Ruyue Yulu walked into the classroom. He saw Dahe Taiyang lying on the table. He walked over and said, Why are you so listless so early in the morning? Could it be that you stayed up late playing games last night?

Dahe Yangyang raised his head and glanced at Ruyue Yulu. Seeing Ruyue Yulu smiling, he felt very unhappy. Although the two of them seemed to be old friends who had known each other for many years, in fact, he was very jealous of Ruyue. Rain and dew. Dahe Taiyang thought for a while, he couldn't just feel uncomfortable personally, he was unhappy, and he couldn't be happy even if he was like the moon and the rain.

Dahe Taiyang said: Why did you come alone this morning? Sunflower didn't go to school with you. Did you two have a conflict?

Ruyue Yulu said: No, but that guy has been acting weird since yesterday. I always feel that she has become so alienated from us.

Dahe Yangyang had a teasing smile on his face and said: My lovely childhood sweetheart suddenly ignored me, maybe there is already a boy I like.

Dahe Taiyang is not talking about anything now. He knows that Hinata Aoi has fallen in love with Levi, but in order to disgust Ruyue Yulu, he pretends not to know such a thing and makes sarcastic remarks in a joking tone.

Ruyue Yulu was indeed disgusted, but on the surface he had to maintain his good-natured persona, his face only changed slightly, and he suppressed his negative emotions. Acting is a very tiring thing, especially when there is a huge contrast between the external persona and your own personality. Under such circumstances, if you want to maintain the persona, you must put in more effort. .

Ruyue Yulu took a deep breath and said with a smile: `. Sunflower, it's time for spring to blossom. I just don't know which lucky person will be able to win her heart.

Kisaragi Yulu likes Hinata Aoi in her heart. After all, she is a girl who grew up as a childhood sweetheart. Although she is a bit simple and stupid, she can't stand up to her good looks and good figure. Such a cute and simple stupid girl. It doesn't make people hate punishment.

Of course, if Hinata is not as cute as she is now, then her innocence will become a pure shortcoming. Men will always give preferential treatment when facing cute or beautiful girls. Girls with ordinary looks will not do this. treatment. Very realistic, but that's what men are.

Hinata has a cute baby face. As one of the aces of the tennis club, she has a very good figure due to her regular exercise. Although she is petite, she is curvy. Especially after wearing tight sportswear, she is far better than ordinary people. The girl's more toned figure gives people full visual impact.

Ru Yue and Yu Lu have been looking for opportunities to express their love, but the inferiority complex in his heart has kept him from taking action. As a result, it has become this situation now.

Oga Taiyang said: The other half of a beautiful girl like Himawari must be a very good person, someone far above us.

Dahe Yangyang seized the opportunity and immediately hit the target, Ruyue Yulu clenched his fists, and then released his hands, because he could not change anything now, and even arguing with Dahe Yangyang was meaningless.

Chapter.Hurt each other

Ruyue Yulu said with a somewhat reluctant smile: If Sunflower can find someone she likes, then we should bless her.

Dahe Yangyang looked at Ruyue Yulu's uncomfortable look, and finally felt comfortable in his heart. He could not bear the unlucky things alone, and he was only satisfied if Ruyue Yulu was also brought down.

Dahe Taiyang said: After school this afternoon, Sunflower is going to classmate Levi's house to visit the injured librarian. I think the person Sunflower likes should be classmate Levi.

Ruyue Yulu felt like his heart was stabbed by a knife. He hated Li Wei very much, because Li Wei's arrival made him, who had no sense of existence, completely become a little transparent. Now there are old grudges and new grudges, and even the girl he likes has been seduced by Levi. As long as he knows how to handle this kind of thing, he can't swallow this breath.

Ruyue Yulu didn't say anything more, just returned to his seat. His brain started to move quickly, thinking about countermeasures. Levi was not an ordinary competitor. If he faced an ordinary boy, he still had a way He uses various small means to increase his advantage, but Li Wei is not at the same level as him, and methods aimed at ordinary people are completely useless to Li Wei.

The more Ruyue Yulu thought about it, the more irritated he became. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't come up with a strategy to crack it. Levi's existence was too foul. For ordinary students, it was completely overwhelming.


At this time, Levi, who was making breakfast in the kitchen, was confused when he saw the points credit prompt he received.

Li Wei thought for a while. He didn't seem to have done anything to stimulate Ruyue Yulu and Dahe Yangyang. Why did the two of them provide him with several points income? Although the single income was not high, the points added up. , which is pretty good.

Levi came to this world not to gain points, but to simply travel, relax and pick up girls. After all, in the previous world, due to various restrictions, he did not have all the fun. A purely everyday world like this is more suitable for leisurely playing strategy games.

While Levi was cooking breakfast calmly, Sansein Sumireko came to the kitchen door on crutches.

Sansein Sumireko had actually woken up a long time ago, but she needed to disguise herself, so she delayed for a while. She didn't want to reveal her secret in front of Levi yet.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko looked at Li Wei's tall back, her eyes full of soft sweetness. In her personal opinion, men who are willing to cook for women are attractive, especially in a relatively special environment like Neon. , even more so.

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: Li Weijun, you look very much like a housewife now. I didn't expect you to like pink aprons.

Levi smiled without looking back: This is the standard outfit for men of the Gu family in Sichuan and Chongqing. Everyone has an ugly apron like this. It's still early, so getting up so early is not conducive to recovery.

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: It's already fast now. If I continue to sleep, I will become a lazy pig. If I become a useless person, it will be your fault, Li Weijun.

Levi said: I will push you out in a wheelchair later. You will get bored if you stay at home all the time.

Sumireko Sansekiyin smiled bitterly and said: Isn't this wheelchair a bit exaggerated? I just twisted my ankle, not that I lost all feeling in my whole leg.

Levi said: But the consequences of a sprained ankle are not much different from losing feeling in the entire leg. You have to listen to my doctor's advice after you have been injured for several days.

Although Sansein Sumireko felt that Levi was making a fuss, the feeling of being cared about was not bad. Although this kind of care is a bit overbearing, it can give her an inexplicable sense of security.

Li Wei smiled and said: Although I am not a working doctor, I have more than ten top hospitals and several large nursing homes under my name. Although I do not have any documents, no one denies my medical skills. Except for those top dignitaries. , I don’t accept ordinary patients.”

Sanseyuan Sumireko sighed inwardly and said, Li Weijun, I feel like you and I are not from the same world at all. Everything you come into contact with is too far away for me, and I'm a little scared.

Li Wei put down his work, took off his apron, and came to the front of Sansein Sumireko. Due to the inconvenience of her legs and feet, Sansein Sumireko couldn't retreat even if she wanted to, so she could only watch Li Wei approach. Own.

Levi flicked his fingers on the girl's forehead and said with a smile: I am a very willful person and I don't care about the world's opinions at all. And I am already strong enough that I don't need to care about the world's opinions. So, I want to With you by my side, no one else dares to say anything.”

Li Wei carried Sanse Yuan Jinzi on his back.

With a faint blush on her face, Sanseyuan Jinzi said, Li Weijun, don't you want to cook? Where are you going to take me now?

Levi smelled the girl's light body fragrance that was like the fragrance of flowers, felt the softness coming from her back, and said with a smile: Carry you out to change your mood, so that you don't have to think about it all the time.

Sansein Sumireko lay on Levi's shoulder and whispered: I'm not thinking wildly, I'm just telling the truth, eh! My crutch!

Levi, who had already walked some distance, smiled and said, I said I would carry you out for a walk, so you don't have to get off the ground, just sit down obediently.

Faced with Li Wei's domineering behavior, Sansein Sumireko puffed up her cheeks. She has a mature personality and has not made such a little girl expression for a long time. When getting along with Li Wei, she felt very Relaxation, the suppressed emotions in her heart can be released freely. She has not experienced this feeling for a long time.

Levi walked out of the gate with Sumireko of the Three Colors Garden on his back. Just when he was about to arrive at the entrance of the courtyard, light and shadow flowed, and a member of the escort team wearing sci-fi-style armor appeared not far from the two of them.

A slightly hoarse voice sounded.

BOSS, where are you going? said the member of the escort team.

Levi said: I went out for a walk and asked Alfonso to prepare breakfast. We will be back in about half an hour.

The members of the escort stroked their chests and saluted, and said, I will do it now.

Levi nodded, and then the escort personnel disappeared. All the escort personnel were his puppet clones, specially used to handle all kinds of dirty work that was not easy to say. His rapid rise, but with bloody of.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko looked at the members of the escort team who suddenly appeared and disappeared, and said: Li Weijun, you have many secrets.

Levi smiled and said: Women with secrets are more charming. What about men with secrets? Maybe the same is true.

Sanseyuan Sumireko said: I know, Li Weijun, you are not a prince, but a king. Different from the white prince, the king has his own dark side. I have already guessed this kind of thing, but when I see it with my own eyes When I saw it, I was still a little shocked.”

Li Wei smiled and said: I am neither a king nor a prince, but a harbor that can allow you to return home. I am just an ordinary person, don't think too highly of me.

Chapter. Psychological shadow

Levi carried Sansekiin Sumireko out of the house and walked on the road lined with flowers and plants. This is one of the top wealthy areas in Tokyo. Although the place is a little out of the way, it is a place where rich people gather. Because the people in the entire community are from wealthy families, the roads and greening here are well maintained and look pleasing to the eye.

Neon People have their own expertise in landscaping. In addition, the rich area has no shortage of money and can let the designers do whatever they want. Therefore, the environment here combines elegance and noble style. In addition, Various luxurious mansions on both sides of the road make the place itself like a scenic spot. It’s just that what is shown here is the cultural scenery.

Li Wei carried Sanseyuan Pansy on his back and walked forward slowly. On the way, he met some neighbors walking and walking their dogs. When they met, everyone nodded with a smile and then passed by.

Although this seems polite, it is actually the indifference unique to Neon people. They look enthusiastic on the surface, but feel troublesome on the inside. Many of the people living here are not even familiar with their neighbors. Although this kind of thing makes people feel unbelievable, it is a fact. This is a common feature of neon people. Regardless of whether they have money or not, they all look like this.

Of course, in such a general environment, there are exceptions. For example, people there in Kyoto are particularly good at chatting. Regardless of whether they are male or female, familiar or unfamiliar, if they meet and chat for a few minutes, for those over there, It's a very normal thing.

Sanshikiin Sumireko raised her head and said with a smile: I feel like the atmosphere here is so leisurely. It doesn't have the fast-paced feeling in other places in Tokyo at all.

Levi said: The composition of this wealthy area is a bit complicated. Most people rely on passive income to increase their wealth. Therefore, unlike ordinary wealthy people who are as busy, there are many people going out for jogging and walking dogs at this time of day. of.

Sumireko Sansekien said: What impressed me most about this time period was the crowded trains, which were like sardines packed into cans. It was clear that there was no room for people in the train, but the conductors were still moving people at the door. In order to avoid being squeezed into a pie, I always go out early. Except for holidays, I have to get up early every day when I go to school.

Levi smiled and said: That feeling must be quite bad~

Sanshikiin Sumireko smiled and said: Living in a large city like Tokyo, there are some things that you have to accept even if you don't want to accept them. -

Because ordinary people can only do this, and it is precisely because of this that rich people are so enviable, because for rich people, as long as it is a problem that money can solve, it is not a problem for them.

Levi said: Sumiko, don't squeeze into the tram in the future. I will ask the driver to pick you up after school. Leave those canned sardines to others to enjoy.

Sanse Yuan Sumireko said: Li Weijun, do you want to label me as yours? If I ride to and from school in a car with you, I will be pushed to the forefront.

Sumireko Sanseki is a smart girl, and she can see through the problem behind Levi's proposal. In order to have a peaceful life, she disguises herself and learns from Nishiki Tsutaka. If she accepts Levi's proposal, then she will I have to be exposed to everyone's eyes.

This reminded her of what she experienced when she was in China. Now she is a little afraid of the public's gaze. She just wants to find a corner of her own and observe the public. As for being in the limelight, whoever wants to do it can do it. She didn't want to go anyway.

Levi smiled and said: Don't worry, someone will help you share the firepower.

Sansekiin Sumireko said: They are those girls in the library before, right? Is this really good?

Li Wei smiled and said: Sumiko, you will have concerns about this kind of thing, but they won't be like this, because they don't care much about other people's eyes. I don't know what kind of things you have experienced before, Sumireko, that makes you You have developed this kind of cautious character, but now that I am by your side, you can boldly be yourself. Don’t worry, each of us does not have that many viewers in our lives. Many times we are just restraining ourselves.

Sumireko Sanseki recalled what she had experienced while in the country. She put her hands tightly around Levi's neck and said, I was afraid of being looked at by others. During my time in the country, I encountered some difficult problems. That's why I'm like this now. Those girls in the library, they probably haven't had a similar experience to me. If they have experienced something similar to me, they will probably be like me.

Levi smiled and said: So I want to give you courage. With me supporting you, as long as it is not illegal, you can do whatever you want. Even if you are watched by others, so what? They look at them, we It's impossible for us to restrain ourselves just because of something like this.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

The neon society is quite sick. The entire society is smoothing the edges of ordinary people, turning every living person into a social screw with no personality and a thousand faces. It is this kind of morbid thought that makes Neon people follow the herd very much. As long as an individual is slightly different from others, he will be regarded as an alien, and what follows is rejection and suppression. Until this individual completely destroys his own character.

The more reality lacks something, the more it is emphasized in movies, TV series and animations. Why do most of the protagonists in animation emphasize love and friendship? It is because in real life, many neon people do not know how to love at all, and they do not have real feelings. Friendship, that’s why anime has such a “main theme”.

... . . . . .

Moreover, Neon's workplace bullying is so serious that it can even torture people to the point of mental disorder or even suicide. It is precisely because of this that there is such a workplace drama Naoki Hansawa.

Levi knew that Sansein Sumireko had faced malice from the public, and it was precisely because of this that the girl was as timid as she is now, fearing that her specialness would be discovered.

This is a sad thing. It should be said that any tragedy comes from the lack of ability of the person who experiences it. To Sansein Sumireko, such a thing is almost like the sky falling, but to Levi, it is not a problem at all. If there is nothing to clean up, you will be honest after cleaning it up one by one.

Sanse Yuan Sumireko said: Li Weijun, you are from Chongguo and don't understand the special social rules of neon, but for you, these problems are not a problem.

Levi smiled and said: Sumiko, you are right about this. I never like to abide by the rules set by others, because I prefer to be the rule myself. Anyway, as I grow up, I will not violate the most basic legal bottom line. Except for other things, from the perspective of others, it can be said that we are going our own way.

Before becoming a transcendent, Li Wei was already a very talented person, and talented people have a common problem, that is, arrogance, and Li Wei is no exception, but his arrogance is not expressed externally, and It is engraved in the bones.

Chapter. The girls’ visit

Levi didn't carry the girl too far on his back. He just circled the area near the house and took her back to the villa.

When the two people returned to the house, there were several large metal covers on the table in the dining room.

Levi put the girl on the seat that had been opened and opened the metal cover. Under the cover was a sumptuous breakfast that had been prepared. The moment the metal cover was opened, steaming hot air spurted out, and a rich fragrance spread throughout the room. Sumireko Sansekiin sniffed.

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