vLi Weijun, you guessed it wrong. Many people in the library are afraid of me, let alone pursuing such a thing. Machida Enzi looked confused.

Could it be that...Sister Yuanzi, are you still single... Li Wei stopped speaking decisively. There were some things that he knew were the same thing, but he couldn't say them out.

As someone who has watched anime, Levi naturally knows that Machida Enko has always been single, but now that the two parties have just met, if he shows that he knows too much about Machida Enko, it will easily arouse the other party's suspicion.

As long as you know this kind of thing, don't say it out loud! Machida Enzi said with a helpless expression.

Although I heard it from you, Sister Yuanzi, no matter how many times I come back, it will still be surprising. It's... incredible. Levi sighed.

Because he has not finished reading the novel, Levi's understanding of Machida Enko is limited to the image in the anime, and he does not know any more information about her.

Although the old thief Marudo has written a great work, to be honest, the entire stage is very small, and there are not many characters involved. At the same time, the characters are in-depth, except for a few main characters. The information about the supporting characters is relatively brief, just like Machida Enko, who is a pure tool in the plot.

It is precisely because of this that, whether it is novels or animations, the information exposed by Machida Enko is not much, and now this is a real world, and there is even a certain deviation from novels and animations. Animations and animations The information in the novel may not be completely accurate, let alone a supporting character like Machida Enko who doesn’t have much usable information.

Why Machida Enzi is single until now, in Levi's opinion, is an interesting thing worthy of further investigation. .

Chapter 85. The perfect answer

Levi called the waiter so that he could order the kitchen to serve the food.

Machida Enzi looked at the handsome boy sitting opposite her and couldn't help but breathe two beats faster. It was hard for her to imagine that she would be attracted to a boy who was so much younger than her.

Levi has a tall figure and a mature and handsome face. The almost overflowing masculinity in his body is completely different from the slightly feminine temperament of today's young people. He has a feeling of the Showa period, although his face is not at all Like, but in terms of temperament, she thinks Levi has a temperament similar to Takakura Ken.

Neat and stylish, with thick eyebrows that are slightly raised and not angry, a pair of eyes that give people a resolute look, as if there are countless stories hidden inside, a face shape that favors the Chinese character face, and facial lines that are as sharp as a knife. This face, masculine to the max, is completely different from the young people of today's Heisei era. He has a pure manly temperament that seems to be able to hold on even if the sky falls.

Levi's figure is exceptionally tall and strong, with a height of over 1.85 meters, broad shoulders and an inverted triangle figure. He is not as exaggerated as a fitness enthusiast, but his muscle lines are clearly defined. She had seen Levi wearing it before. When she was wearing a shirt, her back made her feel safe, as if a kitten was scratching her heart.

Machida Enzi repeatedly warned herself in her heart not to be fascinated by Li Wei, and there was still an unclear relationship between Li Wei and Kasumi 937 Qiu Shiyu. If she was really involved in this vortex, she might face It's a chicken-and-egg situation.

But Machida Enzi was still a little unwilling in her heart. She finally met a boy she liked, but because of work and interpersonal relationships, she could only suppress her thoughts. This feeling was not good.

But she is already a mature adult and knows how to make choices. She is not one of those teenage girls who can give up everything for love.

Machida Enko, who has experienced severe beatings from society, knows that the world of adults is so helpless. People you like may not be able to get together. This is a very common thing for adults. Probably, this is the price of growing up, being able to endure things that were intolerable as a teenager and girl, being able to suppress one's desires and feelings, and being able to force oneself to smile.

Machida Enzi expelled those messy thoughts from her mind, supported her chin with both hands, and said with a smile: Li Weijun, I feel that you are really mature. You don't look like a high school student at all. It should be said that ordinary college students are not like you. Steady (cgch).”

In Machida Enzi's view, Levi has a very strange big shot temperament. Even if he does nothing, just standing there is enough to stand out from the crowd and become the most dazzling person. He has a natural leadership temperament in him, just like the lion king among the lions, noble and majestic.

Who knows about this kind of thing. Many people say that I look much older than my actual age. This is really a bad thing. Maybe when I am fifty years old, some people will say that I look like I am seventy years old. It’s the same.” Levi smiled.

Li Wei was just talking. Now he has become a being that transcends mortals. Although he dare not say that he lives as long as heaven and earth, his life span is far beyond that of ordinary people. The life of ordinary people is only a short hundred years. Li Wei Wei had a feeling that his life span had exceeded the thousand-year limit.

Now, Li Wei's only worry is how to let his partner enjoy a long life. After all, he doesn't want to see the beautiful girl around him grow old. Maturity is fine, but maintaining the appearance of age in his twenties and thirties is enough. enough. Maybe some people will envy you, Li Weijun, for this trait of yours. This time, Li Weijun, your works are really popular. I have brought you the latest sales statistics. Do you want to see them? Machida Enzi changed the subject. , she didn't want to keep the topic on Levi for a long time, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to control herself and say something that would make both parties feel embarrassed.

It's really hard on you, Sister Yuanzi, for working overtime to compile these data. Levi said.

Machida Enzi placed a paper document on the table and pushed it in front of Levi.

The current work of Machida Enko is actually not tiring, because there are elders taking care of the library, so the authors assigned to her are considered to be good ones. Moreover, because of Li Wei's emergence, the library has continued to carry out work within the scope of editorial management. After a round of adjustments, she is now only responsible for two authors, one is Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the other is Li Wei.

This is something that other editors are envious of. Whether it is Li Wei or Kasumigaoka Shiu, they are the main force of the new generation of the library, and they are also the guarantee of sales in the library for the next ten years. These two emerging writers, Machida Eonko, are arranged in the library. The external pressure on the country is not small.

Levi opened the document. Machida Enzi had a certain understanding of his character, so when making the document, he did not use Neon's standard format, but directly listed all the important information, as briefly as possible. Intuitive, so that viewers will not be confused.

Li Wei browsed this document, which not only recorded sales data, but also recorded some market feedback. There were large sections of reader comments extracted from various forums, but after reorganization, it did not appear messy. .

In just a few days, the statisticable sales volume has reached 270,000 volumes. Such results have reached the top level in the industry. This time, he handed over a perfect answer sheet. In a few days, after a full week, sales may exceed 350,000.

In fact, the sales volume of the first volume of His Majesty the Demon King has begun to decline. After all, the size of the light novel market is there. Not every reader will like the style of His Majesty the Demon King, which can reach sales of 350,000 copies. Levi was already satisfied.

A newcomer, even if he uses trickery, can achieve such results, which is something to be proud of. As for the black men and trolls who suddenly appeared on the Internet these days, Li Wei has dealt with them. So far, , no one dares to jump out and cause trouble for the time being, and the sales volume has steadily exceeded the 350,000 volume line, which is considered satisfactory.

What Li Wei doesn't understand is why the jealousy of the Neon people is so strong. Anyone who succeeds will be criticized by them. He really thinks he is a critic. Li Wei is not used to these little devils. One by one, he will deal with them first.

In the past few days, there have been a lot of netizens who died socially. The few who danced the most happily were given a lesson by Li Wei along the Internet cable, and they were immediately disabled.

Don't say that Levi is unreasonable. For these people, fists are the best education. .

Chapter 86. Machida Enko’s anger

Machida Enzi said with a smile: This time, Fusukawa Bunko has made a splash. The sales volume of His Majesty the Demon King has surpassed all the light novels on the shelves during this period. And all of this is due to your talent, Li Weijun. . The light novel industry is very dependent on people. Unlike other industries, most problems can be solved simply by throwing money.

If you want to do well in the light novel industry, in addition to being willing to spend money, you must also have a pair of eyes that can recognize people, so that you can discover those geniuses who are hidden in the market and let the company develop and grow.

For any industry, talent is very important, but in the light novel industry, this situation has become even more exaggerated.

It is precisely because of this that various libraries are engaged in a cruel war for talent. In order to compete for those talented authors, various methods are used in an endless stream. Even those despicable tricks, there are libraries that practice makes perfect. I have suffered such a loss before. The genius I finally discovered switched to Raiden Bunko under the inducement of profit. This incident almost made the editor-in-chief Yuichiro Murata vomit blood.

Not only did the editor-in-chief Yuichiro Murata give her an order, but even the major shareholders on the board of directors told her directly that Bunku would give her whatever she wanted as long as Levi was prevented from changing jobs.

What she has to do is to use all means to stabilize Li Wei, as long as she can ensure that Li Wei does not change jobs, and all expenses will be reimbursed for her by the library.

But meeting all Li Wei's needs also made Machida Enzi a little embarrassed. The so-called all needs were all needs in the true sense. No matter what Li Wei wanted to do to her, she had no room to refuse. .

As an adult, how could she not understand what the bad old men on the board of directors were planning, but she couldn't refuse. This is the tragedy of adults. Even if you don’t want to do some things, you will still be forced to do them.

Fortunately, Levi is a tall and handsome young man with a personable manner, and is not a fat house common in the industry. Even if he leaves himself to Levi, it doesn't seem to be a disadvantage.

Thinking of this, Machida Enzi's face turned a little red. She felt that her cheeks were hot, and she didn't dare to look at Levi.

Levi quickly browsed the entire document. Although the format of this document had various problems according to standards, it was the most suitable type for him to read quickly.

Levi said: I have been paying attention to the comments on the Internet during this period. Works like His Majesty the Demon King are more likely to be criticized than other types of works. I am mentally prepared for this. But by now So far, my luck seems to be pretty good.”

Levi showed a smile. He did not explain his hacking ability to Machida Enzi. He was not lucky. He was just the troublemaker behind the scenes who he had dealt with.

Of course, it is easy to deal with the random people who dance happily on the Internet, but it is much more difficult for the staff of other libraries to deal with them. Levi is not in a hurry. He will stay in this world for a long time anyway, and he has plenty of time and energy to deal with the opponent.

The waiter brought the dining cart and started serving the dishes. Levi and Machida Enzi stopped communicating. After the waiter skillfully brought various dishes to the table, he retreated not far away.

To be honest, I never thought that you, Li Weijun, would choose the location here. I thought that someone like you who doesn't like to be restrained would choose the location in a certain izakaya. Machida Enzi said with a smile.

I thought that choosing here, with a more formal atmosphere, could show my respect for you, Sister Yuanzi. It seems that I was wrong. Next time, how about at the izakaya? Levi smiled.

As for Xiaoshi, every time she asks me out, it's always at an izakaya. Machida Enko said with a smile.

Oh? I thought she would invite you to the coffee shop to discuss various things in the novel while enjoying snacks and drinks. Levi said.

She, like you, Li Weijun, is a very interesting person. I thought she would do this, but who knew she took me directly to the izakaya. Machida Enzi picked up the wine glass, clinked it gently, and tasted Red wine to accompany the meal.

Levi found that although Machida Enzi was very proficient in the etiquette of Western food, she had a sense of alienation, which showed that she was not interested in Western food. However, Levi, like the other party, did not like the red tape of Western food. In comparison, , she prefers the atmosphere of an izakaya, at least compared to a western restaurant, it is much more free.

And Levi also discovered other details, that is, Machida Enko's alcohol capacity should not be very good. After one sip of red wine, her face already showed the unique blush of drunkenness, which shows that her liver's hangover function Not bad, even red wine can make her drunk.

This also made him a little confused. Kasumigaoka Shiu asked Machida Enko to go to an izakaya. It turned out that one of the two people was underage and could not drink, and the other could not drink because he was not able to relieve hangover. Could it be that these two people were each drinking a cup of oolong tea to kill time? ? . . . . . . . . Asking for flowers. .

Of course, the oolong tea here is a very serious oolong tea, not the kind that can be lit.

Shiyu is indeed a very interesting person. It should be said that she has an interesting and shining soul. But in front of unfamiliar people, she will only show her bad side. Li Wei laughed. .

Li Wei has been getting along with Kasumigaoka Shiyu for a while, and Li Wei knows a lot about Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

It seems that you know her very well, Li Weijun. She is such a person. She is completely different in front of acquaintances and strangers. Fortunately, she is a beautiful girl. If she were a boy, her character would be You really deserve a beating, right? Machida Enzi laughed.

Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. This was not a problem specific to Shiyu Kasumigaoka, but a problem shared by the entire group of otakus and otakus. They were happy in front of acquaintances, but they couldn't do anything in front of strangers.

Even he himself has such a situation, but it is not as serious as Kasumigaoka Shiyu. Levi is the type who can do something decently as long as he forces himself to do it.

Just like Li Wei himself hates complex interpersonal interactions, this does not prevent him from learning all kinds of knowledge about human interactions and using this knowledge to benefit himself.

The meal was quite enjoyable. Whether it was Levi or Machida Enko, both of them had a broad range of knowledge. They talked about everything from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, from traditional mysticism to modern science fiction. , chatting from retro literature to current light novels, from sports to growing flowers and grass.

Levi was surprised by Machida Enko's knowledge, and Machida Enko was even more surprised. She felt like she was facing a mobile library. This kind of exchange made her feel excited, and she drank more without knowing it. Lots of wine.

When Levi came back to his senses, he found that he and Machida Enzi had destroyed four bottles of red wine. Machida Enzi blushed as if she was about to bleed, and she looked dizzy. Hahahaha, those old guys, let me find a way to stabilize you, Levi. No matter what request you make, I must satisfy you. Those bastards! What do you think of me?! Machida Enzi was already a little drunk when she spoke It was not very organized, but through her words, Levi also obtained some information that he had never known before. scholar.

Chapter 87. Drunk Cat

Sister Yuanzi, you are drunk. Levi said in a low voice as he looked at Machida Yuanzi's pretty face that was already flushed across from him.

Are you kidding? I can still drink! Machida Enzi wanted to support her body, but now that she was drunk, her whole body was limp and she almost slipped under the table.

If Levi hadn't caught her in time and used his spiritual power to hold her up, Machida Enzi would have made a fool of herself at this time.

Sure enough, every drunkard refuses to admit being drunk. Tsk, we have to send her back. Levi whispered to himself, came to Machida Enzi's side, and put a hand on her He put her over his shoulder and picked her up.

Li Wei dialed Kasumigaoka Shiyu's phone number.

Kasumigaoka Shiu, who was watching a TV series, answered the phone and said, Dear, what's the matter? Nine-three-seven

Shiyu, Sister Yuanzi is drunk. Do you know where she lives? I can send her back here, but I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone outside. Li Wei said.

That drunkard is drunk again. It seems that, my dear, you won't be able to come back tonight. Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a smile.

Does Sister Yuanzi live alone? Li Wei said.

Yes, she lives alone. If no one takes care of her, she may make a mess in the house. I have to be her nanny after sending her home twice. Shiyu Kasumigaoka smiled.

Levi got an address from Kasumigaoka Shiu, and then took Machida Enko, who was already drunk, into a taxi. After half an hour's drive, Levi took Machida Enko back to the apartment where she lived.

Unlike Levi who now lives in a rented apartment, Machidaenko is his own house. Finding the key from Machida Enzi's small satchel, Levi took her into the house and temporarily placed her on the sofa.

After that, Levi ignored Machida Enzi's nonsense and began to use various methods to relieve her hangover, but the effect was not very good.

In desperation, Levi tried to transfer his spiritual energy into Machida Enzi's body. Machida Enzi's condition quickly recovered, gradually calmed down, and finally fell asleep with steady breathing.

Huh... Taking care of a drunk person is indeed a troublesome thing. If I didn't have power beyond mortals and could use tricks, I might have been in trouble. Levi shook his head.

Machida Enko, who was already asleep, was in very good condition because Levi had transferred a certain amount of spiritual energy into her body, and she didn't look like a drunk person at all.

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