Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 189 The end of the operation (transition chapter)

Seeing that Herzog's breath had become weak, Zheng Shu stepped forward to help him pull out the holy bones from behind.

Herzog finally got used to the pain in his butt, and suddenly felt a push on his back and immediately understood what he wanted to do.

"Wait! Wait!" The trembling voice was even a little distorted.

Herzog, who originally seemed to be on the verge of death, erupted with terrifying power from nowhere. He stuck out his butt and crawled forward quickly, trying to avoid Zheng Shu's outstretched hand.

It's a pity that his movement speed can't be compared to Zheng Shu. He stepped forward and stepped on Herzog under his feet. Zheng Shu slowly used his power to make a pair of gloves and put them on his hands. It looked like they were still under his feet. The struggling Herzog showed a "nuclear kindness" smile on his face.

"Ouch! Ah..." Herzog, who was lying on the ground, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower body again. Then in the empty base, Zheng Shu pulled out a claw-baring figure from Herzog's butt. , a strange insect with bloodshot eyes on its body.

After Zheng Shu pulled out the holy skeleton, which was originally showing its teeth and claws, it immediately stopped moving like a broken doll.

The entire holy skeleton was originally as thick as an ordinary person's thigh, with various protrusions and joints on the body. The damage caused by such a terrifying thing entering and exiting the buttocks can be imagined.

Taking a look at the furious Herzog and his miserable lower body under his feet, Zheng Shu shuddered and shrank his head: "Fuck, it's so scary..."

Using the power of the King of Bronze and Fire, he simply burned the holy bones in his hands into a ball of ashes. Zheng Shu took two steps back, released his foot from stepping on Herzog, and looked at Herzog lying on the ground. Zog "comforted" and said: "Look on the bright side, you won't have to worry about hemorrhoids in the future."

"What...did you do?" After lying on the ground for a while, Herzog regained a little strength and asked feebly.

Zheng Shu knew what he wanted to ask. The reason why the holy skeleton took such action was entirely because Zheng Shu had already carried out a certain degree of alchemical transformation on the head of the holy skeleton in the trench.

He referred to the transformation alchemy of the corpse guards around him and embedded an interference device in the body of the holy corpse. When Zheng Shu needed it, the interference device would release a drop of Zheng Shu's blood inside it. Interfering with the sensory organs of the holy corpse.

Just now, Zheng Shu used a jamming device to make the holy skeleton think that Herzog was actually a weak and complete dragon king.

However, Zheng Shu had no interest in helping him answer the question, nor did he have the interest to help Herzog make up for his regrets: "Who knows, maybe King Bai has seen through your ugly body and feels that your heart is more interesting. "

"But I think what you just said was quite powerful. It's that sentence: The Holy Grail and the Holy Relics merge into one, and the White King is about to be resurrected!" Zheng Shu vividly imitated Herzog's tone, "It's really very powerful. It feels like the villains in the movies..."

"You..." After being rambled on by Zheng Shu for a long time, Herzog finally saw clearly the bad appearance of this guy. He could no longer bear his ridicule, and his blood surged, and a ball of blood suddenly came out of his lower body. , with an expression of anger and unwillingness on his face, he completely lost the breath of life.

Progress: 280.78%→284.67%

"That's it? Apart from being able to hide a little, his psychological quality is not even as good as others." He curled his lips disdainfully. Looking at the message that popped up on his face, Zheng Shu could finally confirm that this old guy was indeed finished.

The impact factors gained by killing Herzog are not many, and excluding the natural growth in the past few days, the collection progress is only about 3%. This is not to say that Herzog's importance is not high, mainly because Zheng Shu had already collected relevant influencing factors through various methods before this.

Herzog's plan was sabotaged by Zheng Shu from the beginning. After Zheng Shu mastered the Holy Relics of the White King, no matter what method the other party used, in the end it was just a powerless struggle under his nose. .

Of course, there were many things that surprised him in this incident, such as a certain King of Bronze and Fire who suddenly came to Japan, and a certain King of Earth and Mountain who followed Angers.

With Zheng Shu's current perception ability, Zheng Shu had already discovered the traces of the two of them as soon as they approached Japan. But so far, has he found any excessive behavior by these two people, or even to a certain extent? He also helped Zheng Shu, so he didn't care about them.

After casually burning the remaining corpses of Herzog and Bai Wang into dregs, Zheng Shu used his mental power to search the entire base, destroying several surveillance cameras and memory cards in the computer, and then slowly carried the remaining corpses. After regaining consciousness, Yuan Zhisheng left, leaving the base behind him to be burned to ashes by the fire.

" there any problem?" Old Tang's cautious voice came, and Norton came back to his senses and turned to look at him.

Now Norton just felt a powerful word spirit aura, and he saw a human in the distance actually releasing a pure-blood dragon-level word spirit: Black Sun. Norton had not seen many super hybrids of this level even in ancient times, and he couldn't help feeling a little emotional for a while.

On the other hand, Lu Mingfei and Old Tang looked at this man carefully.

After the other party rescued the two of them, they proposed to return to Tokyo directly. Although they were very reluctant, facing the power of this great god, the two of them could only drive back to their original house.

Fortunately, this move saved them from being hit by the tsunami.

Looking at the skyscrapers in the distance that had been bent by the tsunami, both Old Tang and Lu Mingfei were trembling. They couldn't imagine how they could survive if they encountered such a tsunami in the suburbs.

But now, because of the buffering of a large number of reinforced concrete buildings in the city, when the tsunami reaches the location of Old Tang's home, it has turned into a turbulent current that will reach up to the knees.

Although the various losses caused were also serious, compared with the tsunami that was hundreds of meters high just now, it was considered a gentle breeze and drizzle.

And since the flood started, a large group of fierce ghosts suddenly ran out of nowhere and surrounded Lu Mingfei and the others. The opponent was well-equipped, and they also controlled a large number of deadpools in some unknown way and directed the attack against them. .

Lu Mingfei and Old Tang originally thought that they were going to explain here today, but the great god in front of them, whose name had never been revealed, just waved his hand gently, and all the dead waiters and fierce ghosts automatically ignited. The flame is not only extremely hot, but it cannot be extinguished even if it is jumped into water.

After a while, hundreds of members of the Fierce Ghosts and thousands of dead waiters were burned to ashes.

This terrifying strength made Lu Mingfei and Old Tang tremble, fearing that the other party would become violent and burn them both.

Fortunately, Old Tang No. 2 returned to his cold expression after burning the enemies of the fierce ghosts.

"Oh, what's wrong!" Old Tang suddenly shouted. Seeing the two people turning their eyes to him, he shrank his head and explained in a low voice: "My game console is still at home. Can you let me go in and move it?" Come out, I'm afraid the flood will destroy it."

"Brother, at what point do you have no idea? How could such a cold-blooded person allow you to waste time moving a game console?" Lu Mingfei complained crazily in his heart, looking at Norton next to him with worry. , for fear that if the other party was unhappy, he would turn Old Tang into a human torch.

"Okay, go ahead."

Norton's voice came from the side, and Lu Mingfei wailed in his heart: "Just tell me, I won't let you get it... Huh?"

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized that he seemed to have heard something wrong just now. His eyes widened suddenly, but he immediately took them back for fear of offending the big boss next to him.

However, Lu Mingfei's eyes had already started to move around, and he kept thinking about all the things that happened after meeting this big boss, and finally the memory was fixed on the promotional ticket with Akihabara printed on it.

So Lu Mingfei came to a terrible conclusion: "Hey...this uncle is probably not a game geek."

At this time, Old Tang had already run out of his house, holding a huge box in his hands, with a proud face: "It's okay, it's okay, it wasn't bombed or flooded. This is the latest model." ps game console."

Lu Mingfei could clearly feel the terrifying light erupting from the eyes of Norton next to him, but after moving his lips twice, he seemed to have stopped speaking for the sake of his own dignity, but his eyes were still staring at the old man involuntarily. The box in Don's hand.

Glancing cautiously at Norton, who was still expressionless next to him, Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment. In the end, Norton's behavior along the way helped him to have the courage: "Boss... I wonder what games you like?"

As soon as he said this, Lu Mingfei wanted to slap himself in the mouth. Whoever asked questions like this should at least do it step by step.

Fortunately, the big boss was not angry about his question, but when he turned to look at him, his eyes looked a little strange, and he seemed a little happy to meet someone of the same kind... Lu Mingfei muttered in his heart, Some are not sure what they think.

"Well... I don't do much research on games. I only play them occasionally when I have free time and relax." Norton's voice came from the side. "I still prefer to play the King of Fighters series, especially the new ones that have been released recently. This one, the graphics have been greatly improved compared to the previous ones, and various aspects of the mechanism have also been changed, making it easier for newcomers to get started, but the shortcomings are also huge..."

"Ah, he's a game geek." Lu Mingfei and Old Tang complained at the same time as they looked at Norton, who had changed his cold demeanor and started talking nonstop.

Lu Mingfei and Old Tang looked at each other, and they suddenly understood each other's thoughts.

"Well... boss, if you don't mind, this game console will be used as a thank you gift to thank you for saving us. Do you think that's okay?" Old Tang carefully handed over the box in his hand.

"That's great...ahem, I mean, well, since you have this intention, then I will accept it." Although Norton was still a little reserved on the surface, his hands could not wait to touch the box of the game console.

With such a foundation of friendship, the atmosphere between the three people immediately became much more harmonious, and finally Lu Mingfei asked the question.

"Why did I come to Japan? It's not a big deal. I met a netizen on the game and he invited me to come to Japan for a while."

Listening to Norton's words, Lu Mingfei and Old Tang looked at each other, and they seemed to have thought of something.

"I would like to ask, what is the name of the netizen you mentioned?" Lu Mingfei finally asked the question.

"Ah, his online name is very simple, 'Old Tang'." Norton said nonchalantly.

"What the hell! King of Alchemy?" Old Tang was so frightened that his voice changed.

He really didn't expect that he just casually invited a netizen to come over to play, but he didn't expect that the other party actually agreed and invited a monster of this level.

"Are you Old Tang?!" Norton also reacted at this time, feeling that the world was full of coincidences.

So by the time Zheng Shu came over, the three of them had even found an Internet cafe halfway up the mountain that had not been affected by the tsunami to play games together.

"..." Even though Zheng Shu felt that he was well-informed, he couldn't help but fall silent when he saw this scene.

To put it bluntly, he had never seen this scene before.

After seeing Zheng Shu's figure, except for Lu Mingfei who acted relatively happy, the remaining two people seemed a little strange.

"Let's go, the principal is already waiting for us." After talking to Lu Mingfei, Zheng Shu glanced at Norton and Old Tang, "You... better go with him, Japan is a long way behind. Time should be turned upside down by the Secret Party, and in addition, these injuries on your body should also be repaired."

Naturally, the injuries on Old Tang's body could not be hidden from Zheng Shu's eyes. Although Old Tang had already put a hat on his head to avoid scaring others, Zheng Shu could still easily see the injuries everywhere on his body. damaged.

Seeing the two people nodding silently, Zheng Shu didn't say much, turned around and left with Lu Mingfei. After all, Old Tang is also part of Norton's spirit and soul. Zheng Shu believes that the two of them should get along well.

...Well, it will definitely be good.

Recalling what he had just seen, Zheng Shu silently changed his statement.


With a shrill roar, Eriki's attack also fell.

The sharp long knife flew into the sky like an arrow. In front of the huge corpse guard king, this long knife made by an ordinary master looked as inconspicuous as a needle.

But such an inconspicuous weapon attracted the attention of everyone present. The King of Corpse Guard looked at the long knife that rose into the air and began to fall, with a look of human fear in his eyes.

Unfortunately, in order to prevent it from escaping like last time, Eriki cut off its wings and legs in advance this time, and even the tail was cut off in half.

Around it, the original corpse guards and ghost-toothed dragon vipers have disappeared. No! In other words, they have turned into debris and settled under the ocean, leaving only some black blood suspended above the sea.

The Corpse Guard King was making its final struggle. It lowered its head and inhaled a huge amount of seawater. The decayed cells in its body were activated. The shriveled muscles protruded from the bone seams, and the blood vessels emerged under the skin.

Relying on the large amount of dragon blood in the sea water, it returned from a mummy to its living appearance in a short period of time, but it was left with only broken bones of its wings and a bare tailbone.

In the open chest, you can see the huge heart starting to beat again. Two signs of life and death appeared on its body at the same time. The life sealed in the bones by alchemy finally broke free briefly and once again took the form of a dragon. When he came to the world, he burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

It looked up to the sky and roared, showing the angry look of a giant dragon. Then it grabbed the high platform with its strong forelimbs and jumped up suddenly. With its giant whale-like body, it charged towards the place where Eri was.

boom! ! !

It was obviously just a knife falling, but the sound was like a nuclear bomb exploding. Terrifying power bloomed from the long knife. The result of the collision of forces was obvious. The dragon was completely cut open from the middle.

The vitality of the dragon-shaped corpse guard was completely cut off, and the originally expanded muscles quickly dried up, and it turned into a dry skeleton again. Just a strong wind blew, and the huge corpse fell into the sea, splashing water more than ten meters high.

Behind Eriki, Ange's upper body clothes have been torn, revealing the tattoos on his body, and the images of Uesugi Koshi and Minamoto's girls are not much better.

Even if the main force of the corpse guard tide is wiped out by Eri Yi alone, the remaining "fish that slipped through the net" will be enough to exhaust the remaining few people.

Even Mia, who had been protected by everyone, was so tired that she collapsed on the ground. She had been using firearms for remote support since just now, and now her hands were shaking from exhaustion.

"Your daughter seems to be much better than you." Angers took out half a cigar from his pants with his trembling hands, but unfortunately he searched all over his body and couldn't find a lighter.

"Nonsense, that's my daughter!" Uesugi looked proud, looking quite high-spirited - if you ignore the look of him slumped on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"Tch! Those who don't know think that you have worked hard to raise her for more than ten years." Ange had a cigar in his mouth with a disdainful expression.

"So what? That's my daughter too, you old guy is just jealous." Uesugi Yue was able to stand up after resting for a while. As an emperor, his recovery power is much stronger than Angers.

"We are done here, but what's going on on the other side..." Angers glanced at Tokyo behind him, with a worried look in his eyes.

"Zheng Shu is here." A light voice came from beside him. Ange turned his head in surprise and found that Eriyi had stood here at some point and was looking up into the distance.

After going through such a battle, and being the absolute main force, there was almost no mess on Eriki's body. Even her physical strength didn't seem to have been consumed much, and she still maintained her expressionless face from the beginning. look.

He looked back for a while, but unfortunately the tsunami and stormy night made Angers unable to see very far away. After waiting anxiously for a while, he discovered that Zheng Shu was taking Lu Mingfei and Yuan Zhisheng in a small boat, rowing hard towards them.

Looking at Lu Mingfei on the boat, Ange's heart finally relaxed.

There is not much to write about in the transitional chapter, so the word count is a little smaller.

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