Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 278 Are you my fucking Masta?

"Who...are you?"

Matou Kariya's trembling voice came from behind Zheng Shu, and his body that was riddled with holes that had been eroded by the marking insects now miraculously stood up. Although the overall image still looks a bit bad, at least he can move normally.

"I'm just a passing servant." Zheng Shu turned his head and smiled at Matou Kariya. His attitude towards this guy Zheng Shu was pretty good.

Although Matou Kariya behaves a bit like a dog in the original work, at least he is working hard for someone's happiness.

Let’s take a look at who the other Masters in this Holy Grail War are, including the local Fuyuki landowners, a once-in-a-century murderer, the psychopathic Pleasure Monster, and the unscrupulous war dog with no bottom line.

Compared with several other masters who had more or less problems in the Four Wars, Matou Kariya was at least normal. In Zheng Shu's mind, Matou Kariya and a certain person were tricked by his apprentice. The Clock Tower Lord and his apprentice can still be considered normal people.

Of course, Zheng Shu's attitude is also related to the fact that Matou Kariya has completely lost his identity as a master and withdrawn from the Holy Grail War early.

"Servant... are you the servant summoned by me?" Matou Kariya asked hopefully. Zheng Shu's casual display of kindness just now made him think too much.

"It seems that you do not have any qualities as a magician." Zheng Shu shrugged helplessly, "I'm sorry, your servant was devoured by me just now, and now his spiritual energy is being consumed in my body. , it is estimated that it won’t be long before the Little Holy Grail takes over.”

"What..." Matou Kariya collapsed to the ground weakly, and the only remaining eye seemed to have lost its luster, "Then...Sakura...I'm sorry, Sakura, I can't save you..."

"Listen to what you mean, do you want to save someone?" Zheng Shu suddenly came to Matou Yanye's side and looked at him with a smile.

"What... do you want to do?!" Matou Yanye not only did not appear particularly happy, but looked at Zheng Shu very warily.

Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to Matou Yanye's hostility. Even if he squatted in front of him, his tall body looked as huge as a mountain. The hostility exuded by Matong Yanye looked extremely ridiculous in front of Zheng Shu. .

Zheng Shu also noticed the oppressive feeling brought by his body size to the other party, so he stood up and took a few steps back: "Don't worry, if you participate in this ceremony, you should also know something about the existence of the servants, especially People with a rank like mine tend to be particularly stubborn about certain things. Coincidentally, I'm very good at 'rescuing people'."

This is a lie.

To be precise, what Zheng Shu said was not a lie. Every word he said was the truth, but the truth was combined to form a lie.

"Really?!" Matou Kariya's eyes lit up instantly after hearing this, "Then please save Sakura, she shouldn't stay in this devil's cave!"

In order to participate in the Holy Grail War, he had naturally studied for a period of time unexpectedly, and he also knew some basic information about heroic spirits and servants. What Zheng Shu said was entirely possible.

The reason why Matou Kariya wants to participate in the Holy Grail War is to help Sakura escape from the devil's nest of the Matou family. The Holy Grail is not something he must obtain.

The reason why there was no resistance before was because Matou Zangyan had implanted the marking worm in Matou Kariya's body. Now that the marking worm in his body has completely died, it is natural for Matou Kariya to "betray" Matou Zangyan.

Seeing Matou Kariya making this request under his guidance, Zheng Shu also showed a smile on his face: "Of course, no problem!"

Without wasting too much time, Zheng Shu knew that Matou Zangyan had set many sights around them. When Matou Kariya said these words, the other party might have already rushed towards Sakura.

So Zheng Shu very simply picked up Matou Yanye with one hand, tucked him under his arm, and stretched out his finger with the other hand to point to the location he perceived.

"Well... a weak life force at the level of a child, but there is a sufficient amount of magic power in the body, and there is another life force parasitic in the magic power... It should be Matou Sakura." Zheng Shu carefully distinguished the aura he sensed.

After adjusting the aiming position of his fingers to ensure that he would not hurt Matou Sakura, Zheng Shu recited the solemn dragon text at high speed. In less than a tenth of a second, enough energy gathered on his fingertips The power of fire.


The crimson light spots at the fingertips that were compressed to the extreme suddenly erupted, forming a thick beam of light that shot towards the ceiling of the insect warehouse.


Click, click, click!

As the most stringent insect warehouse of the Matou family, it naturally has corresponding protective measures. However, as soon as these protective techniques were deployed, they were shattered by the flame beam shot by Zheng Shu.

Thick rocks and cement could not stop the attack of the light beam, and were instantly melted into magma by the extremely high-energy light beam.

All the protective spells and partitions from the basement to the second floor were completely penetrated. The remaining energy shattered the ceiling and continued to fly towards the sky. After flying high into the sky, it lost its restraint and exploded into a ball of brilliant sparks.

"Is this... the power of a servant?" Matou Kariya stared blankly at the damage caused by Zheng Shu's blow. With such terrifying power, it seems that Sakura can really escape from this place this time. The devil's cave.

Zheng Shu ignored Jian Tong Yanye's exclamation and put a layer of magic protection on the surface of his body to prevent this guy from dying suddenly in the next movement. After slightly bending his knees, Zheng Shu jumped fiercely and was directly ejected from himself. He jumped into Matou Sakura's room in the passage.

After hearing that she was going to be adopted into the Matou family, Matou Sakura knew that she had been abandoned by her father.

In the last few nights before she was adopted to Matou's house, she once hugged her sister and cried, saying that she didn't want to leave her. At that time, Rin comforted her and said that even if they were sent to Matou's house, they would be able to see each other from time to time.

And this was also for the sake of her future, because her father said that if she didn't do this, she would be targeted by some people with malicious intentions, so she had no choice but to be adopted into the Matou family.

Matou Sakura believed these words, so although she was reluctant to let go, she still let go of her sister and mother and prepared to welcome her new life. She even thought about how to have a good relationship with the boy who was about to become her brother.


The first thing to greet her was the bug!

Before being thrown into the insect barn, Matou Sakura seemed to be able to see her father waving to her, as if wishing her to live a happy life in her new home.

But after that grandpa led her into her new home, before Matou Sakura could recognize the new house clearly, she understood... This is hell!

She was thrown into the bugs just hours after being abandoned by her original family.

At the beginning, Matou Sakura cried very hard. She hoped that someone could come and save her from this hell. But even if she kept crying until her voice became hoarse, she still couldn't realize her wish, but the bugs were still crawling on her body.

Finally she gave up her useless struggle and even stopped crying.

Because she knew that no one could come to save her, because grandpa said that she had no family anymore.

This is a little girl who looks a little smaller than Stheno and the others. She is wearing a children's style dress. Both her clothes, shoes and hair are purple. Even her eyes are purple, only on her hair. A hair tie with a bow is red.

However, Zheng Shu could not see the vitality or curiosity that should be expected at this age on the face of the little girl in front of him. All he could see was the dead silence of the heart. It was as if she had died a long time ago and was nothing more than a walking corpse now.

Even after seeing Zheng Shu appear in such an astonishing way, Matou Sakura's eyes did not fluctuate much, as if the red ray that shot straight into the sky and the earth now, and the two-meter-five-meter-tall giant standing in front of her now. It's the same as not existing. Only when she saw Matou Kariya, who was held under Zheng Shu's arm, did Arrow Matou Sakura's expression change slightly.

To be honest, the moment he saw Matou Sakura, Zheng Shu felt that his heart was severely tugged.

Perhaps it was because Matou Sakura's purple hair and purple eyes looked so much like Stheno and the others. After seeing those dead purple eyes, Zheng Shu truly felt angry.

However, at this time, the old insect named Matou Zōyan was still wandering in the yard, with no intention of entering the yard. It seemed that for that old insect, it was important to save his life while the matter was still unclear. That's the most important thing.

In other words, he was very confident in the insurance method he used on Matou Sakura, and was not worried about her being taken away by Matou Kariya.

Looking at Matou Sakura standing in front of him, Zheng Shu calmed down the anger in his heart, placed Matou Kariya on the ground, half-kneeling on the ground and leaned over to look at the little girl in front of him.

"Want some snacks?" Zheng Shu tried his best to look horizontally into Matou Sakura's eyes, with a kind smile on his face. He reached out and turned over, and a pack of crispy noodles appeared in his hand and he handed it over.

It's a pity that Matou Sakura just looked at him with those dull purple eyes and didn't make any move.

"Ahaha... It's normal for girls not to like crispy noodles." Zheng Shu retracted his hand in embarrassment.

"Sakura! Go quickly, follow this servant, he can take you out of this devil's cave!" Matou Kariya also got up from the ground at this time, and knelt down in front of Matou Sakura very excitedly and held her with both hands. shoulder, staring into her eyes.

To be honest, Matou Kariya has not been able to confirm who the servant who suddenly appeared next to him is, but he can at least be sure that letting Sakura leave with this guy is better than continuing to stay like this. It's better in the devil's cave.

"Uncle Kariya." There was finally a fluctuation in Matou Sakura's eyes. If it was not Matou Kariya who asked her to leave, "Is this person a Servant?"

"Yes! Let's go quickly, this guy is strong enough, Zang Yan doesn't dare to stop him!" Matou Kariya. She still didn't understand Matou Sakura's purpose of asking this question, but she was very eager for her to act quickly.

However, Zheng Shu, who was standing aside, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind. Combined with the information he knew about Matou Sakura, he immediately understood Matou Sakura's current problem.

So Zheng Shu made an exaggerated bodybuilding posture:

"That's right! I am the servant summoned because of the initiation of the Holy Grail War Ceremony. As long as you win the final victory in this ceremony, you can use the Holy Grail to realize your wishes. It's a pity that your grandfather and your uncle did not pass My test, so you can’t become my master. What, do you want to try to see if you can pass my test?”

Matou Kariya was a little confused by Zheng Shu's sudden performance. Just when he was about to ask, he found that his mouth was imprisoned by a terrifying magic power and he could not make any sound at all.

"The Holy Grail...can it really fulfill any wish?" A glimmer of light finally flashed in Matou Sakura's originally dead eyes.

"Of course, this is the Omnipotent Cauldron, a legendary prop, and of course it can fulfill any wish." Zheng Shu said nonsense with an expressionless face, and frantically blew up the Black Holy Grail under Fuyuki City.

"However, only those who win the Holy Grail War can obtain the Holy Grail and fulfill their wishes, but Grandpa will definitely not allow me to participate in the Holy Grail War." Matou Sakura's eyes darkened again.

"Who told you? You must know that when the Holy Grail War was first designed, two Holy Grails were designed. One is the Great Holy Grail that exists underground in Fuyuki City. That one can fulfill any wish. And the other is to assist in the ritual. The Little Holy Grail, how do you think it is possible to accomplish the feat of summoning a servant, which is simply impossible for modern magicians? It is naturally with the help of the wish-making power of the Little Holy Grail."

While Zheng Shu was talking wildly, he put his hands behind his back, and through excellent mental control, he summoned a small cup made of extremely compressed instant noodles behind him.

The abdomen bulged slightly, and Zheng Shu's servant body began to frantically digest the high-density instant dough that suddenly appeared in the body. A large amount of material was converted into surging magic power by the servant body, and was then poured into it by Zheng Shu. On top of the "Holy Grail" he had just created.

Bringing the "Holy Grail" he had just created to Matou Sakura, Zheng Shu said casually: "Look! This is the small Holy Grail that each servant brings. Although it cannot fulfill big wishes, it can be used for some. Small wishes can easily come true. However, human greed is endless, so they will snatch the Small Holy Grails from other servants and eventually combine them into the Great Holy Grail to realize their wishes."

Looking at Matou Sakura's brighter and brighter eyes, Zheng Shu shook the Holy Grail in front of her: "How about it? Do you want to try it and see if you can pass my test? As long as you can pass my test, you can first Use the Little Holy Grail to realize your little wish."

"Little wish? What is the extent of the little wish?" Matou Sakura finally asked a question on her own initiative.

Seeing that his nonsense finally rekindled the girl's hope, Zheng Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

So he continued to lie seriously: "You are really asking me. I only know that the Great Holy Grail can grant any wish, including wishes such as world peace, but what is the limit of the Small Holy Grail's wishes? It’s not clear yet.”

"Then can this Little Holy Grail really fulfill people's wishes?" Matou Sakura was still a little timid.

"Of course, if you don't believe it, you can ask your uncle. He has been preparing for the Holy Grail War for a long time, and he must know the details of the Holy Grail War." Zheng Shu patted Matou Kariya's shoulder very confidently.

Matou Kariya, who had been unable to do so, suddenly found that the magic power that restrained him had disappeared. However, after seeing Matou Sakura's expectant eyes, he could only follow Zheng Shu's words and said: "That's right...he said That’s right.”

Matou Sakura's eyes flickered for a moment, and finally she made up her mind: "Okay! Please tell me your test!"

"It's very simple." Zheng Shu grinned with a happy smile, "Stay alive!"


As soon as he finished speaking, while there was still a puzzled expression on Matou Sakura's face, Zheng Shu suddenly stretched out his hand, and the dark magic power gathered on the fingertips, making his fingers cut open the space easily like a sharp blade. Tong Ying's chest.

"What are you doing!!!" Matou Kariya was startled by this sudden change. He completely ignored his own body and launched an attack on Zheng Shu without hesitation.

"Don't get in the way!" Zheng Shu waved his other hand, and a large amount of magic power directly pressed Matou Yanye to the ground.

From beginning to end, his main attention has been focused on Matou Sakura.

Matou Sakura was knocked unconscious with magic power when he just started. At this time, his palm was still inserted into the heart of Matou Sakura's chest.

Feeling the smooth touch of the engraved insect on his fingers, Zheng Shu had a solemn expression on his face. He first used dragon power and magic power to restrain the activity of the engraved insect to prevent it from harming Matou Sakura. move.

Condensing the magic power into threads thinner than hair, Zheng Shu poured the magic threads into Matou Sakura's body and searched her vital organs along her nervous system.

"Very good, there's only one." Zheng Shu breathed a sigh of relief. All the magical threads were recovered into his body, leaving only a few tentacles that began to wrap the marking worm around Matou Sakura's heart one by one. Removed.

"The last tentacle... completed!" Zheng Shu fiercely pulled his palm away from Matou Sakura's body, and there was a trembling insect between his index finger and middle finger.


Amidst a scream, the engraved insect in Zheng Shu's hand was wrapped in a ball of flames and turned into ashes in an instant.

Turning around, he reached out and touched Matou Sakura's body, and the deep wound on her chest healed quickly with the power of divinity.

"Thank you, Lord Hades." Zheng Shu silently thanked Hades in his heart. If it weren't for the divinity of resuscitation that he gave him, Zheng Shu would not have been able to kill Matou Sakura so easily. recovery from injuries.

On the other hand, it is also Zheng Shu's inherent skill: the benevolent devil is taking effect. Otherwise, a normal person would have died if so many magic threads penetrated the body.

Matou Kariya, who was pinned to the ground by Zheng Shu and kept struggling, immediately stopped struggling when he saw the bug caught in Zheng Shu's hand, his eyes full of fear and fear.

"She should wake up soon. Remember to take cover with me." Zheng Shu glanced at him and released his hold on Matou Kariya.

"Yes..." Matou Yanye got up from the ground and did not dare to say anything more, but he still looked at Zheng Shu with doubts in his eyes.

And Zheng Shu was not idle either. He found a red paintbrush in Matou Sakura's room, used it to draw three concentric circles on the back of Matou Sakura's hand, and then poured a huge amount of paint into the pattern. The magic power, and by the way, he also separated a little protective stance from his belt and placed it in the magic power.

Not long after, Matou Sakura woke up under the control of Zheng Shu's exquisite power.

As soon as she woke up, what she saw were the smiles of Zheng Shu and Matou Kariya. Although Matou Kariya's face had been tortured by the engraved insects, and his smile looked extremely terrifying, he was still there. Try to show your smile.

"Congratulations, you have completed my test. Now we have signed a contract. You are now my master." Zheng Shu pointed to the "spell" on the back of Matou Ying's hand, "That is the witness of the contract. : The spell, remember not to use it casually, it is very precious."

"Well done, Sakura, let's make a wish with the small Holy Grail!" Matou Kariya also agreed, passing over the "Holy Grail" that had even begun to crystallize because it was filled with a large amount of magic power.

"Holy Grail." Matou Sakura looked at the Holy Grail in front of her, closing her eyes with a pious expression, "I hope... I can have a new home!"

——Since my father has abandoned me and my current home is a hell, it would be great if I had a new home...

"I received your wish!" Along with Zheng Shu's smile, the "Holy Grail" also emitted a bright light.

"Great, let's leave here now... What's wrong?" After Matou Yanye finished speaking, he found that Zheng Shu suddenly turned his head and seemed to see something through the wall.

"It's nothing. You can pack Sakura's luggage first, and I'll deal with an old bug!"

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