After a while, Zheng Shu knitted a skirt for himself out of vines and leaves and put it on.

But when he was getting dressed, he had been staring at Hercules with extreme vigilance. He would rather endure the embarrassment of confronting him than dare to expose his back to him, for fear that this guy would do something stupid when his mind was unclear. .

After all, in the ancient Greek era, the sexual orientation of this group of people was really regardless of gender. Unfortunately, the skill Zheng Shu acquired made him extremely attractive in the eyes of this group of guys who were not pure-blooded humans.

Fortunately, until Zheng Shu put on the makeshift clothes for himself, Hercules didn't show anything wrong. Even his eyes looked very magnanimous. This kind of will is worthy of the most famous hero in ancient Greece.

Realizing the hostility Zheng Shu had towards him just now, Hercules just smiled honestly without saying anything, and repeated the question he just asked with a normal expression: "Brother Zheng Shu, do you know what's going on here?" Where is that particularly powerful lion?"

Zheng Shu suddenly looked up and looked behind Hercules and nodded: "I know, I fought with this guy for several days before."

"Oh? That's great. Do you know where the lion is now?" Hercules looked happy.

"Well..." Zheng Shu stretched out his finger, "Three."




As Zheng Shu completed the countdown, a violent roar sounded from behind Hercules. The rested lion reappeared in the field of vision of the two of them. It jumped from the distant grass and violently pounced on the man with his back facing him. My own Heracross.



At the critical moment, the lion in mid-air was blown away by a big tree as thick as two people's arms, and quickly disappeared into the jungle like a baseball that was blown away.

Then, there was a sound of trees breaking.

"Hahahaha! I found you! Thanks, little brother, I'll come back and thank you after I kill this lion!" Hercules threw down the broken tree trunk in his hand, laughed wildly and followed the lion as it flew away. In Zheng Shu's field of vision.

"Fuck...fuck!" Zheng Shu looked at the broken tree on the ground and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

At the moment of being attacked, Hercules did an act that was very consistent with his title. He directly uprooted a nearby tree, and then used it as a baseball bat to beat the lion away.

Because of his terrifying power, after the lion was shot away, the tree trunk was also directly broken.

After a little gesture of the size of the tree trunk, Zheng Shu swallowed with some difficulty.

The tree trunk Hercules uprooted was the one he leaned on when he slept last night. In order to let himself sleep more peacefully, Zheng Shu specially chose a particularly thick tree.

The whole tree is nearly ten meters high and the trunk diameter is more than one and a half meters. Zheng Shu tried it for a while and found that the entire tree weighed at least dozens of tons.

If it's just half of a tree trunk, you can probably lift it with some effort, but if it's a whole section of tree trunk, just lifting it up will be very laborious. And if he held the entire tree trunk like a stick and wielded it like Hercules, it would be difficult for Zheng Shu to do it even if he used magic power to release it.

And before Heracles waved the trunk, he pulled such a lush tree alive from the soil. After looking at the torn rhizome left in the soil, Zheng Shu briefly calculated the force required to pull out the trunk, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

What's more, Heracross started doing all these things after the lion pounced on him, which meant that he only finished these things in a split second. This means that it should not be particularly difficult for Hercules to complete this set of actions.

In fact, based on the speed and expression of Hercules' movements that Zheng Shu saw when he pulled out the tree, he estimated that for Hercules, pulling out this big tree was no more important than pulling out a sapling by the side of the road. Big difference.

"Slip away!"

Silently calculating the strength gap between the two sides, Zheng Shu was silent for a moment and immediately turned around and left.

——Just kidding, if I didn’t make a mistake in my calculations, if I really had to fight the monster Heracross, I would only receive one punch at most!

Although Hercules' character was considered quite good in the entire ancient Greek mythology, Zheng Shu gave up the idea of ​​staying where he was after thinking about it for a while.

After all, if you continue to stay here, you will have to come back to meet Hercules after he has finished dealing with the lion. Although the other person's character is quite strong in mythology, staying with such a person who can end his life at any time The pressure is still too much.

So although he really wanted to continue to have contact with Hercules, Zheng Shu still left here very simply... Anyway, the enhanced template has been obtained. As long as he spends a little time, he can gain the power to talk to Hercules on an equal footing. .

While running quickly in the jungle, Zheng Shu prayed that the lion could help him delay for a longer time.

After running a long distance in one breath, Zheng Shu finally stopped at the bottom of a cliff.

After fully unfolding his senses and sensing the surrounding environment, and confirming that there was nothing strange, Zheng Shu used the spirit of speech to melt out a cave.

He also picked up a big stone from the side and placed it on the left. After hiding in the cave, he pulled the stone over and pressed it against the entrance of the cave, forming a short-lived sealed space.

Without thinking too much, Zheng Shu simply chose the target to strengthen first.

"Panel, give me the strengthening template you just obtained! Strengthen it to full capacity directly!"

[Instruction received]

[Consume 50% of the influence factors to strengthen]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

Progress: 360.17%→310.17%

Green light poured out from his chest and quickly surrounded Zheng Shu into a cocoon of light.


The sudden pain made Zheng Shu couldn't help but let out a miserable howl. The pain caused by this enhancement was unusually severe, and even with Zheng Shu's willpower, he couldn't hold it back.

The flesh is constantly disintegrating and recovering, and Zheng Shu's body looks like a shape-shifting monster, constantly deforming under the "kneading" of the green light.

Moreover, Zheng Shu's consciousness was completely awake during this process. Even because of the power of green light, his consciousness became more acute and he could feel every change in his body.

Because the strengthening process was so painful, Zheng Shu had even lost the concept of time. He only felt that every second he spent was extremely long.

He only knew that after struggling for a long time, the green light around his body began to slowly fade away, and the original painful feeling in his body completely disappeared, replaced by extremely powerful power.

Zheng Shu's originally absent-minded pupils gradually focused, his breath shook, and ripples were visible to the naked eye in the surrounding air.


Taking a long breath, Zheng Shu twisted his neck, and the joints all over his body immediately made loud noises. His muscles, which were like fine steel, rolled up like a python, and magic power as strong as substance burst out from his body.

Even if you just mobilize your power unconsciously, the light emitted by the magic can illuminate the dark cave around you.


As Zheng Shu exerted all his strength on his body, the boulders that had blocked the entrance of the cave shattered and flew around like cannonballs.

A true divine power bloomed from every cell, and the endless power made Zheng Shu unable to vomit, and the muscles all over his body rolled like a dragon and snake.

Zheng Shu suddenly stood up and his violent and powerful force penetrated the air, easily shattering the rock walls surrounding him and transmitting it all the way to the depths of the unobservable mountains.

And on the ground under his feet, a domineering force that made all living things palpitate came out of their bodies. Countless animals living in this mountain instinctively lowered their heads and leaned over. They only felt as if a huge mountain was pressing on their bodies and they were panting. Don't get angry.

Looking down at his hands, Zheng Shu squeezed his five fingers hard, causing the air in his palms to distort slightly, and he was crushed directly before he could escape.


He punched out again, and his powerful body directly chopped into pieces the rock wall in front of him. The real power was transmitted to the mountains, causing a large area of ​​the surrounding mountains to shake.

Slowly exhaling, Zheng Shu's tight muscles gradually relaxed, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He is worthy of being a famous hero throughout Greek mythology. Even if he is just out of the novice village, he already has such terrifying combat power.

With this level of power, a weaker god would probably fall to the ground with every punch.

In the future, when fighting against others, he can say something very coquettishly: This punch will collect 50% of the progress, can you block it? !

After walking out of the cave and stretching his body for a while, Zheng Shu finally became familiar with his current strength by relying on the coordination ability brought by Atalanta's enhanced template.

Looking back at the cave, Zheng Shu felt a little regretful.

After strengthening Heracross's enhanced template, Zheng Shu's height has become almost the same as him, but his rapid growth has also made the size of the cave he previously dug a bit crowded.

In addition, Zheng Shu didn't know how to control his power when he had just strengthened it, so he accidentally broke the mace that had been with him for a long time.

Reaching out to pick up the broken mace, Zheng Shu was surprised to find that the mace that used to appear extremely hard in his hand now felt like a ball of hard plasticine when held in his hand.

"What is this? Turning iron into clay?" Zheng Shu felt a little amazed. This seemingly inconspicuous little ability seemed to him more terrifying than the power he had just released.

Being able to do this means that ordinary weapons can no longer cause any harm to him. Metal weapons that are extremely sharp in the eyes of ordinary people are just a ball of soft mud in Zheng Shu's eyes. Normal people don't Will be injured by a ball of soft mud.

This means that Hercules's defense power is also extremely amazing, and the muscles on his body can even surpass the hardened steel.

Pinching the remains of the two maces together, Zheng Shu released the spirit of speech to melt it. The spirit of speech that originally consumed a lot of energy for Zheng Shu now felt as easy as breathing.

Looking at the metal ball that quickly turned red and softened in his hand, Zheng Shu realized the physical exertion on his body, and then he was a little surprised to find that if he maintained this level of power to release the word spirit, the physical strength would not be recovered as fast as it was consumed. .

Seeing that the metal ball in his hand turned red, Zheng Shu pressed it with both hands and pressed the large ball of metal into a large piece of metal.

After pinching it with his hands and slightly modifying the edges, Zheng Shu built himself a metal war skirt without any tools.

Wearing the war skirt on his body to replace the leaf skirt that was damaged due to his enlarged size, Zheng Shu looked at the cave he had just used to strengthen the template, thought for a moment, lowered his head again and dug in with his bare hands.

Wow. Wow.

The largest palm was like the shovel of an excavator, constantly throwing gravel outside the cave. The originally hard rock wall was not much harder than a wafer biscuit in his hands. And when Zheng Shu activated the dragon bone form and allowed scales and claws to grow on his hands, his digging efficiency expanded again.

Within a few minutes, Zheng Shu dug out a cave that was much larger than before. After burying the traces of the previously dug gravel tunnel entrance, Zheng Shu started the second enhancement in this cave that allowed him to run and jump freely.

After calming down, Zheng Shu pulled out the light blue light curtain in his mind: "Panel, if I only choose to strengthen the defense of the 'Enhanced Template: Lion', I will do it without acquiring other abilities or changing the appearance. Can it be strengthened?”


[Enhanced Template: The lion's native template is a complete creature, and its abilities cannot be split. 】

Hearing this answer, Zheng Shu nodded, but he had expected it before so he was not too disappointed and started to use the previous plan.

"Panel, help me strengthen the lion's strengthening template. As for the strengthening level... strengthen it as much as possible within the limits of not changing my general human form and not affecting my mental will."

[Instruction received]

【Start calculation based on user request. 】


[Complete calculation, according to the nature of the strengthening template, without affecting the user's general appearance and mental will, up to 23% of the influence factors can be consumed for strengthening]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

Progress: 310.17%→287.17%

"Less than half? It's barely acceptable. I hope I can inherit a little more defense power." Zheng Shu touched his chin and looked at the information on the panel, praying silently in his heart.

The next moment, green light enveloped Zheng Shu again.

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