Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 255 Graduation Examination

a month later


A deafening roar roared from the mouth of the Cyclops, but there was a hint of timidity in the furious voice.

Looking at the Cyclops who was yelling crazily in front of him but refusing to come forward, Zheng Shu wiped the blood that was spattered on his face and reached out to the Cyclops and hooked his fingers: "Stop shouting, come on! Yours Our partners have fallen, don’t you want to help them get revenge?”

Although he didn't understand what Zheng Shu meant, after seeing Zheng Shu's gesture, the Cyclops' eyes that took up half of his face revealed a look of horror. This was for the Cyclops, who was known for his cruelty and low IQ. It's simply unbelievable.

But if you turn the camera around Cyclops, you might understand why he feels so scared.

This forest is full of broken debris of trees, and among these debris lie a dozen Cyclops who have lost their breath.

Each Cyclops looked extremely miserable, with scars all over their body from being beaten, and their huge eyes were blown out. Some of the more tragic ones even had the fangs in their mouths completely broken - these The Cyclops was literally beaten to death with fists.

"Don't be nervous. Have you seen what's on my wrist? I suppressed my strength until it's the same as yours. Come on!" Zheng Shu showed off the wrist guard on his wrist. It was a training tool that Chiron made for him. Constrain Zheng Shu's strength, allowing him to use the same strength and speed as his opponent in every battle.

After hesitating for a moment, although he did not understand what Zheng Shu said, the cruelty deep in his heart finally defeated the fear.


With a roar, the remaining Cyclops threw away the broken wooden stick in his hand, burst out with a beast-like aura, and rushed towards Zheng Shu with his bare hands.

"Very good, very impressive, that's it!" Zheng Shu also had an excited smile on his face.

Raising his hand to block the Cyclops' fist, Zheng Shu roughly understood the enemy's physical quality through the power coming from his arm. As his mind moved, the arm guards on his wrists began to operate, adjusting Zheng Shu's strength to a level slightly weaker than that of the Cyclops.

Seeing that his attack was blocked, the Cyclops opened its mouth desperately, revealing its sharp teeth and bit Zheng Shu's head.

"It's a good idea, but this way your weakness will be exposed in front of me." He leisurely judged the enemy's offensive. Zheng Shu did not choose to bear it this time, but retreated to let the Cyclops This time the bite came to nothing.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the opponent to bring his head up, Zheng Shu suddenly turned sideways and let go, causing the Cyclops, which was originally leaning a little, to lose its balance. Immediately after bending his elbow, the Cyclops, who lost his balance, was hit in the eye by this elbow. It looked like he took the initiative to put his eyes on Zheng Shu's elbow.

"Ouch!" Howling miserably, the Cyclops climbed up from the ground in panic, extending its fists to attack randomly in the direction of the enemy in its memory.

"Sure enough, no matter how human-like he looks, his brain capacity is still too small. Once he is hurt, he reacts like a beast." Zheng Shu leisurely avoided the Cyclops's punch attack, watching the frantic enemy also react. He just sighed with some pity.

"It seems that the training effect has reached its limit, so you are of no use anymore." He shook his head slightly to avoid a direct punch attack from the Cyclops. Zheng Shu took advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's open door to stretch out his palm and punch the heel of his palm. "Gently" push upward towards the Cyclops' chin.


The crisp sound of broken bones was heard, and the Cyclops's frantic movements paused, and then his body slowly fell to the ground.

Following Chiron's example of condensing a mirror that could reflect his own image through magic power, Zheng Shu looked at his face and shook his head helplessly: "My appearance has not changed at all recently. It seems that using these things is mindless. Using things as sparring partners has reached its limit.”

He didn't pay attention to the corpses everywhere. The other creatures in the forest would take care of it for him. Zheng Shu stepped forward and walked towards Chiron's location.

"Teacher, I'm back!"

Hearing Zheng Shu's voice, Chiron, who was making herbal medicine, raised his head and glanced at his apprentice's wall-like figure: "How is it? Have you gained anything in the past few days?"

"It's not very good." Zheng Shu sat down next to Chiron very skillfully. He directly picked up the water tank next to him and drank from it like a cup. "The Cyclops's IQ is still too low. Now, even if I suppress my strength to the same level as them, and follow your instructions, teacher, to ensure that I will not be attacked at all during the battle, I will still be able to win easily... There won't be anything at all in the next few days. reward."

"Well... your appearance has indeed not changed much this time." Chiron carefully observed Zheng Shu's appearance and nodded in agreement.

Seeing Zheng Shu's disappointed look, Chiron smiled angrily and patted his student on the shoulder: "What are you missing? Cyclops has a very strong fighting instinct among all beasts, and they can also You have hunting skills passed down from your parents. The fact that you can win despite my requirements at least shows that your fighting skills have reached the level of excellence."

Continuing to lower his head to make medicinal herbs, Chiron had a leisurely smile on his face: "Besides, you have also learned my 'Pankrasin'. For the time being, I have nothing to guide you."

"Well..." Zheng Shu suddenly became a little alert because he heard a different meaning from his teacher's tone.

After packing the last herb into a nice package, Chiron looked up at his student.

Seeing that Zheng Shu seemed to want to say something but didn't say it, Chiron stood up so that his eyes were level with Zheng Shu's, and reached out to touch his hair: "There is no need to be sad, the connection between us has not been severed, we can teach Producing outstanding students like you and Hercules would have been my greatest achievement. And...after you get over the fear in your own mind, you can still come to me and talk to me."

"Yes...I understand." Zheng Shu lowered his head slightly.

"Well, you don't have to be so down." Chiron stuffed the herbs he had just made into his backpack. "If you want to become a master, you have to complete the last test. I'm looking forward to your performance, don't let me down. ah."



Amidst the roars one after another, a group of Cyclops gathered together to perform an inexplicable ceremony.

In the middle of them is a guy who is a head taller than the other Cyclops. Judging from his appearance, he should be the leader of this group of Cyclops.

At this time, the Cyclops leader was standing on a blood-red altar and constantly dancing. There were a lot of prey hunted by the Cyclops piled around the altar. With the Cyclops leader dancing, he was constantly transforming. The blood-red light blended into the altar.

"So that guy is the cause of the Cyclops riots during this time?"

In a patch of grass on a distant cliff, Zheng Shu and Chiron looked at the primitive ceremony on another mountain. I wonder if it was an illusion, but Zheng Shu always felt that the altar looked familiar to him.

"It's this guy. I don't know why the Cyclops leader's IQ suddenly increased so much. He even learned to hide his altar. Even the prey he captured was only transported once in a while. I After waiting for a long time, I finally found the opportunity to follow these Cyclops and find them here."

Chiron looked at the enemy in the distance with a solemn expression. As the ceremony progressed, the aura of the Cyclops leader in the center became stronger and stronger, and his undigested blood-red aura spread to the surrounding Cyclops. On the body, these giants are gradually strengthening.

"It seems that we arrived in time, and the opponent's ceremony is at a critical moment." Chiron turned to look at Zheng Shu, "Go! The Cyclops leader is smart enough to be your sparring opponent. "

"Okay!" Zheng Shu nodded and didn't waste any more time. He imitated the Hulk's method of accumulating energy and jumped up suddenly, making a big hole in the ground beneath him. He himself was like a cannonball being fired towards him. He jumped over to another mountain range.


Just like the sound of a meteor hitting the ground, Zheng Shu accurately jumped to the side of the group of Cyclops sacrificial site, splashing a large amount of dust. After the surrounding dust fell, Zheng Shu was seen standing on the ground, with a radial shallow pit several meters in diameter under his feet.

"It's so energetic." Chiron shook his head slightly as he looked at his student's rough movements, his light brown hair dancing in the wind, "Okay, how should I get there?"

On the other side, the Cyclops, who were attracted by the huge noise caused by Zheng Shu when he appeared, looked at Zheng Shu's majestic body exposed after the dust cleared, and his bloodshot pupils showed a violent look.


Without any hesitation at all, the Cyclops, whose sanity had been destroyed by the power provided by the sacrificial ceremony, rushed towards Zheng Shu.

In their opinion, if a prey as strong as Zheng Shu is caught and used for sacrifice, their strength will definitely be improved by several levels.

Looking at the group of Cyclops rushing towards him, Zheng Shu glanced around and found that even the little wisdom in their pupils had completely disappeared, leaving only the brutality like wild beasts.

Zheng Shu pursed his lips and looked a little disgusted: "It's boring, you have not given me the value of improving my skills at all."

As he spoke, Zheng Shu shook his head and easily dodged the wooden club swung by a Cyclops.

He took a step forward and broke into the Cyclops' open chest. He opened his palm and patted it upwards. With a crisp click, the heel of his palm hit the Cyclops' chin and broke his neck.

Ignoring the softened person in front of him, he turned slightly sideways to avoid the attack of the two Cyclops.

At the moment when the two sides met, Zheng Shu stretched out his hands, grabbed the backs of the two Cyclops' necks and squeezed them hard.


With two crisp sounds, the two Cyclops who originally attacked Zheng Shu fell to the ground and lost their breath.

Although the Cyclops behind him pounced on him one after another, Zheng Shu still looked relaxed and content.

Bow, lean over, turn sideways.

Rub, press, hold, lift, split.

Various moves can be easily performed in Zheng Shu's hands. Every move can avoid the enemy's attack, and every attack can hit the enemy's vital point.

After a while, the group of guards around the altar who were obviously stronger than ordinary Cyclops were easily pushed to the ground by Zheng Shu, and all of them lost their lives.

Compared with a few months ago, Zheng Shu's absolute power has not improved much, but a few months ago when he first encountered these Cyclops, he couldn't even kill them with one blow, but now he can suppress his own strength and kill them with one blow. Such a large group of Cyclops was quickly "cleared".

Only now can Zheng Shu clearly feel how much his combat effectiveness has improved.

Looking up at the center of the altar, I didn't know when the leader of the Cyclops had stopped dancing on the altar.

But he didn't make any offensive gesture, he just watched quietly as Zheng Shu completely cleared away his subordinates, with an indifferent look in his huge one eye.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, the altar, the enhanced subordinates and the flesh and blood used as sacrifices. Why do I think this picture is so familiar?" Zheng Shu looked at the current situation and suddenly felt something was wrong... He seemed to be Where have you seen this kind of scene? !

Then, after the Cyclops leader activated the altar to form a blood-red defensive light curtain around him, the sense of sight became even stronger.

"Porphyrion!" The Cyclops leader opened his hands, looked up at the sky, and called out a name full of mysterious power.

Zheng Shu's face immediately darkened: "Fuck! Aren't those guys in Guigantes Titans? Why do I feel like these guys are more like cockroaches? They can be seen everywhere!"

Porphyrion, like Alcyonius, was a member of the Guigantes, and with Alcyonius was one of the two leaders of the Guigantes. Suddenly hearing such a name from the mouth of the Cyclops leader, Zheng Shu almost had the illusion of "reunion after a long absence."

Complaints are complaints, but Zheng Shu's movements were not slow at all.

After lightly pressing the switch on the bracelet, the two bracelets immediately opened and left Zheng Shu's body. In an instant, the power that had been suppressed by magic returned to his body.

Zheng Shu moved his steps, and his figure immediately disappeared. When he reappeared, he was directly in front of the blood-red light curtain.

Lunge, straight punch.

boom! ! !

(PS: There is one more chapter)

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