Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 120 Activated Baidi City (two-in-one)

"The Executive Department has previously dispatched four additional teams, namely Tibet, Xinjiang, Greenland and Mexico. A total of more than 1,300 people around the world are exploring the location of the Dragon Tomb. Currently, The group closest to success is Professor Mance. His target is the noble first generation of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, one of the four great monarchs. They will launch the "Kuimen Plan" in the Yangtze River. This plan was personally formulated by the principal. …”

Late at night, the tugboat "Monyach" shuddered in the storm on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

This was a rare heavy rain in autumn. The rain poured down violently, and the wind speed reached level 5. Other ships pulled ashore to take shelter from the wind. Only the Monyach's xenon flickered in the rain curtain on the restless water.

Zheng Shu sat bored in the cabin, listening to a specialist from the execution department explaining the Kuimen plan to him.

After Zheng Shu and others arrived in Sichuan three weeks ago to report, they did not immediately participate in the Kuimen plan. Instead, they joined a specialized diving training center under Norma's arrangement, and spent half a month there. train.

In fact, the main target of this training is Zheng Shu. Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki are mainly doing adaptive training here, but Zheng Shu needs to learn how to dive from scratch.

Fortunately, dragons have the ability to live on land, sea, and air, and Zheng Shu's physical fitness is strong enough. He can dive skillfully with just a little familiarity with the specific rules.

It only took less than three days for his diving teacher to tell him that there was nothing left to teach him.

However, the adaptive training of Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki was not over yet. Therefore, it was not until a few days ago that Zheng Shu and the others boarded the ship, and Zheng Shu finally met his instructor who he had only met once: Manns Rundstedt.

Professor Mans Rundstedt is also the captain of the ship "Monach". He is now standing in front of the driver's window. A splash of rainwater hits the front window and then explodes. The wind is roaring. The ship was rocking, and Mance stood steady, smoking a cigar and waiting for news.

There was a faint cry of a baby in the back cabin, and Mance frowned: "Who wants to see what's wrong with that baby? It keeps crying. Doesn't anyone among you know how to take care of a child?"

"Professor, none of the current main members of the executive department are married. How do you expect us to learn to take care of babies?" the girl sitting in front of the screen replied without raising her head.

She was about twenty-three or four years old, with beautiful black hair, a typical Latin beauty appearance, and was wearing a combat uniform specially designed by Kassel College.

After hearing her words, everyone else present, including Zheng Shu, nodded towards Professor Mance. Zheng Shu had never thought that there could be such a tormenting person in this world. Perhaps it was because the little guy in the back cabin had a high concentration of dragon blood and a sharper sense. He was particularly disgusted with Zheng Shu. Not to mention hugging him, even if Zheng Shu got close to him within a certain distance, the other person would stop crying.

"Selma, call me captain. My identity is now the captain of the Monyach, not your substitute professor." Mance blew out a puff of cigar smoke and looked around at the people around him, feeling a little helpless.

"Everyone, please don't leave your place. Since I am the only married man here, I will go and see our dear baby. Selma, pay attention to the life signals of both of them. If there is any abnormality, immediately close the line." !”

"Understood!" Latin girl Thelma replied energetically.

"The captain received a signal from the Maritime Safety Administration of the Yangtze River Channel that the storm will continue in the second half of the night, the wind will increase to level 10, and the rainfall will reach 200 mm. This is a rare heavy rain and may be accompanied by thunderstorms. They are mobilizing helicopters Rescue we recommend we abandon ship now" the third officer next to him took off his earphones and reported to Mance.

"I replied to them and said that our ship has a very deep draft. The ship's depth is currently quite stable and we can survive the storm. There are still a few patients on the ship and we should not abandon the ship."

Mance put out the cigar in his hand and patted the clothes on his body, as if to let the smell of smoke go away.

"You don't have to worry. This is the Monyach. It's not a tugboat. It was originally a warship. Even a level 12 storm won't be a problem for it." Mance finished arranging his clothes. , looked up at the dark sky outside, was silent for a while and said to himself, "This heavy rain reminds me of the ice sea in Greenland ten years ago. Every time I approach these things, I feel like a disaster is imminent."

When he went to the back cabin, the front cabin became very quiet. Everyone had undergone rigorous training at Kassel Academy, staring at their own screens, and operating quickly and silently.

Two intertwined heartbeats echoed in the earphones. In Selma's heartbeat monitoring window, green light spots falling and falling together indicated that the two young and strong hearts were still beating normally.

Fifty meters below the surface of the water.

The spotlight could not penetrate very far in the deep water. There was only a blue-gray light strip. Shuudoku Aki's slender figure was floating beside him. Ye Sheng could reach him as long as he stretched out his hand.

This is their twenty-seventh underwater collaborative operation. They are classmates at Kassel College and entered the execution department at the same time. They have been diving partners for five years and can read each other's hearts from one look.

"The ability of the student named Zheng Shu is really surprising. I didn't expect that he would directly find the location of Baidi City as soon as he came here. If he had known this, Professor Mansi should have called him here earlier, which probably would have saved more time. "Ye Sheng searched the bottom of the water while talking to Yaji through a separate signal line between the two.

Deep diving is a very dangerous thing. Relying on oxygen bottles and a layer of nanomaterial diving instruments to withstand water pressure equivalent to more than ten atmospheres, and only relying on a signal line to stay in touch with the human world, people's emotions are at stake here. It is easy to become overly nervous in this situation.

In order to ease this mood, even in such important work, underwater personnel will unconsciously find various topics to discuss.

"I don't know how he did it. If this method can be popularized, our tasks will be much simpler in the future." Aki Shutoku responded to Ye Sheng's topic while going downstream.

Soon they reached the bottom of the water. The violent storm on the river was filtered by tens of meters of water layer and arrived here, leaving only gentle water waves.

This place used to be a mountainous area, which was submerged due to the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir. The stones were smoothed by the water and difficult to stand on. Ye Sheng took out the steel claws from his flippers and landed gently on the rocks. He reached out and groped in the bottom mud and sand, and soon I found a piece of pottery with ancient patterns.

Shutoku Aki took the piece of pottery and observed it carefully for a while.

"It has a history of at least more than a thousand years. It is something from Shu culture before it was engulfed by Central Plains culture. It may be a relic of Baidi City."

Through Norma's sonar scan of the surrounding environment, Ye Sheng determined that their location was the location of Baidi City, but because it was so long ago, Baidi City had been buried by the sand.

After a little discussion, the two decided to let Ye Sheng use the Word Spirit: Snake for further exploration.

Shutoku Aki swam behind Ye Sheng, with steel claws popping out of his flippers, clasping the rock tightly, and wrapping his hands around Ye Sheng's waist from behind. This was to prevent Ye Sheng from being carried away by the current or being carried away when driving the spirit spirit. The signal wire is tangled and suffocated.

After completing the preparations, Ye Sheng closed his eyes. In his spiritual vision, the restless "snake" was entangled in his mind, its scales glowed with a cold and clear light, and Ye Sheng's body trembled slightly.

Word Spirit: Snake activates.

Ye Sheng gave orders to the snakes in his mind, and the snakes deep in his mind were released. They flowed along Ye Sheng's limbs, and finally surged out and disappeared into the water. At the same time, Monyach also monitored a powerful bioelectric current erupting at a certain point underwater.

Yan Ling: The snake swarm released by the snake is essentially a kind of biological electric current. In a good conductor, the "snake" will be many times stronger. At this time, the huge water body of the reservoir greatly strengthens this ability, allowing people within a radius of 5 kilometers to They are all under Ye Sheng's surveillance.

Ye Sheng's consciousness followed the "snake" into every crevice under the water, all the way down, and then down again.

In his opened eyes, there was a faint golden light flowing in them. Ye Sheng observed the world with "snake" eyes. In his eyes, the world was composed of countless tiny tubes. The tubes intersected, then separated and extended infinitely, and he Snakes walked through the pipes, and gray fog filled the air wherever they went.

Suddenly Ye Sheng's body trembled, the pale gold in his pupils disappeared, and his heartbeat rate quickly picked up. Most of the "snakes" returned to sleep in his mind, and only one was still going downward, penetrating the darkness. , and gained insight into other results.

"What's the result?" Aki asked immediately after seeing his state.

"There is a huge piece of metal about 40 meters below our feet. The 'snake' swims very fast there. Only metal bodies have such good conductivity."

When the two of them were discussing the location of the underground palace, Zheng Shu on the Monyach also opened his eyes.

Just now, the Nibelung under the ship suddenly became active. It seemed that Ye Sheng's speech spirit was detected, causing the Nibelung to automatically activate its defense function.

"It's better to let them come up first."

Zheng Shu said something to Mance who had just returned next to him. Before Mance could react, the third officer next to him suddenly said loudly.

"Captain, the Maritime Safety Administration of the Yangtze River Channel notified us that there may be an underwater earthquake with magnitude five intensity. They insisted on sending a rescue helicopter to us. Maybe they realized something was wrong here."

Mance frowned, looked at the heartbeat test on the screen in front of Thelma, and finally made up his mind.

"Ye Sheng, Yaji, prepare to surface immediately. There may be an underwater earthquake with magnitude five intensity tonight. It's very dangerous down there."

"Understood, give up for now." Ye Sheng replied immediately when he heard the command from the earphones, and then his expression changed.

The surrounding water was shaking, and Yaqi next to her also felt it. The shaking came from the rock she was standing on, and the entire bottom of the water was shaking. The dust raised from the bottom of the water obscured her vision.

"The underwater earthquake has started... Damn it! Why did it happen so fast this time?"

On the Monyach, Mance clearly knew what was happening underwater from the sonar chart. He turned to the first mate and shouted: "Retract the line! Retract the line! Pull them up quickly!"

The engine on the side of the ship immediately began to rotate, and the black rope that served as a life-saving lock and signal line began to be recovered.

But at this moment, even though he was in the cabin, Mance could clearly hear a crashing sound coming from the wind and rain outside. Then the turbine speed lost control. Mance's face suddenly changed. The turbine speed was out of control. Because there is no tension acting on it - the lifeline breaks.

There was deathly silence in the front cabin. Mance inserted his hands into his hair and combed it back hard. The roots of the hair hurt when he pulled them out.

There was a chaotic sizzling sound from the loudspeaker, the signal was interrupted, and life or death was unknown. The survival rope was also a signal line. It was the only channel connecting them to Ye Sheng and Ya Ji. He may have lost the two most proud people. student, although he had long been aware of this possibility because a similar incident had occurred more than ten years ago.

The situation under the water is unknown. Should we send people to explore and rescue? Or give up like that time in the Greenland Ice Sea? Professor Manns thought nervously.

At this time, Zheng Shu, who happened to be wearing a diving suit, passed by him and attracted Professor Mance's attention.

"What are you going to do?" Looking at Zheng Shu who was packing the oxygen bottles, Professor Mansi had already thought of a possibility in his mind, but he still asked unconsciously while he was thinking nervously.

"Huh? Isn't it obvious? Of course we go down to save them." Zheng Shu answered in a very relaxed tone, as if he was not going to a depth of 50 meters underwater where an earthquake had just occurred, but going to a restaurant to buy breakfast. Just as easy.

"Nonsense! I haven't given the order yet, you can't act privately!" Mance was a little excited. Zheng Shu's behavior reminded him of the situation in the Greenland Ice Sea.

"Don't worry, mentor. If something goes wrong with my strength, it will be useless for the rest of you to go down."

Carrying an extra oxygen bottle on his back, Zheng Shu waved to Professor Siman, opened the hatch and rushed out. When Professor Siman rushed to the hatch, he only heard a loud sound of falling into the water.

As soon as he entered the water, Zheng Shu used the spirit of words to create two small vortexes behind him, letting them push him deeper like propellers.

There was a reason why Zheng Shu was so impatient. Relying on the special vision provided by Hela, Zheng Shu could clearly see that the Nibelung below had fallen into a completely closed state.

This means that Ye Sheng and Yaji cannot use the Yanling: Snake Unicom signal line to transmit information like the original work. The Nibelungen suddenly fell into such a closed state. There must be a controller inside, which also means that Ye Sheng and the others have completely entered the sight of the Nibelungen controller.

Thanks to the two readers Rising at the End of Qingping and Langlilangah for their rewards. Thank you for your support.

As of yesterday, the number of subscriptions for the first chapter was 3165, and the monthly ticket... was less than 500. Let me tell you in advance, because I didn’t know much about it, I originally adjusted the value of the monthly pass too low, so I plan to double the “price” of the monthly pass while the initial subscription value remains unchanged, that is, a monthly pass costs four word.

A rough calculation is equivalent to more than 11,000 words, and if it is a fraction, it is rounded up to 12,000 words.

I have paid back a little over 2,000 words before, so I still owe you 10,000 words of updates.

To sum up, I’ll add an update today.

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