Levi said: The movie was ruined. We were not far away from the cinema, but an accident happened. We encountered a wagtail who was attacked by members of the snake organization. She was seriously injured, so we She brought it back.

Song Song showed an expression of surprise and said: You can pick up a wagtail when you go out for a walk. I really don't know how to describe your luck, Li Weijun.

Levi said: I don't know if I should say this is luck, but from the perspective of the rescued wagtail, it is indeed luck. Falling into the hands of the snake organization is nothing Good thing, human experiments and stuff must be the most basic thing.”

Song imagined the cruel human experiments in his mind and shuddered. Indeed, if it fell into the hands of a terrorist organization like the Snake Organization, the outcome would definitely be very bad. In such a situation, death would be a relief.

However, Song didn't know that the big boss behind the Snake Organization was right in front of her, and the Wagtails abducted by the Snake Organization were not abused. The Snake Organization just pretended to conduct some limited experiments. Deputy Wagtail The mandarin duck is a very precious material and should not be harmed at will.

Li Wei also looked down upon the power that Wagtail had. The Snake Organization captured Wagtail just to create opportunities for him to capture Wagtail. Fundamentally speaking, Levi also wanted to reduce the casualties in Wagtail's game to as low as lowest.

Song said: I have conducted statistics before, and the wagtails captured by the snake organization have reached the level of humans. And I have also summarized their actions and goals. They have no interest in the wagtails that have fledged. , what they want is the wagtails that are still in their fledgling state. But I don’t know what their purpose is.”

Levi took out the spare gourmet tablecloth from the Consciousness Sea Space, spread it on the low table, and gave himself a glass of iced Coke.

Levi said: If we can know the purpose of the opponent, we can carry out targeted defense. Now, among the wagtails released by MBI, are there any targets worthy of our recruitment?

Song said: The two have been released, they are two uncontrolled crazy batches, you can just skip them. However, next, a single-digit number will be released. It is the flame of No. A guy with quite good fighting ability and a good personality.”

Chapter 4. The specialness of the wagtail

Levi also has a very deep impression of No., because it is a very special wagtail, at least in the original plot.

Because in the original plot, No. is a magical individual who can switch between male and female genders. This is because an accident occurred while her body was adjusting, so this gender instability occurred.

It is precisely because of this that No. in the original plot is a being with a very awkward personality. Although he is a reliable guardian in the eyes of others, he actually has a deep inferiority complex in his heart and feels that he is not as good as other Wagtails. , and even has a serious tendency to self-destruct.

But now, because of Levi's intervention, he had secretly provided some adjustment technology to MBI, so Homura in this world did not encounter the embarrassing situation as in the original plot. Her current state is a stable female state.

Because there is no embarrassing encounter like the original plot, the current Homura does not have huge character problems like the original plot. Therefore, Homura does not regard herself as a defective product. Now, she is quite excited about the fact that she is about to participate in the Wagtail Game.

Levi said: If it is a potential companion worth recruiting, I will do my best to convince the other party. But having said that, as a single-digit individual, and still so high-ranking, he is only being released now.

Song said: It seems that some special technology was used during the adjustment, which delayed the progress. The original plan was that she would leave MBI earlier. Now, I am not sure what the situation is. MBI has now All the information will not be stored on the internal server. I can only check part of the information, but there is no way to know everything.

Song tapped on the gourmet tablecloth and got herself a cup of hot coffee. Reading was a very energy-consuming thing, and she felt a little tired.

Levi said: MBI's adjustment technology is also constantly improving. Theoretically speaking, the Wagtail coming out from the back has certain advantages in adjustment technology. However, the Wagtail's strength must be viewed as a whole.

Song held his chin with his hand and said: Strictly speaking, the starting points of individual wagtails are actually the same after compilation. The final combat effectiveness depends on the technology used in the adjustment and the uniqueness of each individual. The training method. Diligent individuals are much stronger than those who are sneaky and slippery. To be honest, not many people like boring training, even Wagtails, so the individuals after editing are at the starting point Under similar circumstances, it would be like now, with a huge difference in strength.

Li Wei said: Why do the individuals before the compilation have to be special?

Song said: Because many of the individuals before compilation had better basic qualities, and they had already entered the breeding stage when they were discovered by MBI. Wagtail's own technology is better than MBI's Much more, so individuals who use native technology to grow are much stronger than individuals who are completely adjusted by humans. For example, Yuehai is a special case. Even if she is not feathered, her strength is She is stronger than most wagtails that have completed their feathering. Even if a wagtail with average wings spreads its wings desperately, it may not be able to beat her. And now that she has completed feathering, when facing a wagtail with average ability, she can't beat her. Fourth, there is no problem in fighting. During the battle on Kamizo Island, she was still a child whose abilities were just beginning to develop. If she could gain such strength in advance, she would definitely have a place in the first-generation Punishment Team. .”

Levi can understand this statement. According to the information he obtained from various parties, the top editors have more or less received dividends. The editors at the bottom are adjusted based on the technology mastered by MBI, and are inherently weaker than the editors at the top who have been initially adjusted by alien technology.

The heroine, No. Yui, who has not yet appeared, is a very special example, and her ability to have such strength is also related to the fact that No. Yui integrated her wagtail base into her body. Yui's own The foundation has been destroyed by the country's special forces using violent means.

According to the information Li Wei found, the situation at that time was like the hard disk of a computer itself having a limit, but high-intensity downloading and uploading would directly occupy the entire disk read capacity. When the limit is exceeded, the hard disk will appear. damage. As for the wagtail base, to put it bluntly, it is similar to this situation. Amei, you see, the Chinese special forces use instruments to read data. In pursuit of efficiency, they directly increase the download volume to the maximum, and then the wagtail base is overloaded. From a human perspective, if the body's functions stop functioning, it is death.

Levi brought himself some afternoon tea and snacks, and said, Wagtails are really wonderful. They always give me some surprises. Song, can you confirm the specific release time of No.?

Song followed Li Wei's example and served himself an afternoon tea, and said calmly: As for the time, it will be the day after tomorrow. If there is any change in the time, I will tell you as soon as I get the news. .”

Li Wei nodded and began to enjoy his afternoon tea. As a Qi practitioner, he had already reached the state of fasting. He did not need ordinary food to supplement his nutrition. He could travel far by relying on the internal circulation in his body. Yuan continued to generate mana, and even if the entire cosmic environment experienced drastic changes, he would still be able to survive.

But even though he has reached this state, he still has not given up his habits as a human being. Although eating and sleeping are not necessary, they have become his enjoyment.

On the other side, in Mei Zai's room, Mei Zai is putting pajamas on Tsukiumi. When Li Wei was treating her just now, he not only healed Yue Hai's injuries, but also cleaned her body, making her body clean and refreshing. If this step was not available, Mei Zai would have to go to the bathroom to warm up the basin and wipe Tsukiumi's body.

Such details make Mei Zai feel warm in her heart. No girl would dislike the fact that the boy she likes is a considerate and gentle person.

Mei Zai's pajamas are quite suitable for Yue Hai. The two people's bodies are not much different, and the loose cotton pajamas can be used universally.

Chapter 4. Flame

Mei Zai pushed aside the quilt on Feng Hua's body. Under the quilt was Feng Hua's perfect body. Mei Zai sighed in her heart. Time really makes people change. She and Feng Hua hadn't seen each other for almost ten years. Fenghua still had a greenish feeling about her body, but now, Fenghua has become very mature, and even her figure is no worse than that of her eldest sister.

From the appearance point of view, Kazehana during the first generation of Punishment Squad was somewhere between a human girl and an adult woman. She was in a slightly awkward age group. She had just emerged from youthfulness, but she was still far from mature. She was almost there. Such a feeling.

However, now, with the increase of age and the experience gained by Fenghua's wandering outside, she finally has the temperament of an adult. It is a slightly charming feeling, just like the bad guy leaning against the bar counter. Womanly, beautiful and dangerous.

Mei Zai has developed a strong enough immunity in her heart towards such beautiful scenery, and soon the other party will put on her pajamas.

Mei Zai said in a low voice: I didn't expect this.';,?.『'?:!,!』'『?.:!''!!;:』!!,,:??;.,!, ;,'Spare...;,.:;.?The girl is older than me now. Sure enough, time will change many things.


MBI Adjustment Institute, in the fitness area, a girl with silver short hair, tall and slender figure, like a super model is grabbing the horizontal bar and doing pull-ups.

With her strength, the muscles on her body that were full of explosive power but not bloated were constantly deforming along with his movements. The girl's body surface was already covered with fine beads of sweat. She did not have sporty wheat-colored skin, but her fair, porcelain-like skin still did not affect her beauty.

Although she is a woman, a girl has a unique temperament. If she wears men's clothing, she will definitely look very good. She is a typical beauty in men's clothing. Different from ordinary softness, a girl is a man to women, and a woman to men. This is a universal level of charm. Both men and women can see her unique beauty.

Sahashi Takami came not far from the girl and said aloud: Homura, you have been testing all day, but you still can't consume your excess energy¨?

The sassy girl who was called Flame let go of her hands and landed as lightly as a cat. She stretched her body. Her extremely flexible body could easily make similar and folding movements.

Sahashi Takami looked at the girl and sighed inwardly. The girl in front of her was indeed very lucky. She originally thought that she would leave the factory as a defective product. Who knew that during this period, the technical bottleneck of the research department was broken through and the application of With the new technology, the hidden dangers for girls have been eliminated.

The previous No. Akitsu was an unlucky guy. If the other party was willing to wait a little longer, he would be able to solve his physical problems now. But now, Akijin has gone to Levi's side, and it seems that she has no intention of coming back, so she has never been able to find a chance to say it out about such things as readjustment.

Yan took off the sweat towel on his neck, wiped the sweat on his cheeks, and said: I feel that I am in very good condition. I have endless strength in my body. I am completely different from before. status.

Sahashi Takami nodded and said: I can understand your mood, but the day after tomorrow is the time to go out, and you need to adjust your condition. When you go out, the second team of the Punishment Team will be responsible for covering you and ensuring that you Move to a safe area.

Yan took a deep breath and said, It's become very troublesome now.

Sahashi Takami sighed: There is nothing we can do about it. The people of the Snake Organization are watching in the dark. No one knows when they will attack, so we are very passive here. After all, conventional force is There’s no way to stop them.”

Homura nodded and sat down on the mat used for sit-ups next to her. As a single-digit number, she had been undergoing adjustments for a long time. It can be said that she was better than those who followed. Lu is more mature. After all, she wakes up earlier and starts to adjust earlier. It is precisely because of this that she is also very concerned about changes in the outside world, and she also knows something about the Snake Organization.

Although she was unable to know the specific details due to internal confidentiality treaties, she could still know the general changes in the situation.

Sahashi Takami said: I want to ask you a favor.

Yan said: You tell me what it is first. I can't pat my chest and guarantee that I can do anything you say. I have to know first what you want me to do.

Sahashi Takami said: Okay, okay, you are still so cautious, don't worry, it's not a strange request.

Sahashi Takami cleared his throat and said: '. During this period, the people of the Snake Organization are very rampant. The wagtails we release are easily attacked by them. I want to ask you to work part-time as the guardian to protect those who have not yet A fledged wagtail. Of course, this kind of thing is quite dangerous, so if you think it’s unacceptable, you can refuse.”

Takami Sahashi can feel that although the punishment team has established a new team during this period, and the two teams perform tasks at the same time, MBI is still facing the problem of lack of high-end power.

No. Homura's strength is stronger than Tsukiumi's released before, and he can even fight against members of the Punishment Team head-on.

Originally, Homura was unable to use her abilities with all her strength due to the instability of her body. In the past, as long as she used her abilities with all her strength, her body temperature would rise sharply in less than three minutes. , there is a risk of self-immolation and being killed by one's own abilities.

It is precisely because of this that before the shortcomings are solved, Homura's strength can only be regarded as the second echelon among all the wagtails, and the ability to fight for a long time is still at the bottom. They are high-explosive and weak in endurance. But now, the flaws have been resolved, and Homura, who can use his own abilities without restrictions, has actually reached the T level in combat ability, which is the combat effectiveness of the first-generation Punishment Team that can destroy a small country per capita.

Of course, the average here excludes Mei Zai, the humanoid Godzilla. Mei Zai is unique, and other Wagtails cannot compare with her. Sahashi Takami is not even sure whether Mizai can be counted as a wagtail.

Yanying frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said: I can only say that I will do my best, but I can't guarantee that I can protect them.

Yan also had a certain understanding of the snake organization, so she didn't dare to tell the truth, because she was really not sure that she could do such a thing.

Chapter 4. Don’t work with crazy people

Homura didn't want to directly refuse Sahashi Takami's commission, but if she wanted to fulfill the agreement, her ability was insufficient. After all, she was not good at mobility and perception. It was really difficult for her to be qualified for such a responsibility.

It was precisely because he considered the limits of his abilities that Yan didn't say anything, leaving room for uncertainty.

Sahashi Takami was happy in her heart. She originally thought that Homura would reject her request directly. After all, such a thing is still a bit dangerous. Homura's strength is almost close to Crow Feather. Although there is a gap, it is not too different, so she Dare to come and ask for flames.

If Homura's strength could only be said to be moderately strong, Sahashi Takami would not come here. After all, such a request shows that Homura's strength is not enough, and such a request is harming her.

Yan said: Of course, if I am not the opponent, I will inform the punishment team. The first team is the new team for doing such things. As long as they don't stretch their hips, there will be no problem on my side.

Yan gave a thumbs up with a confident smile on her face. Now she was confident in fighting the snake organization's modified people and winning. After getting rid of the hidden dangers in her body, she is not invincible now, but she is not someone who can be provoked by anyone.

Takami Sahashi wanted to complain in his heart. There was no way to eliminate the stereotype of the Wagtails towards the Punishment Team. The Punishment Team was originally established to protect the Wagtails. The first-generation Punishment Team was indeed quite respected. But now, after Crow Feather took over, the reputation of the Punishment Team in the Wagtail Body has dropped directly to negative, and the Wagtails don't really trust the people of the Punishment Team.

After all, Crow Feather, the captain of the third-generation punishment team, is not only inferior to the first-generation captain Mei Ya and the first-generation captain Yui in terms of strength, but also inferior to the first two in terms of character. He has the same odor as Yuhiro and always likes to do things. He was ruthless, so it was normal for the reputation of the entire Punishment Team to hit rock bottom.

During the first generation and generation Punishment Team, the Wagtails regarded the Punishment Team as their protectors, who were their own people. The current third-generation Punishment Team is no longer human inside and out. It is precisely because of this that after MBI already has a security force like the Punishment Team, Takami Sahashi still wants to add more security forces.

On MBI's side, in addition to the punishment team, there are also other secret security forces composed of wagtails. Counting the two punishment team squads, the total number of security personnel has reached ten.

Regardless of the ten people, this number is not large, but you must know that all the wagtails combined, the regular sequence plus the supplementary sequence, are only more than a hundred. This proportion is not low.

But in Takami Sahashi's view, this is still not enough, because not only the snake organization is secretly watching, but other organizational forces are also ready to move. Once MBI reveals any flaws, those hyenas will never let it go. Opportunity.

Therefore, it is better to think of ways to strengthen the defense from now on than to try to make up for it after something goes wrong. Yan's strength is there. As a strong man on the same level as Crow Feather, if he is willing to participate in the game, he will By doing something, the security pressure on MBI can be greatly relieved.

Sahashi Takami breathed a sigh of relief and said: With your words, I feel relieved. However, Homura, you are not a full-time member of the punishment team. As a part-timer, you don't need to work hard for the task like a member of the punishment team. On your life.”

Yan said: Don't think too much of me. I'm a good escaper. If I can't fight, I will bring in reinforcements. After all, I can't steal Crow Feather's job.

If you want to be the captain of the Punishment Team, you can anytime.

A pleasant, slightly hoarse voice sounded behind the two of them. Homura and Takami Sahashi turned their heads and saw Crow Feather walking slowly over.

Her long gray hair was tied into a smart high ponytail, and her slightly squinted eyes could detect the light. Her fox-like smile did not ruin the beauty of her face, but instead made her both charming and tough. She is tall, with the shaky headlights hanging in front of her, and her close-fitting uniform showing off her body as strong as a cheetah.

Crowfeather wears the uniform of the original Punishment Squad and does not carry weapons.

Now the uniforms of the Punishment Team have been changed to the third generation, but she is still wearing the uniform of the first generation. However, even if it is an old-fashioned first-generation uniform, she still looks heroic when wearing it.

However, in the current punishment team, except for the erroneous captain, there are several other members below, including the newly established team, all of whom are problem children, and everyone's spirit is more or less different. There is a problem.

Just like the uniforms of the Punishment Team, they look quite beautiful and not as ugly as the old domestic school uniforms. However, these problem children of the Punishment Team, except for the crow feathers, have no personality. I will wear my uniform honestly and dress according to my own preferences.

As a team, and also an elite black hand unit under MBI, they are unable to even unify the most basic uniforms. This shows that the wagtails of the Punishment Team have some unreliable characteristics.

Yan narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Crow Feather. To be honest, she was quite wary of him. Yan considered himself a normal person, at least he didn't have any problems in normal interpersonal communication. But this beautiful fox-like woman in front of her is an unstable factor who is already in a semi-crazy state. Even if this woman doesn't have a knife in her hand, she is still very dangerous. Just being approached by the other party makes her skin crawl. a feeling of.

Yan said: A position like the captain of the punishment team is not a good job for me. Of course, part-time, it is not impossible to help beat the underlings. However, I refuse to work under people like you. I don't agree with people like you. I have to work with people who are as unpredictable as cats because I don’t know what’s going on in a cat’s head.”

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