In the classroom, the two people who had stopped talking to each other at first would at least nod and say hello after meeting each other, not like they did a few days ago.

However, Li Wei didn't have any opinion on the fact that An Yilun also pretended to be an ostrich. Anyway, he was not the one who was embarrassed.

However, as an investor, Levi will also be concerned about the production progress of the game. At the same time, he will still provide relevant technical support to An Yilun.

Shiu Kasumigaoka and Eri Riri withdrew from the production team, but Levi did not quit.

During the break, Levi came to An Yilunye and said, Have all the members of the production team been found now?

There is still a shortage of people for the time being. Although Li Weijun is still willing to help me, I am very happy 933. However, there are still some vacancies in the entire team. With Li Weijun's help in painting, the picture can be maintained at the top level. , but the story is plot.

That is to say, except for me, other personnel are not in place yet, right? Levi said.

An Yilun was also a little embarrassed, but he still answered bravely: That's it. Now the plan will be stuck in the financing stage alone. After all, some things cannot be solved by simply throwing money.

Li Wei also saw the recruitment information posted by An Yilun on the Internet. The positions recruited were mainly script and programmers. These two positions are required from the beginning of production, followed by painting and soundtrack. Finally comes the dubbing.

It seems that you are ready to give it a try, which is a good thing. Levi said.

An Yilun was also hesitant before and was reluctant to invest money in production, but after what happened before, he also realized the problem. With the additional funds promised by Li Wei, he was ready to do something big. A high-level love game was created when I was in high school.

If he can accomplish such a feat, then he can officially enter the creative field, and his status in the geek circle can also be fundamentally improved. Even if he does not go to college, he can still work in a game company, or start his own business. A small studio, slowly growing.

The help provided by Levi is the best springboard for him. Since he is frustrated in love, he can get back what he lost in the workplace.

However, what An Yilun didn't know was that there were still various ups and downs waiting for him ahead, and most of them were related to the smiling big benefactor in front of him.

Levi has already arranged the Twelve Trials for An Yilun in his mind. If he wants to complete the production of the game, without a little perseverance, he may fall into a logical cycle of self-denial.

Being mentally prepared is one thing, but the specific execution is another. Now the experts in the industry either have teams or are company personnel, and there are very few people who are truly in the field. An Yilun He also sighed.

I probably understand, but without the help of Yinglili and Shiyu, it would be difficult to start this plan. After all, I am not good at writing that kind of delicate text. If you ask me to write war or science fiction scripts, I will It's no problem, but when it comes to love, I can't do anything. Levi laughed.

An Yilun also wanted to complain in his heart. Levi, who had taken everything away from him, actually said that he was not good at writing about love. It was just like a scammer saying that he was a good person. If it weren't for the purpose of avoiding compensation and his future prospects, he wouldn't want to deal with Levi anymore. After all, dealing with a man who took away his beloved girl would be the limit for him to maintain his current sanity.

Levi patted An Yilunye on the shoulder and said: Haste makes waste in many things, and the same goes for making games. After all, you can't even set up your own club now. If you progress slower, you can still do it. It’s something to understand. However, I can’t be too slow. I want to see the complete work at the Winter Comic Expo.”

The final date has been stated in the contract. If An Yilun cannot complete the game before the Winter Comic Con, he will still face the problem of breach of contract...

After school, Levi went back to the apartment with Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi, while Eri went back to her home. Levi made an appointment with Machida Enko to meet at a restaurant in Minato City around six o'clock in the evening. .

Small celebrations like this are usually attended by authors and editors. Naturally, Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi would not join in the fun, so Levi went to see Machida Enko alone.

Although Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi both have time, they are both quite sensible and know when they can follow Li Wei and when they must avoid it.

There are a lot of red tapes here in Neon. Although Kasumigaoka Shiu and Machida Enko are very familiar with each other and can even be said to be relatively good friends, there are some rules that people in the big environment must abide by. .

In front of the floor-length mirror, Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi looked at Levi, who had changed his clothes.

My dear, I don't have many daily clothes, and the room for matching is too small, so I can't show off my charm well. Kasumigaoka Shiyu said seriously while rubbing her chin.

This outfit is actually pretty good now. There's no need to change it any more. Levi said.

Although he still has plenty of time, Levi doesn't want to waste too much time on such things. Paying attention to one's own image is an important thing, but 2.7 is as detailed as it is now, which in his opinion is a bit excessive. .

Others can understand that women spend a lot of effort on dressing up, but few people can understand that men do this. After all, except for cowherds, ordinary men will not care about these issues.

Kato Megumi said from the side: I can probably understand Sister Shiyu's current psychology. It's like showing off her most precious treasure, so naturally she has to dress it up well. And then let everyone do it. I'm envious, is that so?

Kasumigaoka Shiu turned her head slightly, not daring to look into Kato Megumi's eyes. Although Kato Megumi was very deficient in many cases, her observation ability was really terrifying. She felt like she had been seen through. .

Chapter 83. A similar encounter with Yukinoshita Yukino

Ahem, I admit that I do have the purpose of showing off, but my dear is indeed a born clothes hanger. It would be a pity not to dress him up more handsomely. Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with some embarrassment, and at the same time his eyes were wandering. . Kato Megumi looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu with eyes unchanged, and said softly: Sister Shiu must have other purposes, right? If it is just like this, there is no need to be like this.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to be choked, and her whole face turned red. Under the curious gazes of Levi and Kato Megumi, she finally sighed and said: Okay, I admit, I am torturing my dear like this now. , indeed it has other purposes.”

Can you tell me something? Levi said.

Kasumigaoka Shiu's cheeks were red and she twisted her fingers together: It's a reunion held by classmates from junior high school. Everyone is required to bring their boyfriends. My popularity in junior high school was not very good, and now If you think about it, I have a better life than them all. Those girls who excluded me at the beginning are far inferior to me now. So, I want to show off in front of them. Isn't this idea ugly?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was already broken, but she was bullied so badly in junior high school that she had such thoughts.

She has been very popular with boys since she was in junior high school, and it is precisely because of this that the girl group has greatly rejected her. It is precisely because of this that she was forced to get involved in a lot of messy things, such as being confessed by a boy and rejecting that boy, but she was still hostile to the girl who liked that boy. There was also a ranking of the cutest girls in the school, and she was directly voted number one, and was instantly promoted to the forefront.

To a certain extent, Kasumigaoka Shiu's experience is very similar to that of Yukinoshita Yukino in My Youthful Love Story, but Kasumigaoka Shiu's character is even more aggressive than Yukinoshita Yukino's. She will not tolerate those who are hostile to her. She uses her talents in language and writing to make them embarrassed.

It was also from that time that Kasumigaoka Shiyu was forced to become the flower of the school.

Yukinoshita Yukino chose to avoid the edge for a while, which to a certain extent was considered an escape, while Kasumigaoka Shiu chose to be head-on. The entire junior high school period was like a cockfight. It was quite hard, but she also won everyone. of respect.

However, this also made Kasumigaoka Shiu's junior high school life full of regrets. Now she wants to show off in front of her old classmates, which is actually a compensatory mentality.

After Shiyu Kasumigaoka told her story, both Levi and Megumi Kato showed expressions of understanding.

Sister Shiyu's junior high school life was really difficult. Now I can understand this idea. If it were me, I would also have the mentality to show off. Kato Megumi said.

Sorry... Kasumigaoka Shiyu lowered her head in embarrassment.

Li Wei smiled and said: What is there to be sorry for? There is an old saying in Chongguo, which is that wealth does not return to its hometown, such as walking at night in brocade clothes. Although this sentence is a bit strange to use here, the core meaning is the same. Appropriate Showing off can make you feel happier. It should be said that human beings are creatures that like to show off, including myself.

Everyone has a tendency to show off, and even Levi, who has embarked on the extraordinary path, is not immune to vulgarity. Just like there are rankings when playing games, in daily life, many rich people show off their luxury cars and mansions. Some people who have mastered extraordinary skills will also show off their skills appropriately and show off their extraordinary side. , that is, showing off skills.

Sports such as hip-hop and skateboarding are inherently showy. Therefore, human beings are very fond of showing off. Showing off and comparison exist in every aspect of life. Li Wei said: That is to say, because of the Junior High School Alumni Association, Shiyu, you want to show the good side of your life now, right? Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded. Now she does have She has the qualifications to hold her head high in front of the group of girls who excluded her.

Now, Kasumigaoka Shiu has not only been admitted to Hayao University in advance, but her literary talent has also been demonstrated, and she has made certain achievements in the light novel industry. In addition, she has an excellent and handsome boyfriend like Levi. . It can be said that she has completed the class jump from the lonely wretch to a real winner in life, so she wants to prove to the girls who excluded her that she is much better off than them. .

Li Wei can understand this feeling similar to revenge. If he were in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's position, he would only do it even more cruelly than Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu just showed off in front of the girls who had excluded her in the past. In Li Wei's opinion, she was already very gentle. If it were the things that happened to him before he met Kasumigaoka Shiyu, he would definitely pay back tenfold. , He will never give up until those people are tortured to social death.

Megumi Kato on the side said: On that day, my dear, just concentrate on accompanying Sister Shiyu. We must let those who bullied Sister Shiyu in the past know that Sister Shiyu is no longer what she used to be.

Kasumigaoka Shiu looked at Kato Megumi gratefully, and she was deeply moved by Kato Megumi's understanding.

Li Wei said: When is the specific day? I will prepare a decent outfit in advance then, and I guarantee that I will not 933 embarrass you, Shiyu.

Kasumigaoka Shiu said: There is still about a week until the class reunion is held, and it will be held on Saturday.

Okay! I will make Shiyu the happiest and most dazzling girl in the room! Li Wei said.

Thank you... Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a blush. Levi and Kato Megumi did not laugh at her selfishness, but stood firmly in her position, which made her very grateful.

But now I have to go out. After all, I am treating you today. It would be a bit rude if Sister Yuanzi arrives first. Then find some free time to buy suitable clothes, not just for me, but also for you, Shiyu. . Levi said.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded heavily. She was looking forward to the day when the class reunion would come sooner, and she could wash away the grievances she suffered during her junior high school days more quickly. Although she had no intention of retaliating against those girls, it was a pleasure to be able to show off in front of those girls who had excluded her in the past.

Levi looked at himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. Although he was only wearing ordinary casual clothes, he looked particularly handsome and charming under the selection and care of Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi.

He didn't bother to clean himself up anymore, so he left the apartment, hailed a taxi downstairs, and headed to the agreed destination. .

Chapter 84. Meeting with the Editor

The meeting place agreed by Levi and Machida Enzi was a high-end Western restaurant in the port area. Compared to Western food, Levi preferred the Chinese food in his hometown, but there were not many high-end Chinese restaurants in Neon. Anyway, Li Wei Wei searched around here and couldn't find a high-end Chinese restaurant yet.

The tastes of the Chinese restaurants he found had all been improved. Although the taste was pretty good, it was still a bit unsatisfying to Chongguo people. Moreover, this kind of mid-to-low-end Chinese restaurant is suitable for one person to enjoy alone, and is not suitable for inviting guests to dine.

In terms of quality, I have to admit that Western food is indeed better.

Levi had reserved a seat in advance at the restaurant on the third floor of the bustling business district. He specifically chose a seat by the window. From here, he could see the bustling flow of people on the pedestrian street below without being affected by the outside environment. It's quite a nice place.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Levi came to his reserved seat and waited for Machida Enzi's arrival. There were still more than twenty minutes left before the meeting, so Levi was not in a hurry.

Moreover, even if there was something on the Machidaenko road that delayed her for a while, it would not be a big deal if she arrived a little later. It should be said that beautiful women will always receive more preferential treatment.

When he met Machida Enko for the first time, Levi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Machida Enoko would be as beautiful as a big star. Although she was not as stunning as Kasumigaoka Shiu, she was still a A rare beauty, and a capable and delicate short-haired lady. The moment he saw Machida Enko, Levi noticed that his breathing slowed down.

Generally speaking, beauties with excellent innate conditions like this will often choose to develop in the entertainment industry. After all, it is a waste if their own advantages are not used.

However, Machida Enko is the type who can rely on her face to make a living, but has to prove herself with her talent.

Levi imagined in his mind that Machida Enko with long hair should be quite quiet and elegant.

Just as Levi's imagination was spreading, a not-so-familiar but very pleasant female voice sounded not far away.

Li Weijun, I'm late r. Machida Enzi said.

Levi turned his head, retracted his gaze from the window, and looked at the arriving Machida Enko.

Today, Machida Enko is wearing an ultramarine blue gauze skirt, with a pure white gauze short top simply covered on the outside. The length of the gauze skirt can reach just above the knees, perfectly showing off her slender legs. , at the same time, the pure transparent crystal shoes wrapped her small and exquisite body, making it even more cute.

Because they are used to sitting upright, regardless of whether they are male or female, the calves of Neon will appear a little thick, and in severe cases, they may even be a little bowed.

But Machida Enoko's slender legs are not inferior to Kasumigaoka Shiu's. Such long legs that are as perfect as a fashion model are very rare in Neon.

Machida Enzi put on a little light makeup today. If you don't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell. It looks very natural. Her short hair was carefully taken care of. A light blue oblique butterfly-shaped headband fixed the broken hair that was easily blown by the wind, making her look like a character coming out of a painting, full of aura. .

Anyway, it was difficult for Levi to understand that such a beautiful Machida Enko was almost 30 years old and still single.

Are all the men around me blind?

It can't be said that, because when Machida Enzi entered the restaurant, she had already attracted the attention of many men, so that many men had their ears pinched or kicked by their female companions. What a change, but secretly it was a scene of chaos.

This also made Levi curious, since the people around him are not blind, why a beautiful woman like Machida Enko has remained single until now.

Levi thought for a while, this may involve Machida Enzi's personal issues, and it was difficult for him to ask about such private secrets, so he could only pretend not to know, and he was not curious.

Sister Yuanzi, you are five minutes ahead of the agreed time. How can you say you are late? You are so radiant today that even I am fascinated. Levi said with a smile.

Levi stood up and pulled out the chair opposite him for Machida Enzi. Levi's movements were quick and elegant, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without making the slightest sound.

Thank you. Machida Enzi sat down and said, Thank you for your compliment. I'm very happy. Usually because of work, I can't dress myself up properly. Today is a rare opportunity to harvest your praise, Li Weijun. Praise, for me, is already the best gift today.

Sister Yuanzi, what you said makes me a little uncomfortable. There should be so many people pursuing you, sister Yuanzi, in the library, right? Li Wei said with a smile.

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