Levi took Sansein Sumireko's hand, pressed her shoulders, and asked her to sit back on the sand. The girls also came over curiously, wanting to take a closer look at Sansein Sumireko's body. Gorgeous face.

Sumireko Sanseki looked at the mature girls gathered around, which reminded her of some bad memories, but Levi was holding her hand now, which gave her an unparalleled sense of security.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan sighed and said, This matter is a long story.

The girls did not interrupt her, and Sumireko Sanseki told her story about her experiences in her country. After hearing what Sumireko Sanseki had experienced, the girls all had angry expressions on their faces.

Mayama Camellia said: Those guys! Absolutely unforgivable. This is physical mental violence. Don't those guys know how much psychological pressure Sumireko will bear?!

Hinata Aoi said: Those people just want to watch the excitement, and there is no lower limit at all. I think the most rubbish thing is the boy who confessed to Sumireko, and deliberately attracted people to cheer him up, hoping to use the power of everyone, Forcing Sumireko to bow her head is the most disgusting thing.

Li Wei said: I will handle this matter, but I won't let it go like this. I will ask the people below to go to Tangchang Puguo and Tangchang Pugao to inquire about the news and find out those who made trouble.

When Sanseyuan Jinzi heard Li Wei's words, she quickly said: Thank you, Li Weijun, for your consideration. This matter has passed, and I am not studying at Gladiolus High now, so it doesn't matter anymore.

Levi grabbed Sanseyuan Sumireko's hand and said with a serious expression: I will never allow the girls around me to be wronged. You are all my wings, so I have to protect all of you, no matter who you are. If any one of you is wronged like this, I will stand up for you! Because I am your man, and what kind of man is a man if he can’t even protect his own women?”

Levi's words made the girls blush, but also moved their hearts. Women all have a strong mentality, and a partner who can protect them from wind and rain is what many women long for throughout their lives.

Now Levi seems to them to be so domineering and makes people feel safe.

Levi also took this opportunity to bring in private goods and said the classic You are all my wings, and the girls are still obsessed with the incident of Sumireko in the Sanse Yin. When they react, You will know how overbearing Levi's confession is.

Chapter. The choice of happiness

Li Wei's domineering words were soon discovered by the girls as having secret goods, but now the girls are shy inside, and no one wants to be the one who stands out and asks Li Wei to give an explanation.

However, they also understood in their hearts that even if they were not used to it, they still had to accept the fact that there was more than just a girl around Li Wei, because Li Wei was not an ordinary person and did not need to abide by the rules set for ordinary people. .

Levi said: I have decided. I will protect you well and I will never let you be wronged again in this life. Are you willing to believe me?

Sanseyuan Sumireko whispered: Li Weijun, are you confessing your love to all of us?

Levi smiled and said: Well, I have to face the true thoughts in my heart. I tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep. I can't give up on who you are as a person. When I make a choice, I must face it. The sad eyes of other girls, I hate seeing girls cry, and I hate seeing girls cry even more because of myself, so I decided to give all of you happiness.

Sanseyuan Jinzi said: Li Weijun, you... I really don't know whether you are greedy or passionate.

Levi knows what kind of person he is, he is a passionate and affectionate person. Because he has an endless lifespan and can freely control time on his floating island, he can accompany every girl and give each girl enough care. Being able to do this is also the reason why girls do not The reason why I mind that I have so many sisters.

Levi said: I consider myself a greedy person, because I can't give up any of you personally. I have thought a lot in the past two days, so I made a decision that is very absurd in the eyes of ordinary people. I want to let you All become my brides!”

Levi's words were categorical and gave people the feeling that there was no room for negotiation.

Sun Xiangkui covered her already burned face and whispered: Li Weijun, I personally can accept this kind of thing, but my family may not be able to accept it. Making such a choice, you will have to face a lot of pressure. small.

Levi said: I know that such a thing seems ridiculous to ordinary people, and it will also encounter resistance from your family, but please have some confidence in me, I can solve such a problem.

Levi's way of solving the problem is very simple and crude, that is, throwing money. He has nothing else but a lot of money. As long as the girls' families are willing to speak, there is room for negotiation.

Moreover, after the girls' families see Li Wei's financial resources and influence, they will naturally be willing to have such a powerful son-in-law. After all, this society is all about connections. With such a powerful golden thigh, any person with a normal mind will , all know how to choose.

After all, marrying your daughter to Li Wei is no different from becoming a royal relative to a certain extent. Even if Li Wei leaves this world most importantly, he will make arrangements for them before leaving, with all kinds of things. Wealth is enough for them to live a prosperous life, and even to spread this wealth to their children and grandchildren.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko said: We have someone here. It's not easy to convince a family about this kind of thing.

Levi smiled and said, Don't worry. Instead of thinking about such a problem, it's better to decide on your wedding dress now. I'm looking forward to how you look in your wedding dress.

In Li Wei's view, the sacred wedding dress in the hearts of girls actually has an inexplicable astringency. That kind of holy feeling can stimulate the desire to conquer in his heart.

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, knows that the girls have already accepted his statement in their hearts. The speed of conquering this world can be said to be his fastest record. In just a few days, several girls in the original plot have already been Finished the strategy.

However, as a top male partner, it is normal for Levi to be able to do such a thing. When the charm and financial resources reach a certain level, the difficulty of capturing girls will decrease again and again, unless it is a world with extraordinary power, like It's an ordinary world like You are the only one who likes me. His strategy speed is guaranteed, and he is like a bulldozer.

Levi is not in a hurry to leave this world, because there are several girls in this world who can be conquered. It would be a pity to miss them.

Sanada Sugiha said: Li Weijun, your choice is really unexpected, but this is not bad. This way, no one will be hurt.

Sanada Sugiha really thinks that Levi's choice is a good one. Before, she had been mentally prepared to break up with her good friends. After all, love is war, and she will never give up on her own initiative. .

In the end, when the competition becomes fierce, everyone may not even be friends, and may even stop communicating with each other until they die. This kind of thing can be said to be very common in life.

Hinata smiled and said: I do the same. The best ending is only if no one is hurt.

Levi smiled and said: This is not an ending, but a new beginning. A wonderful life is waiting for us ahead. I will let you live surrounded by happiness for the rest of your life.

The marriage of ordinary people is also another beginning, but ordinary people are faced with the problem of food, rice, oil and salt, and can only find small happiness in the midst of hard work, but Levi is different, he can magnify such happiness, so that girls can have the sweetest happiness. experience.

Hinata said softly: Well, do you want the King's Game to continue?

Because of the previous unexpected situation, the girls' attention has been attracted by what Sumireko Sanshikiin once experienced. If Hinata Aoi hadn't said this, the girls would have forgotten it. Now the King's Game has just passed the first round.

Sansekiin Sumireko said a little embarrassedly: I'm really sorry that the game was interrupted because of my problem. Do you want to continue playing?

Mayamaya Camellia smiled and said: Of course I have to continue. I haven't been a king yet. How can the game end like this? I have many good ideas. If I don't put these ideas into practice, how can it end like this? .”

With an excited expression on her face, Hanada Sui said: That's how it should be. The game has just begun. How can it end so quickly? Who will be the next king and what kind of orders will be issued? I'm looking forward to it.

Hanada Sui is a lively girl. She didn't know that Mayama Camellia had prepared various props for the king's game before, but now she is more active than anyone who plays the game like Mayama Camellia, and she looks like she is afraid that the world will not be in chaos. .

Hinoki Hatachi smiled and said: Come on! Now it's time to try your luck. I believe that I will be the king in the next round!

When Levi heard this, he had a smile on his face, and he had already made a decision in his heart. Since Hina Hina was going to be the king, then he would satisfy her idea. Hina Hina was also a girl with a little devil character inside. It will be quite frustrating.

Chapter. Revealing Secrets

The next game of kings can be said to be full of situations. After the girls became kings, they issued all kinds of interesting and weird orders. However, because of Levi's cheating, these orders ended up in a very sexy way. The way it ended, when the game was over, all the girls had covered their faces in shame, not daring to look at Levi anymore.

Although they have already established a relationship with Li Wei, they are young girls after all, and they have to be thin-skinned after all. Moreover, they have not known Li Wei for a long time, only a few days.

If it were the girls on the floating island, they would be very relaxed about playing such games with Levi, and even many of the punishments would reach the level of action movies. Not only would the girls on the island not be interested in such things, Rejection, but also making noises and booing, Levi is already used to this situation, and now it is a novel experience to play the King Game with a few girls who are easily shy.

Levi's cell phone placed on the coffee table rang. He pressed the hands-free button, and the voice of the puppet clone Alfonso came from inside.

BOSS, the barbecue racks and ingredients have been prepared, and all other sundries are in place. The banquet can start at any time.

Thanks for your hard work.

Levi hung up the phone and said to the girls around him who also heard the conversation: Everyone has heard it, the preparations for the banquet have been completed, and the yard outside has been taken care of. Let's go out.

The warblers and swallows responded and followed Li Wei to the grassy courtyard outside.

On the grass in the courtyard, all the preparations have been put in place. A large extended barbecue grill stands there, and next to it is the seasoning area, which is fully prepared with all kinds of seasonings. Not far away is a long table with various ingredients. All the ingredients have been rough-processed and strung into skewers for easy access by Levi~.

Levi clapped his hands and said with a smile: Okay, now the barbecue banquet has begun. If you want to eat anything, just pick it out at the long table and I will help you bake it. Moreover, you can also know some of mine. It’s a secret-.”

Hinata expects in her heart, she is very curious about Levi's secret.

The girls took the selected ingredients, put them on the tray, and brought them to the table next to the barbecue grill.

Levi snapped his fingers, and all the ingredients stood up on their own and landed lightly on the grill. At the same time, various seasoning bottles also stood up and came to the top of the grill. From time to time, they would Sprinkle various spices downwards.

The girls all showed surprised expressions when they saw this scene.

Ri Xiangkui said with an excited expression: Li Weijun? Is this magic?

Levi smiled and said: This is not magic, but a spell. The spell is a bit complicated to explain. You can understand it as the magician's ability, but it is more powerful and convenient than the magician's magic.

Mayamaya Camellia said: This is really a convenient ability. If you use it for work, you can completely free your hands.

Levi said: You will gradually master this kind of ability in the future.

Sansekiin Sumireko said: We are just ordinary people. Can we really master this kind of ability?

Sansekiin Sumireko's words also resonated with other girls. This kind of thing is not a question of self-confidence, but that they have been ordinary people for more than ten years, and their own three views have been fixed, but now they suddenly Knowing that extraordinary power still exists in this world, such a thing would have a huge impact on them.

Li Wei smiled and said: You have to have some confidence in yourself. You can master such power, because you are my partners. The way to master such power is very simple, that is, practice together with me, and practice together every time. Practicing this practice can increase your strength. After a few times, your physique will be gradually changed, and eventually you will become an immortal existence like me.

After Li Wei explained what a fellow practitioner was, the girls all turned red with embarrassment. This kind of thing was really too exciting for them.

Zhenshanya Camellia had a sullen face and muttered in a low voice: Li Weijun is such a bad person. He always says these embarrassing things about fellow practitioners and so on... I am not mentally prepared at all.

Although Mayamaya Camellia has made a decision in her heart to dedicate everything she has to Li Wei, it is still too early for her to bring up such a topic. However, she did not expect to be able to obtain extraordinary power in this way. She originally thought that even with Li Wei's guidance, it would require a lot of hard work, but she did not expect that it would be like this. For them, it can be said to be a very easy path.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

But what Masamayama Camellia doesn't know is that unless practitioners who achieve rapid success in this way have conducted a lot of combat training themselves, their actual combat capabilities will be worrying. However, Li Wei does not need them to appear as a combat force. He only needs them to be a battery that can replenish his mana at critical moments, so he does not plan to conduct combat training for them.

Of course, there are also some girls in Levi's back house who are unwilling to be vases, and these girls will accept Levi's combat training and constantly improve their actual combat abilities, hoping to be able to help Levi at critical moments.

... .. ...

Because they have immortal bodies similar to those of the Hades, they cannot be truly killed and cannot be sealed. As long as Levi himself does not die, they can be resurrected indefinitely, so their fighting style is quite wild. , it’s completely a life-for-life style of play.

However, most girls are ordinary people and are naturally repelled by fighting. For them, mastering extraordinary abilities is just to make their lives more convenient. They will not fight until it is a life or death situation.

Li Wei displayed various abilities in front of the girls. The girls were dazzled by it, and at the same time they also realized that it could be said that they were the greatest luck in their lives to meet Li Wei.

If they had not met Li Wei, they would have lived a mediocre life as ordinary people, facing all kinds of troubles, family crises, and problems with their children in old age.

But now, all this has been solved, because they met Levi and gained everything that ordinary people cannot have.

The barbecue dinner was spent with laughter and laughter. Levi and the girls all had a great time. The girls were already full of expectations for their happy and bright future. At the banquet, the most talked about topic was wedding dresses. Everyone The girls' faces are filled with happy smiles.

Chapter. Back to school day

As the night passed, several girls were turned into real women by Li Wei. All the girls were tortured so much. If Li Wei hadn't used magic power to nurse them back to health, they wouldn't have been able to get up the next day. Under the nourishment of magic power, Next, they quickly returned to their best physical condition.

It has to be said that after becoming real women, the girls became less green and more mature and charming. This is the special temperament of married women. Even Noharuna and Hanada, who have the most out-of-the-box personalities, have become more mature and charming. Sui has also become softer.

And because they were fellow practitioners with Li Wei, all of them had rosy faces, and their overall appearance and temperament had improved on the original basis.

If before, only Sumireko Sanshikiin could reach the evaluation of stunning beauty among the girls, then now, Masama Camellia and others are gradually getting closer to this level.

This is just the first time we practice together. After they practice together more times, they will become more and more beautiful and their temperament will become more unique. Everyone will be able to develop their own unique temperament.

The girls woke up early the next morning, because they didn't ask for leave and had to go to school at 1 o'clock.

And Sansekiin Sumireko also ended her recovery. Under the influence of the spell, her ankle quickly returned to its best condition. Even running and jumping, there was no problem.

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