Eh? How do you know? Lu Huo made a surprised voice.

Out of surprise, the ponytail on the back of the girl's head also flicked, giving her a lively look.

Li Wei said: Because I have also sensed your presence, let me introduce myself. My name is Li Wei. I am Wei Ya who has contracted several wagtails.

Only then did Lu Huo realize that the ice-colored girl with long glasses standing next to Li Wei had an aura that was different from ordinary people. She had also experienced this kind of aura on the God's Seat Island, and it was the same kind of aura. Although the aura was not strong, she was already sure that the girl next to Li Wei was a wagtail.

Lu Huo said: Are you the one I want to wait for?

Lu Huo followed her inner thoughts and asked her question. Her heart told her that the man in front of her was very special, and if she missed it, she would probably miss it forever. This kind of deep feeling in her heart Her intuition made her feel that she had to confirm whether the man in front of her was the one she was waiting for.

Levi said: I said no to such a thing, but when I knew you were here, I rushed over to see you.

Now, the Punishment Team has just finished its escort mission. If they were not in a hurry, they would probably still be on their way back to the MBI headquarters building. It can be said that Li Wei was the first to come into contact with Lu Huo's Wei Ya. After all, in the original plot of the comic, the encounter between Lu Huo and his own Wei Ya took a long time, at least half a month.

According to the original plot of the comic, Wei Ya from Luhuo is a talented college student hacker who can hack into MBI's internal servers by relying on his own technical ability and only using a laptop. Because of his talent and mental illness, this young man had great distrust of others, and also had a certain sense of world-weariness. Therefore, after learning about the existence of Lu Huo, he still secretly observed it for a long time, and finally encountered Lu Huo. When the bad boys teased him, he mustered up the courage to stand up, and then formed a contract with Lu Huo.

But now, with Levi's half-way intervention, this genius hacker who also had a role in the original plot of the comic has been directly reduced to a passerby. Levi will not leave in a hurry. He will leave as quickly as possible. Attack Luhuo and let both parties reach a contract.

Lu Huo said: Did you come here specifically for me?

Lu Huo was a little surprised in her heart. She looked at Hu Die next to Li Wei. Hu Die gave people a slightly cold feeling. It could be seen that Hu Die was treated very well. Both his mental state and physical strength were maintained at the same level. Although the current peak state is not powerful, it is in very good condition. This shows that Levi is a very good person to his wagtails, which makes her a little curious, how many wagtails does Levi have, and how do these wagtails live in harmony?

She was indeed very curious about such a question. After all, when she was still on the God's Seat Island, there was no peace among the wagtails. Conflicts and so on were daily occurrences. People quarreled and fought every day. She could make these problematic children behave in harmony. Getting along is not an easy thing right.

It is precisely because of this that MBI disperses different wagtails to different places. In this way, it can at least prevent the wagtails from fighting before the game starts. After all, many wagtails have bad tempers.

Li Wei said: Yes, when we found out that you had arrived at the East Imperial Capital, we took action.

Lu Huo asked curiously: You? Do you, Li Weijun, your wagtails, don't mind such a thing?

Hu Die said: Sorry, I will answer this question. We don't mind such things. On the contrary, we hope that more new partners can join our team. After all, this Wagtail game has It is a serious problem and may even lead to the death of some wagtails. What we have to do is to clear the wagtail game and let this game of wagtails killing each other be completely ended. All of us are here to achieve this goal. This goal brings together like-minded comrades.”

Hu Die's serious attitude surprised Lu Huo. At the same time, she also realized that the Wagtails gathered around Li Wei were all great people. Being able to set such a goal and strive for this goal can be said to be the courage of an individual, but if it is a human being, then such a team is really shining like the sun.

Lu Huo looked at Li Wei. Li Wei was the most beautiful person she had ever seen. The male beauty that hit her face made her heart throb. Although there were many wagtails around him, she My heart no longer cares much about such things. She knew that the wagtails gathered around Li Wei not only had so-called compatibility and tendencies, but also had deeper ideals. However, she was not sure whether the wagtails around Li Wei had anything for Li Wei. `.The feeling of love.

Levi smiled and said: Actually, the matter is not so serious. I just try my best to protect as many innocent Wagtails as possible. To be honest, I don't like to see girls fighting. This is mine. I'm a chauvinist, but I just don't like to see girls getting hurt. What I want to do is to let the wagtails escape from their own fate and be qualified to choose the life they want, instead of living in this cruel environment. Fighting in games becomes a stepping stone for others. Every wagtail has the right to pursue his own happiness.

Li Wei's tone was righteous, coupled with his temperament that was as dazzling and warm as the sun, Lu Huo's heart began to sink.

Chapter. Go home

Levi stretched out his hand and said with a sincere expression on his face: I would like to invite you to join our team. If you are willing, it would be a great honor for us.

This is not the first time that Levi has deceived girls like this. When his charm reaches a certain level, even a fart will smell good. What's more, his sincere expression now, not to mention Lu Huo's insight. There are many young girls, even mature women who have experienced many battles, cannot resist such charm.

Lu Huo was flattered in her heart. She didn't expect that Li Wei would take her so seriously.

Lu Huo said quickly: I'm sorry, I haven't introduced you like this until now. I am No. Lu Huo. I am a pure physical strength strengthening system. Please give me your advice next time.

Li Wei sighed inwardly, as expected, the key to charm is to use it multiple times. If it were another person, it would not be easy to convince the other person. I can only say that it is great that the skills he started with can be randomly included in The Yellow Emperor's Sutra.

Huangdi Shengjing is not the group with the most powerful skills at the same level, but there is a compatibility between the skills and the practitioners. At least for a prodigal like Li Wei, this kind of skills is the best.

Li Wei said: I am Li Wei, an ordinary Wei Ya who wants to do something extraordinary.

Hu Die next to her wanted to complain in her heart. Li Wei would always remain modest in some very strange places. If Li Wei's hard power hadn't taken into account the safety of the Wagtails who were still adjusting, he would have been able to lead them to kill them right now. The whole game.

However, it is also a good thing that Li Wei is so gentle. As a wagtail, she naturally hopes that her Wei Ya will be a gentle person at heart. After all, during this period, she has seen several materials from Song. Wagtails and Wei Ya didn't get along, and even abused and killed each other internally. This kind of lose-lose situation was of little benefit to both parties.

In comparison, except for the large number of wagtails around Li Wei, there were no other problems. Comparing the two, the situation on Li Wei's side is better. At least he doesn't have to worry about being treated like a beast. The feeling of being respected is naturally better than the feeling of being squeezed.

Li Wei said: Lu Huo, the person next to me is the strategist of our team, Hu Die, No., she is the brains of our team.

Lu Huo looked at Hu Die with a hint of admiration.

Senior Hu Die, I will ask for your guidance in the future. To be honest, I am not a person who is good at using my brain. I can only use my stupid strength. In the future, I will have to ask for your guidance, senior. Lu Huo said with a smile.

It's too exaggerated to give advice. In this team, everyone has something they are good at and has their own value. I am just an ordinary member of this team. I just joined the team earlier than you. Hu Die He said quickly.

Hu Die knows where the limits of her abilities are, so she habitually lowers her posture. In her opinion, there is no harm in being humble and low-key, which is less likely to cause problems. And if you keep a low profile, you can still gain certain advantages when asking others to help you.

Hu Die continued: I think Luhuo, you don't have a place to stay yet. Our team already has a base here. Please come with me. We have prepared a place for you to rest.

Lu Huo nodded and followed the two of them. When she saw Li Wei jump high to the top of a tall building at a speed no less than that of a wagtail, she couldn't control her inner surprise and it showed directly on her face.

The three people jumped between high-rise buildings faster than ordinary cars.

Lu Huo said: Senior Hu Die, Master Li Wei, as a human being, actually has such power, just like a male wagtail.

Hu Die said: Adults are different from us, just like we are different from ordinary humans. In terms of life status, we are higher existences than ordinary humans. But to us, adults are like Wagtails are like humans, they are not on the same level. Therefore, adults can do all kinds of things that even wagtails find incredible.

An expression of surprise appeared on Lu Huo's face. Hu Die's words seemed to her to be too exaggerated. When she became conscious, she woke up on Shenzuo Island. The core of Shenzuo Island was a huge universe ship. The technological content inside the starship far exceeds human imagination. As her senior, Hu Die naturally knew about such things, but even so, Hu Die still said such words, which shows that Li Wei is really extraordinary.

Hu Die had a smile on her face. In her heart, she had already decided to follow Li Wei forever, so Li Wei had face, and she also had a relationship with Rong. Seeing Lu Huo's shocked and exaggerated expression, she felt guilty in her heart. The pleasure of being a senior, a sense of superiority that I know but you don’t know yet.

However, Hu Die is a person who can control her inner thoughts and thus her expression, so she did not show an overly exaggerated smile.

Hu Die smiled and said: Now, it is difficult for me to explain it clearly to you in words. When you arrive at our base, you will know what is going on. As long as the adult wants to, he can build a ship larger than the core of Shenzuo Island The ship also needs a huge immigrant starship, as long as adults think about it, there is nothing they can’t do!”

Hu Die has a fiery heart, and everyone is realistic, even Wagtail is no exception. Wagtail is naive, but not stupid. As one of the few most mature people in the entire sequence, Hu Die decided from the beginning that she had to follow a wise person. However, when she met Levi, she realized that her request could be perfectly fulfilled by someone.

She was fascinated by Levi's powerful strength, his beautiful figure full of masculine aura, and the gentleness that overflowed from the depths of his heart.

Therefore, she has begun to change from the bottom of her heart and has become Levi's little fan girl. When facing the younger generation, she will unconsciously brag about Levi's greatness and be proud of such things.

With an expression of surprise on Lu Huo's face, he said, Sir, are you so powerful?

Hu Die said in a tone like a little girl showing off: That's a matter of course. Look, the dormitory building in front is our stronghold. Although it looks shabby from the outside, there is something special inside.

Lu Huo looked in the direction of Hu Die's finger, and she could already see Izumo Manor.

Chapter..,?'?『』..『!!.:.;!!』,;':;?::;,'';!,'Spare'!', ;:bring evildoers

From the outside, Izumo-so is not much different from other surrounding buildings. This dormitory building located in the Kita District looks like a large-scale residential building common in the last century, except that the scale is larger than that of a normal residential building. Apart from being bigger, it doesn’t have any special features.

But when Lu Huo, led by Li Wei and Hu Die, entered the interior of Izumo Village, he discovered that there was a different world here. The inside and the outside were two completely different worlds.

On weekdays, girls like to play on the beach, so Li Wei took Lu Huo directly to the beach area. Without going far, he could see people playing next to the coconut forest.

Lu Huo rubbed her eyes, and the touch of sand under her feet told her that everything in front of her was not a false illusion, but a real special space. She finally understood why Hu Die admired Li Wei so much. The power to open up space, such exaggerated strength, is already a dimensionality-reducing blow to other Wei Ya who participated in the competition~.

Hu Die said: This is our stronghold. When we have nothing to do on weekdays, we are used to gathering and doing activities here. This beach is the vestibule of the dormitory. It was originally a courtyard used to dry clothes, but in the adults' After the renovation, this place became a resort like a Hawaiian beach. Not only that, the small courtyard behind the dormitory was transformed into a hot spring pool by the adults. In the evening, we would go there to soak in the hot springs.

Lu Huo marveled inwardly and said: This is really incredible. I didn't expect that a dormitory that looks ordinary from the outside can have such a magical place. This is something only God can do!

Hu Die pushed up his glasses and said: In my personal opinion, there is no difference between adults and gods. They can both do things beyond the limits of ordinary people's imagination.

Levi just smiled. He was already proficient in how to expand space. As a Qi practitioner, he was not only proficient in the use of magic power, but also learned from a certain method after watching other types of exercises. This method has refined the use of the power of earth veins, which allows him to create new environments, or change existing environments on a large scale, and open up new spaces or demi-planes from existing environments. In these It can save more effort on work.

Although Li Wei's mana recovery speed is very fast, he does not object to learning more magical powers. After all, there are many skills that are not overwhelming. If it were the time when he just embarked on the path of cultivation, he would never be able to do what he did. This is how we open up new space now.

Moreover, he found that the power of earth veins was very interesting, and could do all kinds of things that even he found incredible, so he invested more energy in research in this area, allowing him to research something, which made him stand out in front of others. When manifesting the saint, it can save more time and effort, and at the same time make him more ethereal and unrestrained.

Levi smiled and said: To be honest, I have dealt with the so-called gods that ordinary people know. The so-called gods are just more powerful intelligent beings, and there is nothing remarkable about them.

Hu Die said curiously: Sir, have you really dealt with God? So what is God like?

Levi rubbed his chin, showing a troubled expression, and said: It is not easy to summarize the characteristics of an entire large species in a short language. If you have to say it, it must be able to kill.

Li Wei's words shocked both Hu Die and Lu Huo. After all, that was the legendary god. Among myths, gods can be said to be omnipotent existences. There is an absolute difference between humans and gods. But when it comes to Li Wei, Li Wei's summary of the so-called gods turned out to be such a terrible thing as can be killed. This shows that Li Wei has most likely done such a thing. Just thinking about it makes me feel... horrible.

Lu Huo said: My lord, have you ever killed a god?

Levi said: I was forced to fight back in self-defense. Strictly speaking, I am the unlucky victim!

Vice Li Wei looked agitated, and the expression on his face looked a little aggrieved. The two girls did not doubt that he had done such a thing.

However, it was quite unconscionable for Levi to say this. In the world of Devil High School DXD, he was killed in a river of blood. Whether it was demons, fallen angel forces, or Heaven Mountain, they were all killed. He slaughtered them all. Those powerful individuals of gods and demons have been eat, drink and have fun by him, either becoming part of his strength, or they have been filled into his own floating island.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

On the floating island, there are female demons made by Rias and others, various female angels made by Irina and others, and various beautiful female fallen angels. The number is quite large. It is not easy for the gods and demons to survive such a catastrophe.

When Levi left the world of Devil High School DXD, the entire supernatural body in that world suffered heavy losses. Except for the local pantheon of Chongguo, all other pantheons were wiped out by Li Wei, just like It was like using a net to catch fish. When he left that world, only two or three kittens and puppies were left in those pantheon, which was no longer the norm.

The journey to the world of Devil High School DXD, to a certain extent, can be said to be the key step for Levi's strength to rise. A large number of gods and demons became the nutrients for his growth, allowing his strength to rise in a very short period of time. Climbing up steadily, it was like an empty frame that could only serve as a pretense. After experiencing that world, even the content became richer.


Hu Die said: In other words, Sir, you have done such a thing yourself. This is really scary.

Levi said: I was just a passing traveler. I just saw that the world was quite unique, so I was not in a hurry to leave and started to interact with various local extraordinary forces. Who knew that I would be involved in their local world? In the power dispute, I was forced to beat everyone, otherwise, they would not be able to calm down and communicate. You can find information on such things in the island's library in the future. When the time comes, it will be a simple matter to satisfy curiosity.”

Hu Die nodded, while Lu Huo was still a little confused. After all, she was a newcomer who had just joined the team, and she didn't know about Levi's Utopia yet. Others knew about the existence of the floating island.

At this moment, a colorful volleyball landed in front of the three of them, and a girl in a swimsuit ran towards them.

Uranium Girl picked up the volleyball and saw Lu Huo, who was wearing a witch costume with a somewhat reserved expression on her face, and said, Welcome, sister, you are welcome to join our team. I am Uranium Girl, please give me your advice!

The uranium girl held Lu Huo's hand enthusiastically and shook it vigorously, with a slightly silly smile on her face.

Chapter. What happened that year

The uranium girl still cares a lot about the younger generation. Although she usually gives people the impression that she is not very reliable, she is still a single-digit number anyway, and she still has the consciousness of being an older sister. Uranium Girl let go of Lu Huo's hand, circled around him, and said, That bastard Yu has really good aesthetics. This body does have the sanctity of a witch.

Hu Die sighed: Is this the only thing you pay attention to?

Although Uranium Girl is the older sister, because of her immature character, the editors behind her have a lot of respect for her. After all, she is a child-like older sister and needs other people to take care of her.

The uranium girl said: Is there anything else that needs attention?

Hu Die said: Don't you ask what the other side is called?

The uranium girl smiled and said: I forgot. Sorry, newcomer, I ignored your feelings. I'm always reckless. I won't do such a thing again.

Lu Huo is a very perceptive person. She can feel that the uranium girl does not have any malicious intent. On the contrary, her straightforward personality makes her feel quite attracted to her. After all, it is not so troublesome to communicate with someone who speaks directly. In comparison, However, Hu Die, who has more complicated thoughts, is not so easy to deal with in her opinion.

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