Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 282 How can steel compare to hard-tempered muscles?

"Damn it! Why do other servants appear at this time? Is it someone's known plan that wants to interfere?"

With the help of various reconnaissance magic in his own position, Tokiomi Tosaka discovered Zheng Shu who was charging towards him without concealing his figure earlier than others. Looking at the violent magic power on his body, he came to the same conclusion as his disciple. Conclusion:

"Is the Master who controls Berserker as completely brainless as his servants?!"

He had obviously planned to put on a play with his students so that Assassin could escape into the darkness and carry out his activities.

After all, although Assassin's ability has been basically understood by everyone, an assassin who is apparently dead but acting in secret can still play a huge role at critical moments.

Even if he is lucky enough to find the location of another Master, Assassin can directly eliminate the discovered Master with this little information gap.

Unexpectedly, the assassin in the script hadn't appeared yet, and the first one to rush up was actually another servant.

"I've told you before, this little trick is meaningless!" Gilgamesh, wearing gorgeous golden armor, leaned against the wall and snorted disdainfully.

However, after seeing Zheng Shu rushing towards here from outside, a trace of interested smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that there would be such reckless people in this Holy Grail War, but compared to other bugs hiding in the dark, this kind of mad dog that dares to roar at me is more interesting to me!"

Gilgamesh looked at Tokiomi Tohsaka: "Although you caused this incident unintentionally, for the sake of this mad dog entertaining me, I will forgive you for bothering me with such a boring little thing. Okay, Tokiomi! Besides, isn’t this guy more suitable to use you to complete your plan than the previous insect?”

After saying that, regardless of his Master's expression, Gilgamesh transformed into a spiritual body and disappeared into the room.

Tokiomi Tosaka's mouth twitched unconsciously. For him who always pursues elegance, such an action is too rude. However, during the time he spent with the King of Heroes, Tokiomi Tosaka had forgotten all about it. I wonder how many times I have done this.

He even regrets summoning a servant like the King of Heroes now. The other party's character is even worse than he initially imagined.

However, it is useless to regret it now. It is obvious that there are irreparable omissions in the plan, and the enemy has already attacked. Based on Tokiomi Tosaka's understanding of Gilgamesh, if he still wants to retreat now, he probably The King of Heroes couldn't spare him the first time.

"Now I can only pray that the King of Heroes can deal with this attacking servant quickly. It will be too troublesome if too many trump cards are exposed." Tokiomi Tosaka looked at the scene in the distance and sighed helplessly.

"What a mad dog. This frenzied posture is completely devoid of the nobility of a hero. Bastard, your only role now is to please me with your tragic death!" Gilgamesh stood on the roof with his arms folded. , looking at the black shadow rushing over on the ground, a disdainful expression on his face.

"Did he actually appear directly? His mouth is really as bad as in the original work!" Zheng Shu thought silently in his heart as he looked at the servant who had appeared on the roof wearing a sexy golden armor.

He is now playing the role of Berserker who has lost his mind, so he cannot respond to these insults. However, Zheng Shu's expression did not change at all, and he was not too angry because of Gilgamesh's insults. After all, he was going to push him to the ground and beat him later, so it was not a big problem for him to curse a few more times.


"Since I am a Berserker now, it is normal for me to accidentally hit harder later... I hope Gilgamesh's golden armor is strong enough."

Thinking like this, Zheng Shu also released his magic power again. The black mist that originally wrapped around his body suddenly surged. A large amount of black magic power was drawn from Zheng Shu's body and turned into a shock wave visible to the naked eye.


The ground began to crumble, the air began to tremble, and the harsh roar and violent impact of magic even made some familiars' forms unstable.

The terrifying magical impact shattered the outermost defensive spells of the Tohsaka family. After the impact dissipated, only the innermost defensive spells were left to barely maintain operation. Even the entire house was shaken by the terrifying There was a tremor as the magic power rioted.

At the same time, Zheng Shu also opened his golden pupils. The dazzling golden eyes were looming in the black mist. Coupled with the violent black magic power surrounding him, he seemed to have a strange divinity.

It's like a god who fell into hell and climbed out of the abyss to take revenge.


Seeing Zheng Shu's appearance, the other Masters fell into silence, and some couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Is this Berserker? ! But is this class really so powerful? Why does it feel like this guy is stronger than the so-called upper three classes in the previous Holy Grail War?

And this guy's master is too crazy, isn't it? This is just the first night, why is he going to fight with all his strength without any temptation at all?

Judging from this crazy posture, if the Tohsaka family's servants are not strong enough today, they may have to leave early.

The magic power on his body when he was about to approach the outermost defensive spell of the Tosaka family.

Gilgamesh, who was standing on the roof, did not flinch as everyone expected, but snorted with some disdain: "Huh! It's just a mad dog after all. After witnessing the glory of this king, not only did he not run away, but he even Do you dare to continue approaching me? I hope you can really please me, bastard!"

A golden whirlpool of magic power emerged behind Gilgamesh, and a dozen weapons exuding rich magic power protruded from it. After a slight pause, they fired towards Zheng Shu in the eyes of the other Masters in disbelief. go.


The Noble Phantasm projected from the treasure house was extremely fast, even close to the speed of a bullet. At such a close distance, it arrived in front of Zheng Shu in just the blink of an eye.

"Hmph! Boring, is this the end?" Gilgamesh, who was standing high up, saw that the enemy did not make any movement to resist or dodge. He closed his treasure house with disdain and turned around to leave.

Clang, clang, clang!

Boom boom boom!

A violent explosion came from Zheng Shu's position, but Gilgamesh clearly heard the crisp sound of metal breaking from the deafening explosion.


Before Gilgamesh could express his surprise, Zheng Shu had already broken through the raised dust and suddenly jumped onto his head.

Looking at Berserker who suddenly appeared above his head, Gilgamesh, who was already angry because his Noble Phantasm was damaged, became even more furious after realizing that he needed to look up to him:

"Bastard! How dare you let me look up to you!!! Such disrespect deserves death!"

Gilgamesh, who was still in a playful mood, immediately abandoned his relaxed mood after Zheng Shu's "provocation".

If the volley of Noble Phantasms just now was just a greeting to Gilgamesh, then after falling into a state of rage, the strength he showed was enough to make other masters despair.


With a dull buzzing sound, the magic power stored underground by the Tohsaka family for decades was quickly extracted, and golden vortexes continued to appear behind Gilgamesh. The already dark sky was illuminated by golden light, and the terrifying posture displayed by Gilgamesh also made other Masters feel cold.

Is that...a Noble Phantasm? !

Are the dense weapons that appear in the vortex behind Gilgamesh all Noble Phantasms? !

Even though Tokiomi Tohsaka didn't have so much magic power to release so many Noble Phantasms at the same time, even if it was just an ordinary volley, it was not something that ordinary servants could withstand.

Can anyone really defeat such a monster?

Thinking of this, the other masters suddenly felt lucky that Berserker's master had a brain problem, so he used his servant's life to find out such valuable information for them.

Otherwise, if they suddenly face such a terrifying servant without knowing anything about it, they are likely to die suddenly!

"How can we deal with this Archer?" This was basically the thought shared by all the other Masters who saw this scene.

As for the other figure exuding black mist, although the opponent's power seemed quite terrifying at first, it no longer seemed inconspicuous against the backdrop of Gilgamesh's brilliance.

It was obvious that the power displayed by the Archer in front of him was no longer on the same level as other servants.

The furious Gilgamesh didn't care about hiding his strength at all. He simply opened up his firepower and shot dozens of Noble Phantasms with terrifying power towards Zheng Shu who was still in mid-air.

Bang bang bang bang!

At such a close distance, the Noble Phantasm reached Zheng Shu almost as soon as it was launched. At this time, Zheng Shu's body was still in mid-air, unable to perform any evasive behavior at all.

However, Zheng Shu had no intention of evading, and the magic power that he had just blasted out to break Tohsaka's protective technique was recovered into his body again.

The way the surging black mist gathered into his body looked like a huge black wing appeared on his back.

After the huge amount of magic power was absorbed, Zheng Shu poured it into the bloated-looking belt around his waist.

After absorbing so much magic power, this belt does not seem to have changed much, except for shaking slightly to remind its owner that it is indeed awakened.

At this time, the black mist that had been surrounding Zheng Shu began to slowly dissipate. Except for the mist that obscured his face, it was still thick. The mist on his body had almost disappeared, revealing Zheng Shu's upper body, which looked unusually strong. , like steel-like muscles.

Then... Zheng Shu collided with the shot out Noble Phantasms.

clang! clang! clang!

The first Noble Phantasm, the second, then the third...

Under the sky illuminated by golden light, the black fog on Zheng Shu looked like an unknown thing that swallowed everything.

No matter whether it is a direct impact of the Noble Phantasm or an explosion after it is broken, no attack can cause damage to Zheng Shu. Every Noble Phantasm could only bounce away weakly after hitting Zheng Shu's muscles. Some materials were too fragile and would even break directly.

The muscles on his body did not leave a trace in such an attack, not even a white scratch, as if the treasures that hit him were just insignificant phantoms...


Seeing the huge damage caused by a missed Noble Phantasm hitting the ground, the Master who originally had such thoughts in his mind erased them directly... What a phantom! This is the real treasure!

The Masters, who originally thought that the heroic spirit in golden armor was terrifying enough, watched dumbfoundedly as the noble phantoms hit the Berserker and were bounced off or broken.

Those were not scrap metal, they were real treasures, and they were just bounced away like that? !

No! Just being bounced away, some even shattered directly. Doesn't that mean that the Berserker's body is even harder than the Noble Phantasm? !

Can pure muscle really reach this level? !

But regardless of whether the Masters believed it or not, this fact was already before their eyes.

Whether it's Gilgamesh's extravagant use of the Noble Phantasm as ammunition, or Zheng Shu's terrifying defense power that doesn't care about any damage and directly carries all the Noble Phantasms, it's enough for them to treat these two incomprehensible slaves. The reader was shocked, and then thought about the possibility of victory in the next war.

At this time, after breaking through a large number of barrages, Zheng Shu finally came to Gilgamesh. If the magic behind him hadn't been providing him with forward power, he might have been knocked to the ground by the impact.

But now, looking at Jin Shining who had entered his attack range, Zheng Shu showed a terrifying smile on his face.

"You are actually able to destroy so many of my props. It seems that even among the mad dogs, you are considered to be quite outstanding."

Gilgamesh didn't show any panic at all when facing Zheng Shu who was so close to him. Even if he was summoned with the rank of Archer, this king would never think that his fighting ability would be weaker than other side.

But Berserker, who had already landed in front of him in an attacking posture, Gilgamesh smiled disdainfully: "As a reward for your ability to break through, I will play with you for a while..."


Before he could finish speaking, a huge fist wrapped in black magic power had already been stamped on Gilgamesh's face, driving what he wanted to say directly into his stomach.

Gilgamesh, who originally looked extremely arrogant, was sent flying by this punch. His whole body was spinning rapidly like a top and his face hit the ground.

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