"It's not easy. He was finally beaten to death." Zheng Shu reached out and wiped the sweat from his head.

Even Zheng Shu had to admit that the enemy in front of him had extremely strong vitality after being strengthened. Even though he was unable to resist, he actually endured the attack of the two of them for such a long time before completely dying.

This ghost's body recovery speed and defense are even comparable to Zheng Shu's super-fast healing state.

"The upper body is a human and the lower body is a dragon? Is there such a monster in Greek mythology?" Zheng Shu fell into thinking.

The deformation caused by the guy in front of him after receiving the power of the altar was obviously a change in his body that imitated a specific image.

Zheng Shu also wanted to know what kind of enemy the name the other party just shouted and such physical changes belonged to, but unfortunately, most of his understanding of Greek mythology was obtained from the game. Most of the characters he knew were learned from a certain game of drawing cards to read novels.

"Look at this." Vera then handed over a sheepskin scroll from the side, "I found it under the altar. This thing should be the key to this guy being able to use magic power even though he is just an ordinary person."

Zheng Shu took a look at the sheepskin scroll. It recorded various sacrificial rituals. At the end of the parchment, Zheng Shu saw the information related to this ceremony.

"I just checked, and most of the above rituals are fine. However, someone has tampered with the last ritual. If you follow this last ritual to pray for power, most of the power will eventually be lost. Transported by the altar to an unknown target." Vera told the side about her discovery.

The trap in this ritual is actually very obvious. Anyone who has mastered the basic knowledge of magic can identify it. However, even in the Age of Gods, there were only a few people with magic knowledge.

"It seems that someone wants to achieve some purpose by relying on the power conveyed by this ritual?" Zheng Shu carefully looked at the trap pointed out by Vera on the parchment scroll. His magic knowledge was too fragmentary. It is still a bit difficult to identify this complex ritual.

Vera nodded and then shook his head: "Yes...no, the other party's actions seem a bit strange to me. In fact, if the entire sacrificial activity is carried out according to this ritual, although most of the power will be stolen , but there will indeed be a small amount of remaining power that can help the ritual builders improve their strength - that is to say, the knowledge on this scroll is not deceptive, but the 'cost-effectiveness' is too low. And this way of improving power is too It is rough and may even affect the sanity of the person who is improving, so ordinary magicians will never use such an inefficient ritual to improve their power."

"Because this was not originally prepared for magicians." Zheng Shu narrowed his eyes, "If I guessed correctly, there should be a lot of this scroll on the market. The person who distributed this scroll is not a magician at all. , but ordinary people."

"Ordinary people? What use can ordinary people use these sacrificial rituals?" Vera asked subconsciously.

"Of course it's 'promotion'..." Zheng Shu's tone was a little solemn.

"Huh?!" Vera suddenly frowned.

Before Zheng Shu could ask a question, a shout from a distance interrupted their conversation: "Here!"

Along with this sound, a large number of people suddenly appeared around the valley. They were wearing inconsistent clothes and their weapons looked a bit messy. Judging from the magic fluctuations they displayed after revealing their bodies, they should have been subjected to group concealment magic, so Vera and Vera did not discover their traces in the first place.

"It's Arcadia's army." Vera looked at these people warily while standing next to Zheng Shu.

Zheng Shu blinked, unable to believe that the group of guys in front of him who looked like a miscellaneous army were actually the army of a country.

After losing the blessing of extraordinary power, the fog at the bottom of the valley is gradually dissipating, so Zheng Shu can clearly see that some people in the team in the distance can't even wear a set of leather armor, but only on his own body. He put on some linen cloth and came over with something similar to a farm tool in his hand.

Of course, in addition to the villagers who knew at a glance that they were temporarily warned, Zheng Shu also saw a few guys at the front of the team who seemed to be quite capable. But even so, the difference between this team and the army in his impression was a bit too big.

But after thinking about it carefully, Zheng Shu also understood that an army with such a neat appearance would not appear until modern times. For a long time before modern times, the so-called army was mostly peasants recruited temporarily.

Turning his head to look at Vera, he found that he did not have any surprised expressions about these armies. It seemed that in this era, this kind of army should be the norm.

At this time, the "army" surrounding the front suddenly separated from the middle to reveal a passage, and a guy who looked extremely gorgeous walked in.

The leather armor this man wore was covered with all kinds of golden decorations, and there was a huge cloak hanging on his back. The top of the cloak was covered with various patterns painted with golden lines, but compared to his For the gorgeous clothes, this man is a bit too thin. From a distance, he looks like a monkey with messy objects hanging on his body.

"Are you the ones who caused this tragedy?"

Surrounded by several of his subordinates, "Monkey" swaggered in front of Zheng Shu and Vera, and touched his hair with his hand covered with various gem rings.

"Monkey" first glanced at Vera's chest that was propped up by the fruit with greedy eyes, and then suddenly froze when he turned his gaze to Zheng Shu's face.

When faced with the obvious responsibility of the guy in front of them to frame the blame, Zheng Shu and Vera didn't react much because they were already "shocked" by each other's appearance.

"Are all nobles dressed in such scary ways?" Zheng Shu looked at the cloak behind the other party that could be used as a quilt, and twitched the corner of his mouth. Running around in the jungle with this thing, he didn't believe that this guy didn't have any serious illness.

"No, Mr. Zheng Shu, I think your impression of nobles is a bit biased. Nobles generally don't dress themselves like this. I think this is most likely the characteristic dress of Arcadian nobles." He is also a top noble. Vera is very serious about maintaining her class image.

"Presumptuous!" A roar interrupted the conversation between the two people. It was the follower next to "Monkey".

Because the other party did not show a good attitude from the beginning, and even tended to arrest the two of them as criminals to make meritorious deeds, Zheng Shu and Vera had no intention of giving him a good look.

The two people did not deliberately lower their voices during the conversation. It could even be said that they deliberately spoke to the guy in front of them.

The tall follower took the initiative to take a step forward, staring closely at Zheng Shu and Vera: "What you are looking at is the ruler of the border town of Arcadia, the commander of the strongest army in Arcadia, and the most powerful person in the kingdom. A strong person, even a king, must respect you as 'Commander'... although the way he dresses is indeed a bit eye-catching."

"You don't need to say the next sentence!" The short commander kicked the tall follower in front of him aside, with a furious look on his face.

Unfortunately, after this interruption from this "loyal" follower, the power he had created completely disappeared. Of course, Zheng Shu and Vera did not feel any power, but the commander still felt very embarrassed about himself.

"Ahem, in short, where is the guy who caused such a big incident and even affected my sleep? If you can't tell me, you can go to the prison instead of that guy!" The commander coughed awkwardly. Two attempts to save some dignity.

Unfortunately, his short body makes his movements look more like a monkey, without any momentum at all.

"Lord Commander, the person lying under the feet of these two people should be the culprit this time. I saw the fight between them during the investigation just now." At this moment, another follower behind the Commander who looked relatively short and fat appeared. Suddenly he stepped forward and "whispered" the information to his commander.

The commander's face turned dark when he was slapped again. He kicked the short and fat follower away and let him lie on the ground with his butt raised to keep company with the tall follower:

"Damn you! Do you bastards act like followers? Believe it or not, I will kill you when I get back!!!"

After a moment of confusion, the commander turned to look at Zheng Shu. The two suddenly fell into silence. After a while, he coughed and took out a bag of coins from his body, with a flattering smile on his face. :

"I'm really sorry, you two heroes. I didn't expect you to see such a rude scene, but don't worry, the kingdom will pay the bonus for this crusade, and I will definitely satisfy you and prevent you from doing it in vain. This is mine. A little thought, please take it first!"

Seeing the other party's rapid change of attitude, Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows in surprise, and looked at each other with Vera. Zheng Shu took the initiative and took the purse: "No, this reward is enough."

After that, Zheng Shu and Vera left the place without giving the commander a chance to speak.

Watching the two people leaving, the commander who had a smile on his face suddenly became serious, and his whole body no longer exuded the funny atmosphere as before. His seemingly thin body actually revealed an inexplicable aura. A sense of majesty.

"grown ups."

A respectful voice came from behind, and the two followers he had kicked down just now were standing behind him at some point.

"Well, you did a good job." The commander nodded, his tone not as casual as before.

"Our pleasure!" When the two attendants heard their master say this, they lowered their heads a little deeper.

As followers, they naturally cannot be as casual with their masters as they just showed. There is no such thing as human rights in this world. Most of the city-states in ancient Greece even followed the practice of slavery. If someone really dares to complain like that to his immediate boss, his head may be moved if he is not careful.

The reason why they acted like that just now was entirely because they saw the hand signal from their master behind their back.

"Sir... is it really necessary to do this? They are just two people." The tall follower hesitated for a moment, and finally asked the question in his mind.

In fact, it wasn't just him. Behind him, the people in the army also looked at their commander in confusion.

After so many years, they have a very clear idea of ​​their boss's temperament. Not to mention the boss who mocked him like the two people just did, sometimes he might even be beaten just because the sight made him feel uncomfortable.

Hearing his words, the commander's mouth twitched: "My bad temper depends on who I'm facing. The woman next to me is okay, but the man's strength is a bit ridiculous. In a one-on-one situation I'm not even sure I can take him down. If we really fight, even if we can finally kill him, there won't be many people in the entire army who can survive except me."

Hearing his boss say this, everyone around them widened their eyes in surprise.

Although they are quite proud, they also know that their boss basically cannot lie, which means that the man just now has the strength to fight against the army on his own.

"By the way, did you see that man's appearance just now?" The commander seemed to have remembered something and turned to look at his tall follower.

The attendant was stunned by this question, but he still answered very honestly: "Yes, I saw it."

"So what do you think he looks like?"

"Uh...which man are you talking about?" The attendant seemed hesitant.

"Huh?! What the hell is this? Wasn't there a man among the two people just now?" The commander was a little surprised when he heard this, wondering if he had kicked his head too hard just now.

The tall follower hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to tell his boss the truth: "Um...actually, the two people just now were both men. If you don't believe it, you can ask him."

The commander turned to look at another short and fat follower. When he saw that he also nodded, his expression collapsed: "What?! That guy is actually a man?! Are young people today actually having such a good time?! So you say My first love ended before it even started... Wait, it doesn’t seem like men can’t do it either.”

The two followers looked at each other helplessly. In order to prevent his boss from consuming all the remaining dignity, the taller man could only cough and pretend not to see this scene and continue to answer the question:

"If you are talking about the guy with the iron rod, I did see his appearance. In my opinion, although he looks fairer, his appearance is very ordinary."

"Is that so..." After adjusting his mood, the commander thought about the information provided by his entourage just now, "Then what was the situation of that guy just now? A curse? Or a blessing?"

"Do you need me to continue tracking them?" The pudgy follower saw his master lost in thought and stepped forward to suggest.

"Well... forget it! Those two guys don't look like they are going to stay in this country for a long time, so don't worry about them." The commander finally rejected the decision, lifted his cloak and turned towards the person who just came. He walked in the direction, "Let's go back to the city!"


The two followers bowed respectfully to the commander and followed him out of here, while the other soldiers at the top also left in an orderly manner after receiving the order.

Light flowed on the unusually thick cloak behind the commander, and a large amount of magic power was withdrawn from the surrounding troops into the cloak.

And as the magic that blessed the entire army expired, these soldiers who originally looked like ordinary villagers also revealed their true appearance.

Each of them is wearing a set of armor that looks extremely thick. The silver-white armor is shining with the light of magic. The aura exuded by each of them is no less than that of low-level heroes.

The armor and weapons of the same model, coupled with the orderly marching posture even in the jungle, can be seen even by just looking at it. This army has an "elite" atmosphere from top to bottom. .

This is the true appearance of Arcadia's strongest army.

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