Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 254 New usage of the second skill

Snapped! Snapped!

Two consecutive crisp sounds came from Zheng Shu's body, which meant that two more bows and arrows hit him.

Although he was beaten very painfully, Zheng Shu still tried his best to focus his attention, constantly moving quickly while observing the surrounding locations for possible attacks.

The place he was in was an endless grassland, and theoretically there was no place to hide anyone around.

But getting along with Chiron for a while made Zheng Shu know what it meant to be the top archer in ancient Greece. With the help of magic, Chiron could even shoot beyond visual range.

And no matter how fast the bow and arrow are, Chiron's magic power can offset most of the air resistance and noise, so that even if the bow and arrow exceeds the speed of sound, it will still remain silent during actual shooting.

In addition to the sound, Chiron's bow and arrows would often be shot at the blind spot of Zheng Shu's vision. Even if an arrow occasionally appeared within Zheng Shu's field of vision, it must be to attract his attention and provide space for other arrows. A sneak attack was used as bait.

Zheng Shu's perception is indeed very strong, but in most cases he relies on his five senses to detect danger.

But now, except for vision, which can play a small role, other senses cannot work, and vision has side effects in most cases, so that Zheng Shu has to improve his perception of danger under the pressure of such an environment. ability.

Chiron, standing high on another cliff, smiled and stared at the students in the distance who were constantly changing their movement trajectories.

Zheng Shu's progress in the past few days surprised him. When he first started training, his student was just a reckless man who only relied on his physical fitness to fight. But after just a few days, His skills in all aspects have been greatly improved.

At the beginning, Chiron didn't even need to spend much effort to shoot it, but now, Chiron almost had to use all his shooting skills to shoot Zheng Shu, who was suppressed by magic and rocks.

"It should be almost done. If you can really dodge my arrows in this situation, then from now on, no one in this world will be able to shoot you with a bow and arrow." Chiron opened his eyes again Several arrows were attached to the bow, "So... let me see your potential."

On the plain, Zheng Shu, who was trying to be on guard, suddenly noticed something. He suddenly looked up and saw an arrow full of magical light falling from the sky.

After calculating the landing point of the bow and arrow, Zheng Shu nimbly moved two steps to avoid it.

However, he was not in any relaxed mood, because Chiron usually did not have such obvious external features when shooting arrows. The fact that he found this arrow so easily could only mean that it was just a bait, and there should be other arrows secretly there. The arrow is shooting towards him.

Finally, with Zheng Shu's unremitting efforts, he discovered another arrow shot from the original visual blind spot.

Taking another step to the side lightly, Zheng Shu suddenly felt a numbness in his scalp. Without even thinking about it, he jumped up from the ground.

The moment he jumped up, a bow and arrow shot completely close to the ground rubbed the sole of his foot and flew past.

With the support of magic power, this bow and arrow sticking to the ground kept changing its direction above the ground like a swimming fish to ensure that it remained in Zheng Shu's visual blind spot at all times. Coupled with the cover of the grass on the grassland, if it hadn't been for that sudden feeling, Zheng Shu might have been tricked.

Before Zheng Shu felt proud, the numb feeling in his scalp continued to spread. Zheng Shu, who had just jumped up and was still stuck in the air, suddenly turned his head to look in one direction, and the bones in his neck even made a "click" sound.

On the cliff in the distance, he saw a faint flash of light - that was the flash of magic power.

With Zheng Shu's eyesight, he could see the smile on the corner of his teacher's mouth and the opening and closing of his lips even from a distance of several kilometers.

Through the movement of Chiron's lips, Zheng Shu immediately read what he said: "Nice job, but you can't avoid it."

Huge magic power erupted from Chiron's body, and instantly gathered into the bow and arrow in his hand, causing the bow and arrow originally made of wood to emit a dazzling magic light, as if it had turned into an arrow made of light.


A deafening sound came. This time, Chiron did not cover up any traces. He just let go of the bow and arrow in his hand and launched a "cannon attack" on the students in the distance.

With the blessing of a large amount of magic power, the bow and arrow exceeded the speed of sound several times the moment it left the hand. The arrow shot through the air with a long magic tail flame, and a beautiful sonic boom cloud hung on the tail of the arrow. In the blink of an eye, Then he arrived in front of Zheng Shu.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu discovered Chiron's shooting intention a little early, and before the arrow was about to arrive, he finally slapped a palm towards the other side.


The arm blooming with magic light shattered the air, and with the help of the backlash of the shock wave, Zheng Shu slightly adjusted his posture in mid-air.

With this little bit of displacement, Zheng Shu avoided the direct shot of the bow and arrow. The radiant arrow passed by Zheng Shu's body and sank straight into the ground.

boom! ! !

After some silence, a deafening explosion came from the ground.

The originally solid ground seemed to turn into liquid at this moment, and the entire plain land seemed to be undulating. The strong explosion sprayed a large amount of soil into the sky, as if setting off a tsunami composed of soil.

Zheng Shu, who had not yet had time to land, was directly blown away by the shock wave. However, in mid-air, Zheng Shu's seemingly huge and bloated body was as agile as a petrel. He flew up and down lightly along the airflow of the shock wave, dodging every thought. Stones and earth are to strike him.

Until Zheng Shu landed safely, except for a thin layer of dust, his body was not directly hit by any dirt or gravel.


After finally getting his feet on the ground, Zheng Shu let out a long sigh of relief. After checking his body and confirming that he had successfully survived the attack, Zheng Shu couldn't help but have a proud smile on his face.

Turning his head to look at Chiron's position, the centaur had already taken steps and ran towards Zheng Shu.

After waving his hand, Zheng Shu just wanted to show off his achievements to his teacher, but suddenly felt a familiar numbness in his scalp.


Cursing secretly, Zheng Shu had no time to think, so he could only hide in the direction he felt.


A clear crackling sound came from next to Zheng Shu. It was an arrow that exuded a dim magical light. It was the same arrow that Chiron used as bait to shoot down from high altitude at the beginning.

Zheng Shu had even forgotten its existence after avoiding it, but he did not expect that at such a critical moment, this arrow that looked like a bait would make the final blow.

Looking at the messy wreckage flying towards him, Zheng Shu's brain suddenly became strange. He found that he seemed to be able to predict the flight route behind these wreckage, as if there was an invisible paintbrush helping him to paint the shape of these wreckage. The flight route is marked out.


The messy remains of bows and arrows flew past him, but none of them could kill Zheng Shu. Zheng Shu seemed to have just moved a few times casually, and easily dodged all the wreckage shot at him.

The piece of debris closest to Zheng Shu even rubbed his nose, but Zheng Shu didn't make much movement when he saw the object flying past his eyes. He just shook his head slightly and made a slight difference. Hide away.

"'s interesting. Is this considered a success?" Zheng Shu looked at the ground that was sieved by the debris and was amazed.

Recalling the trajectories that came to mind when he faced the wreckage just now, Zheng Shu suspected that if he had a heroic spirit panel on his body now, he might have something like "avoidance protection" on his body.

"Very good!" Chiron's gratified voice came from behind Zheng Shu. After such a delay, he had already run to Zheng Shu's vicinity.

Looking at it, Chiron's eyes were full of satisfaction: "Very good, your progress is much faster than I expected, so this stage of training is completed."

Hearing his teacher's praise, Zheng Shu bowed slightly to Chiron: "Thanks to your guidance, teacher."

Chiron shook his head and raised his hand to condense a magic plane that could reflect the scene: "There are many people who have come into contact with my guidance, but I have only seen Heracross besides you who can make such rapid progress. And with that one The little guy is different, your talent makes it much easier for me to guide you."

Putting the magic mirror in front of Zheng Shu, Chiron also seemed very satisfied: "Look, after completing the trial just now, your appearance has changed significantly."

Zheng Shu took a look at his own appearance reflected in the magic mirror. Although his face was now covered with dust, he could still see that in the mirror was a young man with a very strong and handsome face.

Before the trial this morning, Zheng Shu had just seen his appearance. Compared with then, his current appearance had obviously improved a little.

Regarding Zheng Shu’s appearance changes, the second skill was actually described at the beginning.

Beauty that no one knows: Your real appearance will become extremely beautiful, and will become more beautiful as your strength and age increase, but others will only see a picture when they see your appearance. A very ordinary face.

The focus of Zheng Shu's use this time is the description "As your strength and age increase, you will become more beautiful."

In fact, Zheng Shu has already started to take advantage of this feature a long time ago. In addition to the influence of age, in most cases, if his appearance suddenly changes drastically, it is basically because of his strength. caused by changes.

For example, before, when Zheng Shu learned how to use magic power with Vera, the reason why he was able to learn "magic release" so quickly was because Zheng Shu took advantage of the nature of the second skill on the panel.

It was the same when he was learning various combat skills with Chiron. Every time he learned a skill, Zheng Shu would observe whether his appearance had changed.

If there is a change, it means that your practice direction is correct. If there is no change or the change is not obvious, it means that your current learning method is not suitable or you are practicing in the wrong direction.

At the beginning, when Chiron saw his student running to the pool every day to observe his own appearance, Chiron even warned him with a little worry, advising him not to be too obsessed with his own appearance.

After all, in ancient Greek mythology, there are lessons learned from the tragedies that occur due to being too obsessed with oneself.

As a centaur, Chiron was naturally able to see Zheng Shu's true face, so at the beginning he was particularly worried about this problem of his student.

However, as a professional teacher, Chiron quickly realized the changes in Zheng Shu's appearance. Sometimes, his appearance would even change on the spot because of Zheng Shu's sudden understanding of a certain technique.

Part of the reason why Zheng Shu's subsequent training plan became so radical was because Chiron fully understood the pattern of his appearance changes after talking to Zheng Shu.

Although the "appearance" indicator is a bit vague, it is completely incomparable with plug-ins that directly display percentages.

But for Chiron, the top teacher in ancient Greece, as long as he had such a vague reference point, he could completely grasp Zheng Shu's training status. long as you can't practice to death, practice to death!

The final result was that it took Zheng Shu just over a month to completely master the methods of dodging various attacks during combat.

"Not bad, it seems that my progress is obvious." Zheng Shu looked at the mirror and touched his chin, with a look of beauty on his face.

Chiron looked at his student's movements and didn't say anything. He just shook his head with a smile: "I never thought that there would be such a magical talent in this world. I never thought that before I met you, I would have such a magical talent." Some people have such talent.

It's a pity that your appearance cannot be seen by ordinary people, which will hinder your ability to promote your reputation in the future. Fortunately, even if they can't see your appearance, your strength is enough to conquer people. "

"In my opinion, it's a good thing that ordinary people can't see my appearance. I don't want to be famous." Zheng Shu shrugged.

"That's right, the reason why you pursue power is not to promote your own glory." Chiron nodded and his expression became serious, "Now that you have completed the basic training, now we can start the next one ”

After hearing this, Zheng Shu's face became serious: "Yes! I will continue to trouble you later, teacher!"

(PS: More updates will be added tomorrow)

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