Levi said: Then let's watch this one, but I have a habit. Once I start watching a movie, no matter whether it is a good movie or a bad movie, I will finish it. If it is not good, can you please Will you be patient and finish reading it?”

Sumireko Sansekiyin smiled and said: Isn't this movie rated very high? I think it should be very good-looking. Otherwise, the audiences who have seen it would not rate it so high.

Levi pressed the play button, and the TV screen went black. As the subtitles appeared, the movie slowly started.

Half an hour later...

Sumireko Sanseki's face turned red, while Levi's eyes shone brightly, because this special edition of The Voyage of Sinbad was very pornographic and exciting. It was basically a love action movie. Levi finally understood why this movie The rating is so high because I know how to appreciate it. How could I give a bad review to such an artwork?

Chapter. Easily get sick leave

Both of them were a little embarrassed, especially the various sounds coming from the TV, which made Sumireko Sanseki not know what to say. After all, the current situation has exceeded her expectations, especially since this movie is She chose it herself, and that was the most embarrassing part.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko closed her eyes, not wanting to see those scenes that made people's blood boil. But even if she didn't look at the scenes, the sound coming from the TV still made her blush.

Sanseiyuan Sumireko discovered that at some point, Levi's hand had been placed on her waist, hugging her slender waist tightly and letting her lean into Levi's arms.

Levi said in a low voice: Sumiko, you really have a good eye for choosing movies. The Adventures of Sinbad is really exciting. This is much better than ordinary TV series. Unfortunately, I forgot to prepare popcorn and Coke.

Sansein Sumireko twisted her waist slightly, trying to break free from Li Wei's arms, but Li Wei's big hands were so firm, no matter how she twisted, she couldn't make Li Wei let go. At this time, It would be even more embarrassing if he said it out loud. After all, the exciting scenes in the movie are still going on.

Levi also didn't expect that such a powerful classic would be hidden among the serious classics and old movies, and at that time, it could still produce good results. Of course, Levi's attention is focused on the female characters. It has to be said that these old movies are really strict in the selection of characters, but now the aesthetics have been downgraded.

When the movie ended, Sansekiin Sumireko was already in a daze. After all, this 1-minute movie spent almost half of the time as an exciting program. How could she bear it? After watching After that, she had begun to doubt life.

Levi finally let go of Sansein Sumireko, stretched out, and said with a smile: There are indeed many treasures hidden in old movies. It takes hard work to dig out them. Thank you Sumireko for letting me discover them. A treasure movie.”

Sansekiin Sumireko could no longer maintain her usual composure, her voice rose unconsciously, and she said: No matter how you look at this kind of movie, it's not a serious action movie!

Levi laughed and said: I know this kind of movie is a bit like an action movie, but it is an action movie, but it is also an art movie. The costumes, makeup and props of this movie are all done to the extreme. Although it is due to the age Because of this, the special effects are a bit stretched, but the flaws are not concealed. Especially the sacrificial spirit of the protagonist Sinbad, but it is very rare to see in European and American movies. The descendants of those bandits will always only let others make sacrifices, like Sinbad. Its existence can only be found in movies.

Sumireko Sanseki looked at Levi's serious explanation that this action movie was a work of art, but she couldn't complain in her heart. She could only say that a boy's H soul can be fully expressed in a place like this.

After watching the movie, it was completely dark outside. At this time, Levi's phone rang. Levi directly adjusted the phone to hands-free mode and put the phone on the coffee table.

Alfonso's slightly hoarse voice came from the phone.

BOSS, I have already taken Miss Sumireko's sick leave, which will last for four days in total. Your vacation, like Miss Sumireko's, is both four days.

Thank you for your hard work. If you have nothing else to do, just keep watch.

Okay, BOSS.

After hanging up the phone, Sumireko Sanseki said: Is it so easy to get sick leave? I was not present, so how could the teacher allow me to take sick leave?

Li Wei smiled and said: It is indeed not easy for ordinary students to ask for sick leave. They need to be double-checked by teachers and school doctors. However, rules are dead and people are alive. Not everything has to be so rigid.

After hearing what Levi said, Sansein Sumireko already knew how Levi got his sick leave. She could only sigh in her heart. In a humane society like Neon, rich and powerful people want to do things. It is really convenient. So many people want to become rich and powerful just to enjoy privileges like this in life.

Sanse Yuan Sumireko said: This kind of thing must be kept low-key. I know Li Weijun that you are a rich man, but if you want to experience the life of ordinary people, then in some places, you must learn to keep a low profile.

Levi nodded with an expression of I have learned a lesson.

Li Wei doesn't understand these principles. On the surface, he looks like a young man, but his real age has surpassed his appearance. He has experienced many things, and he can deal with various situations calmly. If it weren't for the purpose of capturing girls, he wouldn't be as honest as he is now pretending to be an ordinary person.

Levi gently pushed the girl's shoulder, and she fell on the sand. Sumireko Sanseki was a little scared inside. If Levi wanted to do something to her now, she would have no power to resist at all. However, what surprised her was that Levi just pinched her sprained ankle, very gently removed the gauze, and pretended to change her dressing. This made her feel relieved but also a little small. Small disappointment.

Levi skillfully changed the medicine and said: Four days of sick leave is just insurance. In fact, according to the current recovery speed, you can throw away the crutches tomorrow afternoon, Sumireko.

Sansekiin Sumireko said in surprise: Is it so fast?

Li Wei smiled and said: The drug you are using now is a new drug that has not yet been launched on the market. The patent is still under review. Once this drug is launched, it will have a certain impact on the existing market system because this drug will have a certain impact on the market. The therapeutic effect for bruises is much stronger than all previous drugs of the same type. Of course, the price will naturally be higher.

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: The family of all evil.

. Levi said: I am not a businessman, but a serious industrialist. I am just a loser who thinks about playing finance to make money all day long, borrowing chickens to lay eggs, and playing tricks without any practical knowledge. You can only play numbers games. My enemies are these messy bosses.

After completing the integration and grouping, the corporate group controlled by Levi in ​​this world has turned into a behemoth that scares others. Therefore, we have attacked the corporate group, but Levi also has ways to deal with it. , this method is also very simple, just make the other party evaporate.

Although this corporate group will be abandoned after Li Wei realizes his purpose, Li Weibei allowed it to shine and flourish before abandoning this group, which can be regarded as doing something practical for the ordinary people in this world.

Chapter 4. Different moods

Levi said: Two hours later, I will massage your ankle again. This medicine, combined with massage to activate blood circulation and unblock meridians, can effectively resolve blood stasis.

Sansein Sumireko said softly: Thank you.

She has begun to get used to Levi's gentleness towards her. Although at the beginning, she was a little resistant in her heart and was afraid that she would indulge in such gentleness, but now, she has indulged in it, so now she is a broken pot. Damn it, don't worry about the minutiae.

Sansein Sumireko sat up and leaned on Levi's shoulder. People can deceive others, but they cannot deceive themselves. Now she understands what she thinks about Levi. Although today is only the first time the two of them have met, the way they get along is like they have known each other for a long time. This is still the first day. If it takes a few more days, I don’t know what will happen. Maybe, her entire being would be abducted by Levi.

Levi allowed Sansein Sumireko to rely on him. He could feel the entanglement in the girl's heart. There was no need to say anything at this time. Just let the girl think for herself. He would only speak out when the girl couldn't figure it out. Guide the other person.

Now, Sumireko Sansekiin is gradually becoming dependent on him, which is a good thing.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. From the corner of Levi's eyes, he looked at the girl leaning against him. From his perspective, he could see the girl's white neck and her skin as delicate as snow, which made her feel... One wants to bite hard.

Sanseyuan Jinzi said in a low voice: Li Weijun, where are you looking? If you don't watch a movie, what are you watching me do?

Sumireko Sanseki has been looking for a movie again. This time, she is really looking for it. She has seen this movie, but because it is very exciting, she plans to share it with Levi.

Moreover, this movie does not have any exciting scenes, so it can be said that it is suitable for all ages and will not cause embarrassing things like before.

The two spent a peaceful night. Levi knew that he could not push a girl like Sansein Sumireko too hard. After all, she had encountered such a thing when she was in China. She was raped by a boy in front of everyone. She knelt down in front of her and begged for a relationship. People around her were making noises, asking her to accept the boy's confession. If someone hadn't helped her out at that time, she really didn't know how to deal with such a situation.

It is precisely because he understands this that Levi's various teasing is only on point, making Sansein Sumireko blush shyly, but not too much. It is difficult for ordinary people to grasp such boundaries. It is easy. Play off. It is also because Levi has the ability to read the girl's mind and can see the girl's mental state at any time and know when to stop. Therefore, he can make fun of the girl to his heart's content without making the other party really angry.


The next day, Hinata Aoi came to school early. Now, she has not realized that she has quickly become estranged from Kisaragi Yuro and Oga Taiyang. Her home is very close to Kisaragi Yuro's home, so no matter it is The two of them often walked together when going to school or after school, but now, she no longer wanted to walk with Ruyue Yulu. She was afraid that Li Wei would misunderstand.

Hinata entered the classroom and sat in her seat. She looked at the empty seat behind her, but she didn't see Levi, and she felt empty.

After a while, several girls around Li Wei had already arrived at their seats. She still couldn't see Li Wei's figure, and Hinata Kui felt more and more disappointed.

Mayamaya Camellia, who was sitting diagonally behind him, said: Sunflower, Li Weijun can't come to school for the time being.

Hinata said in surprise: Are you asking for leave on the first day of school?

Mayama Camellia said: I had a little accident in the library yesterday.

Ri Xiangkui said nervously: Is Li Weijun injured?

Mayamaya Camellia looked at Hinata Aoi's anxious look and sighed inwardly, Levi was indeed a heinous sinner, and she was not the only girl who liked him.

Mayamaya Camellia said: Don't worry, it's not Li Weijun who is injured, but the administrator of the library. Sansein Sumireko is injured. She accidentally sprained her ankle while helping Li Weijun pick up books from high places. She probably sprained her ankle. Li Weijun felt guilty because he couldn't come to school for a few days, so he took a leave of absence to take care of Sanseyuan Jinzi.

After hearing what Mayamaya Camellia said, Hinata felt relieved, as long as Levi was not injured. However, Li Wei actually asked for leave alone to take care of Sumireko Sansekiyuan. Such a thing was something she did not expect.

Hinata Aoi said: Is Sumireko Sanshikiin seriously injured?

Mayamaya Camellia said: The whole ankle is swollen, I guess I need to rest for a while. By the way, Sunflower, you don't have Li Weijun's phone number yet, do you? Li Weijun asked me to tell you and Hinoki his phone number, what's the matter? You can contact us directly by phone.”

Hinata Aoi took out her mobile phone and Mayamaya Camellia said Levi's phone code. Hinata Aoi quickly saved the code. This is Levi's phone code. She must not lose it. She began to recite Levi's phone number in her heart. phone code.

In her opinion, it only exists in the phone book of the mobile phone. If the mobile phone is lost, she will lose Li Wei's contact information, but if she can only memorize the phone code, she does not have to worry about whether she can contact him even if the mobile phone is lost. On to Levi.

The two girls did not lower their voices during the conversation, and there were not many people in the classroom and it was not noisy, so Dahe Taiyang, who was sitting not far away, heard part of the conversation between the two girls.

At this time, Dahe Yangyang's face was very ugly, his fists were clenched, and veins popped out on his forehead.

Dahe Taiyang endured the anger in his heart and stood up. He walked to the two girls, took a deep breath, tried his best to keep his reason online, and said with a smile: Sunflower, camellia, I just heard You said the library administrator was injured?

Mayamaya Camellia looked at Oga Taiyang's forced smile and felt a little puzzled, but she still said: Yes, I sprained my ankle. There is no one in charge of the library these days and it will not be open to the public for the time being.

Dahe Yangyang said: Thank you for reminding me.

Dahe Yangyang's hands were behind his back, and his nails almost dug into his flesh. It was already difficult for him to maintain the smile on his face.

The two girls watched Dahe Taiyang return to his seat tremblingly.

Hinata said doubtfully: Xiaoyang is very strange today. When he heard that the administrator lady was injured, he seemed very concerned.

Girls are very sensitive. Although Dahe Taiyang tried his best to disguise his true intentions, she still noticed the abnormality.

Mayama Camellia said: Could it be that guy likes the manager lady?

Zhenshan Asia Camellia unintentionally told the truth.

Chapter. Disgusting as the moon and rain

Zhenshanya Camellia said: I know where Li Weijun lives. After school in the afternoon, let's go to Li Weijun's house and visit the manager.

Hinoki Hatachi, who was listening in the audience, was a little surprised and said: Isn't the manager lady recuperating at her own home?

Mayama Camellia said: The manager's parents have already gone on a business trip and will not be able to come back for ten days and a half. It would be inconvenient and unsafe for her to stay at home alone.

Ri Xiangkui said with a blushing face: In this case, wouldn't it mean that Li Weijun and the administrator are alone? This is a room where a man and a woman live together, living together!

Hina Hina, Masama Camellia, and Sanada Sugiha sitting behind them all couldn't help but start to think of each other. However, it was really hard for them to imagine the inconspicuous Sumireko Sanshiki and Levi shining like the sun. , what will it be like together.

Hinata Aoi spoke a little loudly because of her excitement, so Dahe Taiyang not far away heard it really clearly. When he heard that Li Wei and Sansein Sumireko lived under the same roof, his whole body was filled with excitement. Going crazy.

The beautiful Sumireko Misaki had a wonderful encounter with him at a baseball game a year ago. Because of Sumireko Misaki's encouragement, he had the courage to play through the game at a huge disadvantage without giving up. . Although he lost the game in the end, without the words of encouragement from Sumireko Misakiin, he wouldn't even have the courage to continue the game.

After that encounter, he has been looking for this beautiful goddess. By chance, he found clues from the school's campus legend and finally determined the identity of Sumireko Sansekiyuan. At the time, he was not sure whether Sumireko Sanseki was the goddess who had encouraged him in the first place, so he borrowed his connections and obtained the identity information of Sumireko Sanseki through internal personnel of the student union.

After getting the student registration information of Sansein Sumireko, Dahe Taiyang learned that Sansein Sumireko came from Tangchang Pu Country, so he went to Gladiolus Country to learn about the situation, and finally learned that Sansein Sumireko Sumireko’s true identity.

Although he has known the true identity of Sumireko Sansekien for such a long time, because of his inner inferiority, Oga Taiyang did not dare to express his feelings. He could only go to the library to read from time to time. In this way, Get up close and personal with the goddess of your heart.

Various strange contents began to appear in Oga Taiyang's mind, all of which were scenes of Levi and Sumireko Sanseki doing things that were inappropriate for children. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. Although he is the school's sports star, the team leader who can lead the school's baseball team to Koshien, and is a popular figure in the student body, he is nothing compared to Li Wei.

Unless he can become a professional baseball star, and one of the best, he will not be able to compete against a rich man like Levi.

Levi just came to school for a day, but now the whole school already knows that a super rich man is here. There are various rumors about him having a nose and eyes, and people don't know whether they are true or not. Some people say that Li Wei is the eldest son of a multinational corporate giant, while others say that Li Wei is the heir to a powerful family in Chongguo. Various theories make it difficult for people to understand the details of Li Wei, but no matter what the situation is, it can explain one thing, that is, Li Wei is not an ordinary person.

Resentment and unwillingness permeated his heart. Dahe Yangyang had never felt so helpless as now. He has a good appearance, tall stature, and good athletic ability. He has been other people's children since he was a child. But now, it all means nothing.

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