Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 190 Revealed Conspiracy and Dream (Excessive)

The helicopter parked in the parking lot two streets away, and the eight Sheqi executive bureaus lined up to see him off. After this incident, the Japanese branch was re-established and a new alliance was signed.

Although Angers gave up its personnel jurisdiction over the Japanese branch, it still has the highest decision-making power.

Uesugi Yue was right, Angers was a tyrant in the matter of dragon slaying, and he would never give up any relevant rights before attending the black dragon's funeral.

As the new head of the Japanese branch and the head of the eight Sheqi families, Yuan Zhisheng waited under the rotor of the helicopter with the new director of the executive bureau, Crow.

"These are some small gifts given to you by your parents. They are not respectful." Crow presented the sunscreen oil in glass bottles to several people present.

Looking at the thing in his hand, Angers shook his head helplessly: "Have you not given up on your wish?"

Yuan Zhisheng smiled freely: "Of course, it is my lifelong dream to sell sunscreen on a nudist beach." He then sighed again, "But the people in this world who can truly realize their dreams are not counted. More, I’m just not very lucky.”

"Come on, head of the eight Sheqi families, if you are unlucky, then there will be no lucky people in this world." Zheng Shu glanced at the bottle in his hand and handed it to Mia next to him.

As the current head of the eight Sheqi families, the sunscreen oil produced by Yuan Zhisheng is naturally of the highest quality. Although Zheng Shu doesn't understand it very well, seeing Mia's excited look should be worth a lot of money.

Faced with this sentence, Yuan Zhisheng smiled and did not refute. For him, the outcome of this incident was quite good. In addition to Tachibana Masamune, who is a bit pity, not only did he find his younger brother, but also his real father. In addition, the genetic problem on Eriki has also been solved. This dream of selling sunscreen on a nudist beach has also been solved. It's just a dream.

"Don't worry, I will put it on the beautiful girl's back for you." Caesar also accepted the gift.

When Xia Mi next to him heard this, he was a little jealous and took Chu Zihang's sunscreen lotion from his hand into his arms.

The three of them were lucky. When a huge earthquake occurred, they happened to be buried under the ruins of the Genji Heavy Industries Building. Chu Zihang and Caesar thought they were going to die, but they didn't expect that the earthquake actually helped them escape. A way out (Xia Mi: ).

In addition, the ruins at the beginning helped them block the strongest wave of the tsunami. The three of them were so "lucky" to survive two rounds of huge disasters.

"This is the best, that's what I'm most looking forward to." Yuan Zhisheng smiled.

The helicopter took them into the sky. After a month, the city has returned to its bright lights. Commercial ads are playing on the big screen. The bright Tokyo Sky Tree stands in the center of the city. Cars are flowing on the highway like running water. .

Zheng Shu and Ange climbed onto the same helicopter. When they climbed up, Zheng Shu saw with sharp eyes Yuan Zhennu waving to them in a corner in the distance. His gentle smile was reflected in the evening breeze. It tastes unique.

"Isn't he going to go with you?" Zheng Shu suddenly asked. Naturally, he was not talking to Ange, but to the two figures hiding in the helicopter next to him.

"That kid said he wanted to be with his brother. Anyway, he has now gotten rid of the suspicion that he is a ghost. No matter how much of a bastard Yuan Zhisheng is, he can take good care of him." An extremely dissatisfied voice came from hiding behind The person behind the airplane seat revealed his face from the shadows, and it turned out to be Uesugi Koshi, the former emperor of the eight Seraki families.

Sitting upright next to him was the red-haired Eri Yi, who was currently playing hard on the game console in her hand.

"Hmph, what's so sad about you old guy? Haven't you been paying attention to them for so many years?" Ange's gloating voice came from the side.

"Who said that? I didn't know it, didn't I?" Uesugi Yue looked a little annoyed, "It's not like those old bastards from the Kaisha Qihachi family, they clearly know the secret of the emperor's birth, and they can tell the father of these people just by looking at them. Who is it that refuses to tell me this matter?"

"That can't be helped. After all, you caused too much trouble in the ancestral land. It's normal for people to be wary of you." Angers was still gloating.

For him, there are not many contemporaries in the world who can talk to him. Even if they were enemies before, they can now be called friends.

Zheng Shu did not continue speaking after asking the initial question. Instead, he kept looking at everyone at Kassel College.

"What's wrong?" Angers naturally noticed something unusual about him.

"It's nothing... uh... it's just that you didn't notice that there seems to be one person missing from the team? I remember that you brought two people to Japan with you, principal?" Zheng Shu was a little hesitant.

Ange blinked, thought for a while and realized that this was indeed the case, so he stuck his head out and looked at the other plane that Chu Zihang and the others were on. After counting a little, I found that there seemed to be one person missing.

"Principal, I seem to know who is missing." Zheng Shu's voice came from the side, and Ange followed the direction he pointed with some curiosity.

There is a huge advertising screen outside the window of the helicopter, on which several people's heads are displayed one by one. Angers looked very familiar with the clothes of those people. They seemed to be the clothes of a cowherd.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the aesthetics of Japanese cowherds have not changed, and they are still dressed in such a vulgar way.

Angers just had this idea flashing through his mind, and then he was surprised. Fingel's profile picture actually appeared on the final screen. He was wearing a tight velvet suit, a small bow tie studded with rhinestones, and was wearing glitter. Glossy lip gloss.

At this time, not only Zheng Shu and his group saw it, but Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei's team, and even people from the eight Sheqi families also discovered this matter under the guidance of their eyes.

Everyone's expressions were weird. It wasn't until the ads on the screen recirculated that Zheng Shu turned his head to look at Ange. By this time, Ange's face had turned livid.

To be honest, he himself does not prohibit his students from having some special personal hobbies, even if it is a strange hobby like being a cowherd, he doesn't mind that much.

The problem is that he brought Fingel here just to let him handle the matter about the White King. As a result, this guy not only disappeared as soon as he got off the plane, but also never appeared from the beginning to the end, so that his sense of existence was weakened. When they left, they realized that one person was missing.

It seems that this guy actually went to the sea to become a cowherd, and he looks very popular.

"Is that... Fingel?" Lu Mingfei looked at the avatar on the big screen in the distance and was stunned.

He never thought that this senior who had always lived in the same dormitory as him, was slovenly, and kept failing classes and repeating grades, could actually be so "promising", even though most people who were "promising" did not want to want.

What Lu Mingfei doesn't understand is, is life in Japan so stressful? These women have such strong tastes that they can even like this Fen dog.

"Is this the strength of seniors from Kassel Academy? In just one month, you can become famous in the world of cowherds." A female voice came from the side.

Lu Mingfei turned around and saw that it was Xia Mi who was enrolled in the same class as her. At this time, she looked at Fingel's profile picture on the big screen in the distance with a look of admiration in her eyes.

"No! This kind of thing is definitely not worthy of worship!" Lu Mingfei complained silently in his heart, turning to look at Chu Zihang and Caesar, hoping that the two of them could change her perception.

"To think that he actually has this technology, it seems that I underestimated him." Caesar looked at the big screen in the distance with surprise.

Although Chu Zihang didn't speak, he nodded silently. Both of them recalled the predicament when they were almost surrounded by a group of women when they sneaked into Genji Heavy Industries that night. Even Caesar, a young man who had experienced flowers before, didn't want to experience that kind of terrifying atmosphere again.

"..." Lu Mingfei couldn't help but fall silent when he saw the performance of these two people. He began to wonder whether there was a problem with his own cognition or that there was a problem with the world.

This kind of ability is not something to be proud of from any aspect!

After a moment of silence, Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered something and took out his mobile phone to take a few photos at the big screen in the distance. Regardless of whether there is a problem with his own cognition, he can use these photos to threaten Fen Dog in the future.

"Ange, I have to admit that you, an old guy, do have a lot of skills as a mentor. You see, you have become the number one in just one month. Hahahaha!" Uesugi laughed unusually and wildly, completely ignoring Angers. That face looks darker and darker.

"Do you need me to pick him up?" Zheng Shu took a look at Ange's face, and finally decided to save some face for his principal.

"Forget it." Ange changed his expression for a long time and finally sighed, "Just let him come back."

"Will Kassel College still teach this kind of thing?" Eryi's voice came from behind, and Angers face turned dark again.

"No, that guy is an exception. It can even be said that that guy is a shame to the entire Kassel Academy." Angers explained quickly.

If this incident makes the girl in front of him think that Kassel College is a strange place and does not want to come to school, then he will be at a big loss. After finally getting a super mixed-race Angers, he will not give up so easily.

Especially after experiencing the battle to stop the tide of corpse guards, Anger had already ranked Eri's combat effectiveness ahead of Uesugoshi. For Anger, who takes revenge as his mission, Eri's fighting ability is a talent that he cannot give up.

After all, Uesugoshi had already shown Angers his physical examination report before this. The other party had suffered from systemic organ failure and did not have many years to live. Even now, he was able to move and fight normally because his bloodline level was high enough.

During the conversation, the helicopter had already flown high in the sky and headed towards the airport. Looking at the various skyscrapers passing by below, Uesugoshi suddenly put away his teasing look.

"All history in the world is made up of wars. In essence, the history of dragons and humans is the history of wars. We can defeat all kinds of enemies, but we cannot defeat the greed in our own hearts."

"What do you mean? Why did you suddenly become a philosopher?" Angers leaned on the back of the chair.

Uesugoshi's expression looked a little serious: "The White King took advantage of human greed, so he can continue to be resurrected. For humans, the legacy of the dragon clan is like Pandora's box. People think it contains things that transcend this era." power, but when they open the box, what comes out is only disaster and devils.”

"Speak clearly, I really don't understand what you want to say."

"The Dragon King was awakened by others." Yue Uesugi said slowly, "Just like the king wanted to awaken the gods, the King of Bronze and Fire and the unknown Dragon King who was sacrificed under the Japanese Trench were all awakened by others. , that’s why they woke up so concentratedly at the same time period. Someone awakened the Dragon King, and then lured you to the battlefield to help him slay the dragon."

"What did you say?!" Ange's eyes widened suddenly, cold sweat dripping from every pore.

"To be honest, I don't know how to explain it to you, because this is just my hunch, and there is no too specific evidence. I think the resurrection of these dragon kings is on someone's timetable, and in the end it must be the black one. The return of King Nidhogg." Uesugi closed his eyes.

"Premonition? Why do you have such a premonition?" Angers frowned.

"For many years, the Sheqi family has been guarding the secret of King Bai, just because they were worried that someone would want to wake him up and exchange power with him, but in the end the secret was leaked. And every step of the general's calculations were so accurate, because he His understanding of King Bai even exceeds that of the Eight Sheqi Family."

Listening to Uesugoshi's explanation, and recalling the fact that the fierce ghosts attacked him and others with the help of the disaster caused by King Bai when he had just recovered, Ange nodded in agreement. Judging from this point alone, Wang Jiang knows much more about Bai Wang than the members of the Sheqi family.

"But the problem is, there is no way to know so much just by studying mythology and ancient records. It is no exaggeration to say that the people who knew the White King best in the world before this were probably the Sheqi family, but even counting those Only the elders of the family know the secrets that have been passed down orally from generation to generation. We don’t know as much about the White King as the general does, so someone must have told him these things. So who is that person? Is it a human being? Or is it a certain dragon? Is it an individual or a group? But no matter who it is, the resurrection of the White King is controlled by others, and there are other people behind the King." Uesugoshi's expression was very calm.

Angers felt that he was falling into a dark abyss. Yes, how could he ignore this?

The resurrection of each Dragon King is measured in hundreds of years. In the history of mankind, even two Dragon Kings have been revived at the same time. So why are so many Dragon Kings collectively revived in such a short period of time? Is it just because the "doomsday" is coming?

To be honest, before meeting the King General, the entire secret party would not believe that someone could control the Dragon King's resurrection, but to a certain extent, the King General did it. And Angers also knew that under some unknown circumstances, he had activated the resurrection of the King of Bronze and Fire in advance.

Although both seem to be prompted by some kind of coincidence, is it too much of a coincidence if both people are coincidental?

And this time they discovered that Japan's problems also started with a sudden heartbeat. The madmen in the Equipment Department had already calculated that the dragon on the Lenin had been developing for at least several decades before, and it would take less than a year to develop into a complete body. So why didn't it develop before that? Did anyone discover it?

After all, humans have never given up exploring the deep sea. In special places like the Japan Trench, hundreds of exploration teams conduct scanning or reconnaissance every year.

What's more, the dragon king below was recognized by the equipment department as the first generation species. Who turned it into a hotbed for the white king's recovery when it was about to hatch.

Is it true that, as Uesugoshi said, all the resurrections of the Dragon King are controlled by a certain person or a secret group behind the scenes? So what is the purpose of those people?

"Principal, in fact, when you came to Japan, you probably didn't just deal with the betrayal problem of the Japanese branch, right?" Zheng Shu's voice came from the side.

As he spoke, he looked back at the deepest shadow behind the helicopter, where there was a box as tall as a person. Those are the Seven Deadly Sins made by the King of Bronze and Fire. They are the most powerful weapons made by the King of Bronze and Fire specifically to kill the Dragon King.

If he were simply facing a group of Japanese gangsters, even if there were super hybrids among them, Angers would not need to use weapons of this level. Facing humanoid creatures, Angers's folding knife would be more intimidating. .

Although the Seven Deadly Sins were not used in this battle, Angers secretly transported it with him when he came to Japan.

"If you are simply dealing with the Japanese branch principal, you shouldn't need to carry such expensive weapons. If you are facing humans, it would be more useful to bring a few more submachine guns instead of this." Zheng Shu looked back at Angers, "So, principal You already knew before coming here that a new Dragon King is resurrecting, right?"

Ange was silent for a moment and nodded with difficulty, his voice sounding a little hoarse: "You are right. Before I came to Japan, someone told me that King Bai was about to recover."

"But I remember that the main purpose of my coming to Japan was to deal with the unknown dragon king under the trench. Although you, the principal, also asked me to look for possible clues about Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, but overall, The only situation we could see at the beginning was the betrayal of the Japanese branch." Zheng Shu reminded calmly.

"Indeed it is……"

"Then why do the eight Sheqi families keep confirming that King White will recover in the near future?" Zheng Shu suddenly turned around and asked Uesugi Koshi.

Uesugoshi was stunned for a moment: "I didn't ask specifically about this, but it seems that Masamune Tachibana has been guiding him."

"It's normal. After all, that guy's true identity is Herzog, and he has been guiding the White King's recovery." Zheng Shu nodded, and looked at Anger with Uesugi Koshi.

"It seems that I was used as a tool by someone without knowing it..." Angers suddenly smiled, and there was a terrifying chill hidden in that smile.

Seeing his performance, Uesugi Yue also roughly understood what happened: "Human beings have touched the door of the Dragon Clan, but the day they walk in is the day they destroy themselves."

"Brother, brother..."

In the darkness, Lu Mingfei was awakened by a call from a distance. He opened his eyes and found that the world in front of him was not the plane where he was sleeping. The surroundings were filled with a kind of chaotic black clouds, like the sky and the earth. Untime-shared chaotic scene.

In a daze, Lu Mingfei followed his instinct and moved forward. The world ahead was filled with such clouds and mist.

Looking at the endless fog in front of him, he suddenly felt a little scared. His original slow walk quickly turned into a fast run. Lu Mingfei's bare feet were hurt by the hard floor. He gasped and stumbled towards unknown direction.

In the gray fog, something was calling him.

As a gentle sound of waves came, at some point, a gorgeously decorated door stood in front of Lu Mingfei. The appearance of the door reminded him of the luxurious theater he had seen when he was a child.

Lu Mingfei put his hand on the door. The soft feel of the sponge on the door handle gradually calmed his panic. The moment he opened the door, the gentle and slightly salty sea breeze blew through his hair at the temples. The warm feeling made Lu Mingfei feel a lot better.

To Lu Mingfei's surprise, behind the door was a beach that looked very beautiful.

The fine sand looks like silver under the sun, the sea is as clear and translucent as sapphire, and the waves make a splashing sound on the beach.

There are lush coconut trees on both sides of the beach swaying in the gentle sea breeze. There is a small thatched hut next to the coconut trees. There are various fruits and juices on the table in front of the hut, and there are two open deck chairs next to it.

The little devil was lying on one of the lounge chairs, wearing loose swimming trunks and sunglasses, looking very relaxed.

The moment he saw the little devil, Lu Mingfei suddenly woke up, and then he knew that he had entered his "word spirit" again.

Although it is not clear whether the situation he encountered can be regarded as a word spirit, Lu Mingfei can only use this to explain the situation he encountered.

"Brother, here." A familiar voice interrupted Lu Mingfei's thinking.

He raised his head and saw the little devil waving towards him, like a familiar good friend. The little devil's little body was huddled in the recliner, holding a bucket of popcorn in his right hand from unknown time, and just slumped there with a childish and sunny smile on his face.

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