Diarmuid's words also made Weber look at him angrily. He was originally frightened that such an assassin suddenly appeared around him, but suddenly he found that he was classified as a "soft person". Persimmon".

But after he took another look at the protective spells that were running all the time around Irisfair, Waver lowered his head in shame, because in a sense, what Lancer said was true. If it were really calculated, Waver should have been present. The lowest level magician among all the people.

As for Sakura Matou, who was silent on the sidelines, she was able to provide such surging magic power to drive a servant of this level at her age. Weber felt that it was too difficult for him to catch up with this level of qualifications.

"Is that Assassin? It is indeed in line with the style of an assassin, using whatever means necessary. But why are there two people? Is it the effect of the Noble Phantasm?" Iskandar looked at the charcoal on the ground that was gradually turning into spiritual children. think.

"It's most likely the effect of a Noble Phantasm. It can create a clone that is no different from the original body. The effect of this Noble Phantasm is quite amazing, especially when combined with Assassin's own class characteristics. But after these two blows, Assassin should have already retired." Diarmuid looked at the yellow magic gun in his hand with regret.

After withstanding so many attacks from Berserker, this magic gun finally appeared overwhelmed, and it is estimated that it will be completely damaged by the next attack.

Zheng Shu stood there without speaking. Of course he knew what Assassin's Noble Phantasm was in this Holy Grail War. It was a bit wishful thinking to get rid of the appearance of Hassan just by killing two mere bodies.

In fact, with Baimei Hassan's Noble Phantasm ability, even Zheng Shu would find it quite difficult if he didn't want to die.

But now that Iskandar has arrived, Jin Shining still hasn't appeared. It seems that the damage he caused to him yesterday was much higher than expected.

Zheng Shu recalled the scene last night when he pushed Gilgamesh to the ground and smacked his mouth like crazy, and blinked.

Hmm... Although there should be a lot of elixirs in Gilgamesh's treasure house, judging from the damage caused by his big mouth, it is estimated that he would be able to fully recover from his injuries in one night without the help of command spells. It’s also quite difficult.

From this point of view, the reason why Assassin came to carry out a sneak attack at this time is probably because Tosaka Tokiomi asked Kotomine Kirei to continue the unfinished performance the night before.

Now that it has been determined that no new followers will arrive, his goal tonight has basically been achieved, and the impact factor gain is not small, so he can almost retire...

Just when Zheng Shu was thinking about leaving, he saw Weber and Diarmuid on the side, and he suddenly thought of something.

If I remember correctly, Diarmuid will regrettably retire from the Holy Grail War in the end, and Kenneth will also die miserably.

So...what would happen if Kenneth was rescued?

This idea just appeared in Zheng Shu's mind and spread quickly like a wildly growing weed.

Not to mention how terrible Kenneth's own qualifications are, what a huge impact it will have on the future after being rescued. As long as the current monarch of the Ore Division has not died, the plot related to the future monarch El-Melloi II will no longer exist.

That is an entire main plot. You must know that the biggest thing Zheng Shu has done so far is to subvert the plot. An event like this that completely erases the entire plot is unthinkable.

If it is really successful...then how much impact factor will this give back?

(PS: There is another chapter to be updated)

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