Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 163 Anger and Misunderstanding (6k)

"Are Yuan Zhisheng's people so slow?"

Zheng Shu, who Yuan Zhisheng said was "sinister and cunning", was now standing in front of a machine, controlling the joystick carelessly.

Although it felt awkward to use the joystick to hit the King of Fighters for the first time, with his current dynamic vision, he could beat the red-haired girl opposite him even if he was careless.

As Zheng Shu's strength improved, his dynamic vision also continued to increase. Now when he looks at these game screens, if he doesn't deliberately weaken his dynamic vision, it will even become a frame-by-frame picture.

Those strategy games are okay. In a purely competitive game like The King of Fighters, even if Zheng Shu can't memorize all the character's move lists, he can beat everyone simply by relying on light and heavy punches and defense. After all, frame-level defense, which even professional players have to predict through prediction, is just a small skill that he can accomplish casually.

Therefore, for Zheng Shu, from a certain point on he no longer liked playing games.


As the voice on the screen came, Zheng Shu suddenly came back to his senses and found that he had won another round without knowing it.

"It's broken. I forgot to turn on the water." Zheng Shu felt a sudden thought.

Looking up, sure enough, there was another emotion on Eriki's dull face, which seemed to be a little angry. The whole person seemed to be holding a breath, and the white cheeks were slightly bulging, looking like they could be blown apart.

Zheng Shu felt a little embarrassed. The other person's expression made him look like he was bullying a child.

In fact, when she first arrived at the game arcade, Eri was also startled by the noise inside.

The sounds of shaking hand sticks, music from various games, blows, gunfire, and excited shouts from players were all in the air. Even Zheng Shu felt his ears ringing as soon as he walked in.

However, Eriyi is indeed a game geek. She quickly adapted to the environment here and became enthusiastic. She directly dragged Zheng Shu to a King of Fighters game machine and started fighting... and then she has been losing until now.

Zheng Shu secretly glanced at his watch, has been an hour. After losing for an hour, this girl is only a little angry now, which shows that her character is good enough.

Zheng Shu laughed awkwardly and thought for a while: "Let's play another round. I'm a little hungry. Let's go get something to eat after the last round."

Eriki nodded, raised her fist "aggressively" and waved it to cheer herself up. Judging from the determined expression on her face, she probably wanted to use this last battle to wash away her "shame".

So the game started again. This time Zheng Shu brought his attention back and cautiously let go. Finally, after reasonably revealing a trivial flaw, Eriyi lived up to his expectations and seized this tiny opportunity, bursting out. After one round of ten cuts, he successfully won this round.

At the moment the game ended, Zheng Shu clearly saw the corners of Eri Yi's mouth raised. Faced with Zheng Shu, who had been beating her for more than an hour, she finally turned over. The hard-earned victory made Eri Yi feel so happy that her heart almost overflowed, and the corners of her lips became a little tense.

"I didn't expect you to progress so quickly, and now you can actually gain an advantage in my hands." Zheng Shu pretended to praise, with a smile on his face, "Let's go, let's go eat first."

Eriki nodded happily, seemingly very satisfied with the fact that she finally won, and even forgot about the previous unhappiness.

A few minutes later, Zheng Shu and Eri Yi sat facing each other in a corner seat of a self-service barbecue restaurant.

The quality of this barbecue restaurant is not low, and it even offers A5 grade Wagyu beef. With Zheng Shu's current appetite, even if he is really rich, choosing such a buffet is the most cost-effective way.

But if Caesar were here, he would definitely scold Zheng Shu for being unclassy and actually bringing a girl to a barbecue restaurant for dinner. After all, for a person like Caesar, no matter what the identity of the girl who is dining with him is, she must be full of style, and quantity should come second.

It's a pity that Zheng Shu has always believed in pragmatism. The price can be high, but it must be worth the money. If the price is simply raised because of the atmosphere and style, then he will never choose such a restaurant.

Fortunately, Eriki in front of him didn't care about these small details, or for the head of the Uesugi family of the Seraki Hachi family, she had basically eaten all of these so-called delicacies.

Eriki sat quietly in her seat and waited, looking curiously at the people walking around the store from time to time, and sometimes looking out the window at the huge advertising balloon hanging in the sky.

After a while, the waiter delivered two large stacks of barbecued meats, as well as a series of accompanying meals. After putting the barbecue on the table, the waiter looked worried at the two young lovers while he was helping with the barbecue. With the amount they ordered, it would be difficult for two strong men to finish it even if they came to eat.

However, although it is a buffet restaurant, it is still relatively high-end. The waiters still maintain a good service attitude, but the barbecue speed has slowed down involuntarily. I hope these two guests can "return from their lost ways."

An hour later, the waiter realized he was wrong.

The two people in front of them were like insatiable rice buckets. They ate the barbecue that was enough to fill the bellies of five strong men. And judging from their looks, it would have been impossible if the time limit hadn't been reached. I can continue to eat.

The waiter glanced vaguely at the two people in front of him. The boy's appetite was beyond his expectation. In addition to several kilograms of barbecue, he also ordered several bowls of rice and a dozen snacks such as fried chicken. Ordinary people can't finish the bowls of rice and snacks alone, let alone barbecue.

If Zheng Shu's appetite just exceeded the waiter's expectations, then Eri Yi's appetite shocked the waiter.

Although he looks very elegant when eating, his eating speed is still not inferior to that of Zheng Shu opposite him, and he still looks like he is still unfinished after eating so many things.

The waiter looked at Eriki's figure and suspected that there was a black hole in her smooth and supple belly.

"thanks for treatment."

The two of them ended their meal with satisfaction and left the restaurant under the dumbfounded eyes of the waiters. Eriyi wrote this sentence in a small notebook to express her gratitude to Zheng Shu.

"You're welcome." Zheng Shu looked up at the sky. The sun had completely set and it was already dark. "It's already very late today. Do you want me to take you home?"

Eriki paused for a moment before writing in the notebook again: "I don't want to go back now. It would be troublesome for me to come out once."

As if she was afraid that Zheng Shu would not believe it, Huiliyi wrote again: "Every time I run away from home, I will cause trouble to my brother, and my brother will be very unhappy, so I don't want to go back so soon after I run out."

Zheng Shu looked at Hui Liyi holding up a small book, and saw a flash of loneliness in her eyes.

Zheng Shu scratched his hair. He remembered that Eriki usually lived in a completely sealed floor. Although all the living facilities inside were very complete, almost no one except Yuan Zhisheng would accompany her.

That's why she often runs away from home, just to see more of the outside world.

And every time after Eri ran away from home, researchers from Genji Heavy Industries would conduct a full physical examination in order to monitor her stable condition.

For a person who has been raised as an experiment since childhood, it is nonsense to say that Eri has no psychological shadow over the instruments used for physical examinations, but whether it is the upper echelons of the Sheqi Hachi family or Herzog, for To make themselves feel at ease, she would keep checking up.

Zheng Shu looked at the sky. Since Yuan Zhisheng didn't send anyone over for such a long time, it meant that he also acquiesced to Eryi's running away from home. After all, he had not covered up his whereabouts at all during this period, and it was impossible to find the two of them under Kaguya's surveillance.

Zheng Shu felt that he had replaced Lu Mingfei's position in the original work, and was used by Yuan Zhisheng as a temporary tool to receive Eri Yi when she ran away from home. After all, Yuan Zhisheng had always hoped that Eri Yi could find a chance to go out and relax.

Feeling that he had guessed Yuan Zhisheng's thoughts, Zheng Shu did not refuse the task of this tool man. After all, this was his regret after reading the original work.

Glancing at Eli Yi who was still uneasy, Zheng Shu asked tentatively: "Then do you have a place to stay at night?"

Seeing Eri Yi shaking her head, Zheng Shu thought for a moment and sent out his invitation: "I'm staying in a hotel now, do you want to go to the hotel with me?"

Erika nodded happily without thinking at all.

Seeing that the other party was so unwary, Zheng Shu sighed helplessly. Although he also knew that Eriki was actually very strong, he still felt tired that this girl trusted others so easily.

"Calm down, calm down, your breath is too unstable today, and you have lost the style of the young master."

In a classic Japanese-style room, Masamune Nagatachibana, the head of the eight Sheqi families, was educating the person in front of him.


After being educated like this by Tachibana Masamune, most of the murderous aura that originally emanated from Yuan Zhisheng's body was immediately recovered. He also realized that he had obviously lost some control on the way here.

After all, the matter of Eriyi being taken away by Zheng Shu was obviously out of their control. No matter how much they regarded Eriyi as his sister in their hearts, Yuan Zhisheng knew how harmful it would be if Eriyi lost control. .

"Don't panic. I already know the general story. Where did the commissioner from the headquarters take Eri?" Masamune Tachibana made himself a cup of tea and spoke calmly.

"Ah?" Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, and immediately recalled the message the crow sent him on the way, "They should be in the game arcade now."

"Yeah, it's just a trip to the game arcade. If he is really like you think, do you think they will stay there and play games so peacefully?" Masamune Tachibana paused for a moment, "And through Teru The video sent back by Ye Ji shows that they are having a great time, and they don’t seem to have anything on their minds.”

After hearing this, Yuan Zhisheng was finally no longer as impatient as he had been before, but after thinking about it, he still felt a little uneasy. This might be Zheng Shu's step-by-step plan to indulge in Eli Yi. After all, this The guy had been pretending for several days in a row before this.

As if he could see what Yuan Zhisheng was thinking, Tachibana Masamune slowly shook his head and took a sip of the tea in his cup: "All the assumptions you are making now are based on the premise of his disguise. If he has been pretending from beginning to end, Haven’t you ever pretended?”

"This is the record of the contact between Ange and me just now. You can take a look." Masamune Tachibana pushed the mobile phone in front of Yuan Zhisheng. There was a voice record of the call.

Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused, but he still put on his headphones and turned on the audio.

After quickly skipping the useless greetings, Yuan Zhisheng finally heard the main content. As time passed, his expression became more and more solemn.

After he finally listened to all the audio, the emperor Yuan Zhisheng's face had become extremely nervous, and even his hands were shaking unconsciously.

"Dad, Principal it true?"

"It's a pity." Masamune Tachibana shook his head and drew out a few documents from his mobile phone. "This is the exploration of the surrounding sea areas by the Yanliu Research Institute in the past few years. I have sent them to the location mentioned by Angers. We are conducting focused detection again. However, based on the data from previous years, there is a high probability that what he said is true, and Angers never lies about dragons."

Even though he already had the answer in his heart, Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help but have a headache after hearing his father's answer. He never thought that he would encounter such a thing in his lifetime, that ancient myths would actually be used in this era. recovery.

"In other words, God is really gradually waking up?" Yuan Zhisheng took a deep breath.

"I'm afraid so." Tachibana Masamune shook his head, his eyes full of exhaustion, "That's why I feel that the head office commissioner did not deliberately approach Eri. I have also read his information carefully, and it is clearly mentioned in it. However, this Commissioner Zheng Shu has an ability to detect the dragon bloodline that is beyond ordinary people's imagination - or it can be said that the biggest reason why Angers recruited him to Kassel Academy was because of his investigative ability."

Tachibana Masamune sighed: "I'm afraid this Zheng Shu's mission has been to determine the specific location of the 'god' from the beginning. Judging from the plan Angers sent me, on the day he arrived in Japan, he The specific location of 'God' has been confirmed."

As he said that, he suddenly laughed again.

"That's right. After all, the power of 'God' is so huge. According to myths and legends, He can even easily destroy the entire Japan."

Yuan Zhisheng fell silent. After a while, he suddenly thought of something and suddenly looked up at Tachibana Masamune.

"No! Dad, we are still at full-scale war with the fierce ghosts, and we simply don't have enough manpower to handle this matter!"

"I know, so this is the time to test the leader's decisiveness." Tachibana Masamune slowly poured a cup of tea for Yuan Zhisheng, "Shrink the scope of influence as much as possible, and concentrate the manpower on dealing with the 'god' matter. superior."

The plainly descriptive words contained terrifying blood. Minamoto was even startled by Tachibana Masamune's order.

"Dad, if this is the case, the gang members who trust us will suffer heavy losses, and what if the fierce ghosts attack the stronghold while we are shrinking our power?"

Tachibana Masamune shook his head and expressed dissatisfaction with Yuan Zhisheng's reaction: "You are still so indecisive, so I dare not give this position to you now. You have to remember that as a gangster, we have no Constrained by secular morality, justice and compassion are the prerogatives of those who stand under the sun, and have nothing to do with us. What's more, rabble-rousers like the Fierce Ghosts will quiet down after a few victories. "

Yuan Zhisheng fell silent again. He knew what his father meant. As long as he paid part of the stronghold, the fierce ghosts would stop because of his victory.

After all, the people who make up the fierce ghosts are themselves "ghosts" who are looser than the gangsters like them. Although it seems that they have been against the Sheqi family, as long as they get enough benefits, then this group of "ghosts" will Create chaos within yourself.

But in order to achieve this effect, they don't know how much benefit they have to pay, and they don't know how many innocent people will die during this period.

After a long time, Minamoto Chisheng accepted Tachibana Masamune's suggestion. After all, no matter how much damage the Fierce Ghosts do, the size of the eight Sheqi families will only damage a small part, and they can regain the lost territory through force in the future.

But if "God" is resurrected, then the whole of Japan will be destroyed.

"I understand, dad, so should I bring Eri back now?"

In any case, it is dangerous in every sense for Eriki to stay with people in the headquarters for a long time. And when defeating God, Eri's power is necessary.

"No." Tachibana Masamune shook his head.

Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused and could only wait for his father's opinion.

"Since the child wants to go out to play, let her go. Otherwise, there will always be a next time. Wait until she has fun before calling her back. Anyway, there is still a long time before the plan can be implemented. Otherwise, if she suddenly has a whim, Wouldn't it be more troublesome to leave during the planning period?" Masamune Tachibana sighed as he spoke.

Minamoto's childish spirit finally relaxed a bit today. He knew that his father's arrangements had always been appropriate and at the same time in line with his wishes. He indeed hoped that Eriki could spend time out and play like a normal girl.

"But..." Yuan Zhisheng thought carefully and still hesitated.

After all, those two people are both young boys and girls, and they are in a turbulent season. What if they play together for a few days and see that they are in love with each other? Although he thinks that Eli Yi is very immature and probably doesn't know what love is and what liking is, Zheng Shu is different. That guy is having so much fun with his little lover. What if he deceives Eli Yi? ? !

The most important thing is that if Zheng Shu really deceives Eri Yi, Yuan Zhisheng feels that with his own fighting power, he may not be able to teach him a lesson!

"Zhisheng, I have said many times that you are the one who will inherit my position. As the future director of the Executive Bureau, you must speak decisively and don't always be so hesitant, otherwise you will lose your majesty in front of your subordinates. "Tachibana Masamune lectured with a serious expression.


Facing his father's reprimand, Yuan Zhisheng could only bow his head and accept the lesson.

Tachibana Masamune looked at the tea leaves standing up in the cup and comforted him: "I know what you are thinking about, but don't worry. From the information I collected, the commissioner of the headquarters may be more serious than you think." Pure love.”

"Ah?" Yuan Zhisheng's eyes showed confusion. Can such a guy be considered innocent?

Tachibana Masamune glanced at Yuan Zhisheng, and shook his head with some hatred: "His information was sent to you a long time ago, didn't you read it carefully? Facing your own enemy, if the conditions are limited, forget it , but when possible, know yourself and your enemy.”

"I saw it." Yuan Zhisheng lowered his head and did not dare to refute, but he was muttering in his heart.

Who in the right mind would pay attention to other people's love history? Faced with such an enemy, understanding the other person's habits and combat effectiveness should be the first priority.

"What you thought before is indeed correct, but when he involves Eri Yi, you should pay attention to this guy's other qualities."

As Tachibana Masamune, who single-handedly brought up Minamoto Chisei, he has complete insight into Minamoto Chisheng's thoughts.

Yuan Zhisheng shrank his head, knowing that he had acted too obviously.

"That Zheng Shu has only had an intimate relationship with that Mia so far. Based on that Mia's background, the two of them can be considered a perfect match. I guess the reason why these two have not announced their relationship until now is, in the end, The main reason is Angers' ban. After all, judging from the information, Zheng Shu is not very close to his family..."

After being reminded by his father, Yuan Zhisheng immediately understood. With the fighting power shown by Zheng Shu, he would definitely have many suitors in Kassel College. Under such circumstances, I still only fall in love with one person. It would be unbelievable to say that there is no special relationship between these two people.

It's not that Yuan Zhisheng looks down on Eri Yi. There are so many beauties in Kassel Academy, and I haven't seen any kind of girl like him. Although Eriyi looks good, her ability to handle men can only be said to be negative, and she has no competitive ability at all compared to those women who were specially trained in big families.

If Zheng Shu came to Japan alone, Yuan Zhisheng would still worry that Zheng Shu had made a mistake that any man would make. But since the other half is also here, everything will be safe no matter what.

Seeing that Yuan Zhisheng finally figured it out, Masamune Tachibana smiled with satisfaction: "By the way, are they still playing games now?"

"Ah? No." Yuan Zhisheng lowered his head and glanced at the information that Crow continued to send him on his phone. "They just finished their meal and left together."

"Oh? Where have you been? Although I hope Erika can have a little more fun, we can't let her be immersed in games all day." Masamune Tachibana took a sip of tea and showed a fatherly expression.

"It seems that Eriyi didn't have a place to stay at night, so she went to the hotel with Zheng Shu." After understanding the reason for everything, Yuan Zhisheng now behaved very calmly.

"I'm going to kill that beast!!!"

Oh my god, I made a mistake. I thought you would have no monthly tickets at the end of the month, but there are so many in one day.

_(` ∠)__

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