Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 281 Preparation and Taking the Initiative

Two more days passed in a flash.

When Matou Kariya came to the house where Zheng Shu and Matou Sakura temporarily lived again, he found that the two people were conducting "training" that he could not understand.

"Sakura, this should not sound like a loud voice, but should sound more confident but with a sense of leisure. You have to show the emotion of being confident of victory and watching the enemy struggle from above." Zheng Akebono was sitting on a deck chair in the yard, with an ugly face like Party A's and kept making suggestions.

"Okay!" Matou Sakura, standing in the center of the yard, nodded firmly.

She was holding a notebook in her hand, which seemed to have some words written on it. When Matong Kariya came here, Zheng Shu was training Sakura on how to read these words with a better emotion.

"What are you doing?" Matong Yanye walked to Zheng Shu.

"Coming?" Zheng Shu turned over and stood up from the recliner.

Looking at Matou Sakura in the distance who was trying to read the words in the notebook according to Zheng Shu's request, Zheng Shu's face was full of pride, and he said words that Matou Yanye couldn't understand: "Anyway, I don't understand I’m already a benevolent Demon King, so it’s normal for someone to celebrate me when I transform.”


After being explained by Zheng Shu, Matou Kariya was even more confused and glanced at the servant next to him, but he immediately threw the question aside. After all, servants are summoned from all eras. , maybe there is a servant who has this special custom in his era.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter such a small thing, as long as you can ensure that Sakura is safe in this war." Matou Kariya handed over some information in his hand, "I have received the news, the other two The Servants should have been summoned, as the Master of the Einzbern family arrived in Fuyuki City by plane just this morning."

"Oh, not bad, then it looks like everyone should be here." Zheng Shu looked at the information in his hand without feeling nervous at all.

"In addition, what you asked me to do for you has been completed. All the main sewers in Fuyuki City have been installed with monitoring systems. Now there are people watching the monitoring screens all the time. If anything is discovered, they will be notified immediately. I.

But I haven't found the miniature camera you mentioned, so I can only ask those who work to disguise the camera. "

"Isn't there a micro camera? Ah, yes! I forgot the time." Zheng Shu scratched his head in sudden realization.

It's still the 1990s. Let alone the pinhole cameras that can be hidden very well in the future. Even smartphones have not yet developed. The commonly used surveillance cameras now are all the type with large rectangular heads. .

"I remember those cameras must be quite big, right? Can they be disguised?" Zheng Shu was a little worried.

Matou Kariya is very confident: "No problem, the master who installed the camera is very experienced and will not be discovered at all without special defense. And according to your request, there should be no need to remain undiscovered. , as long as you can see people.”

"That's true... By the way, the Holy Grail War may enter a more intense stage these days. Prepare yourself." Zheng Shu happily sat back on the recliner, seemingly not preparing for the upcoming Holy Grail War. It means to feel worried.

Matou Kariya frowned at his attitude, but he also knew that for these followers who were once the most dazzling group of people in an era, it was very difficult to make them nervous. .

"I just hope nothing will go wrong by then..." Matou Kariya sighed helplessly. Having seen Zheng Shu's power, he knew that after losing his servant, he had lost the one who could participate in this war. qualifications.

Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to Jian Tong Yanye's thoughts. He lay back on the recliner and was thinking about what to do next.

The purpose of Zheng Shu asking Matou Kariya to install monitors on the main sewer roads was actually very clear, just for the purpose of Group C this time.

It can be said that the C group in this Holy Grail War is not a good person, whether it is a master or a servant. They are beasts that are even worse than the old bugs.

The master, Ryunosuke Uyu, is a psychopathic serial killer, and he specifically chooses families with happy families and young children to kill. They are the ones who are dragged to the execution ground and shot for thirty minutes. kind.

The servant he summoned, Castor, whose real name is Gildelin, is the French nobleman Gilleslet, a character who widely exists in European horror stories.

He is the protagonist of the short story "Bluebeard" in "The Grimm's Fairy Tales": one of the prototype characters of Bluebeard, a vampire in the French novel "There", and a villain in "The Justice and the Court of France".

It can be said that in Europe, it is unparalleled in its household name. It is the childhood shadow of many European children and is regarded by Europeans as a symbol of evil and depravity.

In fact, Gildre's experience is also a story of a dragon slayer turned into a dragon. The former Marshal of the country turned into a devil in human skin. He committed an unforgivable crime and was eventually hanged. Like his beloved Joan of Arc, he was burned on the rack and burned to ashes.

To be honest, Zheng Shu has no interest at all in the psychological journey of these two guys. Although he thinks he is not a good person, Zheng Shu will never spare them if he encounters this kind of guy who specifically targets children.

You must know that Ryunosuke Uyuu still randomly selects families to carry out serial killings, while Gildre's targets are specially selected kind-hearted children.

Those were not naughty children, but those cute, well-behaved and kind-hearted children. They were the treasures of the world, but they were used by these two beasts to make what they called "arts."

If Zheng Shu didn't kill such bastards when faced with them, he wouldn't even be able to overcome his own psychological hurdle.

It just so happens that in the original work, these two guys will eventually be killed, so naturally the sooner they are killed, the better. After all, according to the behavior of these two guys, many children will be killed every extra day they live.

In fact, it's not like Zheng Shu has never thought of using the Moon God's blessing to directly find out the location of Ryunosuke Ubu, and then rush over to deal with this guy in advance.

Although doing so is likely to make. This time, Caster's identity changed in the Holy Grail War, but Zheng Shu felt that it was acceptable as long as he killed the new mage in the future.

Unfortunately, the problem is that Zheng Shu knows too little about Yu Sheng Ryunosuke, and the information he knows is not enough to support the blessing of the moon god to help him find this guy.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is not much information expressed by Ryunosuke Uyu in the original work. Zheng Shu does not know his life experience and family background at all. The only clear thing is that he knows that this man is actually a perverted murderer, and that he summoned Out of Castor.

Before summoning the servants, the only information Zheng Shu could know was that Ryunosuke Ubu was just a perverted murderer who was well disguised. What kind of skills did he master and what kind of experience did he have? Not sure at all.

Even because Zheng Shu’s understanding of the original work was through watching the anime, he didn’t even know what Ryunosuke Uyu actually looked like. If he saw it, he might be able to recognize it, but if he imagined it, it would really be true. not sure.

To put it bluntly, even Zheng Shu didn't know exactly who he wanted to track. In this case, even the blessing of the moon god could not do anything.

Zheng Shu has also tested the Moon God's Blessing. Theoretically speaking, the best way to use the Moon God's Blessing to find prey accurately is if Zheng Shu has actually seen the "prey" with his own eyes.

As long as he has seen the real thing, even if Zheng Shu knows nothing about the other party, he can still be regarded as having a hunting relationship, and the ability of the Moon God's Blessing can be maximized.

The second is that you have been in contact with something closely related to the other party, or you have had indirect or direct contact with the other party for some reason. In this case, you can also directly track it regardless of the gap in intelligence.

The worst case is the way Zheng Shu once searched for Chiron and the Lion, using his knowledge of various information about the target to confirm the target's location. The more information he knows, the more accurate the location will be.

When less than a certain limit of information is known, Luna's blessing will no longer work.

As for looking for his servant Gilderre, let alone whether Gilderre was summoned by Ryunosuke Ubuyu at this time. Even if it is summoned, the existence of a servant is essentially a kind of familiar, but it is much stronger than ordinary familiars.

Therefore, in the judgment of Moon God's Blessing, a servant that can only exist for a few days will be regarded as a skill of the Master and will not be judged as "prey".

Of course, after Ryunosuke Usei summoned Gildre, Zheng Shu had another piece of information about his search conditions, and in theory, he could almost get their approximate location.

However, considering that these two guys are as good at hiding as mice, Zheng Shu will still put his hope in the monitor prepared in advance.

As long as he can capture their image, even if it's just a blurry back, Zheng Shu can perfectly trigger the conditions of the Moon God's blessing. When the time comes, it will be impossible for these two people to escape no matter how hard they hide.

Near evening, Zheng Shu and Matou Sakura walked out of a cake shop.

"Does it taste good? Sakura." Zheng Shu held Matou Sakura's little hand and walked around Fuyuki City as usual. He looked like a father taking his daughter shopping. They have continued in this state. Several days.

Matou Sakura nodded silently.

Zheng Shu has discovered that as the Holy Grail War approaches, Tongying has become more and more anxious in the past few days, seeming a little worried that the Holy Grail in her hand will be snatched away by others.

Seeing Matou Sakura's nervousness showing on the surface, Zheng Shu touched her head: "Don't worry, we are the strongest group, no one can take the Holy Grail away from us!"

Feeling the touch on her head, Matou Sakura narrowed her eyes comfortably and nodded vigorously: "Well, Berserker must be the strongest!"

"The first battle is about to begin tonight. How do you feel, Sakura?"

"Berserker is the strongest!" Sakura Matou repeated again.

Zheng Shu looked into her eyes and smiled: "Yes! We are the strongest!"

As the two people talked, they also walked near the Tohsaka house.

After taking a look at the luxurious house in the distance, Zheng Shu smiled confidently. A strong black magic power emerged from his body to cover up his specific appearance, and then he slowly moved in that direction.

Although it is necessary to ensure that the plot develops as much as possible according to the original work, as long as the final result is the same, Zheng Shu feels that it is okay to do something in it and gain a little influence factor.

Here, things like acting and the Three Kings Banquet are very good insertion points. After all, these plots did not cause any substantial losses to all parties in the original work, as long as he beat up all the people involved. Don’t all the impact factors have to be credited?

From beginning to end, Zheng Shu's main purpose of coming here is to be able to see Medusa again ten years later. Oh, now it should be added to the two purposes of saving the poor little girl and killing Ryunosuke Usumu.

"Then, let's start with Kim Pika as the victim this time."

A wild smile appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously, and Zheng Shu turned into a black shadow and ran towards the Tohsaka family's house.

Zheng Shu's blatant and arrogant behavior was naturally discovered by other masters who sent familiars to monitor this area.

And Kotomine Kirei, who was hiding on the other side and planning to tell his servant the inside story of the duel with Jin Shining Shining, was also stunned.

what happened? Why did someone suddenly launch an attack on the teacher's house? Could it be that they saw through the plan of the two of them?

That's not right. Even if you find out the plan, you shouldn't do it yourself, right? !

In order to make this performance more realistic, Tokiomi Tosaka did not close the protective measures in the house at all.

It can even be said that on the contrary, Tosaka Tokiomi, who is very familiar with the Assassin skill mechanism, directly turned on the protective power of the house. If anyone really dared to rush in from the front, even the Saber with the highest attributes would probably have to do it. Peel off the skin.

He actually dared to choose to attack the magician's base camp in his own position on the first day. Could it be said that the enemy's servants and masters were all brainless?

At this time, after approaching the Tohsaka family's house, Zheng Shu finally slowed down and revealed his image.

Seeing the violent black magic wrapped around his body, whether it was Tohsaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei nearby, or other Masters observing the situation from a distance through their familiars, the first thing that came to mind was The same thought came to mind:


(Additional update today, there is another chapter later.)

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