Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 105: Taking advantage of others and provoking them (6K first order required)

"completely annihilated?"

Ange looked at the information in his hand, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"I remember that I just received the distress message three hours ago. Commissioners from other regional execution departments should have already arrived for support."


Schneider stood in front of Angers' table, exuding terrifying murderous intent.

"After receiving the distress message, the nearest execution department station immediately sent people there. Unfortunately, it was a step too late. It only took less than three hours. Seventy-nine people from the Southeast Asia execution department station, including the team leader and external staff, were All the people were killed. And the enemy was so arrogant that they arranged the corpses of all the victims in a manner similar to a sacrificial ceremony."

Schneider pointed to the photo on the table, which was a picture of the scene sent back by the team that went to support.

The skin of all the deceased was peeled off to reveal the muscles underneath. Most of the corpses were arranged in a circle, kneeling towards the center. In the center of the circle, the head of the corpse of the leader of the Southeast Asian executive force was cut off. He held his head with his hands and posed in a worshiping posture facing the distance.

"This image of death is exactly the same as the death of Commissioner Conor Paine reported by the Southeast Asia Executive Branch a week ago. After that, we also received an action report from the Southeast Asia Branch. We can already confirm that this time it is very serious. Purpose of revenge killing.”

For Schneider, the Executive Department had never suffered such a huge loss in so many years, and the enemy actually dared to place the corpses like this. This was a complete provocation to him and Kassel Academy.

"How much information do you know about the enemy?"

Schneider was silent for a moment and took out another picture from his arms.

"There is no other information. All surveillance equipment and recording equipment were destroyed by unknown forces. The only thing that can confirm the enemy's information is the symbol carved on his fingernail by the unit commander."

The photo showed a pair of palms with skin peeled off, and there was a very small, unclear mark on the blood-stained fingernails. That is a code name exclusively used within the Executive Department. There are more than two hundred of them, and each symbol is used to represent a special thing.


Even though it was covered with blood, Ange could tell the meaning of the symbol just by looking at it.

The sal tree is an evergreen tree growing in India. It has very strong roots and is very tall. Its leaves spread out like big umbrellas.

According to legend, Sakyamuni Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree when he became enlightened, and his Nirvana appeared between the two Sala trees. In the history of mixed races, there are three pure-blood dragons in this legend.

In addition to Sakyamuni Buddha, who represents the Dragon King, there are two next-generation species that specialize in protecting the Dragon King. One of them is the existence represented by the symbol on the fingernail-Sala Tree King Buddha.

"Those who don't believe in his title and sneer at him will be tortured in the hells for 60,000 years. Those who utter the word 'disbelief' will be eaten by evil spirits for 70,000 years." The pain." Angre's voice was filled with chant-like tunes, as if he were really a believer narrating a Buddhist scripture.

Schneider was not as interested as Angers. He just stared at the symbol in the photo on the table with his voice like a ghost crawling out of the abyss.

"Even the next-generation species dedicated to protecting the Dragon King have been dispatched, which shows that we are indeed getting closer to the truth."

"You're upset, Schneider."

Angers sat back on his chair, elegantly took two pieces of sugar from the jar next to him and put them into the coffee. Although he was clearly just stirring the coffee with a spoon, Angers' movements gave others the impression that he was stirring the coffee. The illusion of a sharpened blade. It can be seen that his heart is not as leisurely as he shows.

"Don't be too anxious. Professor Mance still needs some time, and we are not completely ready. This is just a prelude to war, but it is also suitable for sharpening knives."

Without the manners of a gentleman at all, Ange drank the coffee in the cup in one gulp, as if it contained strong liquor before setting off for the expedition.

"Mobilize all available forces, and then inform our students that their vacation has ended early, and they are ready to start a new round of war practice classes!"

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Zheng Shu was walking alone on the road to school.

More than a month has passed since he rescued Chu Tianjiao. After obtaining Zheng Shu's consent, Angers did not publicize Zheng Shu's action among the students. Therefore, the information about the Dragon King's ability to control human memory and existence was only circulated among some high-level small circles.

As far as Zheng Shu knew, the Equipment Department issued an application report the next day and asked Angers to grant them a large amount of funds to build a top-secret shelter.

But when Angers asked to see the specific plans for the construction of the shelter, they refused to provide specific plans on the grounds that they would prevent the Dragon King from knowing their secrets. These guys didn't even want to tell others the specific construction address.

Faced with this kind of behavior that was obviously a scam to steal research funds, Angers would definitely not agree if he didn't suffer from Alzheimer's disease. I heard that the head of the equipment department was very angry, thinking that Angers had seen through their brilliant plan to build a secret passage to the girls' dormitory.

But not long after that day, the school issued a task to all students: let them find a place to write information about themselves without anyone else knowing.

Although they were surprised at the school's task at first, after hearing that it was Angers' request, the students immediately started to prepare happily.

During this period, some students misunderstood that this was a large-scale elimination competition in Angers. As a result, many students began to search for other students' information after hiding their own information.

In the end, in order to prove his ability, this task has developed into an activity similar to a real-life battle royale. Students who stayed at Kassel College during the winter vacation frequently used various strange methods to find information hidden by others in the school.

On the third day after the task was released, half of the students had been eliminated. A statistical form was also added to the school forum overnight, specifically to count who still had no information found.

As of today, there are less than ten people still on that stat sheet. And these people have undergone tremendous changes in their lives because of their outstanding performance this time. Many of them have even received invitation letters from the execution department in advance.

Zheng Shu is going to attend a party in Norton Hall today. The purpose of this party is for Caesar to celebrate that a member of the student union has found information about the last member of the Lionheart Club. It represents the student union's role in this "battle". achieved final victory.

By the way, Caesar's hidden information box was discovered on the second day of this event, and he was almost among the first group of people to be eliminated.

However, Caesar was not ashamed but proud. He believed that only those who were not confident enough in themselves would hide. Leaders like him should always be under the public eye.

Because of his remarks, half of the "elites" who had trained their muscles into their brains in the Lion Heart Club chose to expose their positions just like him, paving the way for the student union's victory. Some even thought that this was Caesar's intention. The trap was set in order to use himself as bait to eliminate most of the active forces of the Lion Heart Society.

Because of Caesar's charm, such remarks are very popular among the student unions, but judging from Zheng Shu's understanding of Caesar, this guy simply didn't hide it well.

The main reason why he was invited to this party was that Caesar gave him a good impression. And for the past few days, for some reason, he was the only one in the dormitory. He just got tired of playing games, so he just found a place to have dinner.

In addition, whether it was in the previous life or in this life, it was the first time for Zheng Shu to attend such a high-end party. Although Mrs. Chen's birthday party was actually not bad, Zheng Shu always felt like he was going to a banquet when he went there. So this time he planned to experience the legendary corrupt life of capitalism.

On the way to the Norton Hall, it was okay at first, but Zheng Shu felt something was wrong as he walked, because he would pass some high-end cars from time to time in the direction he was going.

There was only one car at the beginning, and it flashed its lights behind Zheng Shu to signal him to get out of the way. The boy in the car was wearing a hand-made suit, and his oiled hair was so shiny that it could reflect street lights and attract moths. The female companion next to him was wearing a low-cut dress that made people dizzy. When he saw Zheng Shu on the roadside, he put on a reserved smile. .

Zheng Shu lowered his head and looked at his clothes. He was wearing a standard Kassel College uniform.

Although it is a school uniform, it is also a custom-made high-end suit. When I first put it on, it looked aristocratic and noble. Logically speaking, given the quality of Kassel School's uniform, it wouldn't be considered rude no matter where it is placed, but compared to the two people in the car, it felt like a waiter.

As he approached the Norton Pavilion, luxury cars jumped out one after another, honking their horns and flashing their lights, urging him to get out of the way. The types of cars ranged from Bentleys to Lamborghinis, even cars like Zheng Shu People who don't know anything about cars will know that these things must be quite valuable after seeing those models.

Zheng Shu followed the luxury cars all the way to their final destination, which was the main entrance of Norton Hall.

The red carpet was spread for more than ten meters in front of the glass door of the Norton Pavilion, and there was a person next to it who was constantly scattering rose petals.

The gorgeous ladies in evening gowns on the carpet felt as if they had walked out of a catwalk show. The wrinkles caused by the high heels on the flower petals were like fingers tracing traces on the men's hearts.

The dedicated paparazzi beside the red carpet kept taking photos, and from time to time they would let out a sigh of admiration because of a girl's bold deep-V high-shoulder dress.

"It's not a party at all."

Zheng Shu only took one look and knew that he had misunderstood. When Caesar invited him, he said the word "party". Zheng Shu naturally understood it as an ordinary party. In his mind, it was nothing more than "party". Caesar's habits are quite extravagant, so there may be surprises in the food that he doesn't expect.

Now it seems that this surprise is a bit too big. This is not a party in the conventional sense at all, but a "banquet" specially designed to provide networking opportunities for upper-class people.

In the eyes of many people, parties represent cakes, spirits, dance floors, and colorful laser lights.

But in the eyes of other people, the party should be like what it is now, with everyone wearing the most decent clothes, accompanied by the most proud female companions, with smiles on their faces and greetings between the streamers and the lines of their suits.

This was not a deliberate conspiracy, just a simple misunderstanding, a matter of understanding between people from different walks of life.

Someone had already spotted Zheng Shu in school uniform in front of the Norton Hall, but no one came to greet him or inquire, not because everyone looked down on him, but because they recognized the person's identity.

This is different from when Zheng Shu was walking alone on the road. At this time, the street lights of Kassel College have long been turned off. Zheng Shu's appearance cannot be seen clearly on the dark road, so there are cars that dare to signal him to get out of the way. .

But the entire area around Norton Hall can be said to be as bright as day. Anyone who is not blind can clearly see Zheng Shu's face.

In fact, after he stepped into a relatively bright area, all the cars behind him were silent, and even the lights were turned off for fear of disturbing Zheng Shu who was moving forward on the road. Fortunately, Zheng Shu is not a domineering person. He will still follow the habit of his previous life and walk to the side of the road to make way for cars.

And all the cars he gave way to would pass by him respectfully. Zheng Shu said that he was really surprised that he could actually see the feeling of respect from the driving of a car.

In fact, he has never been very clear about how high his status in the school is. Throughout the first semester of his freshman year, Zheng Shu was basically in class or addicted to the game world, and did not participate in any clubs or gatherings at all.

In Zheng Shu's opinion, his behavior is very normal. After all, he had the experience of being a college student in his previous life. He knows how troublesome those groups in the university can be. Rather than bothering to communicate with others, it is better to immerse yourself in it alone. In the game world.

But in the eyes of the students at Cassel College, Zheng Shu's behavior was simply unreasonable. Even among the weirdos in Cassel College, he could be regarded as the most weird one.

Not everyone can have the firm will to slay the dragon like Angers. For most students, Kassel College is more like a very high-end communication platform. All students who are admitted here, even if they are originally He is just an orphan, but he can turn around and become a master immediately after graduation.

What's more, the family background of most students is also very dazzling. As long as we maintain good relationships with alumni, this will be a very big fortune after graduation.

Even those students who focus on improving their own strength and disdain managing interpersonal relationships will be attracted by the various actions of the Executive Department and the Lionheart Club.

People like Zheng Shu who don't communicate with other people at all and just immerse themselves in their own world, the last one was the S-class who committed suicide by drinking a bullet.

In addition, Zheng Shu is indeed strong enough. Whether it is in the battle against the third generation species or in the incident of rescuing Chu Zihang, he has shown dominant combat effectiveness. Unknowingly, some people have even spread the news. There are rumors that his strength is actually not inferior to S-class.

Anyone who dared to question this rumor shut their mouths after seeing that he had penetrated the straight passage from the dormitory to Amber Hall in order to save Chu Zihang.

Due to a combination of various factors, Zheng Shu was evaluated by students as a ruthless and lonely strong man.

After Zheng Shu learned about this evaluation, he automatically changed to a more down-to-earth translator - an otaku who appeared among a group of live actors.

After hesitating outside the Norton Hall for a while, Zheng Shu did not go in directly after all, because he saw that everyone who entered had handed invitations to the waiter next to him.

According to Caesar's character, he shouldn't use such trivial things to disgust himself, so there is a high probability that he sent an invitation to himself but did not receive it.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, Zheng Shu felt a little ashamed. Norma had already reminded him that there was a letter sent to his mailbox, but he never read it because he was addicted to games.

There is a mailbox downstairs in the dormitory of Kassel College. Each room has a corresponding mailbox, but Zheng Shu has not seen the contents of that mailbox for a long time. Or maybe because he doesn’t have this habit in China, he has no concept of reading his mailbox.

After scratching his hair, Zheng Shu's laziness began to break out. He had already begun to think about whether to go directly to the cafeteria to take out a set meal, and then return to the dormitory to continue playing games.

At this time, the fragrant wind carried rose petals and fell on Zheng Shu's shoulders. With the soft silk edges of the dark red fishtail evening dress in his hands, the girl's slightly teasing voice rang in his ears.

"Why are you standing here and not going in?"

Zheng Shu looked back, and at some point a blond girl stood next to him and held his wrist. Her long blond hair was permed into loose waves and draped over her shoulders. She wore an evening gown lining her waist. As soft as water, it attracted the attention of the men around her.

Who is here...

Zheng Shu tried hard to recall the girl's name. She was the assistant on the plane when Zheng Shu returned to China. She was able to fight through the beauty traps prepared by many secret party families. The opponent was worthy of her appearance and figure. affim. Even Zheng Shu showed a surprised look after seeing her carefully dressed up.

I originally thought that the other party had been taken back to his family after completing the beauty trap, but unexpectedly he directly joined Kassel College.

"Why are you here?"

"The old men in the family were still not satisfied after extracting your genes, so they sent me here again. According to the order, it is best to lure you back to the family directly."

The blond girl ignored the gazes of the people around her and skillfully put her hands around Zheng Shu's neck from behind. Her curvy body pressed tightly against Zheng Shu's back, and her lips came to Zheng Shu's ear and whispered softly, After saying that, she blew into his ear like a prank.

"Your family gave you a task to get close to me, and you just handed over all the tasks directly?"

Feeling that his ears were a little itchy, Zheng Shu gently patted the arm still around his neck. The girl behind him also let go of it very obediently, took his arm and stood side by side with him.

"That's not my family. I'm just a prop in their eyes. I'm not stupid. I naturally know who is the most cost-effective deal to get close to."

"That's it." Zheng Shu scratched his hair.

"You haven't answered me yet, why are you standing here and not going in?"

Looking down at Zheng Shu's outfit, the blond girl showed a strange smile.

"You didn't bring an invitation, did you?"

Looking at Zheng Shu's expression, the blond girl laughed out loud, but there was no smile in her eyes, instead a trace of curiosity flashed across her eyes.

"Mr. Target, you don't seem to know your status. Your face is the best invitation. Come on, don't stand here stupidly. You are an important guest at this banquet today, Mr. Target."

After that, with a smile on her face, she walked onto the much-anticipated red carpet in front of the Norton Pavilion, holding Zheng Shu's wrist.

Zheng Shu didn't resist and followed her strength and walked in.

Sure enough, just as she said, the waiter next to the carpet had no intention of obstructing her at all, but instead bowed very respectfully to welcome her. The surrounding guests in suits, ties, dresses, and long skirts, after seeing Zheng Shuxiong finally entering the venue, couldn't wait to show their invitations and queue up behind him.

The flash of the spotlight kept creating black noise on Zheng Shu's retina, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to cover it, causing the paparazzi around him to wail.

In comparison, the other men and women on the carpet seemed to have a pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. They let the flash dazzle without blinking, which made a certain perfect dragon king admire them.

Thank you to Hazy and thegazi readers for their rewards. Thank you for your support.

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