Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 178 New Template and Meeting Again

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Uesugoshi had already gotten up and prepared breakfast, which was a traditional Japanese breakfast of pickled radish, white porridge and a piece of grilled cod.

Kazama Ruri is still sleeping. The mental backlash damage caused by the failure to release the word spirit last night was very serious for him. Even the super hybrid level of recovery will take some time to recover.

Uesugoshi seemed a little at a loss at first, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and imitated the way his mother took care of him.

After getting up early and making breakfast for the first time in a long time, Uesugoshi sat in the living room and carefully wiped the knives in front of him. These knives were all antiques that he picked up when he left his family. His original plan was to sell them to earn some living capital after he left his family.

For various reasons, these long knives are the last remaining antiques. Although they are called antiques, these long knives can still be used today because they are well maintained. There are many famous ancient blades and even alchemical weapons.

Uesugoshi has never learned serious sword skills. To him, holding two long knives is no different from holding two sticks. However, after hearing the information about Zheng Shu, he decided to dig out these old objects for preparation. When needed.

While constantly maintaining the blade, Uesugoshi's own momentum is also constantly gathering. This ramen master, who has been reclusive for decades, finally decided to reveal the edge that he had always concealed for the sake of his son.

He didn't know what the so-called Herzog or Masamune Tachibana were, nor what conspiracy the other party had. But he knew that as long as everyone who dared to come and cause trouble was chopped to death, all the problems would be solved.

"Hey, where's the knife sharpening?"

Just when Uesugoshi's momentum was about to reach its peak, an inconspicuous voice brought him back to reality.

Uesugi twitched his eyes, stopped what he was doing, and looked up. It was the super hybrid who called himself Zheng Shu.

To be honest, Uesugi still can't understand Zheng Shu until now. During the period when he was honored as the emperor by the eight Sheki families, Uesugoshi saw almost all human nature. After he was defeated by Angers and saw the truth, he thought that there was no one in the world that he could not see through.

But after meeting Zheng Shu, he had self-doubt. He was completely unable to see this guy's purpose.

In this world, everyone's actions have their own purposes and are all to fulfill their own needs. Even for those so-called people who have no desires, their essence is to give up more obvious wealth or status in order to realize certain inner needs or peace.

But Zheng Shu... Uesugoshi couldn't understand his behavior at all, and he couldn't imagine what kind of benefits the other party could gain in the process. It looks like you want to get something from them, but there is no actual performance.

So much so that now, Uesugi is no less wary of Zheng Shu than the Herzog whom he has never met. It's a pity that Zheng Shu's strength is here. Even if he is really wary of him, Uesugoshi won't dare to fall out casually.

"Yuan Zhinu is sleeping in the bedroom now. The injury she received yesterday seems to be quite serious."

Hearing Uesugoshi's answer, Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows in surprise: "It's amazing. I became so familiar with him just in one night. I even know his name."

"What about you, what's the matter with you coming here today? You won't tell me that you found another child of mine, right?" Uesugi Yue did not answer Zheng Shu's words, but continued to maintain the long knife in front of him.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little bored. I should have been on the wanted list of the Sheqi Ba family, so I came to your place to avoid the limelight." Zheng Shu sat cross-legged on the tatami very familiarly, next to him Mia also sat down together.

Hearing the name "The Eight Snakes", Uesugoshi paused for a moment, but quickly resumed his original actions: "The Eight Snakes? With the strength of those guys, they shouldn't pose any threat to you. Or should I? Without knowing it, my family’s power has become so strong that even a super hybrid of your level would have to retreat.”

"If it were any other time, if the Sheqi Eight Family dared to arrest me, I would dare to let them disappear from the world." Zheng Shu put his chin on his hands and watched Uesugoshi maintain his long sword in boredom, "But they are lucky. These days I want to fish in the sky, so it’s better not to expose my strength.”

Uesugoshi said nothing, and the room became quiet for a moment.

At this time, the news on the nearby TV was broadcasting: The Coast Guard was cleaning up garbage on the beach.

On the screen, construction forklifts scooped up concrete fragments and dead fish and dumped them onto heavy-duty trucks. Yellow caution tape was pulled along the completely destroyed fishing port, and Self-Defense Force officers were interviewing witnesses.

When asked by reporters, cabinet officials said that the government has not yet reached a conclusion on the "unexpected incident" in the Atami tsunami. The news that someone on the Internet claimed that Atami was invaded by an "alien" is inaccurate.

In fact, this cabinet official sincerely does not believe that Atami has been subjected to the so-called "alien invasion" because there are too many forces hiding behind the scenes to clean up the matter. Kassel Academy, the Sheqi Eight Families and even There is also Lu Mingze's team. Although everyone has different positions, they all insist on guarding the secrets of the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, the commander did not pay too much attention to the rumors circulating on the Internet. Instead, he paid close attention to the eruption of Mount Fuji and showed the report issued by the national research institution. It is said that the sudden intensification of volcanic activity in Japan in recent years may indicate serious deformation of the earth's crust, and a large-scale earthquake is likely to erupt in recent years.

Zheng Shu was watching the various performances of the official on the news with great interest, and suddenly he raised his head and looked in one direction as if he had discovered something.

Affected by his actions, Uesugi, who had been on high alert next to him, immediately picked up the long knife on the table and glanced sharply around the house: "What's wrong? Are there any enemies?"

"Don't be too nervous. Although he is an enemy, he is not your enemy." Zheng Shu looked in one direction, as if he saw something interesting through the wall. "I will go out for a while and be back soon. You should pay attention. Safety."

After saying that, Zheng Shu immediately stood up and walked out of the room regardless of Uesugoshi's reaction.

Beside the fishing port of Atami, the Kuroishi Mansion is standing on the cliff facing the sea.

Su Enxi and Mai Shutoku wore kimonos prepared in advance and walked along the path to the big house with the sound of clogs "tapping" all the way.

Su Enxi opened the door and could not see the end of the big house.

The living room of the Black Stone Mansion is so big. It was the place where the general used to hold meetings. At first glance, there are countless vermilion columns. The ebony floor has been scrubbed so many times that it is as bright as a mirror. The wooden grilles of the windows shine in. There were pillars of light, and fine dust was flying in the pillars of light.

A huge cherry tree outside the window happened to cover the big roof. A gust of wind blew and the sky quickly became overcast. Drizzle also fell. Fallen leaves swirled in the breeze and occasionally fell through the wooden window and sprinkled on the floor of the big house.

A burly figure sat between the light pillars, a warrior model wearing pitch-black armor. Next to the model was a not-so-tall man, helping it arrange its armor.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he stood up and paused what he was doing.

"Girls are here, long time no see. You are still as beautiful as before." Lu Mingze turned around. He seemed to be in a very good mood with a warm smile on his face.

"Mai, have you found the treasure I want?"

"The wreckage of the Lenin was found at the bottom of the Abyss. The embryo was in the cabin, but it was deformed. I dug out its nucleus but I'm not sure whether it can form a new embryo." Mai Sutoku handed over the black suitcase. past.

Lu Mingze opened the suitcase, and white low-temperature steam surged out. Inside the suitcase was a cylindrical stainless steel barrel, soaked in liquid nitrogen at more than 200 degrees below zero, with a thick layer of white frost on the surface.

Lu Mingze picked up the stainless steel cylinder with his bare hands without taking any protective measures. If most people directly picked up such a low-temperature object with their hands, their hands would be frozen and stuck to it. But Lu Mingze didn't do anything at all. He wiped After removing the white frost, the surface of the steel cylinder is actually covered with spiderweb-like blood vessels.

Mai Shutoku was surprised: "It was not like this when we were first blocked!"

"It's not that simple to kill a king." Lu Mingze gently stroked the steel cylinder, "But you actually regained your vitality so quickly and started to erode the surrounding things. Even among the first generation species, you are the best." .”

"We meet again, my dear pet." He put the steel cylinder against his cheek, his voice was so gentle, but also seemed so lonely and lonely, as if old friends reunited after a thousand years, "A long time has passed again. But we are not dead yet, which is great."

After chatting with his old friend for a while, Lu Mingze put the cylinder back into the suitcase and handed it back to Shutoku Mai: "This guy is very violent, so seal it up temporarily. Remember, low temperature will make him lose vitality. But try not to expose him to adrenaline or anything like that.”


Lu Mingze reached out and touched Mai Jude's head as a reward. Mai Jude had a figure almost like a supermodel, a little taller than her boss. In order to accommodate him, Mai Jude had no choice but to lower her head.

"It should be right here."

Zheng Shu stood in the air, hiding his figure with power and scanning the Black Stone Mansion below.

Just now, when he was at Uesugoshi's home, he suddenly felt a huge spiritual power erupting in the distance. This spiritual power may not be visible to ordinary people, but to Zheng Shu, who has strengthened the White King template, it is as dazzling as a nuclear explosion in the dark.

With such terrifying mental power, apart from King Bai, there is only one other existence that Zheng Shu knows about in the entire world.

So he quickly rushed over using the point of spiritual power as the coordinate.

After yesterday's incident, the old housekeeper arranged a large number of security personnel around the Blackstone Mansion just in case. However, these ordinary people were completely unable to detect the existence of Zheng Shu. He just floated in in front of their eyes so blatantly. Into the official residence.

Inside the official residence, Zheng Shu walked slowly on the gravel path. After arriving at this location, because there was so much spiritual power around him, Zheng Shu had no way of discovering the specific source of the spiritual power. It was like a person It’s like not being able to smell exactly where a scent comes from in a flower market.

If he really wanted to find the target quickly, he could directly release his mental power to explore. However, in the Blackstone Mansion, which is completely shrouded in mental power, if Zheng Shu explodes his mental power, he will be directly discovered by the owner here.

Although he is not very afraid, something that he wants to obtain may happen unexpectedly.

Fortunately, he knew Lu Mingze's character very well and walked directly towards the largest house in the distance. Sure enough, in this big house, Zheng Shu saw Lu Mingfei, who was lying on the ground wet and unconscious, as well as Mai Shutoku and Su Enxi, who were kneeling on the ground in kimonos.

When Zheng Shu entered the big room, all three of them had their eyes closed. Lu Mingfei, who had fallen into a coma, was okay. The remaining two members of the nanny group were sitting on the ground calmly with smiles on their faces, but their eyes were It was closed tightly and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Anyone who sees this weird situation will scream in surprise, but Zheng Shu seems to have expected it. He has seen such a huge burst of mental power many times, and every time it is Lu Mingze who is responsible for Lu Ming Not pulled into the spiritual world.

However, this time it was obvious that Lu Mingze and Lu Mingfei were not having a conversation, but that Lu Mingze took advantage of Lu Mingfei's sleep to use the spiritual world to meet his two subordinates.

There was a black suitcase placed in front of Mai Shutoku. Zheng Shu walked straight to the suitcase and opened it, revealing the stainless steel cylinder soaked in liquid nitrogen inside.

Holding his hand on the stainless steel cylinder, the power of the King of Bronze and Fire began to operate. The low-temperature steel cylinder of more than 200 degrees below zero had no impact on Zheng Shu at all. However, it seemed that they were aware of the approaching danger. The dragon embryos sealed by the low temperature inside the steel cylinder began to move violently. The originally sparse red blood vessels outside the steel cylinder began to proliferate rapidly, and soon the entire steel cylinder became a Red flesh.

"Panel, help me test this enhanced template."

[The user has come into contact with the carrier containing the unknown factor and started testing the sample]


[The test is completed and a reinforced template has been established based on the carrier sample]

【Notice! ! According to the detection, the template has certain defects and needs to be completed through unknown methods]

Looking at the information that appeared on the panel, Zheng Shu showed a satisfied smile. The King of Ocean and Water also obtained a template. In this way, he was only one King of Sky and Wind away from having all the complete templates of the four monarchs. And a king of ocean and water.

In fact, when he went to get the White King template, Zheng Shu hoped to get the template of the Ocean and Water King as a sacrifice. Unfortunately, the entire embryo at that time was too severely eroded by the White King's flesh and blood. Unless he found the most important core, all Zheng Shu could touch was the "waste" eroded by the White King.

Moreover, because the flesh and blood that increased in value on the Lenin were essentially controlled by the White King, it was impossible for Zheng Shu to use his mental power to break through its protection for investigation. Without knowing the specific location of the spare tire, Zheng Shu wanted to obtain the template of the King of Ocean and Water. He needed to use his hands to touch the flesh and blood embryo that occupied the entire ship inch by inch.

Not to mention how much time this would take, Zheng Shu felt sick just thinking about that scene. So he simply gave up the idea of ​​obtaining the template of the King of Ocean and Water, and instead waited for Mai Shutoku to peel off the embryo of the King of Ocean and Water under the guidance of Lu Mingze before cutting off the beard.

That's why he took Mia to Uesugoshi's house this morning.

Now, all the people from Kassel Academy are wanted by the king. Although the outer forces of the fierce ghosts have lost a lot, the remaining ones are all ferocious ghosts.

Zheng Shu didn't want Mia to be discovered while he was out, which would lead to any accidents, so he simply put Mia temporarily at Uesugoshi's house and let the old man help him protect her.

After all, he found his own children for these old guys, so it's not a big deal for him to be a temporary bodyguard.

After taking the template of the King of Ocean and Water, Zheng Shu looked at the wildly rioting embryo in the stainless steel tube. With a thought, his power began to operate, and his mental power began to continuously penetrate into the stainless steel tube. He killed this embryo very easily. Abnormally weak embryos.

In this way, the King of Ocean and Water, whom he had never met before, disappeared from this world forever. Even if the monarch had more bone bottles, he would not be able to return to the world again after his spirit was wiped out. Return from death.

Progress: 230.11%→280.78%

After Zheng Shu cleared up the last possibility of the existence of this king of ocean and water, the panel immediately reacted. A large number of green bubbles floated out from the stainless steel tube in Zheng Shu's hand, and the collection progress of the impact factors skyrocketed by hundreds. Fifty percent.

Zheng Shu was very satisfied with his harvest and threw the lifeless stainless steel cylinder back into the black suitcase.

Unless he has Dragon King-level sensing capabilities like him, no one can tell that the flesh and blood inside has lost its breath through the isolation of the liquid nitrogen and stainless steel metal layers.

Zheng Shu didn't know what Lu Mingze wanted to do with the embryo of the King of Ocean and Water, but he knew that if he could do this, it would definitely cause some trouble for him.

In fact, if you really think about it, there was no hatred between him and Lu Mingze before, although the meeting between the two was not very peaceful. The main reason why Zheng Shu did this was because as his strength continued to improve, one day he would be in the opposite position to Lu Mingze.

At that time, even if Zheng Shu himself has no intention of being hostile to him, Lu Mingze will automatically become his enemy. In this case, it is better to lay a good mine for him in advance, maybe which step can cause the opponent to die suddenly.

After tidying up the suitcases and returning them to their original positions, Zheng Shu thought for a moment and walked to another corner of the big house while remaining invisible. He sat cross-legged against the wall, found a more comfortable sitting position and closed his eyes. The spiritual power in his mind surged out through his mind.

The entire Blackstone Mansion has long been enveloped by the spiritual power of Lu Mingfei and Lu Mingze. In the spiritual world composed of the two people's spiritual power, there is a mansion that is exactly the same as in reality.

Different from the state where it was difficult to break through the spiritual defense when encountering the spiritual world for the first time, with Zheng Shu's current spiritual power, there are only a handful of existences stronger than him in the entire world. Therefore, he easily broke through Lu Mingze's mental protection and entered the inner spiritual world.

In the spiritual world, Lu Mingze had just arranged a new round of work for his two subordinates, and was enjoying the leisurely life of chatting and bickering with his two beautiful subordinates after a long absence.

Although both Su Enxi and Jiude Mai felt that their boss's suggestion of letting Lu Mingfei, a good-for-nothing, to slay the dragon was a fantasy, they could only abide by their boss's order and find ways to do it. Finish.

At this time, Lu Mingze had left the simulated big house in the spiritual world and came to the trail. He also pulled the spiritual bodies of the two cats that he had been raising into the spiritual world.

Lu Mingze, who was sucking cats like crazy, suddenly changed his expression, waved his hand, and the mental bodies of the two cats returned to his real body.

The two wet nurses on standby behind him immediately understood what their boss was doing and quickly drew out their weapons in a defensive posture.

"You guys should leave first. A disgusting guy has come in. You can't provide much help here." Lu Mingze stopped their movements and waved his hand, and their spiritual bodies also dissipated into the spiritual world. among.

"I'm so sad what you said. What a disgusting guy." Zheng Shu's voice came from the side, and his spiritual body gradually emerged into this spiritual world. "To be honest, I'm also very curious. , you haven’t had a good temper towards me since we first met. To be fair, I’ve never provoked you.”

Lu Mingze's face instantly turned gloomy, but he did not yell like when he first met Zheng Shu: "You know why I said you are a disgusting thing. An existence like you is simply blasphemy to us. Answer Me! What is your purpose in coming to this world?"

"It's interesting. I didn't expect you to discover my identity. How did you do it?" Zheng Shu didn't look angry or panicked. At his current level of strength, even if he publicly revealed his identity, no one could handle it. Got him.

Before Lu Mingze could answer, Zheng Shu reasoned to himself: "I should have discovered it from Xia Mi. After all, my earliest source of power was the complete King of Earth and Mountain. You might have found it from Xia Mi at the beginning. I didn’t react, but I could basically find my mistake later..."

All the saved manuscripts are gone, and I’m still trying to recall them.

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