Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 246 Giving up and unexpected gains


With another heavy punch carrying magic power, Zheng Shu waved his glowing arms and knocked the lion away again.

After taking a short breath, Zheng Shu felt a toothache for the first time in a long time when he saw the lion getting up from the ground again without any injuries.

Faced with this kind of defensive power that was famous throughout ancient Greek mythology, Zheng Shu had to admit that he really felt a little unable to start now.

At the beginning of the battle, Zheng Shu also tried to break the lion's defense with his own attacks.

He once tried to use 90% of his physical strength to release the word spirit. He also concentrated all the energy of the word spirit on the mace, and concentrated the terrifying energy in the light cannon that could have been released hundreds of meters long and destroyed a forest. At a certain point, they try to rely on this extremely concentrated power to break through the opponent's defense.

The result surprised Zheng Shu. Theoretically, the mace, which could cut off any substance, only made a small part of the lion's hair appear slightly burnt and curled. Not to mention hurting the opponent, he Not even the lion's outermost fur defense was broken.

And within a few minutes, even the burned and curled hair had completely healed itself and returned to its original smooth and soft appearance.

The consequence of this attack was that Zheng Shu had to use a "resurrection" to recover his physical strength and injuries when facing the lion that became extremely angry because his hair was damaged.

In addition to this unbreakable defense, the lion's claws and teeth are also unimaginably sharp.

Zheng Shu's mace that had just been repaired by Apollo, the sun god, was scratched with a deep claw mark just by scratching it. The hard dragon scales growing on his body felt like softness in front of the opponent's teeth. The biscuits were as defenseless as ever. In the end, the distressed Zheng Shu simply dropped the mace and fought the lion with only his fists.

Unexpectedly, all of Zheng Shu's attacks had no effect on the lion. After discarding the mace, Zheng Shu's injuries began to decrease due to a significant increase in his dexterity level.

Because no matter whether the weapon was used or not, it could not cause substantial damage to the lion, and because the physical exertion was greatly reduced after discarding the weapon, Zheng Shu's situation became better invisibly.

After that, Zheng Shu tried to learn how Heracross defeated it in myths and legends to deal with it, but during actual operation, Zheng Shu found helplessly that at least he couldn't do it now.

The most critical reason is that his strength is too small.

Before this, Zheng Shu was most proud of his violent power. Even before he learned how to release magic power, his power had already reached a shocking level. He could kill a mace weighing several tons with one hand. It can be wielded and easily used in battle.

After learning the technique of releasing magic power from Vera, Zheng Shu's instant burst of power increased by several levels.

He originally thought that except for some top giant beasts and gods, there should be no creature stronger than him, but now this lion let Zheng Shu know that he had thought too much, and the water in the Gods was stronger than he imagined. Much deeper.

——The power of this lion is actually similar to Zheng Shu’s normal power!

And because of the difference in size and weight, Zheng Shu was at a disadvantage in the strength test with the lion from the very beginning. If he hadn't learned how to release magic power, which could greatly increase his strength in a short period of time, Zheng Shu even doubted that he would have been beaten by this lion.

This fact even made Zheng Shu start to doubt his life.

You know, when he was on the Nameless Island, Zheng Shu also asked the three Gorgon sisters and learned from them that in terms of pure physical strength, he was at the top level even compared to dragons of the same age.

As a result, after coming out of the island, first the beetle was the leader, and now the lion was the leader, and each one's power was no weaker than his own.

Zheng Shu fell into great confusion. Could it be said that in the Age of Gods, dragon species was just a unit of measurement?

All in all, Zheng Shu's plan to hang his head failed because there was not much difference in strength.

Even if he used his magic power to suppress the lion and strangle its neck in a short period of time, Zheng Shu would not be able to hold the lion's throat until it could not breathe while it struggled violently.

As for putting your hands into your throat and tearing it out to death, that is even more nonsense.

Not to mention that the defense of this lion's internal organs is also quite good, there is still a question whether Zheng Shu can hurt his throat if he puts his hand in it. The teeth in the lion's mouth are not much blunter than its claws. If Zheng Shu dares to put his hand in, he will dare to bite it. At that time, it will be a free arm for food.

But Zheng Shu was not the only one who was disgusted in this battle, the lion also felt very disgusted.

Unlike the prey that could be easily captured in the past, this prey's strength is actually as strong as his own, and it is even better in terms of speed.

In addition to these two points, the recovery ability and physical strength of this prey are also incredible to the lion. Although the damage has been caused, the injury will be completely healed in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, the opponent's strength will occasionally increase explosively. Although he will not be injured, the pain will not diminish.

At first, the lion did want to capture Zheng Shu as his food because of his offense. However, as time went by and the two sides tortured each other to the point of exhaustion, the lion's inner thoughts gradually changed. Now it only wants to capture Zheng Shu. Get this troublesome guy off his property.

It's a pity that at this point, it's Zheng Shu who doesn't want the other party to leave.

As the overlord of this jungle, the lion naturally does not allow itself to show fear in front of other creatures. Therefore, facing Zheng Shu's luck, it can only bite the bullet and continue fighting.


Another muffled sound of physical blows came from the jungle, but this time the sound was much smaller than the previous roar.

Zheng Shu looked helplessly at the lion that he had kicked away. His strength had obviously weakened a lot this time. The lion only slid on the ground for a few meters before stopping, without even breaking a big tree.

Breathing heavily, a large amount of magic power from the air continuously gathered into his body relying on his breathing, and penetrated into Zheng Shu's muscles to restore his condition.

But no matter how the magic power is replenished, Zheng Shu's body is like a bottomless pit that cannot be filled, which shows that Zheng Shu's body and physical strength have indeed reached their ultimate limit.

However, compared to Zheng Shu, the lion's condition is even worse.

Ten minutes ago, this originally lazy and arrogant lion had completely curled up and was in a state of being beaten without fighting back.

As a living creature, no matter how strong a lion's defense is, its own energy reserves have limits.

By now, Zheng Shu had even clearly felt that the lion had lost a lot of weight.

The energy substances stored in the body are almost exhausted, and even the magic power is in short supply. The originally shiny and smooth hair has become dry, and the outer skin has become a bit flabby due to the large consumption of subcutaneous fat in the body. This lion is now He looked completely malnourished.

Of course, Zheng Shu's own condition is not much better.

But now in this state, Zheng Shu's advantage as a dragon species has finally emerged. Every time he breathes, his body will produce a large amount of magic power out of thin air. Coupled with the magic power absorbed from the outside world, Zheng Shu's endurance far exceeds that of a lion. .

Glancing at the motionless lion lying on the ground, Zheng Shu took a few deep breaths again, finally sighed and sat down on the ground.

The opponent had been beaten by him for more than ten minutes without fighting back, but even in his heyday he could not break through the lion's defense. Of course, he would not cause much damage when he was so severely fatigued, so Zheng Shu simply gave up and continued the attack.

After all, maintaining such a high-intensity battle under extreme fatigue is also a considerable test of his willpower.

"Well..." After realizing that Zheng Shu did not continue to attack him, the lion lying on the ground in the distance let out a whimpering sound. After quietly looking up, he confirmed that Zheng Shu was indeed sitting on the ground and not continuing to attack...


The lion suddenly jumped up at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its size. After jumping several times in a row, it disappeared from Zheng Shu's sight... It actually escaped.

Zheng Shu stared at the lion's fleeing figure with his mouth open. Although his movements seemed a bit staggering when running away, it seemed that he had not fully recovered his strength, but the lion did try his best to escape.

After struggling for a few times with a look on his face, Zheng Shu finally gave up his plan to catch up. At this point, he was already disgusted by this endless battle that would have no results.

"Just run away. Anyway, my goal has been achieved. I will come to you to settle the score after I strengthen the template." Zheng Shu thought viciously in his heart.

He felt that his eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier. After all, he had not slept for several days and had been in a high-intensity battle. The fatigue accumulated after losing the support of his will immediately came back.

Zheng Shuqiang climbed up the tree, found a suitable branch to lie down on, and closed his eyes.


Zheng Shu, who had fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly woke up because his perception told him that a creature that was extremely threatening to him suddenly came around.

He looked up and saw that it was already approaching dusk. His biological clock told Zheng Shu that he had been sleeping here for a whole day.

After feeling the condition of the body, after a whole day of sleep, the physical fatigue has disappeared. Although it has not completely returned to the state of victory, it is enough to support the next battle.

Zheng Shu opened his eyes wide and searched around to prevent himself from being attacked by something from the dark. He felt that it was very likely that the lion had come back to take revenge after it had rested.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Hello, little brother, I want to ask you a question."

The big tree Zheng Shu was sitting on suddenly shook. When he looked down, he saw a strong man several heads taller than himself looking up at him under the tree. The vibration just now was caused by him knocking on the tree in a manner similar to knocking on the door. The seemingly light knock made the big tree where the two of them hugged violently shake.

"Ah! Sorry, isn't it little brother?" Hercules saw Zheng Shu's face clearly after he lowered his head, and immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

"No, you're right, I'm a man." Zheng Shu turned over and jumped down, feeling the constant sense of crisis coming from his perception. Zheng Shu knew the identity of the strong man in front of him in an instant.

"Well, little brother, you are really good-looking." Hercules smiled honestly and waved his hand towards Zheng Shu, "That's right, I have something to ask."

"Well, of course it's no problem. My name is Zheng Shu. What's yours?" Zheng Shu nodded gently and stretched out his hand.

Hercules looked at Zheng Shu's outstretched hand and was stunned for a moment, but he quickly figured out what the other person meant. He followed Zheng Shu's example and stretched out his hand to shake it: "My name is Hercules, come here. It’s to defeat a powerful lion, I wonder if you have any clues, little brother?”

[The user has come into contact with the carrier containing the unknown factor and started testing the sample]


[The test is completed and a reinforced template has been established based on the carrier sample]

Looking at the information on the panel, the smile on Zheng Shu's face became even brighter: "Don't be so polite. I also encountered that lion a few days ago and was beaten hard by it. I would be grateful if you could defeat it. Endless.”

"I see." Hercules nodded clearly, appearing serious on the surface, "So your clothes were damaged in the battle, right? I thought you liked this style."

"Huh?" Zheng Shu's face froze.

He glanced down and saw that he was actually naked now... This was natural. The lion's claws were so sharp. Zheng Shu's clothes were not as hard as his scales. In such a fierce battle, he couldn't stand it. Impossible to preserve.

At the beginning, Zheng Shu might have been a little ashamed when his clothes were broken, but because this place was originally a forest and no one else saw him, Zheng Shu simply let go and no longer cared about the clothes.

Later, because he had been fighting for five days and five nights, Zheng Shu had already become accustomed to the feeling of not having any clothes on his body. In addition, the defense of his skin was strong enough, even if he lay directly on the tree trunk, he would not feel any discomfort, so that without realizing it, Zheng Shu actually performed a streaking transformation (harmony).

(PS: Comments seem to have been restored, this time much faster than before.)

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