Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 185 Fen Dog and Attack

After hearing that Xia Mi had no way to escape, Caesar felt a little disappointed.

However, he was not too worried. After all, Xia Mi's performance just now had proved that her elite status was absolutely false, so the other headquarters commissioner who was sent to Japan by the principal to assist them along with her should also have equal strength.

"Who is the other commissioner sent by the academy?" Caesar had already begun to think about the elites he thought were qualified to participate in this event.

Each elite represents a unique personality and characteristics. As the captain of this operation team (self-identified), Caesar believes that he has the obligation to adjust the relationship between each elite and the team. Before Xia Mi answered, he had even begun to formulate subsequent battle plans based on each elite's abilities and personality traits.

"I remember that senior's name was Fingel..."

"Sleep!" Caesar threw away the plan in his mind and immediately lay on the ground.

Seeing the strange looks in Chu Zihang and Xia Mi's eyes, Caesar had no interest in explaining. He just waved his hand and said: "Save your energy as much as possible. If we are lucky enough, maybe the principal will solve this problem after After the incident, you still have time to come over and dig us out."

"Uh... Senior, is Senior Fingel so useless?" Xia Mi seemed a little curious. As the Dragon King, she could clearly feel the power surging in Fingel's body, and did not think that this slovenly-looking guy was a loser.

Caesar waved his hand again, showing that he didn't want to speak. Of course he has heard of Fingel's name, but it's just not a good reputation: he has repeated grades for many years, constantly breaking the lower limit of Cassel College's pedigree rating, shameless, likes to gossip, has no ambition, and follows the wind. rudder.

It can be said that this senior Finger is the lowest-rated mixed race in the entire school.

In the early morning, when Chu Zihang and Caesar were searching the underground of Genji Heavy Industries.


There are no more pedestrians or vehicles on the street, and even the bars and various nightclubs are closed. Only the most wealthy nightclubs still have bright neon signs.

Boss of Takamagahara: Of course Humpback Whale thinks that Takamagahara is one of the big nightclubs in Kabukicho, so the neon lights of Takamagahara are on all night. Although at this time, most of the customers have gone home and the store is close to closing, there are still waiting waiters wearing white gloves standing under the sign.

The rain began to fall sparsely, and the weather in Tokyo has become very strange since Mount Fuji erupted a few days ago.

A figure came closer from afar, looking up at the signboard of Takamagahara. He kept flipping through a black machine in his hand to confirm it several times, and suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Well... I would like to ask, does this place accept male guests?" The soaked foreigner smoothed his hair and asked the waiter in fairly fluent Japanese.

In fact, there were no customers in the store for a long time. The reason why the waiter stood in front of the door was just to maintain the image of this high-end nightclub in Takamawahara, but he didn't expect that there would actually be customers.

The waiter looked at this guy with suspicious eyes. He was a burly man. He was wearing a jumper with no visible color on his upper body and jeans that had not been washed for many days. His clothes were full of oil stains and messy. His long hair was so dirty that it could be knotted, and he was holding a paper bag from a fast food restaurant in his hand. The bag had a hole in it, revealing the half-bitten hamburger inside, just like picking up leftovers from someone else's food on the roadside.

This guy looks like a hungry homeless man. Let alone a high-consumption place like Takamagahara. If you put him in, I'm afraid he will rush to the kitchen desperately, open the refrigerator and eat everything he can. They stuff things into their mouths, and then after eating and drinking enough, they lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead, and do whatever you want.

The waiter covered his nose to avoid the suffocating stench, and declined the other party's idea of ​​entering in a relatively gentle tone: "Sorry, Gao Tianyuan is a club specially opened for women, and male guests are not allowed."

"But aren't you also a man?" The tramp stared straight at the waiter. It seemed like he was coveting the beauty of the pretty face, but he also seemed to be very hungry, so he felt that the waiter's end was permed into a taco. The hair is delicious.

"I'm a staff member, staff members are an exception." The waiter's heart jumped at the sight of him, fearing that the other party would suddenly become animalistic and pounce on him.

The homeless man hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked into the pouring rain.

The waiter breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the guy had given up and left. Unexpectedly, the guy turned back after being showered for half a minute, lowered his head, and violently pushed back his wet long hair with both was greasy and knotted. After his long hair was soaked by the rain, it immediately turned into a traditional handsome boy's slicked back hair.

"Friend, you see, I am exactly the type of Eguchi Yosuke. I also want to be a staff member. Can you accept me here?" The homeless man's eyes suddenly widened, his eyebrows raised, and his chest muscles were so high that they were about to burst. And out.

In an instant, his whole demeanor changed. He looked like a samurai who had just retreated from the battlefield.

The waiter stared blankly at the blooming flower and pointed at his nose: " are..."

"How about that? Eguchi Yosuke's type!" the tramp emphasized again.

"No, no, no! You are the type of Tomoya Nagase!" The waiter looked a little excited.

"Really?" The tramp touched his chin, which was quite stylish as an Aryan, in surprise.

"That's right, you came just in time! The store manager said that the current cowherds in the store are too superficial and they just need some funny people. We are in need of talents like you! Please wait a moment, I will go in and recommend it to the manager ." The waiter bowed deeply and immediately ran into the store.

When half of Tokyo was enveloped in thick black smoke, the ambitions of some people were burning fiercely at the same time.

Lu Mingfei and Old Tang were disturbed by the explosion. They immediately put down the games in their hands and ran to the window to watch.

"It turns out what Conan said is true. There are actually explosions every day in Japan." Lu Mingfei sighed sincerely as he looked at the thick smoke in the distance.

"Come on, I've been in Japan for more than a year and my life has been pretty stable. It's just that all kinds of things have happened in the past few days since you came." Old Tang complained, then muttered in a low voice, "Look at it this way It’s no longer safe to come to Japan now, why don’t I find a chance to escape.”

"Old Tang, do you have somewhere else to go?" Lu Mingfei retracted his head from the window.

"Of course, I met a new friend on the game some time ago. He said that he now lives in a small city in China. A few days ago, I invited him to come to Japan to play on the game." Old Tang said He said proudly, "I will introduce him to you after he comes here. This guy is very good at playing games. Then I will go there through his relationship. After all, I have lived in the United States for such a long time. , I think I can be an English teacher there."

"It's good for you to be an English teacher." Lu Mingfei did not refute this time. The way Old Tang carefully corrected his spoken grammar was still vivid in his mind, "But I heard that it is very difficult to obtain nationality in China. What should you do? ?Always use the visa?”

"You don't understand this." Old Tang shook his finger at Lu Mingfei very proudly, "It is indeed difficult to get the household registration in mainland China, but it is very easy over there in Wanwan. I only need to join Wanwan, and then If you get another Taiwan Compatriot Certificate, you can stay there forever."

"Genius!" Lu Mingfei was shocked.


The two people were still bragging to each other, when suddenly an explosion came from the side and knocked them away.

"Ahem! What's going on?" Lu Mingfei lay on the ground and coughed twice, feeling as if his bones were about to break.

"Be careful!" Old Tang suddenly jumped out from the side and pushed Lu Mingfei's just-raised head down to the ground. Then he felt a heat on the top of his head, and a bullet flew past his hair.

During the life and death crisis, Lu Mingfei's potential was also stimulated. He followed Old Tang and rolled violently, running behind the pillar as a temporary cover.

Lu Mingfei cautiously stretched out his head and took a look. The original main entrance of Old Tang's house had been completely blown apart by the bomb, revealing a huge cavity. Thick smoke was constantly rising from the side of the cavity.

In the thick smoke, a group of guys dressed like bosozoku were parking their vehicles one after another. Each bosozoku motorcycle was equipped with weird and exaggerated decorations.

"Let's go!" Old Tang's decisive voice came from the side. He grabbed Lu Mingfei's wrist and led him quickly into the bathroom next to him.

After locking the thick door of the bathroom, Lu Mingfei discovered that Old Tang had opened an inconspicuous door on the other side of the bathroom.

"Damn it, Old Tang, don't you worry about being discovered when you take a shower!" Extremely nervous, Lu Mingfei could only relieve his mood by talking nonsense.

"It's a joke! I'm such a grown man, I'll notice when I'm seen. I'm afraid that the people who see me will feel inferior to me."

Obviously, Old Tang is also the same type of person as Lu Mingfei.

They came to the back of the house through the small door. Old Tang lifted up the black cloth covering the yard, revealing the gorgeous and cool heavy-duty motorcycle underneath.

"Get in the car!" Old Tang threw a safety helmet to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei put the helmet on his head obediently, then got on the motorcycle and sat back: "You actually have such preparations at home?"

"Didn't I tell you before? I am a bounty hunter. The reason I retired is because I was hunted by my employer. Of course I will make some preparations in advance just in case." Old Tang started the motorcycle without caring. .

Lu Mingfei had already heard the sound of someone knocking on the bathroom door behind him, but Old Tang had obviously been prepared. The bathroom door was specially modified by him and actually had a layer of steel plate inside. Anyone who dared to kick the door open with his feet The bosozokus are now hugging their feet and crying bitterly.

The remaining motorcycles roared, and in Old Tang's hands, the modified vehicle marked a highway that was high enough for the police to dispatch. The building beside him passed quickly, and the strong wind was blowing. Lu Mingfei could only lower his head to avoid the incoming police. strong wind.

After the bosozoku used their firearms to blast open the bathroom door, they ran into the small courtyard and saw their departing figures.

As time went by, the road ahead gradually became chaotic. Overturned vehicles, messy gravel, and collapsed street lights all became obstacles on their way forward.

The power of the explosion at the Genji Heavy Industries building was too great, and its location on a main highway made the chaos caused by the explosion even more serious.

After dodging rocks, jumping over cars, and flying over crooked lampposts, panicked pedestrians finally appeared on the roadside around them. All kinds of words converged into a chaotic noise that made people dizzy.

"It's... terrible..." Lu Mingfei secretly smacked his lips. Such a big scene was rare for him. In other words, even the veterans of the execution department had basically never seen such a scene.

The explosion of the Genji Heavy Industries building paralyzed Tokyo's transportation system. This is one of the most luxurious cities in the world. More than 50% of the island's people live here. The huge transportation system is blocked every commuting time. The crowds of office workers are packed like sardines in a can.

Moreover, the explosion occurred at a time when most office workers were commuting. With Tokyo’s population density, the impact of this explosion far exceeded that of most terrorist attacks.

As for why it had such a big impact, it was only then that Lu Mingfei realized that the black smoke from this explosion seemed abnormal. Compared with ordinary smoke and dust, these black smoke are more persistent, so that Tokyo is now shrouded in a strange black fog, and the vision is getting worse and worse.

It is obviously early morning when the sun is rising, but now it feels like dusk in Tokyo. The sun is shrouded and people's hearts are also cast a shadow.

With the roar of the motorcycle, everything seemed so blurry. Lu Mingfei even felt a different kind of dizziness. The roads around him seemed strange and strange. Tokyo's towering buildings were overwhelmingly pressing towards him, a kind of dizziness. A strange annoyance gripped his chest, making him breathe heavily.

"Brother, brother..." The little devil's voice rang in his ears, but the originally clear voice now seemed so distant and vague.

"Be careful... He's coming... He's back..." The little devil's voice was unexpectedly panicked. In a trance, Lu Mingfei seemed to see the fearful look on the always polite child, as if he wanted to To pull him away.

Old Tang was still accelerating. The motorcycle had reached its maximum speed under his driving, and the sounds of the bosozoku chasing them gradually faded away.

The wind blowing against his face made Lu Mingfei feel better. He raised his head and looked at the sky. The black smoke twisted into different shapes high in the sky, like a black wing membrane covering the sky and the sun. Under the shadow, there was only death.

Four thousand words plus update! Ten thousand words were updated today.

Counting the last 2,000 words, the debt of 6,000 words has been repaid, and there are still 14,000 words left.

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