Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 279 Little Loli and Berserker are better suited

Just as Zheng Shu jumped into the yard, a large number of ugly insects flew out of the leafy yard of Matou's house, and then gathered in front of Zheng Shu and formed the figure of Matou Zangyan.

"This guest, it is not a good habit to come uninvited. I wonder what the purpose of this guest is?" Matong Zangyan walked to Zheng Shu with a cane, and his ugly face like a skeleton was revealed. A charming smile, "He suddenly came to our house and ruined the most precious ceremony of the Matou family. This is not the etiquette of a guest."

Because Zheng Shu's magic power extraction before being summoned was too amazing, and he was most restrained against an old man like Matou Zangyan whose vitality was extremely weak, so he had already left the basement the moment he discovered the problem.

The insects used for monitoring were all sucked out of life by Zheng Shu, so Matou Zangyan did not see the scene of Zheng Shu coming down from the summoning circle. Although the insects were quickly added to continue monitoring, He could only see the intersection between Zheng Shu and Matou Kariya.

Therefore, Matou Zangyan subconsciously believed that Zheng Shu was actually a hostile magician who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

At first he thought this guy was interested in qualifying for the Holy Grail War, but then what Zheng Shu did made Matou Zangyan change his mind, thinking that Zheng Shu was a magician who accidentally discovered Matou Sakura's special qualifications. That's why he wanted to take action against her.

To be honest, I have seen too many unnamed magicians like Matou Zouken who overestimate their abilities. Most of them died miserably and eventually became a snack for the insects.

The only thing that surprised him was probably that Zheng Shu was able to discover the marking bug in Matou Sakura's body and get rid of it. In addition, the attack that could penetrate the entire Matou family just now, even with the help of props, The qualifications of the guy in front of me are considered to be among the best among magicians.

"If this guy has good qualifications, try using it as a culture medium for new insects. Maybe he can cultivate something good." Looking greedily at Zheng Shu's body full of vitality, Matou Zangyan's mind He was thinking about various inhumane experimental methods.

"I'm quite surprised. You still dare to stand in front of me after the attack I just made. You old bug is much more courageous than I thought."

Zheng Shu crossed his hands on his chest, tilted his head and looked at Matou Zangyan, who was not as tall as his thighs. He couldn't understand how this old bug dared to come so close to him.

Originally, Zheng Shu was still worried. Even if he took Sakura away from the Matou family, he would always be on guard against the sneak attacks of the old bug, preventing him from suddenly attacking Matou Sakura and snatching her away. But since the other party dared to appear in front of him in person, then It would be much easier to handle.

"Really? I have to admit that the power of your attack was indeed quite astonishing. Even in the clock tower, there are not too many items that can release this level of attack power." Matou Zangyan said happily and confidently. Smiling, "However, even if that prop can be used repeatedly, how many times can you release this level of consumption?"

Zheng Shu blinked his eyes after hearing this, and his expression became a little strange. In a sense, he really couldn't answer this sentence.

Because according to the consumption just now, even if Zheng Shu does not replenish any magic power from now on, let alone a finger, even if the fingers and toes are used together, plus the upper and lower eyes are pulsating together, Zheng Shu I think I can probably put on a fireworks show for seven days.

Seeing Zheng Shu's face "changed", Matou Zangyan thought that the other party had been fooled by him, so he continued to use the mind-attacking strategy cheerfully: "Even if you have extra magic power reserves and can release it a few more times, it's very inconvenient." Fortunately, my insect magic is the best at restraining attacks like yours."

As if to verify what he said, the next moment, countless terrifying bugs that were as big as an adult's palm, had sharp fangs and strong carapace, and had weird red compound eyes growing on the front and back of their heads flew from all over the house. came out and surrounded Zheng Shu.

Looking at the overwhelming number of winged blade insects that had surrounded the entire Matou family's house, Matou Zangyan looked at Zheng Shu who showed no resistance at all and showed his eyes on the slaughtered pork.

"Condensed attacks can indeed maximize the lethality, but in the face of such overwhelming insects, they can only kill a negligible part." Matou Zangyan stroked a winged blade insect that fell in front of him and looked very surprised. laid back.

All his arrangements have been completed, and the other party cannot escape even if he has other means. The guy in front of him may have good qualifications but he is too young. The victory or defeat between magicians is not simply based on the amount of magic power.

"It seems that you think you are sure to defeat me?" Zheng Shu looked at the group of ugly bugs in front of him with disgust, "You just count on these bugs?"

"Haha, young people still have too little experience. I have to say that you are very clear about the intelligence investigation of the two little guys in my family. You can even use your words to make them give up resistance. Even after being educated by me Such a good granddaughter can make her have such unrealistic thoughts."

Matou Zouken grabbed the crutch and poked the ground with its tail.

After hearing the order, the overwhelming winged blade insects immediately made preparations to attack. Red light emitted from their ugly compound eyes, and they slowly surrounded Zheng Shu in darkness.

"Being able to cause so much damage with the help of the magic power fluctuations when summoning servants, and being able to perform such powerful healing magic at such an age, you are indeed a talented young man, just like the old man."

Matou Zouken was lost in memories like an ordinary old man, but his ugly appearance and the insects that were surrounding him made it impossible for others to see the features that humans should have in him. appearance.

"If I really asked you to study hard for a few more years, I might not be able to beat you, but it's a pity that you don't have that time." Matou Zangyan smiled sinisterly, "I hope you can endure it longer in front of this old pet. A few seconds."

As Matou Zangyan's words fell, the swarm of winged blade insects that had been prepared roared towards Zheng Shu. They were obviously just a group of insects, but they had beast-like vocal cords and kept making frightening noises. Roar.

Looking at Zheng Shu who was completely surrounded by the swarm of insects, Matou Zangyan seemed to have seen the death of this guy who dared to break in here.


"Are you done?"


Wild black magic spewed out from Zheng Shu's body, with such astonishing quality and quantity that even Matou Zangyan, who had lived for hundreds of years, couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, but his body was bigger than that of a mummy. His eyes, which were still sinking deep into their sockets, widened and looked even more disgusting.

Zheng Shu didn't use any special spells, nor did he use any subtle techniques. Zheng Shu just released his magic power simply and crudely.

But even so, in the face of the terrifying magic power that erupted from him, like a tsunami or a volcanic eruption, the wing blade insects that rushed towards him were still like moths rushing to the fire, being ignited by the huge magic power and then burned to ashes. Falling to the ground.

After completely burning out the winged blade insects flying towards him, Zheng Shu still did not stop releasing his magic power.

The magic mixed with dragon power filled the earth and sky. The next moment, whether it was the winged blade insect flying in the sky summoned by Matou Zangyan again or other insects hidden underground, they were all covered by this black force. The magic burned to ashes.

"Damn it! This kind of magic power! Clock tower? No, you are not a human at all, you are a servant?!" Matou Zouken stood there in disbelief, even his crutches were left behind. I didn't even notice it on the ground.

For modern magicians, magic power is a very precious resource. Since there is no big source, they can only use engravings to transform their own vitality in order to obtain a little bit of insignificant magic power after enduring great pain. .

Therefore, modern magicians are different from their counterparts in the Age of Gods. They are extremely stingy and cautious in the use of their magic power.

And for an individual, no matter how powerful his power is, the size of a human individual is here. Without the blessing of a magic furnace or earth veins, if Zheng Shu uses magic so wildly, as long as he is still a human, he will inevitably consume Stem life force death.

Obviously, in the Matou family's territory, it is impossible for the intruder in front of him to obtain the blessing of earth veins or magic furnace. In other words, the magic power he released just now, which was enough to suck ten old bugs dry, was released from this guy himself.

Even though the old bug looks extremely thin, he is connected to the bugs he raises. As long as each bug contributes a little bit of vitality, the old bug can transform extremely huge magic power.

Matou Zouken was confident that in terms of pure magic power reserves, even if Tokiomi Tohsaka brought all his gems, they would not be able to compare with the insect swarm he had cultivated for hundreds of years.

Therefore, in this world, it is impossible for any human being to reach the level of magic that this guy just released. This is the conclusion that the old bug came to based on his hundreds of years of knowledge of magic.

So the only possibility is: the guy in front of me is not human!

In the ongoing Holy Grail War, Matou Zangyan's first reaction when encountering such a being was naturally that of a Servant.

"But... how is it possible? Why does the detection spell have no effect on you?" Matou Zangyan still couldn't understand.

The moment he saw Zheng Shu, he released a large number of detection techniques, which naturally included the type of detection of servants, but without exception, these detection techniques fell on Zheng Shu without any results.

In the past Holy Grail Wars, servants who could hide their own attributes were summoned. If you use the detection spell on the attributes of the servants, you will get a lot of question marks. However, in this case, although the specific attributes of the other party cannot be known, at least the identity of the other party's servant can be understood.

However, the performance of these spells on Zheng Shu was completely different. They did not give any feedback to Matou Zangyan at all, as if the person in front of him did not exist.

However, Matou Zouken can feel that the spell he released is not invalid, but interfered with. Although this type of prop is rare for magicians, it is not impossible, so Matou Zouken initially Only then will it be confirmed that Zheng Shu is a magician.

"Didn't I say it from the beginning? I'm just a passing servant!" Zheng Shu's voice came from in front of him.

Matou Zangyan's pupils suddenly shrank, because the enemy who was originally far away from him appeared in front of him as if teleporting.

"Sakura is coming down soon. Children are not suitable to see such a scene, so goodbye." Zheng Shu raised his fist and waved it lightly.

boom! ! !

Along with the punch, there was also the wild black magic power on Zheng Shu's body. The terrifying shock wave and magic explosion combined to make a violent roar.

After Zheng Shu withdrew his fist, all the objects in front of him were blasted to pieces, and a jet-shaped shallow pit more than ten meters long that looked like a trumpet appeared on the ground.

The further away from Zheng Shu, the shallower the crater is, but the wider the scope is. This is the result of the combined effect of the rapidly spreading shock wave and the magic shock after losing its convergence.

As for the Matou Zoun inkstone that was originally standing in front of Zheng Shu, not even a fragment can be found now. Only the ground in front of Zheng Shu that is still smoking is the evidence that he once existed.


A sound of swallowing hard came from behind Zheng Shu. He turned around and saw that Matou Kariya had already driven down the stairs with Matou Sakura. They also happened to see Zheng Shu knocking out Matou Zangyan with one punch. The scene where it was reduced to rubbish.

"It's Sakura, have you packed your luggage? I came just in time. I've killed the guy who blocked me. We can leave here now." Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to Matong Yanye's eyes as if he had seen a ghost. He squatted in front of Sakura and touched her head with a smile on his face.

"Actually, after you beat this old guy to death, Sakura will be fine even if she doesn't leave here." Matou Kariya complained silently beside him, but thinking that the house here may have caused a serious psychological shadow on Sakura, so There was no objection either.

" he dead?" Matou Sakura held the corners of her skirt cautiously with both hands and asked in a low voice.

Zheng Shu did not avoid the question, but nodded very seriously: "Yes, will Xiaoying be angry?"

Faced with this question, Matou Sakura lowered her head and remained silent for a long time. Finally, she raised her head and stared into Zheng Shu's eyes firmly: "If grandpa is still alive, he will not allow me to obtain the Holy Grail. I... don't want to Give the Little Holy Grail to someone else!”

Looking at Matou Sakura's eyes, Zheng Shu smiled happily: "Very good momentum, worthy of the Master I chose. Then, Master, it's time for us to leave here and find the wish that the Holy Grail can grant us. "

"Yes!" Sakura Matou nodded, then suddenly raised her head and asked, "What should I call you?"

"That's it..." Zheng Shu touched his chin and thought for a moment, then looked at Sakura Matou, who was still a loli, and suddenly smiled playfully, "You can call me 'Berserker'."

"Berserker?" Matou Sakura nodded quietly, "Then, Berserker, let's get out of here!"

"Yes, Master!" Zheng Shu secretly smiled evilly.

In Matou Sakura's rapid exclamation, he lifted her up and put her on his shoulders, and then black magic wrapped around his body, and Zheng Shu left the courtyard of Matou's house in such a swagger.

That guy Hercules won't appear until ten years later, so before that, let me show these guys the horror of "Berserker".


After a long time after Zheng Shu and the others left, there was finally some movement in the originally silent Matong family homestead.

I saw a sudden movement in the remains of the insect swarm that had been burned to ashes by Zheng Shu, and then a fat, white-looking insect emerged from the wreckage.

"Berserker?" It's obviously just the face of a bug, but you can see human doubts on it, "Is it really possible for Berserker to have such rationality? And why would he recognize Sakura as his master?"

Matou Zouken was very confused. He had just noticed the red tattoo on the back of Matou Sakura's hand that looked like a curse. However, although that thing was exuding magic power all the time, with Matou Zouken's accomplishments, he could tell at a glance It can be seen that that thing is not a so-called curse at all.

"Where did this guy come from? And that magic power..."

Matou Zouken had discovered before that the magic power emanating from that servant seemed to have a natural restraint on his insect technique. Just the slightest touch was enough to burn the insects he had carefully cultivated.

You must know that those are his specially cultivated bugs. Not to mention the magic power, even professional fire magic will take a lot of effort to burn them to death.

"Could it be that someone secretly influenced the summoning ceremony and summoned a servant specifically for me?" Matou Zangyan could only think of this explanation, "But this servant doesn't seem to have much experience with modern magicians. , No, maybe I am too confident in my own strength. But this is okay, this way I can go to the dark place, and the resources accumulated by the Matou family are enough for me to recover quickly. "

"Look at Sakura, let me tell you, the Matou family still has a lot of resources. Girls need to be rich. Your uncle Kariya and I are both poor men. Of course, we must get money from the Matou family." Gather some wool."

The sudden sound from behind made the old insect stiffen, and he slowly turned around in disbelief (the insect body couldn't turn his head).

Then he saw Berserker, wrapped in black magic power, standing quietly in the air behind him with Sakura in his hands and Matou Kariya on his shoulders.

Berserker didn't know when he put on a suit of armor that looked extremely technological. A pair of huge black "wings" stretched out from the back of the armor. It seemed that they relied on these wings to float silently in the space. Behind Tong Zangyan.

The only thing that Matou Zōyan couldn't understand was that even though Berserker had used the magic of flying, he couldn't feel any fluctuations in magic power from Berserker, as if the black magic power wrapped around him was fake.

"Hey, surprise!" Seeing Matou Zangyan looking over, Zheng Shu waved his hand very politely to the white bug underneath.

"Now is no longer the time to be shocked!" Matou Zangyan suddenly reacted in his heart, and a sharp explosion came out of his mouth.

The fat and white insect body dived suddenly, hoping to sneak into the basement through the passage prepared in advance.

He prepared several escape techniques in the basement. Once he got there, he could run to other safe houses. Although there are not many resources in the safe house, it is enough for him to recover. As long as he gets there, he still has hope of living!

As long as I can...

boom! ! !

In the stream of crimson light, Matou Zangyan's last thoughts also dissipated.

"Huh..." Zheng Shu blew into his steaming fingertips and looked at Matou Yanye, who was being carried by him next to him. "It's your turn to do the work. Gather all the people in the Matou family. I Make sure this old bug is really dead!"

"Okay..." Looking at the big hole that Zheng Shu had baked out of the ground again, Matou Kariya nodded dully.

Thanks to Five Star Zhencai, Guangming Xuanming, and Ultimate Invincible Tyrannosaurus Warrior readers for the reward. Thank you for your support.

I'll be done with it the day after tomorrow, and I'll be able to add more updates later.

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