Levi moved his hand gently to the side, and the small house was enlarged, like a model with exquisite workmanship. Just by looking at it, people can feel love from the heart.

Levi did not directly take out the perfect house in Yue Haixin, but pulled out a house of the same type that was roughly similar but different in details. This could also avoid the possibility that he could read minds. Exposed, Levi didn't want the girls around him to know that he could peek into their hearts.

After all, things like Big Brother is watching you must be very satisfying for the Big Brother himself, but people who are being monitored will have various negative emotions in their hearts. Levi didn't want to set his crystal palace on fire because of something like this.

Seeing this exquisite model, other girls also came over. After figuring out what was going on, the girls also asked Li Wei to give them a whole one. This kind of thing has to be done sooner or later. Decide on the house type and structure now, and you can save some time when you get to the floating island.

So Levi spent the whole day with the girls, customizing their own cabin for each girl. It has to be said that the requirements of the Wagtail girls are really low. Li Wei has already explained to them that the floating island is very large and they can freely imagine their own mansion. But even so, they choose Most of them are huts, with a maximum height of no more than three floors, and the structure and living space are quite compact.

However, the girls also chose to stay together. After entering the floating island, Levi needed to make a small mountain structure surrounded on three sides with an exit on one side to house the girls.

Li Wei simply didn't stop working on it and directly created a virtual sandbox and asked the girls to propose the details of the terrain and landscape of the group land that everyone needed.

Even Mei Zai was pulled over by the girls. Mei Zai was pleasantly surprised. She didn't expect that she would be included.

The next day, Levi got up early, because Luhuo had completed the final acceptance, all data was qualified, and MBI was ready to release it. And for safety reasons, MBI also dispatched the second team of the punishment team to cover Lu Huo for a period of time. The punishment team would not leave until they were sure that she could adapt to the outside environment.

His paper cranes are already everywhere inside MBI, so no matter what the disturbance is, it can no longer be hidden from his eyes. Levi knows the various actions within MBI better than the people in their own organization.

When going out, Li Wei only took Hu Die with him.

Hu Die, who was standing at the door, said in surprise: Are we just the two of us, Master Li Wei?

Levi nodded and said: This time we are going to greet new companions, not to fight. Plus we have an intelligence advantage, so there is no need to bring too many people.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Hu Die said: I am a little worried. If something unexpected happens to Wan Sheng, I may become a drag.

Li Wei gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: An Xin, I will protect you. Compared with your combat power, Hu Die, you are the one with the strongest communication skills among us. If I say something wrong in the future, I will have to rely on you. Come and remind me.

Hu Die said hesitantly: Can I? If such an important thing is messed up, I can't bear the responsibility.

Li Wei patted Hu Die on the shoulder and said: Hu Die, you are a very talented person. To be honest, I have met many people, but your talent has surpassed most people and reached another level. field. However, your lack of self-confidence is holding you back, preventing you from confidently exerting all your abilities. Moreover, sometimes you think too much. I admit, as a strategist, you want to It's not a mistake to have too many, but don't put too much psychological pressure on yourself because of such things. With me here, no matter what kind of battle plan you make, there is a very high error tolerance rate.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Hu Die nodded. After the two people were prepared, they set off decisively. Originally, Hu Die's physical strength was the third to last among all the clever ones, second only to No. Jiuneng, who is still adjusting, and No. little loli Kusano. But now, her physical ability has improved a lot, and she can now move up and down the roof of the building. Although she still can't compete with other wagtails in terms of hand-to-hand combat ability, her mobility is deadly. The defects have been corrected.

The two people began to move, and on the other side, Song, who was staying in Izumo Village, had already monitored the entire city with the help of drones everywhere and the MBI military satellite that happened to be staying over the Eastern Imperial Capital. , two people only need to move forward according to Song's guidance, and there is no need to worry about missing the target.

Of course, Levi hid the fact that he knew how to find and locate people. He had too many secrets to hide. Naturally, he could cheat as much as he wanted when he was alone, but when there were other people around him, he would A person who hides his abilities.

Chapter. Hu Die’s curiosity

Song: (After advancing a hundred meters, look for the commanding heights to observe. I have already sent the picture to the chat room. Li Weijun, please don’t get the wrong person.)

In the team chat room, Li Wei saw the high-definition pictures taken by drones. It has to be said that the technology tree of this world overlaps with the real world in some places, such as the high-end field of drone technology. It has been able to do all kinds of things that are incredible to ordinary people. No Dajiang UAV in the real world can achieve such a level of precision.

The super-high pixel picture can be enlarged to a large extent, and Song also specially uses circles to mark the targets.

It was a girl wearing a long modified miko costume. Her black hair was tied into a low ponytail and hung loosely behind her. Different from the loose clothes worn by ordinary witches, the witch costume worn by the girl has been improved to a certain extent. To a certain extent, it is similar to the so-called strong costume in classical martial arts novels, giving people a crisp and neat look. Feel.

The girl was carrying a long package on her back. Ordinary people would only think that it was a long wooden pole, but Li Wei knew that it was the girl's weapon, a naginata forged from a special metal, which looked a bit like Glory. However, the girl relies on her own physical strength that is far superior to ordinary humans. If it is placed in the game For Honor, it will destroy the balance and can never be knocked down by normal means. The final BOSS.

Levi: (Received, the target is still easy to identify. This improved miko uniform is very conspicuous to others. I have to say that although Yu Guangren is very evil, his aesthetics are quite good. He is indeed a role model for A-Zhai and a representative of our generation.)

Levi did not hide the fact that he was an otaku from the girls. To be brutally honest, what girls hated was not otakus, or in other words, they did not hate otakus who were handsome and humorous. Therefore, even if their secrets were exposed, the girls' attitude towards Levi remained unchanged.

Yu Guangren was very naughty and made a character set for each wagtail. If the wagtail's costume was damaged in the battle, MBI would replenish it to ensure that the wagtail maintains its original Factory state, such a bad taste is like a collector who has a hobby of collecting figurines.

But it is precisely because of this that each wagtail is very distinctive and highly identifiable. Even individuals with relatively similar looks can be easily identified by their clothing.

Song: (Li Weijun, if you like witch costumes, I can also wear them for you.)

Levi posted photos of Mai Shiranui's classic look in the chat room.

Levi: (Compared to shrine maidens, I prefer ninjas.)

Song: (Oooh! What a bold outfit! And she has a great figure, but then again, who is this? It’s very rare to see such a beautiful person.)

Levi: (She is not from this world, so you don’t need to worry about such details. I can already see the target.)

Levi changed the topic directly, but he had indeed seen Lu Huo. At this time, Lu Huo found a place where he would not hinder other people and stopped. Looking at the crowd passing by, he looked a little a little bit. confused.

Li Wei and Hu Die stopped on the roof of a tall building. The two stood on the edge of the building and looked down. Hu Die was originally a little afraid of heights. As the one with the lowest physical ability among Wagtails, Hu Die knew that if his fragile body fell from a high altitude, it would be seriously injured at least, and those who could control elements, or Individuals with strong physical strength can use various abilities to avoid falling injuries. That is to say, her physical strength has been improved now. Otherwise, she would not dare to stand on the edge of the building for fear that her feet would slip and fall.

Hu Die said: Sir, shall we go down now?

Levi said: First of all, observe and observe. Song didn't get much information about this target, and I don't know what his personality is like. But he doesn't seem like a difficult person to get along with.

Hu Die said: Judging from her body movements, she should be a relatively reserved person. I saw her folded hands and constant small movements, which shows that she is a little nervous inside.

Li Wei said: Hu Die, what do you think we should do next?

Through remote mind reading, Levi has begun to read Lu Huo's inner thoughts. This is a girl who is simpler than he expected. As long as she shows a sincere attitude, or can perform sincerity, she can Take down the opponent relatively easily.

Hu Die thought for a moment and said: If I personally suggest, you can have a showdown with him directly.

Hu Die's words surprised Li Wei, because Hu Die is usually a very cautious person, and she always makes decisions before taking action. Now this kind of radical decision-making is a bit unlike her style.

Levi said: What is the basis for your judgment?

Hu Die said: Sir, I have some research on psychology, and I can roughly tell a person's personality from his body movements. When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we advance. For people with different personalities, we must You have to choose different response strategies.”

Levi said: Then do you think I am an easy person to get along with?

Hu Die said: It's easy to get along with you, but sir, you really have a lot of secrets. Although I don't know what secrets they are, I will control my curiosity.

Hu Die took advantage of this opportunity to speak his mind.

Levi said: Everyone has all kinds of secrets, which is normal. Sometimes, some secrets are not that I deliberately want to keep, but that some things are toxic. The more I know, the more I know. The easier it is to be distorted. Wagtails are indeed more powerful than ordinary humans, but for beings with my level of power, they are still too weak and can easily be distorted by various negative external forces. Affected by this, I had to keep some relatively dangerous secrets.

Li Wei said a phrase composed of several syllables. Hu Die felt as if her head was going to explode in pain. Li Wei gently patted her shoulder, and the pain disappeared like a tide, as if it was an illusion.

Hu Die found that he could not recall the content of the words he just heard.

Levi said: The phrase I just mentioned is a spell. Using such a spell combined with special power can sublimate a living body and turn it into a state that is more outstanding and has potential than the original. But such power is very dangerous. Just hearing this paragraph will turn ordinary people into weird monsters. So, it’s not that I intentionally hide it from you, but some knowledge is important to you. It's too dangerous for me, so I have to keep it a secret.

What Levi is saying now is also half-truth and half-false. A lot of occult knowledge is toxic, and if the resistance is not enough, it can easily be corrupted and distorted by knowledge. But not all knowledge is so dangerous. For example, knowledge about cultivating immortals and refining qi is very safe. If ordinary people get it in their hands, they will at most not be able to understand it and cannot use it. Will be distorted.

However, what Li Wei said could also make Hu Die put away his curiosity, so as not to harm himself with his curiosity.

At least, after you learn to control your curiosity, you will not easily fall over when faced with relatively dangerous occult knowledge.

Chapter. Girls’ psychological problems

Hu Die was very surprised at this time. What Li Wei described was a brand new world for her, a field full of unknowns.

But what happened just now made her realize that this unknown field is very dangerous. If there is no reliable guide, she will encounter various dangers at any time.

There is no regret medicine in the world. Just like the exploding pain in her head just now, as well as the various illusions she saw in her mind, they all told her the fact that the toxicity of knowledge was more dangerous than she imagined. Fortunately, she is a wagtail. Even the weakest wagtail is superior to ordinary people in terms of life status. If an ordinary person heard what Li Wei just said, something might have happened.

Hu Die said: I will manage my curiosity well, but suddenly I realized that knowledge is not the more you know, the better.

Li Wei smiled and said: You can't say that, Hu Die, you just haven't reached the most basic standard. When you have far more powerful strength than now and your own life status is improved, the toxicity of this knowledge will be Being completely eliminated, because at that time, you were already qualified to have access to such knowledge, and even integrated such knowledge and made it your own.

Hu Die felt a little fascinated in her heart. She couldn't imagine that she could do such a thing. When she learned that her overall strength ranked last among all the Wagtails, she felt inferior in her heart. There is no way to make achievements in anything other than the field you are good at.

But now Levi's words are the most important encouragement to her. Levi can be said to be a pioneer who is at the forefront of everyone, with rich experience, and such an experienced leader said that she can also have a brilliant future, which directly reduced most of her doubts about herself.

Li Wei felt the changes in Hu Die's heart through mind reading, and couldn't help but want to nod. As the master of a huge harem, he was worried about every girl around him, worried about their physical and mental health. Sometimes, Mental health is often more important than physical health. Many physical discomforts are often caused by psychological problems.

However, the natural environment and social and cultural environment on the floating island are very superior. It is a perfect utopia that can never be born in the real world. It is precisely because of such a beautiful environment that even those girls with certain psychological problems can , after entering the floating island, various psychological problems were also solved.

Now, Hu Die and others have not entered the floating island, but Li Wei is already counseling their psychological problems. Because the wagtails grew up in different environments, they often have their own psychological problems. Although they are all minor problems, Levi will not just let them go.

Hu Die's inner confidence surged out, and even her voice became lighter when she spoke.

Hu Die smiled and said: Sir, thank you for your guidance. I feel much better now. In that case, let's strike while the iron is hot, so that the confused bird below can also find a home.

Levi said: I will work hard to let the other party know our goodwill as much as possible.

Levi used a blindfold to cover the figures of the two people, and then the two people jumped directly from the top of the building. Li Wei put his arms around Hu Die's slender waist, and the two of them were like pieces of paper floating down, descending at a steady speed.

This is the first time Hu Die has experienced such a feeling, with a somewhat surprised expression on her face. Wagtails can rely on their own strong physical strength to stay in the air, but they are still constrained by gravity. However, now she can clearly feel , Levi used some kind of ability that she didn't know to bypass part of the gravity, making them feel like they were in a low-gravity environment, and get the strange experience they have now.

After landing, Li Wei let go of Hu Die and said, Hu Die, please get up with me too.

Hu Die said with some surprise: If I follow, she may run away because of shyness or other emotions. In this case, won't it affect your plan, sir?

Levi smiled and said: It doesn't matter. After all, she will see this kind of thing sooner or later. Instead of hiding it here and deceiving her, it is better to let her know from the beginning that you are still with me. In this case, It will also help you get along with each other with less quarrels in the future. I am not a nasty person who likes to watch girls quarrel.

The Shura Field and the like are indeed very interesting from the perspective of others, but Li Wei himself does not want to experience such a thing. After all, all girls are his partners, and the palms and backs of these hands are full of flesh, so there is real conflict. It's not appropriate for him to help anyone, so he can only make noise from both sides.

Therefore, Levi hopes that the girls around him can be more sensible and avoid quarreling as much as possible. If you have any questions, it would be best if you can sit down and talk about them. However, the environment on the floating island is there. In an environment where everyone is very reasonable, even a girl with a bad temper will be affected by the people around her, and her temper will become better without knowing it, and she will become even better. It's mellow and won't easily conflict with other people in life.

It is precisely because of this that after deciding to get straight to the point, Levi no longer hesitated. And he is also confident in his own charm. He believes that with his own charm, it will not be too difficult for Lu Huo to accept this reality.

After the charm value reaches an extraordinary level, some things are so unreasonable. Even for warlords during the Republic of China, it was not easy for their concubines to live in harmony. It's not like a warlord who is an uncle outside and a grandson at home has never experienced such things as women quarreling. No matter who he is, he will feel a headache if he encounters it.

Lu Huo saw Li Wei standing out from the distance. When Li Wei walked towards her, she felt in her heart that this man who was a little too good-looking might be a good-looking man. That's the person she's looking for. But when she saw this very beautiful girl next to the man, she felt a sour feeling in her heart.

Lu Huo looked at the girl next to the man, who had long ice-colored hair, gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a figure so good that even her kimono could hardly restrain her. She felt more and more disgusted in her heart. She didn't realize that what was happening in her heart Feelings like jealousy.

Levi stopped in front of Lu Huo and said with the sunniest smile: Hello, excuse me, looking at you now, you should be waiting for someone.

Chapter. Straight to the point

Lu Huo was startled by Levi who suddenly spoke to her. When she saw Levi walking towards her direction, she was already a little uneasy. She was thinking, is Levi coming to find her? In other words, just passing by, she felt a special aura on Levi's body, and she had a feeling in her heart that Levi was the person she was looking for.

But she was a little scared, afraid that Levi was just passing by, and what she had in her mind was just her wishful thinking. It was precisely because of this fear that she became uneasy, and until Levi spoke to her, she was still unable to react.

Lu Huo said quickly: Sorry, I was distracted just now. I...I was indeed waiting for someone.

Lu Huo felt that the distance between the two parties was a bit close, which she was not used to. Even her heartbeat was much faster than usual. This feeling made her feel a little hot, but it was not a bad feeling. That’s it.

Li Wei said: I think what you are waiting for should be your own Wei Ya.

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