Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 106 Certificate of Voting (4K please subscribe)

"You are completely different from my original impression."

Facing the surrounding flashes, the blonde girl smiled very elegantly and waved, attracting more and more cameras to take pictures. At the same time, she was still talking to Zheng Shu in a voice that could only be heard by two people.

"What should I say? We seem to have only met each other twice." Zheng Shu squinted his eyes and looked around, still a little uncomfortable with such an environment. In comparison, he still preferred to have a happy battle with the enemy. .

"Yes, counting this time we only met twice, but last time, within ten hours of us meeting, you pushed me onto the bed. And... it was very wild."

When the sound of taking pictures around him stopped, the blond girl once again put her body next to Zheng Shu. She looked as elegant as a noble lady, but the words that came out of her mouth had nothing to do with elegance.

"Isn't it because you have been actively seducing me? And I also helped you complete the task. It's a win-win situation for everyone."

Facing the smiling gaze of the blonde girl, Zheng Shu looked elsewhere awkwardly, only his mouth remained stiff.

He was a little embarrassed. After all, he was tricked into a beauty trap during the most swollen period of his life. Zheng Shu, who had grown into a pufferfish, naturally wouldn't have much resistance. He even said that he felt that the world was the best. It should be turned according to his thinking.

However, after he raised his power to the full form of Dragon King, his heart did not continue to expand but returned to his original heart.

Perhaps it is because he has gained absolute power, giving him the ability to do whatever he wants. Therefore, he can see through many things and will not be confused by the actions of others.

Feeling that he had acted a little too cowardly just now, Zheng Shu tried hard to bring his eyes back to meet hers.

"You don't have the right to say that I'm not, do you? We were completely different people when I first met you and today."

"Then you're wrong." The blonde girl smiled and shook her finger.

"I've always been like this. It's just that you have changed too much, so my attitude towards you has changed."

Having said this, the blond girl stopped the smile on her face and stared into Zheng Shu's eyes very seriously.

"You know? More than a month ago, you were like a tyrant who took pleasure in killing people. You set up rules in your heart, and as long as someone violated you, you would make him regret it. Although you have always preached that you abide by order, But you have been seducing others to cross the line you set, and you have been holding a knife outside that line, always expecting someone to cross it."

The blond girl reached out and touched Zheng Shu's face, with some inexplicable emotions in her eyes.

"That's why when we first met, I acted like I had no idea that you had seen through my purpose, so that you would always have the upper hand mentally, so that you could save your own life."

Zheng Shu tilted his head back with some discomfort and avoided her touch.

"Then according to what you said, I have changed a lot now."

The blonde girl took back her hand with some regret and smiled again.

"Of course, if you were preaching the rules a month ago, but you were always hoping someone would make you break the rules, then now you are completely wrapping yourself up in morals and ethics, pretending to be a human being . So I won’t be afraid after seeing you this time, because psychologically speaking, in most cases you have become a real ‘good person’, a good person who completely follows secular morality.”

"Although this comment may sound a bit harsh, doesn't it mean that I have become more affable in a month?"

Seeing Zheng Shu's expression, the blond girl just showed a moving smile, hugged his arm tightly with both hands, and did not continue to speak.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Zheng Shu didn't care. He shrugged casually and continued walking towards the door.

"No matter how cruel they are, human beings will never try to disguise themselves as another human being. Only inhuman beings will make such disguises..."

The blonde girl just thought about this sentence in her heart without saying it. While the person next to her wanted to disguise herself as a human, she could act more relaxed, but she was worried that once she revealed this fact, the other person would It will reveal the true being beneath the disguise.

Although she didn't know what it was or what happened to Zheng Shu to make it like this, her intuition warned her not to try it. It was a price she couldn't bear at all.

Zheng Shu pushed open the glass door that reflected the shadow of the chandelier in the clubhouse. The luxurious decoration in the Norton Hall put a bright color on everyone's face. The cello band played hard behind the guardrail on the second floor, and the people walking and socializing on the dance floor looked gleaming, like gems shining under the spotlight.

As Zheng Shu understood, this gathering was more like a banquet than a party.

Everyone walks in the club with a polite smile. When they meet, they raise their champagne glasses slightly to indicate. If they meet each other, they will come closer to say hello and chat about recent developments or interesting things.

The men were humorous, the women were reserved and elegant, and they were well-organized under the playing of the cello.

But there are also things that are different from what he imagined...

Zheng Shu fell silent as he looked at the group of white silk ballerinas dancing in the center of the venue. He recognized them. They were members of the student union dance troupe. Each one of them was a carefully selected tall and beautiful girl.

If such a girl appeared at the party in the meaning Zheng Shu understood, it might cause everyone to be extremely excited. But now the appearance of these girls on this occasion feels a bit strange, like a group of people carrying loudspeakers suddenly appearing at a solemn funeral. It is disrespectful and against the rules.

On the faces of the guests who had hidden twitching in the corners of their eyes when passing by, Zheng Shu confirmed that he was not the only one who had such an idea. It seemed that Caesar was still the Caesar he was familiar with, still so rebellious and uninhibited, hating rules. I hate living with a mask.

It seemed that he had wrongly blamed Caesar. Caesar probably wanted to hold a "party" just like the one in his mind, but the people around him didn't understand what he meant at all.

Now Caesar is only in his second year, and his prestige has not yet reached its peak. The white silk dance troupe in the center of the stage is probably the last of Caesar's stubbornness. If it were in the next semester, after the people in the student union understood Caesar's character and reversed the failure, he would probably fill the swimming pool with wine and have a swimsuit party.

Various thoughts passed through Zheng Shu's mind for a while, and his attention was immediately directed to the area further inside the guild hall, where a long dining table was placed in the shape of a Chinese character, with clear water on it. lobster and steak, various colorful snacks clustered around the champagne tower, and unlimited cocktails on the tray.

Seeing these expected delicacies, Zheng Shu's spirits perked up and he walked straight towards the table.

But just when he was about to leave, he suddenly found that a large group of people surrounded him.

Ever since Zheng Shu entered the Norton Hall, he has become the focus of the audience. Countless people used the cover of the lights to carefully look at this school legend.

Even the President of the Student Council and the President of the Lion Heart Club are willing to admit that the students who are willing to accept the defeat are here. Such a scene is not something you can see often. Is this a statement? Or a trial? Everyone was guessing his purpose, and their bodies were unconsciously moving towards Zheng Shu.

After seeing that Zheng Shu seemed to want to move his position, someone finally couldn't help but break the deadlock.

"Zheng Shu? Hello, I am the vice president of the student union. I am glad to meet you here today."

A tall girl in a white dress walked up to Zheng Shu first and extended her hand.


Zheng Shu still didn't understand the current situation, but he still reached out and gently shook the other person's hand like a reflex.

"I really hope I can have the opportunity to dance with you today."

The girl didn't say anything more, bowed slightly and bowed, then left the place with a trace of her back.

But her behavior was like a clarion call for charge, causing others to come to Zheng Shu and extend their hands.

"Director of the Fighting Department, I hope you can consider the Fighting Department. After all, we are all a group of people with the same interests."




"I am from the Lion Heart Club..."

"Hello, you...shall I go?"

Before Zheng Shuzheng could understand how the eldest brother in front of him got into this gathering, he was overwhelmed by the overwhelming greetings again. Zheng Shu could only shake hands with Yiyi and agree. The crowd around him was talking a lot, and more people were ready to make a move.

Zheng Shu, who was in the center of the crowd, felt extremely uncomfortable. At such a banquet, people regarded him as a star. From time to time, people came up to shake hands with him and introduce themselves, just to leave an impression in front of him.

If Zheng Shu faced such pursuit some time ago, not only would he not feel embarrassed, but he would feel extremely happy. Even if he doesn't show it on the surface, he will be very happy.

But for the current Zheng Shu, in order to better maintain his humanity, he has rediscovered his personality in his previous life, so he seems a little overwhelmed when facing such an enthusiastic crowd.

In fact, what the blond girl said was right. He had long discovered his mental problems, and as his strength continued to expand, the problems became more and more serious. Especially after completing the strengthening of Hela's template, he found that he was out of tune with most living creatures.

"Blood Mourning? And it's a Blood Mourning that's even higher than the Twin Dragon Kings."

Zheng Shu has begun to understand why Lu Mingfei in the original work became such a loser. He obviously had such terrifying power, but he used his subconscious to suppress it.

Even people like Zheng Shu who are familiar with the plot will be greatly affected by Blood Mourning. People like Lu Mingfei, who have been affected by Blood Mourning since childhood, make such choices in order to integrate themselves into "ordinary people". There is nothing wrong with that.

Just as Zheng Shu was thinking, a hand stretched out from the side took over most of the social crowd for him.

Turning around, he saw that it was the blond girl who came in with him. She seemed to be able to deal with this complicated situation with ease. Not only did she perfectly handle everyone who came to socialize, she even had time to wink at him.

Under her "protection", Zheng Shu finally came to the dining table.

It seemed that some default rules had been triggered. The moment he touched the table, all the people around him who wanted to come up to socialize disappeared.

Rejecting the help from the waiter next to him, Zheng Shu picked up the long knife prepared by the table and slashed it, and a piece of steak easily fell into the plate he had held in advance.

After pouring some black pepper sauce on the steak, Zheng Shu directly inserted the whole steak with a fork and stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite. The teeth that look the same as those of normal people bite through the tough beef fibers with one click, and the tender texture and fragrant taste explode on the tongue.

"Well... it's not easy to eat this meal. Fortunately, it tastes really good. It's much better than the steak in the cafeteria."

Leaning his body on the table, Zheng Shu sighed with satisfaction. The food obtained after going through many obstacles always has an extra deliciousness.

One hand held a handkerchief and approached the corner of his mouth, as if wanting to help him wipe away the sauce from his mouth. Zheng Shu did not let it approach, but reached out and took the handkerchief and wiped it himself.

"Thanks, but I'm still not good at people treating me like this."

The blonde girl showed a gentle smile, took a glass of wine from the passing waiter and took a sip.

"I can't help it. After all, my current fortune and life are all tied to you. If you hate me, then I may really have no value."

After finishing the steak in his hands in two or three bites, Zheng Shu turned his attention to the lobsters and used the public tongs to pick two of them onto his plate. After hearing what the blonde girl said, he thought for a moment and then picked up another plate on top. He picked up a lobster and handed it to her.

"You don't have to worry so much, and you don't have to talk about yourself so pitifully. After all, I still have to maintain the image of a good person, right?"

After a conversation, both parties fell silent unconsciously.

After Zheng Shu ate several pieces of lobster in a row, he felt that steak was more to his liking, so he directly picked up the table knife next to him, swiped it a few times, and cut out several large pieces of steak and placed them on his plate.

"What do you think of them?"

Hearing the question from the blonde girl, Zheng Shu looked up and glanced around while eating his steak. Although the people next to him were still chatting gracefully, their eyes would focus here from time to time.

"A group of ordinary people, although they advertise their noble bloodline every day, in my opinion, their psychology is similar to that of most ordinary people."

"Yes, in the face of absolute power, they are just a group of ordinary people. But for many mixed races, they should be aloof and do not want anyone to step on their heads. After all, having Angers is enough ”

Zheng Shu turned to look at her, then turned back and continued to eat the steak in front of him.

The blonde girl was not in a hurry, but drank the cocktail in her glass with a smile and put the glass on the table.

"This is my certificate of submission. Remember to be careful on this mission. Some people can't bear it anymore."

Just when she was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Zheng Shu.

"By the way, from the look of you, you probably haven't remembered my name either. Let me introduce myself again, Mia, Mia Pistorius. Don't forget it next time."

Zheng Shu watched Mia leave without saying anything. After swallowing the last piece of steak on the plate, he recalled what Mia had just said.

"Can anyone help it? That's great, I'm a little bored after all."

Under the dazzling light, the corners of Zheng Shu's mouth unconsciously cracked into a large arc.

"Although I want to maintain my humanity, if I become a loser like Lu Mingfei, it would be worse than death. If someone causes trouble, I have to thank them for allowing me to let go of my own restrictions."

But just for a moment, he returned to his original expressionless look and continued to "struggle" with the food in front of him.

Okay, the update is complete, let me take a moment to relax.

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