Levi said: There is nothing we can do about it. Girls are treasures given by God, just like precious antique vases. It would be a pity if they were broken.

Levi's figure disappeared instantly and appeared in the center of the warring parties. With a wave of his hand, he grabbed the metal whip of the puppet clone.

Li Wei is an old movie star, and he has become very skilled in acting opposite himself. From the perspective of others, Li Wei, who suddenly appeared on the stage, looked so majestic.

The puppet clone pulled hard, and the huge force caused the metal whip to break. After retracting the whip, he pulled away, looked at Levi with a solemn expression, and said: I know you, we have the entire team behind you. With the group in hand wiped out, we will definitely settle this account.

Levi said: You can come if you want to settle accounts with me, but today, you don't want to leave anyway. Let other people in your organization avenge you.

The puppet clone showed a fearful expression, looking like he was in a dilemma.

Chapter 4. Nostalgia

Fenghua looked at Li Wei's back, the shock in her heart could not be greater. She did not expect that a strong man would suddenly join the battle. Moreover, the people from the mysterious organization seemed to be very afraid of this strange strong man, and now they have stopped. .

Fenghua felt that her physical strength was about to be exhausted, but she still held on to her body. After regaining her breath, she said: Thank you for your help. I will never forget your life-saving grace. I will definitely appreciate this in the future. Repay the favor.

Li Wei said without looking back: Forget it about things like repaying a favor. I didn't take action because of this favor. For now, just rest aside and let me handle it.

Mei Zai, who was not far away, waved her hand. Feng Hua was surprised when she saw Mei Zai's figure, and then she was ecstatic, because when she returned to Neon this time, she came to seek refuge with Mei Zai. Only a powerful Mei Zai can avoid her. Got her.

Feng Hua Lu trotted to Mei Zai's side, and then fainted. Fenghua had reached her limit and fell asleep like a burned out candle.

Mei Zai caught Fenghua. She could see that Fenghua had suffered a lot during this period. Looking at his embarrassed appearance, he definitely had a lot of injuries on his body.

Mei Zai is not worried about the treatment issue. After all, Li Wei is here at Izumo Village. It can be said that treating internal and external injuries is very simple.

Li Wei directly slapped his puppet clone into a discus. This kind of situation where I hit myself is already a normal thing for Li Wei. The puppet clone is a consumable used for acting. If it is broken, it will It doesn't hurt at all if it's broken. As long as his goal can be achieved, then it's all worth it.

Moreover, with the strength he has shown now, beating an enemy of this level is just a matter of punch or slap.

Levi returned to Mei Zai and said: This girl fainted? Then let me carry her. Mei Zai, the kimono you are wearing is not convenient for movement.

Mei Zai nodded and hung Fenghua on Levi's back. Levi held Fenghua's thigh to prevent it from slipping down.

Fenghua has now fallen into a coma, her whole body is limp, and she doesn't use any strength at all. If she doesn't support her, she will fall to both sides. Mei Zai took out her silk scarf, passed it under Fenghua's armpits, and tied her to Levi's back to prevent her from slipping down.

Levi pushed up with his hands so that Fenghua's chin could rest on his shoulders.

Levi said: What a pity. Originally, I wanted to go to the movies with you, but now I have to go home early.

Although Mei Zai felt sorry for such a thing, she still knew the priority of the matter. Fenghua's current condition doesn't look good. If it continues, something will probably go wrong.

If it was before she met Levi, she would have called Sahashi Takami and asked him to pick him up. After all, she was not good at treating this kind of thing. But things are different now. With Levi by his side, there is no need to risk sending people to MBI for this kind of thing. Takami Sahashi is trustworthy, but Hiroyuki is the biggest problem. He is a ruthless person who can implant a poison sac under the heart of a wagtail. If the wind flower falls into the opponent's hand, the opponent will definitely do the surgery. Make small moves.

Mei Zai said: As for the movie, just come back next time. Anyway, we still have plenty of time, so we don't need to rush at all.

As an immortal species, Mei Zai has lived for thousands of years. Her concept of time is different from ordinary people. She is more lazy. Although her mobility is amazing for a long time, in a short period of time, she He is also the type who knows how to fish.

Mei Zai called Sahashi Takami and asked the other party to send someone to clean up the mess. MBI controls the entire Eastern Imperial Capital. While gaining huge rights, it will inevitably assume various businesses and responsibilities, taking into its own hands what the official should do. MBI is not short of money, so To be able to do something like this, in another company, it would have been paralyzed by all kinds of messy chores.

Levi carried Fenghua on his back, and Mei Zai jumped to the roof of one building, quickly moved to the roof of another building, and hurried on using their jumping power far beyond ordinary people.

Fenghua, who was in a coma, had a dream. She dreamed of a very good-looking man. Although this man was unfamiliar, he was like sunshine, playing with her among the flowers. The other person is very gentle, which makes her feel like a little girl when she faces him, always feeling embarrassed unconsciously. The dream was so beautiful. The two of them seemed to be a married couple, opening a flower shop in a small town and living a peaceful and happy life.

The corner of Li Wei's eyes looked at Fenghua's cheek. Although it was stained with some dust, the girl was naturally beautiful. Even in such a miserable state, she still had a unique beauty that made me pity her.

It has to be said that the average appearance of Wagtail is indeed very high, especially for the characters who have a lot of roles in the original plot. In terms of appearance and figure, there is no one with a crotch.

The most important thing is that Li Wei can feel the favor of the whole world from these girls, which is a manifestation of luck. These beauties of the sky, if they don’t conflict with each other, will have very good luck. They are the kind of people who buy lottery tickets at roadside stores. If you buy a lottery ticket casually, you can get a small prize. If you buy a stack at once, you will definitely win. A lottery ticket with a high rate of return. This is the feedback brought by luck, and this kind of girl who is favored by luck is the best companion for Li Wei who practices Huangdi Sheng Jing. If they practice together, both parties can gain considerable benefits. .

Levi said: Mei Zai, is this girl familiar with you? You don't like to meddle in other people's business. It's rare to see you take the initiative to take care of such things. What I said just now, even if I don't take action, you will definitely do it. Take action.

Mei Zai said: Because she is my former teammate. After all, she is a companion who has been with me for several years. If she is in danger, it is impossible for me to ignore her.

Levi said: The same is true for Song. After she stole the artifact from MBI, MBI was looking for her everywhere. She was found by MBI. I think her end will be quite bad. You gave her a place to hide and take refuge. So. It’s great that you are a very nostalgic person.”

Mei Zai smiled and said: Everyone has feelings. When facing relatives and friends, they always pay more attention to them than unfamiliar strangers. I am no exception.

Mei Zai accepted such a thing generously. Although she is a kind-hearted person, she is not a good person who will be kidnapped and threatened by others' morals.

Levi thinks this is good. He hates the Virgin bitch, but he doesn’t have much affection for the Virgin. The Virgin’s gentleness that treats everyone equally, even hurting himself for a complete stranger, this kind of Things will hurt the people around her who care about her, so Levi doesn't like the Holy Mother. Of course, Li Wei will also maintain a respectful attitude towards such people. After all, as the world becomes more and more confusing, there are more and more Virgin bitches. The real Virgin is rarer than a giant panda.

Chapter 4. Pick it up

Mei Zai looked at Feng Hua, who was still in a coma, and sighed inwardly, but also felt happy at the same time. Reuniting with old friends is always a joy, even for her.

Fenghua wandered around Europe for a long time. Although the two parties would contact each other by phone from time to time, she preferred to chat face to face. She was very interested in Fenghua's experiences during her travels in Europe and her experiences during this period.

Levi said: Here in the Eastern Imperial Capital, MBI's control is not as good as before. Even the streets can become battlefields. That guy Yu Guangren must be quite angry now.

Mei Zai said: Based on what I know about him, it's probably like this. Yu Guangren is a very controlling person in many strange places. The Eastern Emperor is regarded by him as his own territory. If such a thing happens, he can be said to be It’s a shameless thing. Moreover, all forces want to see MBI’s jokes, and they wish there would be more of this kind of thing.”

Levi wanted to complain in his heart. No matter what world he was in, no matter where he was, those in power would never treat ordinary people as human beings. Of course, a villain like him had no right to criticize others.

Levi said: In the next stage of the game, Yuhiro Jinbei will disclose the existence of Wagtail to the whole world, so that the true face of the urban legend will be directly exposed to the world. I have to say that he is indeed a strange person.

Mei Zai said: I used to work at MBI before, and I didn't want to take action in the battle on Kamizo Island. Yuhiro was the one who woke me up from my slumber, so I will definitely return the favor. He and I We have been working together for several years, but to be honest, I don’t understand what this person wants to do.”

Mei Zai is now in a state of being obsessed with the authorities. Although she has lived for thousands of years, her social experience is not rich, and her understanding of various conspiracies and conspiracies is also insufficient. Therefore, it is normal for her not to be able to see through Yu Guangren.

It can be said that Yu Guangren is the best in all qualities except that his own Wei Ya factor is in a negative state that cannot be activated. If he really obtains Wei Ya's ability, there will be no Wagtail at all. What happened to Wagtail Yugi? He will directly monopolize Wagtail's power, and then forcefully redeem Mei Zai in a wheel battle, and ascend to the altar by himself.

In his heart, Li Wei also admired this ambitious young man. He hated him and admired him. The two things were inseparable. In fact, strictly speaking, Levi doesn't hate careerists, he just hates careerists who can hurt cute girls. If it doesn't violate his taboo, even if someone kills people and sets fire in front of him, he won't bother to meddle in other people's business.

The most direct reason why Yuguangren sounded the death knell for himself was because the Wagtail game made the Wagtail girls kill each other.

The two of them returned to Izumozhuang smoothly. Because they were bringing the wounded, they went directly to Meiya's room after returning home. Mei Zai untied the rope, and Levi gently put Feng Hua on the bed.

Levi's body still retains the girl's unique body fragrance. With a sensitive sense of smell, he can distinguish the difference between each girl through the fragrance. He can semen by relying on the fragrance alone without relying on other sensory abilities. It is a very simple matter for him to determine the identity of each girl, the so-called knowing a woman by smelling her fragrance.

Levi said: Her condition is not very good now. I have to treat her immediately to avoid sequelae.

Mei Zai nodded. Levi is very professional in medical skills. That kind of magical technique that is like a fairy method cannot be compared with current medical technology. It is a magical technique that can really live the dead with human flesh and white bones, even if It was a near-death state, and as long as he still had breath, Levi could pull him back.

However, Mei Zai didn't know that this was far from Li Wei's limit. Li Wei's medical skills had already transcended the limitations of the ordinary world. Let alone the state of dying, even if he was already dead, Li Wei could bring him back to the world of the sun. Of course, there are prerequisites for the resurrection of the dead. First, the soul has not been born or dissipated, nor has it entered a space similar to Hades. Only when these conditions are met can Levi cast resurrection spells to bring back the dead. This world.

Generally speaking, it is easiest for people who have died not long ago to be resurrected. The original body and soul are still there, so there is no need for additional subsidies in terms of raw materials. The second is that the body is gone, but the soul is still there. This can be easily solved. Levi's puppet clone technique has been very mature. Just making a body is a very simple matter for him.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Mei Zai said: Do you want to take off her clothes?

Levi said: Sorry to trouble you, I'll stay away for now. Just call me when you finish it here, Mei Zai.

Mei Zai nodded, and Levi came to the window seat, looked out the window, with his back to the two girls.

A smile appeared on Mei Zai's face. Levi is a very gentle person and always pays attention to respecting them in these details. It is precisely because of this that Levi melts the ice in her heart and regains her belongings. human feelings.

.. .

Mei Zai didn't stop, and directly tore Feng Hua's skirt, throwing it aside like garbage, and in just a short moment, she stripped it naked. Fenghua's originally white and flawless body had many scars left due to her escape during this period, and some of the new wounds had just scabbed over.

This made Mei Zai feel distressed and resentful in her heart. Those people in the Snake Organization were really capable of being so cruel. Feng Hua's injuries were simply shocking in her opinion. It's also that she doesn't know where the people from the Snake Organization are hiding. If she knew such a thing, she would definitely seek justice for her friend and vent her anger fiercely.

Mei Zai shook out the thin blanket and covered Fenghua's body. Fenghua had a very good figure. Even with the blanket covered, she could still see the steep mountain peaks.

Mei Zai said: Li Weijun, I've got it done here, and I'll leave it to you next.

Levi turned over and said: Okay, Mei Zai, just watch from the side. My treatment will be over soon, and I will leave it to you to take care of her after that. After all, I am a male, and there are some places where I am not the same. convenient.

Mei Zai nodded. She could feel Levi's respect for Fenghua and his desire not to offend Fenghua.

Levi came to the bedside, and Mei Zai took two steps back to make room for Levi's spell casting.

Chapter 4. New news

Levi placed his palm above Fenghua's head, and the mana fluctuations spread outward with the palm as the head, and the light green light slowly penetrated downwards.

Standing nearby, Mei Zai can feel the huge life force contained in the light. It is a power that is far superior to the wagtail. Even as the queen of the wagtail, she cannot master such power. .

Building is always more difficult than destroying, and healing is always more troublesome than killing. She can destroy a city block with her sword, and destroy an entire fleet with her sword. However, facing the current situation, she was helpless. If it weren't for Levi, she could only send Fenghua back to MBI and hand it over to Sahashi Takami, risking being tricked by Mikoto. Risks of revision surgery.

Mei Zai feels lucky in her heart that Levi can be by her side. It is precisely because of Levi's existence that the situation can be controlled and many tragedies can be nipped in the bud, instead of having to watch the tragedy unfold helplessly.

Levi's mana was turned into pure life energy, and penetrated into Fenghua's body bit by bit. However, he was only repairing the trauma to Fenghua's body, and was not in a hurry to improve Fenghua's physical fitness.

After all, for girls, improving in this way is nothing more than trying to encourage others to grow. Only through the orthodox method of fellow practitioners in Huangdi Shengjing can we improve our strength without any hidden dangers and ensure that there are absolutely no problems.

Tens of seconds later, Levi stopped casting the spell, put down his hand, and said: I have healed all the injuries inside and outside her body. Now, only the mental trauma is left. She should have a pretty good life during this period. She is very tired due to hard work, so let her sleep well now, and she will naturally regain her energy when she wakes up.

Mei Zai nodded and said with a smile: Thank you very much. It's her luck that she met you.

Levi said: It's nothing. The thing I hate most is girls getting hurt in front of me. If I see such a thing, I will definitely stop it.

Levi glanced at Fenghua, who was lying on the bed, sleeping very soundly, and said, I'm going out first.

Mei Zai said: Okay, let me take care of it here. However, I hope Li Weijun that you can embody her. She has been wandering outside for such a long time, and it is time to settle down. It will be very dangerous if she continues to wander outside. .”

Li Wei smiled and said: Even if it's Mei Zai, you can't make a decision on this kind of thing. You have to consider her own opinions. After all, Wagtail and Wei Ya also need tacit understanding and fate.

Mei Zai nodded, but in her heart, she still insisted on her own thoughts. Fenghua was a somewhat willful girl. She started wandering around the world out of interest. Such a thing was something she had not expected. Now, not only MBI has launched the wagtail game, but there is also an unknown snake organization that is watching covetously. Other forces are also peeking at the wagtail's power. Fenghua is running around outside. The stakes are only getting higher.

Therefore, staying in Izumo Village is the best outcome for Fenghua. At least here, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

Levi came to the living room and saw Song holding a large book and reading through it.

The long orange girl with glasses on her nose and a moon-white cheongsam tightly wrapping her beautiful body showed a surprised expression when she saw Levi.

Huh? Li Weijun, didn't you go out on a date with the landlord? Why are you here? Song had a curious expression on his face.

Levi sat down along the edge of the low table and said, I encountered a little accident, so I came back early.

Song said curiously: Accident? If it's just an ordinary accident, it won't force you to come back early. It should be something big that forces you to come back early.

Matsushita has a very curious character. After realizing that the reason why Levi and Meiya came back early was not simple, or rather interesting, her inner curiosity was aroused.

Song said in a low voice: Tell me, what made you come back early? Didn't you tell me before that if you go out this time, you want to go see a movie? Have you finished watching the movie?

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