Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 240 No martial ethics


A crisp sound of shattering was heard, and cracks appeared in the blood-red barrier in front of Tours under the terrifying energy impact. With the impact of energy, the cracks continued to expand, and soon the entire barrier was covered.

Fortunately, most of the energy of the light cannon released by Zheng Shu had been consumed after breaking through the world's barrier. Although the remaining power bombarded the blood-red barrier to the point of shattering, it was able to withstand it at least.


The crimson energy light gradually dissipated, and the ground in front of Zheng Shu was filled with billowing white smoke. Due to the excessive energy impact, after the light beam dissipated, the air still showed a high-temperature distortion.

Looking at the bombarded space entrance in front of him, Zheng Shu jumped up and jumped into the sacrificial space before the world barrier was repaired.

"Who are you?!" Tours looked at Zheng Shu who jumped in, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that the sacrificial world created after building the altar should be a perfect hiding place, but he did not expect that it would be broken through in such a crude way.

At the same moment when the world barrier was shattered, Tours was almost swallowed up by huge fear in his heart. He had never imagined that humans could actually do such a thing. Could this be the legendary divine blood hero?

Zheng Shu glanced at Tours after hearing his question, but did not continue to talk to him. Instead, he looked at the surrounding environment with an unusually vigilant expression.

This disregardful attitude made Tours secretly clenched his fists, but he was so frightened by the majesty of Zheng Shu's blow that opened the world barrier just now that he did not dare to say anything more.

"Be careful, things are a bit strange. This guy seems to be just an ordinary person. He shouldn't have such abilities." Vera also came next to Zheng Shu at this time. At this time, he looked at Zheng Shu with a very complicated look.

When Zheng Shu shattered the world barrier just now, he also took advantage of Turs's distraction to kill the opponent's last two men with a dagger.

Then, he saw a beam of crimson light bombarding here from the outside world. Even if he had seen it in the future vision, even from a short distance, Vera felt it when he actually faced the light cannon released by Zheng Shu. To the shock.

With this level of power, one can even smash the gates of the royal city to pieces by oneself by surprise.

"I saw it. The barrier alone looks very strange, and the surrounding atmosphere is also very wrong. There must be a trap in it... Didn't you get more information from him?" Zheng Shu observed Tu'er. The blood-red barrier in front of Si.

Although it is no longer under attack, the cracks on the barrier have not diminished, but are gradually increasing, and it seems that it will be broken soon.

"This guy... is too cautious and doesn't give me any chance to test." Vera gritted her teeth when talking about this. She had already made such a big sacrifice, but she had only accomplished the most basic goal.

He felt so humiliated and helpless that he couldn't help but want to stomp his feet to vent.

But then Vera realized that this was a very scary action for was exactly the same as the actions some women make when they are angry and acting coquettishly.

It’s over! Isn't my brain broken?

Zheng Shu did not notice Vera's psychological fluctuations, but took off the bow and arrows he carried on his back and threw them to him: "Get ready for battle, I feel something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Vera immediately felt relieved after taking over her equipment.

But as soon as he asked this question, his expression immediately changed. Through the future vision, Vera had already seen what "something was wrong" that Zheng Shu said.

Click, click, click!

A sound like breaking glass came, and the blood-red barrier in front of Tours finally shattered completely.

However, when the only means of protecting him was shattered, Turs showed no fear at all. Instead, he showed a proud look: "Hahaha! Regret your arrogance, heroes, I won this time. !”

As Turs laughed wildly, the altar under his body immediately erupted with scarlet light and poured into his body.

And Tours' body suddenly swelled, and a terrifying aura suddenly burst out from his body, like a sleeping beast suddenly waking up.

The terrifying aura was as real as the substance, and the huge magic power that escaped only pressed the surrounding air with a dull explosion, and even formed circles of twisted airflow around it. Even the clothes on Zheng Shu and Zheng Shu, who were standing far away, were blown away.

"I will dedicate everything to Alcyonius in exchange for the power to take revenge." A majestic voice spat out from Turs's mouth.

Zheng Shu's expression changed after hearing this, because what came out of his mouth was no longer the language commonly used by humans, but the words of gods.

"Alcyoneus? What kind of god's name is this?" Zheng Shu frowned deeply.

This name sounded particularly unfamiliar, and because he only heard the pronunciation from Tours' mouth, Zheng Shu was not sure which god the other party was referring to.

At this time, with the continuous infusion of light, Tours' body had undergone tremendous changes.

His height has skyrocketed from less than two meters to more than three meters tall. The rationality in his eyes is on the verge of disappearing. There is a scarlet light in his eyes, and he looks extremely cruel and fierce.

Although the upper body did not change much, the lower body grew scales, and with a squirm of flesh and blood on the waist, a thick, scaly tail grew out.

It seems that it should also be a dragon's tail.

After Tours' body became deformed into this state, the altar under his feet also dispersed its light as if all its energy had been exhausted, and even the surrounding space began to become unstable.

As the surrounding environment visually fluctuated like an unstable signal, Zheng Shu and the others returned to the bottom of the valley from the altar space.

"Hahaha! Did you see it?! This posture of mine! Is this what power feels like? A steady stream of power is coming up!" Tours laughed wildly as he felt the seemingly endless power in his body.

The regret that he was worried that his body would become deformed because he forcibly started the sacrificial ceremony also disappeared: "Be afraid! Be honored! You are the first enemies I will kill after becoming stronger!"

He looked ahead proudly, hoping to see the fear on the faces of the two heroes.

Unfortunately, things backfired. Not only did Zheng Shu and Vera show no fear, Tours even felt that they seemed to be relieved.

What does it mean? ! Why don't these guys have any fear when they see their terrifying power?

Turs's somewhat irrational brain, which had been impacted by the violent magic, could not understand what he was seeing. Based on instinct, he felt that he had been insulted.

As a result, some of his shaky sanity was immediately overwhelmed by anger. Turs opened his mouth, which was already full of sharp teeth, and let out an inhuman roar: "Roar!!!"

The powerful sound waves carried the airflow and hit Zheng Shu and Vera. Zheng Shu couldn't help but pinch his nose. After all, the other party's "tone" was a bit too loud. Vera on the other side had no intention of dodge. Looking at Turs who looked like a furious beast in the distance, both of them had a different look in their eyes.

"That's it?" Zheng Shu tilted his head, somewhat in disbelief, "This guy has consumed so many sacrifices, and this is all he showed in the end?"

"This...I'm not sure, but there is indeed no other magic reaction around, which means that this is indeed his last resort." Vera frowned as she looked at the furious enemy in the distance.

That's not to say that the strengthened Tours is not strong. In fact, after being strengthened, the opponent's strength has indeed reached a point worthy of their attention.

But the problem is that this level of strength improvement seems very powerful, but compared with the ability of this altar to create a different space attached to the world, it seems very weird.

To be specific, it's probably like the feeling of someone holding a remote control for a space-based weapon in his hand, and then the other person uses the metal remote control as a stone.

At this time, Tours' body swayed, breaking through the fog as if teleporting, and appeared in front of Zheng Shu across a distance of tens of meters.

He raised his fist, which had gathered terrifying power, and punched out with all his strength in the face of Zheng Shu, who seemed to be unresponsive.


The terrifying force hit the ground, and the muddy land exploded with a loud bang, muddy water and grass clippings flying, and the sound was terrifying. Under the powerful force of Tours, countless pieces of gravel and mud shot out like cannonballs, crackling on the surrounding grass. Even because the force of the explosion was too strong, the surrounding fog was blown away by the shock wave.

Unfortunately, this powerful blow did not hit the target he expected. When the smoke cleared, there was only a huge pit in front of Tours, and there was no trace of Zheng Shu at all.

Tours turned back suddenly. Although he had completely lost his mind, on the contrary, his intuition had been greatly improved. He felt the enemy's aura appearing behind him, so he punched out again without hesitation.

Behind him, Zheng Shu's eyes shone with golden light, the muscles all over his body swelled, and the sound of "clicking" bones was constantly coming from his body.

Dragon bone form!

Seeing Tours' fist again, Zheng Shu took a deep breath, and a violent breath burst out of him. He did not use the mace in his hand, but also used his fist to fight without showing any weakness.


The two fists collided, and a terrifying shock wave erupted from the two fists of completely unequal sizes. The thick fog was blown away by the powerful airflow, showing the shape of the shock wave.

Zheng Shu's expression suddenly changed, and his body involuntarily took a few steps back - his weight was too light.

With a height of more than three meters and extremely strong muscles, coupled with the dense scales on the lower body and a thick tail, Tours's weight has exceeded the "ton" unit, plus the balance brought by the tail. In this collision, Zheng Shu suffered a slight loss in weight even with the weight of the mace.

"Ouch?! Come again!"

Zheng Shu roared unconvinced, and with the "click" sound coming from his body, the golden light in his pupils became brighter, like hot magma. The muscles all over his body swelled once again, the muscles and bones brittle and joined together, and the lines of scales began to appear faintly on the surface of the skin.

Picking up the mace, Zheng Shu and Tours once again started a new round of strength competition.

boom! boom! boom!

The two of them were like giant beasts who didn't know how to dodge. They just stood on the ground and attacked each other with punches and sticks. Every attack would erupt with a dull explosion, and for a while the valley was filled with the dull sound of heavy objects impacting.

The powerful force was guided underground along their bodies. The ground, which was originally not soft because it was full of roots, could not withstand such pressure, and the two people's feet had already sunk into the ground.

"Roar!" A shrill scream came from Tours' mouth. His huge body finally couldn't resist the power from the enemy on the opposite side and flew backwards. Zheng Shu won this round of attack.


Before he could get up, Turs suddenly let out another shrill roar, and at some point two arrows glowing with golden light were inserted into his eyes.

"Well done!" Zheng Shu gave a thumbs up gesture to Vera in the distance. It was he who seized the opportunity and shot the opponent's eyes out.

Now that he has proven that he is stronger than his opponent, Zheng Shu has no one-on-one chivalry, so he naturally chooses to have a pleasant group fight.

Taking advantage of the opponent's loss of vision, Zheng Shu raised his mace and rushed towards Tours, preparing to beat the drowned dog.


Although there was a moment of panic after losing his vision, Tours still relied on his enhanced other senses to spot Zheng Shu who was rushing over.

With a brutal roar, his violent emotions overwhelmed the pain, Turs gathered the magic power in his body and rushed towards the location he sensed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the huge burst of magic power, every step of Tours seemed extremely heavy, and every time the sole of his foot landed, the ground shook slightly, as if a small earthquake had occurred with astonishing momentum.

In the blink of an eye, Tours and Zheng Shu collided again.


The terrifying forces collided, and a substantial shock wave exploded. The ground under Zheng Shu's feet rolled like water waves, eventually forming a radial shallow pit with a radius of several meters.


The huge body fell to the ground. Tours looked extremely miserable. The right arm was directly broken, and the pale bone stubble could be seen in the blood spurting out.

If it was an ordinary collision, Tours should not have been so seriously injured. His strengthened body was not inferior even to Zheng Shu.

The reason why he was so seriously injured was because Zheng Shu and Vera had just lied to him.

After losing his eyesight, the "Zheng Shu" he just perceived was Vera pretending to be, while the real Zheng Shu hid his aura and quietly touched from the side.

Just a second before Tours felt that he was about to collide with "Zheng Shu", the real Zheng Shu suddenly attacked from the side and kicked Tours in the arm. Tours was caught off guard and suffered such a serious injury.


Turs's angry roar was interrupted halfway by an arrow thrust into his throat. Before he could pull out the arrow from his mouth, a mace suddenly hit his head.


A clear sound of impact came. After being strengthened, Turs' head was as hard as metal, but it still fell into a disadvantage when faced with a mace that weighed several tons and was swung at high speed.

When he raised his head again, the upper part of his skull had been smashed in half, and half of his face had been completely smashed, exposing the pale bones inside.

Without giving him any chance to resist, the two guys with no martial ethics continued to launch their attacks.

Zheng Shu's mace was like a whack-a-mole, frantically attacking Turs' head, while Vera kept changing his position beside him, and the arrows he shot almost hit Turs. Si shot into a hedgehog.

Finally, after being "tortured" for a full ten minutes, Turs let out an unwilling roar and lost the breath of life.

After he died, a large amount of blood-red smoke overflowed from his body. His originally huge body shrank rapidly, and the tail growing out of his back continued to rot and collapse in the red smoke. Soon Turs returned to normal. posture.

(PS: There were 1,006 monthly votes last month. Let’s count them as 20 words per month. Round off and calculate the debt as 21,000 words!)

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