Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 121 The War between the Nibelungs (3K)

When Ye Sheng was unable to deliver the message, Zheng Shu had to move faster. After all, no matter which dragon they encountered in the original work, they had no resistance.

As for the sudden change in this Nibelung, Zheng Shu estimated that after detecting Ye Sheng's voice spirit, the Nibelung's external detection system also detected his presence.

Although Zheng Shu was very confident in his method of hiding bloodline fluctuations, Zheng Shu did not feel that he could completely hide the past when facing the Nibelung roots created by Norton, the apex alchemist himself.

No matter who is the controller inside, if you suddenly find a dragon king outside your door while you are sleeping, and the boss of your family has not been fully hatched, everyone will be afraid of this kind of thing.

With the help of Yan Ling, Zheng Shu quickly descended to where Ye Sheng and the others were just in just a few seconds.

At this time, the bottom of the water had just experienced the baptism of the earthquake, and the water was full of turbid sediment. This sediment will not only block the diver's sight, but the small stones mixed in it will be driven by the undercurrent of the river and penetrate the diving suit like a bullet. In severe cases, it may even directly break the diver's bones.

Zheng Shu landed steadily on the rocks at the bottom of the water. Even without the help of hooks, the turbulent undercurrent still could not push his body a bit. He bent down and reached out to touch the ground, and the golden light in his eyes began to flow.

"Tsk! Trouble!"

Although it is far inferior in size to Odin's Nibelungen, this war fortress built for himself by Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, also has its own troubles.

Unlike Odin's Nibelung, Norton's Nibelung is not completely hidden in space, but is attached to the bronze city he made himself.

Although this will greatly reduce the concealment of the Nibelungs, everyone can find the main position of the Nibelungs. But because of the bronze and mountains as external defenses, even if Zheng Shu used Hela's power, he could not directly break through the Nibelungen space barrier.

In order to break through directly from the outside, in addition to breaking the spatial barrier reinforced by alchemy, Zheng Shu also had to smash the mountain shell protected by the outside and the bronze city covered with alchemy circles.

The two layers of defense, the simple space barrier and the mountain shell, were fine. Zheng Shu relied on Hela's power and control over the flow of power to easily smash them. The most troublesome thing was the existence of the Bronze City itself.

This city carefully built by Norton is not only filled with massive alchemical formations both inside and outside, but Norton also uses his amazing alchemy technology to integrate the entire city into one, like this mountain-like city. The bronze city of the same size turned into a huge alchemical weapon.

If the Seven Deadly Sins are the personal weapons that Norton refined to kill other dragon kings, then this "White Emperor City" is the war fortress made by Norton.

Coupled with the increase the Nibelungen provides to the user, the controller inside can easily resist the attack of thousands of armies as long as his mind is clear.

"Hiss... If I remember correctly, Constantine's bone bottle seems to be in this bronze city. In other words, Norton's younger brother wanted to have his brother resurrected from the beginning without any worries." Zheng Shu suddenly He came to his senses and said, "No, if you think about it a bit more, maybe this bronze city was built by Norton for his brother."

After sighing with emotion at Norton's control over his disciples, Zheng Shu came to the "gate" of the Bronze City that he sensed.

Opening his palms facing the gate, Zheng Shu closed his eyes and gathered his strength for a moment. Then a huge golden portal opened in front of his palms, covering the entire gate of the Bronze City that he perceived.

Following a violent fluctuation under the water, the golden portal in front of Zheng Shu's palm suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings seemed to have not changed at all.

However, after Zheng Shu adjusted his vision a little and linked his vision to the Nibelung that was originally owned by Odin and was overtaken by him, he could see that it turned out to be an empty grassland in the Nibelung. , a huge bronze city gate and surrounding city walls suddenly appeared.

During those months of alchemy research, he relied on the power of Hela to develop a method to open the opening of the Nibelung at a distance, although in the process he needed to continuously provide a large amount of material to maintain the transmission. The door exists, but this also solves the disadvantage of the Nibelung being unable to move.

Zheng Shu originally wanted to move the gate of the Bronze City directly to his own Nibelung, but unfortunately, because the entire Bronze City is an integrated alchemical creation, his sudden and unexpected operation failed. .

Fortunately, although the show operation failed, the original normal purpose has been achieved. Zheng Shu twisted the entrance of Baidi City and the entrance of Odin's Nibelungs together. In this way, even though the two Nibelungs are actually thousands of miles apart, they are like two in a certain space. They stick together as tightly as bubbles.

What Zheng Shu has to do now is to break the barrier between these two bubbles.

Following the activities of his thoughts, black holes suddenly appeared out of thin air on the Nibelung grasslands. Inside, there was an army of high-level bloodline deadpools that Odin had collected since ancient times.

These originally dormant ones, Deadpool, immediately returned to their active state the moment they touched the ground. Their eyes opened to reveal golden pupils, and their mouths full of sharp teeth opened and roared towards the bronze door. , when the saliva in the mouth flows to the ground, it will even splash traces of corrosion.

There was no war mobilization. As Zheng Shu released his restraints on them, the group of dead warriors ran frantically towards the bronze gate in front of them on all fours.

The controllers inside Baidi City also discovered this strange situation at this time, and immediately controlled the Nibelungs to start a counterattack.

Massive alchemy arrays were deployed on the gates and walls of Baidi City. Along with the lights and shadows of various colors, attacks of various attributes bombarded the group of Deadpools, triggering various events including explosion, collapse, fragmentation, and stagnation. attack characteristics.

The continuous and intensive attacks temporarily blocked the charge of the Deadpool group. However, in the grassland in the distance, those black holes are continuously releasing Deadpool into the battlefield, replenishing the loss of Deadpool in front.

Soon, the war fortress that Odin spent all his efforts to build also began to exert force. Those deadpools who were not hit by the attack center and were only missing arms and legs climbed up from the ground again. With the power of the Nibelungs, they His body quickly returned to its original state, and his combat effectiveness was also constantly increasing.

In addition, the pieces of meat that were beaten to pieces by Baidi City's attack and even burned were not completely inactivated by the power of the Nibelungs. They would attach themselves to the passing Deadpool and recover again. activity, and increase the power of the dependent.

This Nibelung was continuously transformed by Odin. Even Zheng Shu, who had a complete Hela template, would find the strengthening ability extremely troublesome. Now in this war, it has once again shown its terrifying side.

As the amount of flesh and blood fragments produced by Baidi City's attack increased, giant individuals up to four meters high had even begun to appear in the group of Deadpools. When an individual of this size appears, even the concentrated fire of several alchemy circles on the city wall cannot kill it immediately.

Under the cover of this level of human shields, Baidi City's attack barrage could no longer stop the Deadpool group from charging. Although the speed was very slow, with the continuous input of reserve forces, the Deadpool group and Baidi City were able to The distance is getting closer and closer.

Zheng Shu created a throne under his body and sat down, looking at the group of deadpools charging in the distance without any desire to intervene.

If he had a dragon body now, he wouldn't mind fighting with Baidi City, but in order to maintain the stability of his mind, he has always maintained a human body.

Although Hela's strength is indeed very strong, if the pure strength alone is not that outstanding, Zheng Shu is not interested in trying whether his skin can withstand the concentrated fire of the White Emperor City.

Although it visually looks like he has pulled the gate of Baidi City into his own Nibelung, in fact this is just a spatial illusion, and the two are still completely incompatible. Independent space.

No matter how much the Nibelung root of Zheng Shu adds to his own strength, he cannot use this power to attack the enemy's gate.

Just like the current battle situation, because Deadpool was not strong before, even after his own Nibelungs were weakened, those alchemy formations specially used for war could still smash the Deadpool in the center.

After the super-large individuals gradually appeared in the Deadpool group, the Deadpools advanced all the way and seemed to capture the city gate immediately. As a result, after entering the chaotic range of space where the two Nibelungs intersected, the charge of the Deadpool group was stalled again due to the loss of the power blessing of the Nibelungs and the attack of the White Emperor City. .

However, as time goes by, Zheng Shu relies on his control of the Nibelungs and is gradually "spreading" the edge of the Nibelungs towards the opponent.

The only thing that made Zheng Shu feel more at ease was that as the intensity of his attack continued to increase, the controllers inside Baidi City obviously turned their attention to him. In a short period of time, the safety of Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki was guaranteed.

After all, the person who can control Baidi City must be a high-level pure-blood dragon. For this kind of existence, compared with the two ants that sneaked into Baidi City, hostile dragon kings like Zheng Shu are the biggest threat.

Zheng Shu did some calculations and found that Ye Sheng and the others' oxygen levels should be able to sustain for another two hours or so, which would be enough time for him to knock down Baidi City's defenses.

Still owe seven thousand words

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