Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 186 Unexpected reinforcements


A gunshot was heard, and Lu Mingfei was suddenly horrified to find that a big hole had been opened on the side of Old Tang's head.


A dull sound came, and Old Tang's body fell to the ground driven by the force of the bullet. The motorcycle that was moving at high speed also lost control immediately, swinging and hitting the lamppost in front of it.

Lu Mingfei immediately felt a strong sense of weightlessness. He knew that he was tumbling and flying forward. At this moment, he had no time to panic and be nervous. He could only try to curl up his body in mid-air to protect his vitals as much as possible.


Lu Mingfei's back hit the ground and slid against it. The clothes on his back were torn by the rough ground, revealing the worn skin and upturned flesh underneath. After lying on the ground and struggling for a while, Lu Mingfei had no time to feel the pain all over his body, because a strange banging sound suddenly came from the loudspeaker on the street.


The sound of bangs seemed to hit Lu Mingfei's chest again and again. He felt pain in his brain like a knife, and his temples danced wildly with the sound of bangs, as if something was about to separate from his mind.

"Grrrr..." The sound of teeth clashing seemed far away, yet very close at the same time. Lu Mingfei felt that his body was shaking, but it was not because of pain. He couldn't even tell now whether he was shaking or sharp. Call.

Da da da……

The sound of wood colliding with bricks grew closer and closer. Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that his vision began to dim, as if the dark clouds surging in the sky had pressed down and fascinated his eyes. A pair of wooden clogs stepped on the gravel on the ground. He walked towards Lu Mingfei who was lying on the ground.

Lu Mingfei, who was lying on the ground, turned his stiff neck and tried to look up. A pair of skinny legs were connected to the clogs. The man's face was hidden under a mask. Nothing could be seen clearly, only the hot gold. The pupils reflected in Lu Mingfei's eyes.

"Long time no see, my lovely experimental subject. Even after so many years, your appearance will still flash before my eyes in the dark night. You are truly a perfect Holy Grail." The other party's voice was hoarse and vague, like a saw cutting. The roar of the steel pipe amidst the bursts of sparks.

Looking at Lu Mingfei who was still struggling on the ground, General Wang looked very satisfied: "What an amazing physical fitness. This special component in the mist was specially modified by me based on your body data. Even so, you can I ran for a long time before symptoms appeared.”

"Woo..." Lu Mingfei whimpered like a beast from between his teeth.

He desperately tried to drive his limbs, but he felt that all his strength had disappeared amidst the weird banging sounds around him, and he could only see the figure wearing a gas mask above him. And as time goes by, the vision goes from clear to blurry, and finally only a mass of darkness can be seen.

At this time, the originally calm ground began to shake, and the surrounding walls cracked to expose the masonry. The king seemed to have expected this and looked extremely happy.

"It's finally done. The 'god' is ready to appear in the world. Those little guys from the Sakurai family do have some mechanical skills."

General Wang was very satisfied with the success of his plan, and gently pressed the communicator hidden in his collar: "Release our remaining little guys, and cause a little trouble for the old guy from the Sheqi Eight Family and the Secret Party."

As the order was issued, in the various underground transportation facilities built by the eight Sheqi families, countless dead waiters opened their eyes. They were very hungry now, and they could smell the smell of humans outside...

After issuing the order, General Wang did not care about the follow-up of the matter. He now needed to take the experimental subject back to the target location quickly. Although I have prepared a lot of spare parts, I still have to be careful just in case.

Just when General Wang was about to bend down and lift Lu Mingfei away from the ground, a gunshot suddenly sounded.


The gas mask on Wang's head exploded instantly, and the bullet accurately hit his eye and entered the eye socket. After rolling and rotating in the brain cavity, a large hole was opened in the back of his head.

Lu Mingfei felt his body being lifted up in a daze, and then ran away bumping up and down.

When he regained consciousness, he found that he was sitting in the passenger seat of a car, and next to him, Old Tang, who was originally thought to be dead, was driving the car hard on the road.

"Ghost!!!" Lu Mingfei glanced at Old Tang's appearance and immediately let out a terrifying scream.

At this moment, the bullet hole on Old Tang's head was still clearly visible, and Lu Mingfei could even see things on the other side through the wound. The strange thing is that Old Tang, who suffered such a serious injury on his head, seemed to be unaffected, and the blood or brain flowing in his wound was not the blood or brain that Lu Mingfei imagined, but looked more like lava. The same substance.

"Scare me! Stop screaming!" Lu Mingfei's scream also startled Old Tang who was driving. Fortunately, there were relatively few vehicles on the road now, so no accidents were caused.

Seeing that Old Tang's consciousness was still clear, Lu Mingfei stared at the wound on his head and his eyes widened in surprise: "Old Tang, you are still alive? You are still alive after suffering such a deep injury?! What's inside your head? what?"

Seeing the red light emitting from Old Tang's wound, and the material flowing like lava, Lu Mingfei had many guesses in his mind, artificial human? Transformation of people? Or aliens?

"I don't know what's going on." Old Tang felt Lu Mingfei's gaze, "Although I have roughly thought of the culprits who may have transformed me into this state, I don't know what they do to me. What have you done."

To be honest, Old Tang was also shocked by the changes in his body at first. He was quite sure that he used to be an absolute flesh and blood body, but now he suddenly turned into such a person that he could even be shot in the head. monster.

But soon, he thought of the mysterious figure who gave him a lot of gold bars in a strange place and forced him to live in seclusion. Thinking back to the weird guy he saw with his original face, Old Tang felt a little creepy in his heart. *Note 1

"Where are we going now?" Lu Mingfei looked at the wound on Old Tang's head for a while, and finally decided that he couldn't see anything, so he could only ask other questions.

Glancing outside the window, they had now left downtown Tokyo and were now running on a road that looked very desolate.

"Outskirts. Although I don't know who the other party is, I found that the enemy has been able to accurately control our location and carry out attacks, so I speculate that they may have a very terrifying hacker or even a hacker group to pass The network monitors us all the time." Old Tang said calmly while observing the surroundings.

Only then was he worthy of his vaunted career as a bounty hunter.

"That's much more powerful than hackers. Are you afraid of advanced artificial intelligence?" Lu Mingfei complained secretly in his heart.

After thinking about it, he decided to tell Old Tang about the dragons and hybrids so that he could be mentally prepared. Although they escaped the enemy's attack by accident, Lu Mingfei knew that sooner or later, the opponent would pursue them. Come up.

"Take it." Just when Lu Mingfei was about to speak, Old Tang took out a black pistol from nowhere and handed it to him, "Although I have escaped from their pursuit for several rounds, I am not sure that I have completely escaped. Come out and grab this gun to defend yourself at critical moments. Seeing how elite your classmates are, you should have received relevant military training."

Lu Mingfei looked a little flustered when he took the pistol, but he immediately discovered that in addition to the huge wound on Old Tang's head, there were several scars on his body, and red light was also surging inside the scars. It's just that it's not very eye-catching because it's covered up by the clothes.

"Old Tang, these injuries on your body..."

"Oh, these." Old Tang glanced at the injuries on his body, turned to look at Lu Mingfei and showed a mean smile, "While you were in coma, another group of Bosozoku came, but I gave them a I was beaten back, although I am not sure where this body came from, but even if it is injured, it will not affect the fighting ability, and there is no pain."

Seeing the injuries on Old Tang's body and his mean smile, the panic in Lu Mingfei's heart suddenly disappeared, and a force surged in his heart: Since his friend was trying so hard to help him, then there was no reason for him Huddle under the protection of others.

A wave of faith arose in his heart, and Lu Mingfei's aura also changed. After all, he was the one who had killed the Dragon King with a sniper rifle. As long as he had a gun in hand, he would naturally not be afraid of those ordinary bosozokus.

Old Tang, who was driving next to him, suddenly felt a change in the aura of his friend. He glanced at it in surprise, then turned his head with relief and continued to stare at the road in front of him.

"By the way, Old Tang, you have to be careful. The enemies we face are not ordinary humans..." After Lu Mingfei checked the status of the firearm, he suddenly remembered what he had just thought and immediately told the story about dragons and hybrids. I briefly told Old Tang what happened.

"Uh... So what you're saying is that my enemies are actually a group of lizardmen?" Old Tang made his final conclusion after listening to Lu Mingfei's explanation.

"It's not a lizard man, it's not... to be more precise, it should be said to be a person with super powers, or someone similar to a criminal in a superhero comic." Lu Mingfei covered his forehead helplessly.

"Hiss..." Old Tang took a breath of cold air, "If our enemies are all monsters like that, then what's the point of holding a gun?"

"No, in my impression, even the top hybrids are afraid of firearms. To put it bluntly, your current state is more like a monster compared to them." Lu Mingfei thought about Caesar and Chu Zihang's strength. Although these two are very strong, they would be doomed if they were really hit in the brain by a gun.

"It scared me to death. I thought they all had a body of steel like Superman, and their emotions were all those little losers who could be killed with a gun. Then there was nothing to be afraid of." Old Tang looked proud. After all, when People who have lived as "ordinary people" for so many years will inevitably feel a little elated when they suddenly discover that they have such power.

"Well, I'm mainly worried about Lao Chu and the careful! There are enemies!" Lu Mingfei suddenly shouted in the middle of his words.

In the field of vision in front of him, many red dots representing enemies suddenly appeared around him. They were the speech spirits he obtained from the little devil. Now that he knew he was being hunted by the enemy, Lu Mingfei used this word spirit after waking up.


There was a harsh sound of brakes, and Old Tang immediately stopped the vehicle after hearing Lu Mingfei's warning. At this time, the red dots in Lu Mingfei's field of vision were running towards them at an extremely fast speed, and each red dot maintained a certain distance. From the "mini map", it looked like a huge Encirclement.

"Tsk, these ghosts are really haunting." Old Tang clicked his tongue disdainfully, picked up the two shotguns lying next to him and got out of the car.

Those who surrounded them were moving very fast. In the short time it took Old Tang to stop the car, they could already see their silhouette on the distant horizon.

As the sound of motorcycles came, a group of heavy motorcycles approached Old Tang and Lu Mingfei with billowing smoke. However, the motorcycles were not flashy-dressed bosozokus, but a group of strange-looking people wearing Mask man.

As the motorcycle approached, the masked people had no intention of stopping. Instead, they jumped directly from the car and landed on the ground. The out-of-control motorcycle rolled and fell to the ground.

Many motorcycles crashed into each other and stalled, and some even caused big explosions after being hit by subsequent motorcycles due to leaking fuel tanks.

But the group of masked men who surrounded Lu Mingfei and Old Tang seemed very quiet, even too quiet to be human. They just kept shrinking the circle silently.

"Lao Lu, didn't you say these guys are not lizard people?" Old Tang grinned.

Each of the hands of the "things" that were surrounding them were sharp claws covered with scales. Coupled with the golden eyes with vertical pupils that can be seen through the opening of the mask, except that there is no tail on the body, each one looks like Dr. Lizard in Spider-Man.

"How do I know?" Lu Mingfei looked depressed.

boom! boom!

Seeing that the enemy's encirclement was gradually shrinking, Old Tang and Lu Mingfei no longer hesitated and immediately opened fire. The two shotguns were fired at the same time, but only some sparks exploded when they hit the group of masked men around them. Old Tang was horrified to find that the scales shining with metallic luster were revealed under the man's torn clothes.

The bullets from the shotgun hit it and had no effect other than making some cracks in the scales.

Just when Old Tang felt desperate, Lu Mingfei fired. He had just seen the result of Old Tang's shooting, so when he fired, he did not aim at the chest where it was easiest to hit, but aimed at the opponent's golden eyes. No matter how hard the scales on the body were, there would still be no damage to the eyes. protected.



After a gunshot, Lu Mingfei hit the target's eye accurately, and white brains mixed with red exploded from the target's eyes. No matter how strong Deadpool's vitality was, he could not face such an attack that completely destroyed the brain. Any possibility of survival.

However, after losing one person, the other masked people did not have any additional reactions. They just kept approaching to narrow their encirclement. As the distance got closer to a certain level, each masked person took out a The wooden clapper struck.


The mysterious bang sound sounded again, and Lu Mingfei felt that the world in front of him began to become blurry. Old Tang next to him noticed something strange about his friend, and fired continuously in an attempt to interrupt the movements of the masked men around him.

Unfortunately, except for a few masked men who had their clappers smashed in their hands, other masked men were still approaching. Seeing the cruelty and desire to kill revealed in their golden pupils, a trace of despair flashed in Old Tang's eyes.


At this critical moment, a bell-like explosion sounded in the ears of Old Tang and Lu Mingfei. It was pure dragon text and the ultimate chanting of words and spirits.

The crimson spirit realm expanded instantly, covering a huge area in an instant. However, no melting or explosion occurred within the scope of the domain. Silently, this red domain still extended into the distance.

Finally, after all the masked men were enveloped in the red field, Old Tang could clearly feel the feeling of being watched all the time. Immediately afterwards, terrifying flames erupted from all the masked men at the same time. No matter how they moved or howled, the flames clung to their bodies very steadily and cruelly. Within a few seconds, these could not even be hit by firearms. The masked man was burned into a pile of ashes.

Because the temperature of the flames was so high, the ground that every masked person touched was melted into red magma.

Old Tang stared at this scene dumbfounded. Next to him, Lu Mingfei finally recovered from the influence of the bang.

However, although he was affected by the sound of bangs and was unable to fight just now, his consciousness was still clear and he could clearly remember what had just happened to the group of masked men.

At this moment, his expression was as dumbfounded as Old Tang's, but he was surprised by another thing, because at some point, a huge green dot approached them in his field of vision.

However, as the surrounding crimson spirit realm recedes, the huge green dot is also constantly shrinking. According to Lu Mingfei's exploration of his speech spirit ability during this period, the more powerful the existence dot is in his field of vision. The larger the range it occupies.

For example, when I met the Corpse Guard King transformed from a pure-blood dragon in the trench, its size in the field of vision of Word Spirit Detection was larger than the three of Lu Mingfei combined.

But based on the size of the green dot just now, the so-called Corpse Guard King was just an ant in front of him.

The only good thing now is that this unknown existence is green in Lu Mingfei's search field of vision, which means that the other party has no hostility towards the two of them, and judging from the behavior just now, the other party has indeed taken action. Helped both of them.

Following the location detected by Yan Ling, Lu Mingfei got up from the ground and turned to look in that direction. Although Old Tang didn't quite understand, he also turned to look in that direction.

There, a figure walked along the road and slowly appeared in their field of vision.

This man was tall. Because of the distance, Lu Mingfei couldn't see his appearance clearly. He was dragging a black suitcase in his hand. He looked like a master - if you ignore the big pants on the other person's lower body. And sandals.

"..." Lu Mingfei fell into silence. He suddenly recalled Zheng Shu's dress. Maybe the so-called strong men's style of painting was so casual...

However, when the figure got closer, Lu Mingfei suddenly became frightened: "Fuck you, Old Tang!"

At the same time, Old Tang next to him also exclaimed: "Fuck!"

As the figure approached, the other person actually revealed a face that was very familiar to Lu Mingfei, and that face was exactly what Old Tang looked like when he made the video call with him.

As the other party walked up to him, Lu Mingfei looked at him and then at Old Tang next to him, then silently took a step back, allowing Old Tang to have a private conversation with the newly appeared Old Tang No. 2. Although I don't know the specific situation, since the man in front of me has the same face as Old Tang, something must have happened between the two of them.

"Why are you here?" Old Tang No. 2 looked at the Old Tang in front of him and said very dissatisfiedly. Although his face looked exactly like the original Old Tang, his tone and personality were completely different from Old Tang.

" asked me to go to Japan to hide in the first place..." Contrary to Lu Mingfei's expectation, Old Tang seemed quite reserved when facing this being with his own face, "Excuse me, are you coming to Japan this time?" Is there something important? Do you need me to leave directly?"

"Ah? Ah! It's nothing. Yes, there are indeed some things, but I can do it by myself. I don't need your help." Old Tang No. 2's tone was still very cold.

But while he was talking, the other hand that was not holding the suitcase hid the contents in his pants. Lu Mingfei's sharp eyes saw that they were actually some leaflets, and he even saw the words "Akihabara" on them.

Then Lu Mingfei's expression suddenly became strange. Could it be that this great god who seemed capable of destroying heaven and earth was also an otaku?

With this idea in mind, when Lu Mingfei looked at Old Tang No. 2, he found many things that were in line with his reasoning.

For example, although the clothes worn by Old Tang No. 2 look bohemian, both pants and sandals are actually suitable for people traveling to the beach.

Coupled with the leaflet that had been placed in his trouser pocket and the sunglasses hanging on his forehead, Lu Mingfei began to sweat on his head. He felt as if he had discovered something terrible.

Note 1: There was a bug in the previous chapter. Lu Mingfei actually saw the changed appearance of Old Tang at a glance. Now the author has fixed it.

The Japanese plot ends tomorrow, and I should be able to finish writing the Dragon Clan plot this month.

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