Levi returned to the house, where the girls were playing and playing intimately. Looking at this scene, Levi felt very satisfied. He never thinks that there are too many girls around him. After all, his skills determine it. The more girls around him, the stronger he will be, just like the legendary Yellow Emperor.

Levi came to the sofa and sat down. Sumireko, who had a quiet personality, did not join in the fight. Moreover, the other girls knew that the injury on her foot had not healed yet, so they did not tease her and let her sit. On the sand, watching everyone fight.

Sansein Sumireko looked at Li Wei who sat down and leaned next to her, and said with a smile: Li Weijun, you said you were going to hold a barbecue dinner, don't you plan to start making preparations now?

Levi smiled and said: That is the business of the people below. They will do the preparations well. What I have to do is to serve you the most sumptuous barbecue feast after the ingredients and grill are in place.

Levi is a practitioner who likes to integrate magic into his life. He is not the kind of ascetic who pays attention to physical practice. In order to be lazy, it is common for him to use various convenient spells to save time.

Just like barbecue, it would be very troublesome to barbecue in the way ordinary people do. The person in charge of the barbecue would not have any free time to rest at all, but if he uses spell effects for assistance, he can get the same effect as the girls. Interactive rest time can also make barbecue more delicious.

Sumireko Sanseki said: Barbecuing is very troublesome. Let me help you when the time comes. With more people helping you, you won't be so tired.

Sanseki Sumireko is a considerate girl. She has worked in a barbecue restaurant and knows how tiring barbecue is. Although she was just a waitress at the time, she was responsible for serving bowls, collecting plates, and serving guests. When she ordered food, she saw that the chef in the kitchen area was sweating profusely and had to flip the ingredients in a hurry because there were too many ingredients for the barbecue. She knew that this kind of thing was not an easy task. .

Li Wei put his arms around Sanse Yuan Jinzi's shoulders and said with a smile: I have many secrets, and these secrets will gradually be revealed in front of you, and these secrets will also bring you into a new world. Don’t worry that I will be tired. Would a lazy person like me take the initiative to find things that make me tired?”

Sumireko Sanseki said curiously: We have a girl here. If no one helps, can you personally control so many ingredients at the same time? You have to bake so many things at once, and you have to take into account the baking of different ingredients. It’s very tiring to control characteristics.”

Li Wei smiled and said: Let me tell you a little bit about it here. Then you will know what is going on, and you will also be able to see the tip of my secret iceberg.

At this time, Zhenshanya Camellia came over, sat next to Li Wei, and said, Li Weijun, do you want to come and play games?

Levi smiled and said: What game?

A playful smile appeared on Mayamaya Camellia's lovely face, and she said, Li Weijun, do you know the King's Game?

Levi nodded. He knew the rules of King's Game, but in A Zhai, the masterpiece King's Game was more famous.

King's Game is one of the rare works that otakus all over the world are criticizing. No one will clean this work at all, because it can't be washed. This work is just a piece of shit. It is forced to be dark, dark and incomplete. The bizarre plot makes everyone who has watched it have the urge to wash their eyes.

Li Wei originally wanted to pay homage to this so-called masterpiece, but as soon as he broke the news in the movie theater, the old friends in the movie theater collectively advised him not to read this work, so as not to wash his eyes after watching it.

The rules of the king's game are very simple. Just like now, if there is Levi and a girl, they are both individuals. Then choose a card to compile, respectively, and then add a ghost card.

The game requires two rounds of card drawing. The first round of card drawing is to decide who draws the ghost card. The one who draws the ghost card is the king. Then the third round of card drawing is carried out. The ghost card needs to be removed in the third round of card drawing, and the king is not After the drawer and everyone else except the king has drawn their cards, the card remaining on the table is the king's.

Then, the king will give orders to other people, for example, if he gives an order to hold the person three times and three times, then such an order must be carried out, and the person must be held three times and three times, so that the round game is over.

However, because the king cannot see what the last card that belongs to him is on the card table, if he is unlucky, he will be cheated. If the last card that belongs to the king is, and the king gives an order to do something, then the king himself must execute the order. In a situation like this, the deeper the hole is dug, the harder the king himself will fall.

But for a cheat like Levi who can cheat, girls can't play games like this at all.

Levi smiled and said: It will take some time for the people below to prepare the barbecue grill. This time will be enough for several rounds of games.

Several girls came over, all looking excited.

Mayamaya Camellia took out a deck of playing cards from her small school bag, placed it on the coffee table, and opened it. She had already prepared herself, so she prepared playing cards in advance, just for this moment.

Li Wei looked at the cute smile on Mayama Camellia's face with her conspiracy succeeding, and felt extremely calm. He could know what Mayama Camellia had in mind even without the ability to read her mind. However, this is also an opportunity to enhance everyone's relationship and make the girls get along more harmoniously. Li Wei will naturally not refuse Zhenshanya Camellia's proposal.

Chapter 4. Game of Kings

Hinata looked at the playing cards on the coffee table and said in surprise: I didn't expect you to prepare this, Camellia. Have you wanted to play such a game for a long time?

Mayamaya Camellia smiled and said: I really want to play such a game, but I just want to play with Li Weijun and you. Those guys outside are so disgusting. They all have impure purposes. Playing games with those guys is just a matter of time. It’s like wrestling with a pig in a pigsty.”

Levi didn't know how to complain about this metaphor of the real mountain camellia, but the king's game itself felt very informal. After all, the king's order was absolute, and the person who was drawn must carry it out. This kind of absolute right It can satisfy the dark thoughts of many people.

This kind of game is usually an excuse for men and women to get together and mess around. Levi doesn't have a good impression of the king's game, but like now, there is no problem with family members playing it in private.

Shimazaki Kotomi said: I agree with you on this. When those boys mention the game of kings, they will smile obscenely. They must not have any good intentions.

Levi whispered from the side: I am also a boy. Isn't the range of this map cannon a bit wide?

Shimazaki Kotomi said: Li Weijun, you are different from them, because you are the person I like. No matter what you want to do to me, I will not resist.

Shimazaki Kotomi had a pretty face that looked a little charming, with an imaginative smile. She glanced at Levi. That look made Levi feel that his palms were a little warm. This girl is really a natural. Hu Meizi.

Sanada Sugiha said: Kotomi is so cunning, she even sneaked away in a place like this. I can do this kind of thing.

Mayamaya Camellia made a note on the picked cards with a pen, put away the remaining unused cards, and said: Okay, we have a total of people here. I made a number card. Here are the ghost cards. There are ten in total. Play a card.”

After Mayamaya Camellia put away the remaining cards, she took out various props from her small schoolbag. They were all used for small pranks. Levi looked at them and saw that they were all innocuous little things. thing.

Li Wei said: Ya Camellia, please take it easy. We only have one person here, and the probability of recruiting each person is high. Don't come up with some weird projects.

Mayamaya Camellia smiled and said: Don't worry, except for you, Li Weijun, all the girls here are girls. There won't be any messy punishment items.

The popular game here in Neon is the king game, while in Chongguo it is truth or dare. Although the two games have some differences in rules, their cores are similar.

Both of these games are types that will change after playing. It is precisely because of this that whether it is Truth or Dare or King's Game, Levi has no favorable impressions, because these two games will expose the depths of human nature. The evil of evil makes some people reveal their bestiality.

Li Wei was a supporter of the theory that individual nature is inherently evil. In his view, the reason why people are human is because they accept the constraints of rules. However, these two games will confuse ordinary people's knowledge and distort people's hearts by distorting the rules. The evil in the human heart is released, and when the evil in the human heart is released, it is very difficult to take it back. It is precisely because of this that whether it is a game of kings or truth or dare, it is easy for it to become sour as you play. It can even cause conflict.

Several girls formed a circle, and even Sansekiin Sumireko sat obediently, waiting for the game to begin.

Ten cards have been prepared, and everyone begins to draw cards in turn.

Hanada Sui showed the ghost card in his hand and said with a smile: I am the king. I didn't expect that I would draw it in the first round. I am really lucky.

Mayama Camellia smiled and said: Please wait aside, the king. Now it is the common people's turn to draw cards.

Hanada Sui held the ghost card in his hand and drew the cards in the first round. The ghost card will not be put into the deck. Everyone has drawn their own cards. There is only one covered card left on the table. Now everyone Waiting for Hanadaho to give orders as the king.

With a proud smile on Hanada Sui's lovely face, she said: Hmph, I am the king. My order is that the person with the three cards holds Pocky biscuits in his mouth and feeds it to the person with the seven cards. , if the biscuit breaks or loosens before the person with seven cards finishes, the person with three cards must take off his earrings, and if he wears glasses, he should take off his glasses first.

Huada Sui's order covers most people. Everyone, look at me and I look at you. The atmosphere seems a bit weird.

Sumireko Sansekiin sighed and showed the cards in her hand. Hers was three cards.

Hanada Sui showed a proud smile and said, Then who is Seven?

Levi showed the card in his hand, seven.

When Levi showed his cards, the girls suddenly became excited.

Mayamaya Camellia said: Damn it! Why am I not San!

The card in Zhenshan Asia's hand is four, and the three is missing.

With a wicked smile on her face, Hanada Sui took out a Pocky biscuit from the nearby biscuit box, brought it to Sumireko Sanshiki, and said with a villain-like smile: Miss Manager, you want this too. Let the round game end soon! So, you know.

Sanshikiin Sumireko looked at Hanada Sui's villainous smile as she succeeded in her conspiracy, and said with a smile on her face: I'll just do it.

Sansekiin Sumireko is also a little nervous inside and is not as calm as she looks on the surface. If the biscuit breaks, she will have to take off her glasses here. If she takes off her glasses, most of her disguise will be destroyed. There may be abnormalities discovered by others, so she must take this round of the game seriously.

Sansein Sumireko took the Pocky biscuit, looked at Li Wei, her face turned red, she lowered her head slightly and said, Li Weijun, please give me some advice.

Levi said: It's me who should say this. Don't worry, we will get through this round of the game steadily.

Hearing Levi's words, Sansein Sumireko nodded and took Pocky biscuits in her mouth. However, she did not close her eyes, but really looked at Levi. The two of them were sitting next to each other. But now, the distance between the two people is even closer.

The girls also started to make noises. Scenes like this were quite exciting for them, and they all envied Sumireko Sansekiin and wished they could take her place in this round of games.

Levi bit the other end of the biscuit and began to chew the biscuit in small bites. When chewing the biscuit, his mouth always kept biting the front end of the biscuit to avoid letting go. The difficulty of this round of the game is that the biscuit cannot be Loosening or breaking it is a great test of the cooperation of two people. Now the body of Sumireko Sanseki is very stiff, and she is afraid that if she moves, the crispy biscuit will break.

Mayamaya camellia covered He and Hinata's ears, whispering in a low voice. After hearing this, Hinata's eyes brightened, and the two looked at each other with smiles on their faces, reaching some kind of evil agreement.

Chapter. You are all my wings

Sansekiyuan Sumireko could only believe in Levi's skills now. Seeing Levi's face getting closer and closer, her face felt a little hot. Although it was not the first time she had close contact with Levi, it was the first time the two of them had close contact. The personal intimacy was now in front of so many girls. Even her calm personality could not keep calm in such a situation.

The distance between the two people was getting closer and closer, and they were about to touch each other. At this moment, Hinata stood up and walked past the two people.


Hinata's body suddenly tilted and hit Levi, who lost his balance and fell forward.

Li Wei has an amazing ear, how could he not know about the little tricks Hinata Aoi and Mayama Camellia are doing in the audience? Now that Hinata Kuai wants to match him with all the girls, she naturally has to create opportunities, and her actions now are Create some romantic atmosphere for him.

It is precisely because of this that Li Wei, who was able to hold on, pretended that he could not hold up and lost his balance, and suddenly pressed Sansein Sumireko onto the sand.

The remaining half of the Pocky biscuit naturally broke, but no one paid attention to such a problem at this time. Because of Hinata Aoi's assist, Levi gave Sumireko Sansekiin a deep and rich kiss.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko was stunned. The strong male aura made her confused and confused. She felt as if she was floating in the clouds, and her whole body was dizzy.

The girls around were stunned when they saw this scene. Only Hinata Aoi and Mayama Camellia showed smiles that showed their conspiracy was successful.

I don't know how much time passed, but Levi supported his body. Due to the impact just now, Sumireko Sanseki's glasses had fallen to the side, and her true face had been exposed in front of him.

Levi said: Sumiko, don't you look good if you take off your glasses? Why do you keep wearing them?

Levi's words brought Sansein Sumireko back to her senses. Her hands quickly touched her face. She didn't touch her glasses, and she suddenly panicked.

Not only Li Wei, but other girls also saw the true face of Sumireko Sansein, and they all showed surprised expressions. The true face of Sumireko Sansein hidden under the glasses is really amazing, but only in front of the eyes , and it’s hard to forget.

At this time, Hinata Aoi and Masama Camellia were also stunned, because they did not expect that Sumireko Sanshikiin would be a deeply hidden beauty.

Whether it is Hinata Aoi or Mayama Camellia, both girls are very confident in their appearance, but after seeing the true face of Sumireko Sanshikiin, both of them are a little unsure of themselves.

Sanseyuan Sumireko covered her face and whispered: Li Weijun, have you seen it?

Levi said: I have seen it, Sumireko, you are like a jade wrapped in stones. Why do you hide yourself like this?

Sanshiyuan Sumireko slowly let go of her hand and sat up. Under the concerned eyes of the girls, she opened her three-strand braid. At the same time, she put her hands into her clothes and removed her braid. As the bra strips were pulled out, her bust expanded several levels, and she suddenly became the fullest bust of any girl.

After completing her transformation, Sumireko Sanseki stood up, took two steps back, bowed fiercely to everyone, and said with a trembling voice: I'm very sorry, I lied to everyone, and now this The appearance is the real me.”

Levi looked at Sumireko Sansekiyuan who was still bowing, walked over, grabbed her hand and lifted her up.

Levi smiled and said: Although I was indeed deceived, I'm not angry. Sumireko, you have nothing to apologize for. But I'm a little curious, why do you have to disguise yourself like this? You are already a high school student. , which means that you spent the entire high period in a state of disguise. There must be an important reason for this level of disguise.

Hanada Sui said: No way! The administrator lady is so beautiful! She is so beautiful that she looks like a movie star!

Sanada Sugiha also said: That's right, this is the first time I see such a beautiful person in daily life. The administrator lady is really secretive.

The girls also showed curious expressions. Girls' curiosity is far stronger than that of men. For them, this situation must be a shocking thing. They can't wait to eat it. .

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