Levi: (Only when I get along with girls can I completely take off my disguise. After all, girls are not my subordinates or partners, and they don’t need to act for the occasion. So at this time, I speak louder than usual. Much more.)

Akino Sakura imagined in her mind that Levi, wearing a suit and leather tie, with a serious expression, was sitting on an office chair, listening to his subordinates' work reports, and speaking in a magnetic and majestic voice. Just thinking about such a scene made her feel endlessly charming. .

Levi on the other side wanted to complain, where did this overbearing president come from? Why do girls always have such fantasies? Can't they think of other things?

However, Li Wei thought about it, ordinary people's fantasies are often structured based on their own knowledge. Naturally, they don't even know how to imagine things they don't know. Just like a person who has never watched Star Wars, it is difficult to restore the relevant content in his mind when listening to other people's dictation.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Akino Sakura is limited by her own knowledge and can only make up the current level of content, which is normal.

Levi: (I like to get along with girls. Maybe this hobby seems strange to people, but I just simply feel that getting along with girls can make me relax. Especially mature and sensible girls, they can make me feel relaxed. A feeling of peace of mind.)

Akino Sakura noticed the important words, mature and sensible. This was not the first time Li Wei mentioned it. This shows that in Li Wei's heart, mature and sensible girls are very important.

... ... ...

Akino Sakura put the phone on her plump chest with a smile on her face. She found that she was very much like the girl Levi described, which made her feel even more happy.

Akino Sakura: (Li Weijun, what are you doing now?)

Levi: (Give you news, then stay bored.)

Akino Sakura: (Li Weijun, are you at home personally?)

Levi: (Well, what’s wrong?)

Akino Sakura: (If you are bored, you can come out and play. Li Weijun, you are a foreigner, so you are not familiar with Tokyo, right?)

After Akino Sakura said this, her cheeks were burning, and she rolled around on the bed, making strange noises.

I'm so shy, so shy, so shy! I would actually say such a thing, I'm such a fool! Akino Sakura wailed directly.

Li Wei on the other side saw the news of Akino Sakura's arrival, and a smile appeared on his face. How could he bear to refuse such a cute girl.

Levi: (Okay, let’s make an appointment to meet up, and let’s go out and play. I’m not familiar with the local area, so I can ask my senior to be my tour guide.)

When Akino Sakura saw the news of Li Wei's return, she was instantly confused. Then she quickly replied to Li Wei, fearing that Li Wei would regret it.

Her actions were all noticed by Levi. The girl Akino Sakura is a cute existence with a contrasting cuteness, and he likes to tease girls like this.

Chapter. Traveling together

Levi: (It’s too troublesome to take a taxi. Why don’t I pick you up at your home, senior sister?)

Akino Sakura: (Li Weijun, your car is too high-profile, and that long sedan is not only difficult to drive in the downtown area, but also difficult to find a suitable parking space, which is very troublesome.)

Akino Sakura knew about Levi's car. She was not interested in cars. That was because of Levi. She went to search what Levi's car was.

If you don’t search, you won’t know. If you search, you will be shocked. There are only ten hand-customized extended Bentleys in the world. There are only ten top-level luxury cars in the world, and one of them is in the hands of Levi. This is a person who can buy an ordinary family car with just a little bit of paint. If a person like this goes to the downtown area, if something goes wrong, she cannot take responsibility.

Levi: (Don’t worry, it’s really inconvenient for a big guy like that in the downtown area. I came to pick you up on my bike, a motorcycle.)

Akino Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, it would have been better to just drive out that incredibly expensive extended version of the Bentley, but when she came to her senses, the problem came again.

Akino Sakura: (Li Weijun, do you have a motorcycle driving license?)

Levi: (Don’t worry, after coming to Neon, I got a local motorcycle driver’s license, and it’s the kind with a driver’s license. Senior sister, please tell me where you are and I’ll pick you up.)

Akino Sakura's heart beat faster. She didn't expect that she could go out with Levi and be alone together. She had never dared to think about such a thing before.

Akino Sakura gave Levi the location of her home, and then she saw that Levi's status changed from online to busy, and it seemed that he was getting ready to go out.

Levi rode his own low-key and stable heavy-duty motorcycle, which he remade using the weapon refining technique. On the surface, it looked similar to the prototype, but after various functions were added, it was as safe as a tank. After starting the motorcycle, Levi quickly left the wealthy area and drove towards Akino Sakura's house.

Although he was riding a motorcycle, Levi did not speed, but honestly drove according to the speed limit. It took him almost half an hour to arrive at Akino Sakura's home.

After Levi came outside Akino Sakura's house, he called her.

When the call was connected, Levi smiled and said, Senior sister, I'm already downstairs at your house.

Akino Sakura opened the window of her bedroom and saw Levi who had parked his motorcycle downstairs and had taken off his helmet. Levi, who was sitting on the motorcycle, looked so handsome. Akino Sakura understood why so many girls liked Levi. Levi's appearance alone was simply poisonous to women and made people unable to resist. Want to get close to him.

Akino Sakura waved her hand and ran downstairs. She had already changed her clothes and was ready to go out, and was waiting for Levi to pick her up.

Levi saw Akino Sakura running out the door. The girl's dress made her eyes light up. She had a plain tight top and a white vest. The lower body was a pleated cherry-pink skirt similar to hers. The pure white stockings were tight. It tightly wrapped her slightly voluptuous slender legs, a pair of small white casual sneakers, decorated with cherry blossoms and white stripes, just like her own temperament.

Levi smiled and said: Sorry, senior sister, I kept you waiting for so long. There was a little traffic jam on the way here.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: It's much faster than I thought. Li Weijun, where do you want to go? I'm very familiar with Tokyo. As long as you tell me roughly where you want to go, I can plan a route for you.

The roads in Tokyo are very complicated. Even locals dare not say that they know everything about Tokyo. However, there is still no problem in planning a rough route, especially now that navigation technology is so advanced. As long as you can express what you want. Wherever you go, navigation can naturally find the best route.

Levi patted the seat behind him and said, Senior, come up first. Are there any interesting attractions here in Tokyo? Outsiders don't know about them, but locals often go there, which is equivalent to locals. Attractions like secret treasures.”

Akino Sakura straddled the back of the motorcycle unaccustomedly. Although the motorcycle was not small, the seat was not too big. After sitting astride, the slightly sloping seat made her unconsciously move towards Levi's direction closer.

Akino Sakura took the motorcycle helmet from Levi's hand, put it on her head, and fastened the safety buckle on herself somewhat unskilledly.

Akino Sakura said: I know there is a small shrine located in Arakawa District. People outside Tokyo don't know much about it. There is a marriage tree there. It is said that men and women who worship under that big tree can have a good marriage. Determined for life.

The Akino Sakura Club recommended Levi to this scenic spot, and they were very thoughtful, because it is a very effective place for bonding. Over the past few decades, countless couples have come here to make vows, and they have visited various small Among shrines, this shrine is a very special existence. The place is not prosperous, but it is full of incense.

Levi smiled and said: Is it really so magical? If it is true, then it would be a shame not to go and see it.

Li Wei doesn't know the girl's little thoughts, but this kind of thing can't be revealed without revealing it. To attack girls, you must learn to pretend to be confused.

The male protagonists of those harem dramas, the ones who are more capable, are all good at pretending to be confused. Only by knowing how to pretend to be confused and make peace with each other can they prevent themselves from getting into trouble in the back house.

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, is even more convenient if he wants to pretend to be confused.

Akino Sakura waved her fists and cheered inwardly. She didn't expect that Levi had no doubts about the shrine at all. When she said she wanted to go there, Levi agreed directly.

Senior, sit down. If you feel unsteady, you can hold my waist. Levi said.

Akino Sakura hummed softly, obediently wrapped her hands around Levi's waist, and pressed tightly against Levi's back.

Levi felt the girl's special body fragrance, which was like the fragrance of flowers. It smelled like her, with a hint of pink cherry blossoms. It was as sweet and dreamy as being under a cherry blossom tree.

Akino Sakura took out her mobile phone, set the route, and asked Levi to put it on the cradle of the motorcycle's faucet.

Levi carried the girl and followed the flow in the car river, moving forward calmly. However, they did not walk for too long before Levi and the girl left the traffic flow because the shrine is located in a not-so-busy area of ​​Arakawa District. , so the second half of the road is very smooth.

Soon, the motorcycle stopped near its destination. It was still some time before dark, enough for the two of them to have fun at the shrine.

After the two people put their helmets away, Akino Sakura took Levi's hand and headed towards the shrine. Arakawa Ward overall looks a bit old. Compared with other core bustling areas in Tokyo, it seems like another world. However, this feeling full of late Showa style reminds Levi of citypop, or vaporwave. music.

The feeling of this old street is surprisingly good. Levi sighed.

Akino Sakura, who was holding Levi's hand, smiled and said: Compared to the busy bustling areas, this place has a more lively atmosphere, and places like this often contain many treasures.

Chapter 4. Shrine

The destination shrine is located in a relatively special residential area. The entire residential area is built against the mountains. It is a rare mountainous terrain in the plains of Tokyo. This reminds Levi of his hometown mountain town.

It's just that all the residents here are houses and small buildings, and the shrine located halfway up the mountain is very conspicuous. The two of them arrived at the foot of the mountain. To reach the shrine, you need to climb up more than ten meters of steps and then walk along a small path to reach the final destination.

There are many tourists going up and down the stone steps, which shows that the popularity here is quite good.

Levi said: It's really strange that a small shrine has such popularity. I don't know, I thought it was some famous big shrine.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: Because this place is very efficacious, it is very popular among young people. Everyone likes to come here to worship when they have nothing to do. There are many couples who got married at the shrine.

Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. It would be a good idea to set up a shrine and make it the venue for a blind date conference. However, in this era of low birthrates and infertility, it is rare to have such a shrine in charge of marriage.

The stone steps are quite old, but because they are well maintained, there is no loose feeling when you step on them. This down-to-earth feeling is reassuring.

Li Wei glanced at the people going up and down the mountain from the corner of his eyes. They were basically teenagers and teenage students. Those in their thirties were very rare, and there were no people over forty. This The people the shrine caters to are indeed young enough.

Akino Sakura held Li Wei's arm tightly. In the eyes of others, the two were a perfect match, so that people around them would unconsciously cast their eyes on the two.

Li Wei smiled and said: It seems that you are very charming, senior sister. You are worthy of being the flower of the high mountain in Nishiki Tsutaka.

Akino Sakura's pretty face turned red, she pinched Li Wei's arm gently, and whispered: Li Weijun, do you like teasing me so much?

Li Wei smiled and said: I am telling the truth. Could it be that the students in the school can still cheat?

Akino Sakura said: How can I be so charming?

Levi smiled and said: Senior, you have to have some confidence in yourself. You are just a piece of rough jade that has not yet been carved. But even now, you are very charming. It is finished. I don't know how beautiful you want to be.

Levi's words of praise for girls can be said to come out of his mouth, but he is not talking nonsense. Akino Sakura is already so charming now. When she becomes a fellow practitioner, her charm will naturally improve, and at that time, Levi will be able to appreciate her most beautiful gesture.

The steps were not too long. Levi and Akino Sakura quickly reached the top of the steps and passed the torii gate. Levi felt that there was no mysterious factor in this shrine and there was no extraordinary power at all. In other words, the so-called The relationship is very effective, either it is a coincidence of the series, or there is someone behind it.

However, considering that the current neon society is highly aging, has a low birthrate, and young people are not married and have children, the promoters behind the scenes want to use this method to get young people to fall in love and form a couple. This is also true. That makes sense.

There shouldn't be so many pure coincidences, so among these men and women, there must be someone who is responsible for it, and then the people behind the scenes use publicity to make this shrine famous, attracting more and more young men and women to come here to worship, so This has become a large blind date venue, but there is no host, and the matching is completely free.

Li Wei's thinking speed is far beyond that of ordinary people. In just a short moment, he has understood the truth of this shrine. There must be shrines similar to this in other areas. It has to be said that this curved way of saving the country can Eliminate the resistance of young people to the greatest extent, and naturally allow the young men and women who come here to find their own marriage.

Li Wei thinks that the person who came up with this trick is really wicked. How difficult it is in today's world, but anyone with a brain knows that in today's world, people are advised to get married and have no children. Knowing that the general environment is not good, but still using this method to dig holes for young people, in Levi's opinion, the conscience of the person who designed this trick must have been eaten by a dog.

However, Li Wei is now accompanying Akino Sakura here to visit and play. Akino Sakura doesn't know the truth here. She brought Li Wei here so that the two of them could at least get to know each other.

Li Wei naturally has to accept the girl's wishes. It is most difficult to accept the kindness of a beauty. Girls have already done this. With such initiative, how can he ignore the other party's wishes.

The size of the shrine is not that big. After passing through the path of the artificial forest and passing dozens of stone lanterns, Levi and Akino Sakura came to the main hall of the shrine. For a small shrine like this, the buildings inside are generally not large in scale. big.

Akino Sakura let go of Li Wei's hand and said with a smile: Li Weijun, look at how I do it. Just follow it. It's very effective here. I plan to make a wish.

Levi smiled and said, Okay, I'll watch your demonstration first, senior sister, and then I'll come back.

Akino Sakura first took out a hundred-yen coin from her wallet and threw it into the money box. She clasped her hands together and lowered her head to make a wish. Then she grabbed the thick rope above the money box and shook it gently a few times. The bell above the rope There was a crisp sound.

After Akino Sakura finished, she returned to Li Wei and said with a smile: Okay, Mr. Li Wei, I have made my wish. It's your turn next.

Li Wei smiled and said: Senior sister, what kind of wishes have you learned? I'm very curious.

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