Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 164 Transition Chapter (stuck, only 4K, can jump)

In the hotel room.

Completely unaware that his label had been changed from "treacherous villain" to "pure love god of war" by Yuan Zhisheng, Zheng Shu swiped his card and opened the door to the hotel room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Mia lying on the sofa while watching TV series on the computer on the table.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Mia turned to look at Eri Yi who had returned with Zheng Shu. Her whole body jumped up from the sofa as if she had been electrocuted, with a look as if she had seen a ghost.

Because she had just pulled out her tooth and her speech was a bit unclear, she took the paper next to her and wrote on it, then raised it directly in front of Zheng Shu: "Fuck! What is that? Aren't you frigid? Why did you bring the girl back!" !!”

Mia also specially wrote three huge exclamation marks after this sentence to express her feelings.

"Damn it, why do you, a big girl, talk like this? Can you stop pretending after we get to know each other? Also, have you forgotten who was begging for mercy last night? Why do you have the guts to say that I am Frigidity!" Zheng Shu stared.

After getting along for a long time, he discovered that everything Mia showed when she first met him was just a disguise. Although this person looked like a beautiful girl on the outside, she was completely a foot-picking man on the inside. So now Zheng Shu feels more and more awkward. Every time he sleeps with her, he always feels like he is sleeping with his own buddy.

"Forget it, anyway, I met her on the road, and for some special reasons, I needed to let her stay here for a few days." Zheng Shu sighed and explained a little.

"Understood! But I see that this little girl looks like she is new to the world. It might be a bit too exciting for her to have three people sleeping together all of a sudden. How about... I go out and stay for two days first?" Mia turned her back to Hui Li Yi secretly showed what she wrote to Zheng Shu.

Even her face, which was a little swollen after the tooth extraction, couldn't hide her salty expression.

"Ah, Chengchengcheng (it hurts, it hurts)!"

Zheng Shu expressionlessly took the paper with writing in her hand, and easily grabbed Mia's Tianling Cap with his right hand. He used gentle force on his hand, as if he wanted to lift her skull.

"Poke it, I'll poke it! (I'm wrong, I admit it!)" Mia slapped Zheng Shu's hand, looking pitiful.

"Excuse me, did I cause trouble for you?" Looking at Zheng Shu and Mia's fight, Eryi raised the small notebook in her hand uneasily.

"It turns out you have such a good tone, no wonder you asked me to extract the tooth." Mia glanced at Zheng Shu, and this information was revealed in her eyes.

"Fart, don't you know best what I want to do with you? Also, don't you know why you want to extract the tooth?" Zheng Shu glared and refuted her thoughts with the information conveyed by his eyes.

The eye contact between the two was instant, and Mia immediately put a smile on her face, took out a piece of paper and wrote a few big words on it: "Welcome! Welcome!"

Zheng Shu was no longer demolishing Mia, but stretched out his hand to invite Eri into the room: "Don't worry about me, this is just our daily relationship. You sit here for a while, I will go to the front desk to open a room." New room.”

After Zheng Shu left the room, Mia and Eriki sat side by side on the sofa, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Mia didn't know what Eriki was thinking, but she felt that she was very overwhelmed now, and she was not as relaxed and natural as she was in front of Zheng Shu.

When Mia wanted to write something to relieve her embarrassment, Eryi took out a small notebook first: "I want to take a shower."

After writing these words, Hui Liyi opened her mouth slightly and yawned. It seemed that she was really tired from playing online games with Zheng Shu today.

Mia pointed her in a direction and her eyes widened the next moment, because the girl next to her actually started to take off her clothes!

She deftly untied the bright red belt around her waist and took off the white clothes on her upper body. Then her translucent skinny loops slid down along the graceful curves, revealing her shoulders as smooth as jade and her dazzling collarbones.

Then she stood up from her clothes, her delicate and pure skin exposed to the air, her lotus-like arms, her straight, snowy long legs, and fortunately, there was still black lace guarding the last position.

Looking at Eriki's figure, even Mia, who is also a woman, was fascinated and kept staring with her eyes wide open.

Eriki took out her rubber duck from the bag sewn inside her clothes, held it in her arms and ran into the bathroom.

Mia blinked with a shocked look on her face, and the air seemed to be filled with the girl's body fragrance as light as cherry blossoms.

"It's terrible, who can withstand this girl?" Sighing in her heart, Mia suddenly doubted the purpose of the Japanese branch sending such a person.

For such a beautiful and inexperienced girl, even a straight man like Zheng Shu can't help but be moved by her.

While thinking, Mia suddenly heard the sound of the door. She suddenly rushed to the door and pulled the handle to prevent Zheng Shu from opening the door.

"What are you doing?" Zheng Shu looked at Mia's face through the crack in the door and frowned, not knowing why she suddenly went crazy.

"You pay for it first (you wait for a while)!" Listening to the sound of Eriyi pouring water into the bathtub in the room, Mia's face turned red in anxiety. If this guy Zheng Shu suddenly becomes animalistic after hearing the sound, he won't be able to stop him.

Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows outside the door. Relying on his super five senses, he had heard the sounds in the room and probably understood the reason why Mia did this.

"Okay, I won't go in for now."

Zheng Shu was so talkative that Mia was stunned for a moment, but she quickly closed the door. I first checked to make sure the bathroom door was closed, and then I wrote some words on a piece of paper and sent it in: "Don't rush out after taking a shower. Remember to get dressed."

After that, she quickly threw a few pieces of her pajamas and underwear on the dressing table as a change of clothes for Eryi after she came out of the shower.

Zheng Shu "listened" to Mia's activities inside and shook his head helplessly. However, out of moral considerations, he consciously lowered his senses and did not eavesdrop on the activities in the bathroom.

Today is the end of the Paradise Hall.

Since the full-scale war between the eight Sheqi families and the fierce ghosts, the end has come to the fierce ghosts.

A few days ago, the Fierce Demons controlled 11 of the 18 yakuza gangs in Osaka, and the remaining seven gangs loyal to the Sheki Hachi Family have always maintained restraint.

But overnight, the world completely changed. The door of Genji Heavy Industries was opened, black vans drove out one after another, and the top cadres of the eight Sheqi families were dispatched. When they arrived at Dashan, the seven gangs also launched an attack on the gangs under the Menggui Zhong.

It was a high-efficiency battle that could be called a blitzkrieg. The gangs to which the Fierce Ghosts belonged were crushed one after another before they could organize themselves. Seven of the eleven gangs declared their allegiance to the Sheqi Eight Family, and three " Ruotou" was beaten to death with a bat, and finally the gang announced its dissolution, and overnight the large-scale fierce ghost forces completely dissipated.

Originally, the fierce ghost forces in Tokyo had been heavily surrounded and suppressed for unknown reasons before, and suffered heavy losses. Now, Osaka, which is the heart of the fierce ghosts, has also been hit so hard. For a time, the gangs controlled by the fierce ghosts from the south to the north have become chaotic, and those gangs loyal to the Sheqi Eight Families have also taken advantage of this. opportunity, spare no effort to attack them.

For a time, the gangs that the fierce ghosts belonged to either surrendered or were found dead on the spot, which scared the little gangsters who had never seen the world out of their wits.

In addition, the Sheqi Family also has almost all the information about the Meng Ghosts, including the illegal transactions of the Meng Ghosts' gangs, as well as government officials who have dealings with the Meng Ghosts. The Metropolitan Police Department received a large number of anonymous emails, which contained evidence of the Meng Ghosts' crimes. As long as the judges recognized the evidence, more than half of the Meng Ghosts' cadres would be sentenced to prison.

Those officials who protected the demons also received death threats. The car of a county councilor was suddenly lifted by a helicopter on the road and flew 500 meters in the air. The horrified councilor received a snake in the air. The old man in the Qihachi family called the upper left corner of the phone, and he cordially expressed his greetings to the congressman.

By the time the helicopter dropped the congressman's car in front of the County House, the congressman had become a member of the Sheqi family.

For a long time, the fierce ghosts felt that they had become proud and had formed a "balance of power" with the Sheqi family, so the Sheqi family had to exercise restraint against them.

But when the whole family was angry, they understood what the underworld supreme was. People like themselves could survive to this day only because the Sheqi Eighth Family had always been caring. After all, they were the same clan. Before that, the parents of the eight surnames did not want to kill them all. .

But now, with the news from Angers, the eight Sheqi families had to change their attitude.

Masamune Tachibana's order was to shrink the power of the eight Sheqi families to prevent the fierce ghosts from counterattacking.

These are actually two orders. The purpose of shrinking the forces is to concentrate manpower so that they can face the "god" who is about to resurrect with more strength.

As for the order to prevent the fierce ghosts from counterattacking, in the dictionary of the underworld, there is only one way to prevent the enemy from counterattacking - kill them.

That’s why this underworld war emerged that shocked even members of Congress. In the past few days, the number of dead was in the hundreds and the injured were in the thousands. It was almost the scale of a small war. If the war continued to spread, It will inevitably affect unrelated people and cause huge social problems.

Therefore, the National Assembly ordered the Sheqi Eight Families to stop this through different channels, and repeatedly stated that the government will never condone crime, and the Self-Defense Forces will intervene if the ceasefire continues.

However, the people talking to the Eight Sheqi Family seemed very indifferent, and even closed all dialogue channels, insisting on going their own way. After all, this time is just a quick cleanup, and at this point, the cleanup is coming to an end.

It is true that in such a too hasty battle, many fish will slip through the net and cannot be swept away. When the Eight Sheqi Families concentrate their efforts on dealing with the gods, these missed forces will cause great harm to the power of the Eight Sheqi Families.

After all, compared with these external forces, the main core of the Fierce Ghosts are the real "ghosts". In the extermination plan, the ghosts didn't even have a chance to surrender, even though the blood of the Sheqi family flowed in their bodies.

During this operation, many ghosts used medicine to purify their bloodlines in order to escape, but in front of the execution bureau that was born to kill ghosts, they were just a group of desperate beasts. No matter how furious and struggling they are, their hearts will eventually be pierced by explosive bullets filled with mercury.

The executive bureau accompanied the team with monks, who were responsible for pouring the ghost's corpse into cement piles and driving the cement piles into the seabed to form a neat array. The Maruyama Construction Co., Ltd., owned by the eight Sheki families, will build a shrine on the reclaimed land to pray for the dead.

But this action was too hasty, and in the end too many ghosts escaped from the execution bureau.

Although a large number of these ghosts used imperfect purification potions, even if they escaped pursuit, they would eventually die due to the collapse of the dragon bloodline.

But there will still be many lucky people who survive. These people's brains have become no longer clear due to the erosion of the medicine. When they realize that the danger has passed, they will definitely follow their inner desires and launch a crazy counterattack against the forces of the Eight Sheqi Family. .

But at that time, most of the hybrids among the eight Sheqi families will be dragged to deal with the White King. Only a small number of low-blood hybrids and a large number of ordinary people can face this group of ghosts.

Even with the help of modern weapons, these hybrids will eventually be killed, but they will definitely cause serious damage to the forces of the Eight Sheqi Family before they die. Don't even expect that these irrational ghosts will restrain their desire to destroy and not implicate other ordinary people in the process of revenge.

This is also the reason why Yuan Zhisheng frowned after hearing Tachibana Masamune's order. For Yuan Zhisheng, no matter how many people in the underworld die, he will not be heartbroken, even if the people who die are members of the Sheqi Eighth Family. Since you have embarked on this path, you must be prepared to die from the beginning.

But if their reasons affect ordinary people, the arrogance in Yuan Zhisheng's heart will still make him feel uncomfortable. After all, he spends most of his time eradicating rampaging hybrids and protecting ordinary people as the director of the executive bureau, not the head of the underworld. Little Lord.

The reason why the Sheqi Eight Family raided the Kukakukan in Osaka is because the Kukakukan is the heart of the entire fierce ghost community.

This is not only a casino, but also responsible for transnational money laundering. Tens of billions of cash flow into the Paradise Hall every day. Capturing the Paradise Hall is equivalent to stabbing into the hearts of the fierce ghosts.

In order to prevent others from interfering in the battle between the Sheqi family and the gods, killing this heart is the most important step. After losing their leader, the remaining ghosts of the fierce ghosts are just a ragtag group, and even revenge is within the most controllable range.

Kavin, I only have a guaranteed word count today, and I need to reorganize the plot.

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