Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 177 The writer’s assistant collapsed (4k)

After Angers ordered these things and asked Schneider and Professor Manstein to leave, he sat quietly on the chair and waited.

Six hours have passed since the explosion of the submarine Deliaste. These six hours were enough for Frost of the Gattuso family to fly from Rome to Kassel College.

Caesar, the precious heir of the Gattuso family, was lost by Angers, and the other party would definitely come to charge him. Moreover, Angers also had some things to talk to the Gattuso family, so he had been waiting.

At this moment, the phone next to him suddenly rang. Angers slowly sat up straight and grabbed the phone.

"Hi! Angers, you are in the office, right?" The voice that came from the other end of the phone was not Frost's voice, but a cheerful voice that sounded very out of tune.

"Why is it you?" Ange's tone was a little surprised.

"It's hard to talk about this matter. Let's talk about more cordial greetings after we meet. Is your sunroof open now?"

"Open... what do you mean? Don't mess around!" Recalling the character of the person on the other end of the phone, Ange frowned.

"I'm not messing around. Come on! Look up at me. I'm greeting you. Now your closest friend Pompeii Gattuso is only 200 meters away from you and is approaching you at a speed of 3.5 meters per second!"

At this time, Ange also realized that the sunlight on his rooftop was blocked. He raised his head and looked out of the skylight. White umbrella flowers were falling from the sky, and the skydiver was waving to him.

"Pompei, you lunatic, you will damage my roof!" Angers shouted at the person on the phone.

"Don't worry, I just won the world championship in BASE jumping." This sentence was no longer spoken over the phone. The parachute blocked the entire field of vision. Pompeii landed in the library amidst the roar of the wind.

The de facto head of the Gattuso family landed on the big desk, and the white umbrella flowers slowly fell behind him, like the long skirt of a palace lady.

This is an extremely handsome man, with long blond hair and blue eyes, a high nose bridge and a very masculine short beard. He wears a pair of rimless glasses, his skin is a healthy wheat color, and he has a wide open collar. The perfectly shaped chest muscles are exposed.

Faced with such a man, it is difficult for any woman not to be moved by his beauty. Therefore, although his views on relationships are very scumbag, so scumbag that even the vice principal feels ashamed, there are still many ladies who are proud to have his favor. .

"Weren't you still playing horse racing when I last saw you? When did you become the BASE jumping champion again?" Angers frowned.

"The Spanish princess I rode horse racing with broke her leg. I thought it would be very sad to continue riding with a woman with a broken leg, so BASE jumping is better. It is a sport for young people, and young girls also like men who can BASE jump. ." Pompeii stepped off the seat, dragging a parachute behind him.

"Did you fly directly from Rome this time?"

"No, no, it's Bangkok. I flew here from Bangkok. When Frost called me, I was riding an elephant with the Thai princess." Pompeo ran to fumble in the tea cabinet very skillfully and took out the Hot collection of famous teas.

Even Angers had to admire Pompeii's sensitive nose and intuition for luxury goods. There were 120 different kinds of black tea in the tea cabinet, all sealed in iron cans without labels, and Pompeii could flip through them at will. Pick the best of them.

Although the current head of the Gattuso family is very unconventional, he still follows the principle that Gattuso's men only enjoy the best things. Caesar is very much like his father in this regard.

Unfortunately, his temper was so bad for the Gattuso family that it took his younger brother Frost ten years to oust Pompeii, firmly hold the power of the family in his hands, and also command the power of the family. The family's power is growing day by day.

Angers even heard that Pompey's orders no longer worked in the Gattuso family.

But Angers would never believe these lies, because he knew how talented the man in front of him was. He was just curious, what kind of confidence did Pompeii have after leaving the family's power? What kind of power supports his comeback?

"How long has it been since we last met?" Pompeii brought the brewed black tea to Angers.

"Ten years? Twenty years? Why don't you, an old guy, age at all?" Angers took a sip and had to admit that the taste was quite good. "Are you here as Gattuso's representative this time?"

"Yes, after all, my dearest son was missing. As a father, I was very worried, so I took action myself."

"You also care about your son?" Angers sneered, "As far as I know, you haven't even attended his parent-teacher meeting, right? What did Caesar say when he asked me to invite you last time?" Stallion Dad'? That's probably what it means."

"I love my son very much. Caesar is just in a rebellious stage. In the end, he will know that I am a good father." Pompeo's expression looked very serious.

"Really? It's a pity that I can't see any tension on your face now. You must know that Caesar's life or death is unknown now." Angers looked into his eyes.

"Nervousness is a matter of course, but I know you have already taken insurance measures, right?" Pompeo patted Angers on the shoulder and made a gesture of intimacy, "Brother, you have to know that I actually trust you personally. , your ability is first-rate, and no one can manage this college except you. I am here to tell you that my brother is a psychopath, and you should not be indifferent to him. I know that you and he had a little conflict and it was very unpleasant. I am happy, and I also know that he is looking for trouble at the school board meeting, but after all, my family has a genetic legacy of mental illness..."

Listening to Pompeii's nonsense, Angers silently raised the heavy ashtray: "If you continue to talk nonsense like this, I will become manic."

"Okay, okay, just a little joke." Pompeo raised his hands to express surrender, "I just know that although the Japanese branch is autonomous, how can you let them do things with your old cunning. As far as I know, except for that In addition to the three people, you should have sent two additional students to the Japanese branch, right?"

Ange continued to drink the black tea in his hand calmly, but a dangerous cold light flashed in his squinted eyes: "You are very well-informed. Most people don't know about this matter, but these two students have What’s the use? Did you get your confidence from these two students?”

"No, no, no, of course my self-confidence does not come from these two students. As I said just now, my self-confidence comes from you!" Pompeo shook his finger proudly, showing a very ungrateful look. He looked like he was being beaten, "I'm just curious as to why you let two students work as insurance, especially one of them is a lady with a very low blood level."

Lying on the table with exaggerated movements, Pompeii slowly approached Angers, staring closely at his narrowed eyes: "And as far as I know, a man of his own strength appeared in the port of Atami, attacking The mysterious hybrid who killed a large number of Deadpools. The opponent's power was extremely exaggerated and had exceeded the limit of the hybrid. Dear Mr. Angers, the legendary hybrid, what do you think of this mysterious being who is suspected of being a pure-blood dragon? ?”

Faced with Pompeii's approach, Ange didn't react at all. He was still sipping the tea in his hand leisurely: "What special feelings can I have? Do you think I am really crazy enough to be desperate if I hear the news about the Dragon Clan?" Do you want to destroy them? You have to know that I have put in a lot of effort in the Japanese branch, just so that they can kill them for me when they face the dragon clan one day."

"It's quite a great contribution. Unfortunately, the Japanese branch doesn't seem to appreciate your kindness. So the main reason why I came here this time is to know what tricks those bastards in Japan are playing!" Pompeo sat back on his chair. Still seemed calm and unhurried.

Ange glanced at him coldly, and took out a box that had been prepared from under the desk. The box seemed to be hundreds of years old, wrapped in dark green lizard skin, and there was slight rust on the brass buckles. There are no traces, and the school emblem of Kassel College is missing on the seal.

He pushed the box in front of Pompei: "This is the original covenant between us and the Sheqi family. Be careful not to damage it when you look through it."

"Covenant?" Pompeo opened the box and looked through the stack of yellow and brittle papers inside. Ange helped him explain the history of the Eight Sheqi Family and the Secret Party.

"These are all good things, but why didn't you announce these documents to the principal? No one else knows that Japan is actually an autonomous region on the school's territory." After listening to Angers' explanation, Pompeo was a little confused.

"Given the tyranny of the Gattuso family, if Frost knew that the Japanese branch enjoyed autonomy, he would ask me to completely suppress the Eight Sheqi Families, but I didn't want to go to war with the Eight Sheqi Families before." Ange looked at it coldly. A glance at Pompeii.

"Okay, I admit that what you said makes sense. With my brother's mental state, he will definitely ask you to go to war." Pompeo shrugged, "But, with the mental state of the people in the Japanese branch, you How can you be sure they won’t cause trouble?”

"The Eight Sheqi Families were very unwilling to accept the initial failure, so they were unwilling to obey us, but I don't think they would betray easily, because the Eight Sheqi Families themselves are not a united organization. It has eight branches, each of which Each family has its own territory. For example, the Miyamoto family's sphere of influence is the shipping industry, the Ryoma family's sphere of influence is the arms industry, and the Inuyama family's sphere of influence is the pornography industry... If a family wants to interfere in the business of other families, then The problem must be solved through violence. Not only that, they also have a sworn enemy called the Menggui Zhong, which is also a mafia organization and is composed of traitors from the Eight Sheqi Family."

"That is to say, the Japanese underworld actually has two main families, one is the Sheqi Eight Families, and the other is the Fierce Ghosts, and there are also differences in power between the same main families." Pompeo understood what Angers said. mean.

"Yes, there has always been a conflict between the Meng Ghosts and the Eight Sheqi Families in recent years. Although the power of the Meng Ghosts is far smaller than that of the Eight Sheqi Families, in theory, the Eight Sheqi Families would have to pay a huge amount of money to completely eradicate them. The price is so huge that no one of the eight Sheqi families is willing to let themselves be the main force, so they maintain a stalemate with each other, like a cold war." Angers put down the tea cup in his hand, Looking at the documents in Pompeii's hand, it was like sighing.

"A disunited organization is like the parliament of a democratic country. It is difficult to formulate a resolution on war. The hawks will blush on the stage, but the doves will only sneer in the audience. Behind all wars, there must be a tough one. Leader, it was only because of Hitler that the invasion of Poland was possible, and because of Mrs. Thatcher, there was the Falklands War." Angers' tone became cold, "This time the Sheqi family betrayed a little too resolutely, which shows that they A strong leader emerged in the middle, so he was able to veto the opinions of all the families and go his own way!"

"So to solve Japan's problem, we just need to find the leader hiding behind the scenes." Pompeo's eyes shone, "You must have an idea in your mind, right? You are such a vengeful person, and the Japanese have bitten you How could you not retaliate? Tell me how you prepared to defeat those Japanese."

"I do have a plan, but I'm not ready to tell you." Angers refused in a cold tone.

"It's so hurtful. Don't you want to know how Gao Tianyuan sank into the abyss?" Pompeo's face was full of frustration, as if he had been abandoned by his friend, "Thanks to me, I still treat you as a good friend. As soon as I have a clue, I will come over and tell you the news."

Angers eyes suddenly became sharp: "Go on!"

"Suddenly I don't want to talk anymore. It's better for me to stay and talk to knowledgeable people about such an important scientific research project." Pompei sat down, picked up the black tea cup and looked around.

Angers looked directly into Pompei's eyes across the table without saying a word. The tense state lasted for half a minute. In the end, Pompei laughed mischievously: "I'm just teasing you, you look so serious." . You are still the same, you are usually a playboy like me, but whenever you hear about things related to the dragon clan, you will be as alert as a beast."

He opened the back of his suit first, pulled out a chip box from his waist, and slid it along the table to Angers: "The stuff inside is too professional, and I don't think you may be able to understand it, so I asked the ETH Zurich Earth No. 1 in physics: Dr. Pompeo Gattuso is here to explain it to you.”

"I really can't figure out why someone like you would choose geophysics. Logically speaking, wouldn't studying art and painting be more helpful for you to pick up girls?"

"You said one thing wrong." Pompeo shook his head at Angers very proudly, "I don't need any help at all to pick up girls. With my appearance and talent, I can easily win over most women."

"I have heard a little bit about your achievements in dating all the girls in the physics class when you were a freshman in college, but now is not the time, and your brilliant achievements have already scratched my ears." Ang. Re looked at him very seriously, "So either you explain to me carefully what you discovered, or else you go down the stairs and turn left to go out, and then help me close the door!"

"Okay... this old guy is really becoming more and more unsentimental." Pompeii shrugged helplessly and finally became serious.

That’s it for today.

Qidian Writer Assistant crashed three times while typing, three times! All the content that was being written was cleared, so that’s all for today’s update. I'm numb...

_(` ∠)__

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