Akino Sakura's cheeks suddenly turned red and she said, No...it's nothing, this is a girl's secret!

Akino Sakura's wish is that she can become Levi's wife.

It was such a shameful wish, and she was naturally embarrassed to say it in front of the client.

Levi imitated Akino Sakura and completed the wish-making process. Levi returned to Akino Sakura and said with a smile: My wish is very simple, that is to be with the girl I like forever and enjoy happiness and joy forever.

Akino Sakura said: My wish won't work if I say it. Li Weijun, I'm going to draw lots, do you want to come?

Levi smiled and said: Of course, if you don't experience the lottery at the shrine, then your visit will be in vain. I'm also curious about the lottery at the shrine.

With the help of the witch, the two people shook out two lots from the lottery bucket. After Levi paid, he took the good or bad paper corresponding to the drawn lot to the solution board. Neon's lottery does not require specialized personnel to interpret the lottery, but allows tourists to directly take the good and bad paper corresponding to the drawn lottery to find the answer by themselves.

Chapter. Express your feelings

Akino Sakura smiled and said: I am Daji, Li Weijun, you are Daji, they are all Daji. What a good luck.

Levi smiled and said: My luck is very good, and I also believe that I can bring good luck to the people around me. I just don't know what our respective good luck means.

Drawing lots is relatively complicated. The same is good luck, but because the numbers are different, the meaning of bad luck is also different.

The two people came to a wall covered with interpretation papers. The wall was full of various interpretation results, which made people dazzled.

Daji...Daji...I found it! Akino Sakura found her own decryption paper and began to read the content on it.

Akino Sakura whispered: You have been able to meet your lover recently and form a good relationship with him. At the same time, you will enjoy wealth. During this period of time, everything involving money will be smooth sailing.

Akino Sakura was surprised in her heart, because the content of the signature on Daji completely overlapped with her experience in the past two days. Her face started to get hot, because Levi could also see the content of the signature.

Li Wei said: Daji, you are born lucky. Everything goes as you want. Although life is full of twists and turns, you can always turn bad luck into good luck. Your love luck is super strong and continuous. Flowers are blooming around you, but when you are surrounded by flowers, you must cherish them. For every flower, don’t let it wither, lest you regret it later.”

Akino Sakura saw Daji's interpretation, and felt a little bit disgusted in her heart, because the interpretation clearly stated that Li Wei was a person with great luck in romance, and the fact that the flowers around him were blooming meant that there were already many girls around Li Wei. , she was not the first person to come to Levi.

This also made Akino Sakura a little uneasy. After all, she was a latecomer. Everything had to be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis, and relationships were no exception. The person who came after him was a third party who intervened.

However, she really couldn't give up her inner thoughts. Now, her heart was full of Li Wei and she could no longer pretend to be someone else. So even if she knew that her actions were against morality, she could only force herself to do so. He kept his head and rushed forward.

Li Wei sighed and said: In a sense, my love luck is indeed good, and there are many girls around me, because I can't refuse them, they really love me, and they will even do it for me. How could I live up to the heavy heart of giving up everything I have ¨?

Akino Sakura was a little surprised in her heart. She didn't expect other girls to be able to do this and give up everything for Levi. What kind of firm determination can this decision be made.

Akino Sakura asked herself in her heart, can she do this? The answer is no. Her inner thoughts about Levi are impure. Thinking of this, Akino Sakura feels a little guilty. She can't compare with those girls.

Those girls can give everything they have for Levi, can she do it? Akino Sakura thought deeply and realized that she couldn't do such a thing. She couldn't give up her family and friends. If being with Levi would cause her to fall out with her family and friends, she would hesitate in her heart.

Thinking of this, Akino Sakura felt that there was a distance between herself and Levi. She couldn't even compare to the girls around Levi. This comparison was not about body appearance or knowledge, but about Levi's heart. For the first time, she felt , I actually lost miserably.

Li Wei smiled and said: Because they all love me deeply, I must respond to their feelings and love them equally. I can't let any flower wither. Since this is what is written on the ticket, it must be It was a reminder given to me by God in heaven, so I want to bring happiness to every girl around me.

In fact, these two fortunes were all tampered with by Li Wei. He had already anticipated this step when he stepped on the steps, so he changed the ticket release paper in advance and replaced it with the one he wanted. As a result, the lucky numbers drawn by the two people were always the same two. No matter how they were thrown, they would always be the same two.

Levi just wants Akino Ying to do it, all this is God's will. The Neon people originally believed in strange things, and the contents on the decryption paper completely corresponded to Akino Sakura's own situation. The current situation is that even if Akino Sakura wants to believe it or not, she can't. I don’t believe it anymore.

Akino Sakura thought for a while and said cautiously: Li Weijun, there should be a lot of girls around you, right? Can you guarantee that you can take care of everyone?

Akino Sakura is really curious about this question. It is said that three women can perform the Romance of the Three Kingdoms together. The more people there are, the more chaos there will be. In the end, they can even stage a world war.

After all, no matter how rich Levi is, his time and energy are limited, and he can never allocate his time and energy equally to the girls around him, so there will always be times when he cannot take care of the girls around him. Curious how Levi solved such a problem.

After all, if there is no way to keep things even, it will be easy for the family to become restless.

Ordinary people have ordinary people's worries, and rich people also have rich people's worries. Although those rich men have three wives and four concubines, they are very beautiful to outsiders, but they also have huge headaches when their back houses are restless.

Li Wei smiled and said: I have my own secret. I can't tell you the answer for the time being, but I do have the ability to take care of every girl around me. I don't use money to fool people, but truly and completely. Give your heart.”

Akino Sakura showed a surprised expression. Although Li Wei did not give her a direct answer, he could get a glimpse of many things from the information revealed by Li Wei.

Akino Sakura said: Li Weijun, do you know how to clone yourself?

Levi smiled and said: Wrong answer. My method is not comparable to the differentiation skills. Anyway, every girl around me is very satisfied.

Akino Sakura could only suppress her inner curiosity. If Levi didn't want to say anything, she couldn't open Levi's mouth.

Levi smiled and said: I feel that this lottery is quite effective. It actually corresponds to the current situation of the two of us. But having said that, senior sister, do you have someone in mind?

Akino Sakura's pretty face turned red, and she pinched Levi's arm gently, not daring to look at Levi. With such an obvious hint, Levi naturally couldn't pretend to be stupid.

Li Wei smiled and said: Senior sister, you are extraordinarily beautiful today. Can I enter your life?

Akino Sakura hummed softly and lowered her head, not daring to look at Levi's face. Levi put his hands behind her waist and gently pulled her into his arms.

It is said that men chase women across mountains and women chase men across thick veils. The current situation is the best explanation.

Chapter. The Blessing of the Sacred Tree

Gently sniffing the girl's faint scent of cherry blossoms, Levi felt happy. He enjoyed getting along with all kinds of girls. Akino Sakura's mature, sensible and a little willful feeling gave Levi a full sense of freshness. feel.

Every girl is a different flower, and different experiences create different personalities. When facing different girls, they will naturally get different feedback.

Why some men get bored with their wives is because they face the same person every day. After the initial novelty wears off, various trivial matters in life and minor conflicts between the two will continue to separate them. relationship, in the end, men will naturally become bored with their wives. On the other hand, the same is true for women. This is human nature and a bad trait engraved deep in everyone's heart.

Although Levi has great power and can be called a god in the eyes of ordinary people, he still thinks that he is just an ordinary person. He has all the seven desires that ordinary people have.

Unlike other people, Li Wei doesn't have such troubles because there are enough girls around him, so he can experience different novelties every day. No emperor in ancient times was as blessed as him. After all, the Seventy Concubines of San Gongyuan , three thousand beauties were waiting around, and the emperor's own energy did not allow him to be unrestrained.

In contrast, Levi will not be troubled by these problems, so when facing different girls, Levi can maintain his inner passion.

Akino Sakura whispered: Li Weijun, can you let me go first? People around us look at us and feel embarrassed.

People around them all showed envious expressions. After all, Levi and Akino Sakura were so well matched. Just looking at them, they felt that they were a match made in heaven, so that no one around them dared to approach them rashly.

But because of this, more and more people gathered to watch the two of them.

Levi let go of Akino Sakura and smiled at the people around him: Everyone, this is the place where you get married with the other half of your life. Don't just look at us. It's important to seize the time to find the other half of your life, isn't it?

Hearing Levi's words, everyone onlookers showed knowing smiles. Akino Sakura's ears were already red at this time. As the president of the student union, she had seen many big scenes, but in this situation, she was still the first one. After this experience, the whole person felt dizzy.

Levi held Akino Sakura's hand and smiled softly: Isn't there a sacred tree here? Let's go and have a look. The purpose of my coming here is for this sacred tree.

Akino Sakura adjusted her state and said: Then I will take Li Weijun to see it. It is a huge cherry blossom tree, but the time is wrong now, so I can't see the cherry blossoms, which is a bit regretful.

Although cherry blossoms originated in China, neon has been tirelessly stealing culture. So when it comes to cherry blossoms, the first thing most ordinary people think of is neon, even in China.

Literary girls on the provincial thoroughfares, and the cherry blossom gardens on the university campus are often deliberately destroyed by all kinds of stupid people, because those people think that cherry blossoms are the neon national flower, and planting cherry blossoms in the territory of Chongguo is a traitor.

However, what these people don’t know is that cherry blossoms were originally produced in Chongguo and are completely native plants. Chongguo does not protect its traditional culture very well, so many ignorant people have such knowledge. error.

Levi followed Akino Sakura and came to a big tree on the side of the shrine. This was a very old and huge cherry blossom tree. Levi's spiritual perception was revealed and he found that the cherry blossom tree was ten years old. More than 10 years old, and still full of vitality, there is no problem in living for another ten years.

An ordinary cherry blossom tree can only live for thirty years at most. Being able to live for ten years is equivalent to an ordinary person living to two hundred years old. This is considered a very rare and special case.

The huge cherry blossom tree has a huge red and white rope tied above its roots, almost at the height of an adult's waist. Below the red and white rope, there are many white royal coins hanging down.

There are a lot of red ropes on the branches of the cherry blossom trees. Below the red ropes hang various wooden signs for prayers. These wooden signs are also part of the income of the shrine. The shrine only sells wooden signs. As for whether the pilgrims who come here can Throw the wooden sign up skillfully, this kind of thing is not the responsibility of the shrine.

Because it is not the flowering period now, the huge cherry blossom trees are full of green leaves. When not blooming, the cherry blossom trees are just ordinary green leaf trees. If they are thrown into the woods, you will not be able to tell that they are cherry blossom trees.

Levi looked around. This is indeed a famous tourist attraction in the shrine. There are many tourists coming to visit this huge cherry blossom tree.

Akino Sakura walked to the interception zone. This giant cherry blossom tree has special protection. There is a shrine maiden not far away who guards this area. If any unruly tourists want to cross the interception zone, the witch will stop them. .

This giant cherry blossom tree is of great significance to the shrine. It can even be said that the reason why many people come to this shrine is for this cherry blossom tree, so the shrine’s protection of this big tree is also very good. .

Levi saw the girl under the tree and had a romantic idea in his heart.

Akino Sakura raised her head and looked at the lush canopy with a happy smile on her face. At this moment, the leaves of the cherry blossom tree began to emit pink light, and a large number of fluorescent dots were scattered. At the same time, the trees were not in the flowering period. The huge cherry blossom tree suddenly bloomed with a large number of flowers at this time. The strong fragrance of cherry blossoms wafted out. The pale pink flowers were particularly dazzling under the fluorescent light.

This scene made everyone stunned.

This is a miracle! Someone shouted, and everyone became excited.

At this moment, Akino Sakura was standing under the tree, with a flurry of fluorescence emitting from her body. Her body was wrapped in a gorgeous dress in the style of the Tang Dynasty, as if she had traveled through time. She was a classical beauty full of the style of a great country. Appeared in front of everyone.

And Li Wei is also dressed in the costume of an ancient Tang Dynasty man, with a majestic air, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. Just standing there, he has the temperament of a noble prince.

Akino Sakura looked at Li Wei, who had also undergone tremendous changes, with a surprised expression on his pretty face, and said, Li Weijun, what's going on? Why have you changed too?

Levi looked at his clothes and smiled: Perhaps this is the sacred tree blessing us. Otherwise, why are only the two of us experiencing such changes?

Levi knew in his heart that at this time when it was not the flowering season, the giant cherry blossom tree was able to bloom because of the effect of his spell. Now it seems that the effect is not bad. Everyone present regards this as the manifestation of the sacred tree, and no one notices anything wrong inside.

Chapter. Miracles

Levi said: It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If we continue to stay here, the two of us will easily be watched.

Akino Sakura nodded. She could feel that the clothes on her body were not fake. The real touch could no longer be explained clearly by existing science. If such a thing got serious, it could easily lead to ulterior motives. attention, causing trouble to yourself and your family.

For a super rich man like Li Wei, others can't do anything to him, but she is just an ordinary person. Apart from being prettier than ordinary people, there is nothing special about her. She does not have the power to protect her family. .

It was precisely because of this that Akino Sakura instinctively agreed with Levi's words without thinking too much about it.

Levi strode forward and immediately picked up Akino Sakura in a princess hug. Akino Sakura was startled and quickly put her hands around Levi's neck.

Li Wei took a big step and rushed out of the circle of onlookers. Without running very far, the clothes on the two people had returned to their original state. Akino Sakura looked at the giant cherry blossom tree that was gradually going away. The cherry blossom tree was still there. The warm-toned fluorescence bloomed, and the sky gradually darkened. The fluorescence looked even more sacred in the surrounding environment.

Akino Sakura looked down at herself and Levi and said, Our clothes have returned to their original shape! Fortunately, if we still wear the same clothes, we would be too conspicuous when walking outside.

Although neon is famous for its many monsters and monsters, as a big animation country, people dressed in various costumes can be seen on the road, but the costumes of the Tang Dynasty, and the very gorgeous style, will definitely turn heads more than The average animation COSPLAY is much higher and can easily cause trouble.

Levi smiled and said: I don't care, others can watch it if they want. For me, as long as what I do is not illegal, then I can do whatever I want, and others can't control me~

Akino Sakura is very envious of Levi's going his own way. Neon is a very repressive country. Being able to completely ignore the eyes of others and go his own way is a very luxurious thing for most people.

Such repression is not only restricted by ordinary people, but even those rich and powerful have their own restrictions. Everyone's job occupation and everyone's social class determine what that person can and cannot do. The entire society is under this kind of oppression.

Neon people are very concerned about identity, and it is precisely because of this that there are so many people who like cosplay. They even use AiDian to make various props and participate in various comic exhibitions without asking for anything in return, because For them, only at this time can they release their true nature.

During the Comic Exhibition, everyone can have a great time, but after leaving the Comic Exhibition, they can only become ordinary people, restricted by various rules, and live a depressed and tired life.

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