So Levi decided to release his two previous clones, Krausa and Geese. The combat effectiveness of these two clones is no worse than that of the so-called martial artists. With a slight modification, they can use the Hundred Arms Crystal. , the combat effectiveness can be improved to a higher level.

In class, Levi defeated all the students easily again, but the students were used to this routine and did not feel disappointed because they lost to Levi.

After finishing Tian's course, Levi came to the lower space below the deck area. After possessing Judal's memory, Levi's familiarity with the giant ship Little Garden was still higher than that of Kulea, so he He quickly found a safe and secluded place, released the two clones, and put them on standby in a special life-support cabin.

Before releasing the two clones, Levi made some small modifications to the two clones, allowing Geese and Krausa to ignore the age factor and have the ability to use the Hundred Arms Crystal.

Now the only adult in the world who can apparently use the Hundred Armed Crystal is Li Wei, but in fact, Judar's clone can also use the power of the Hundred Armed Crystal, and all major countries have regulations on this. According to research, so far, Varsland is still at the forefront. The third echelon is the Chongguo in this world. The main players in the third echelon are the Gutenberg Kingdom and the Amei Kingdom. , as well as big countries such as Rosa and Falasi.

Although Varslan has successfully developed the technology for adults to use crystal power, because the cost is too high, training an adult martial artist requires more than twice that of a normal martial artist. In addition to the abundant countries, In addition, even if an ordinary country obtains such technology, it cannot produce a few adult martial artists. The high cost of transformation and the high failure rate are enough to make ordinary small countries retreat. If you have this free time, wouldn't it be nice to directly train regular martial arts practitioners?

As for the issue of loyalty, if you cultivate loyalty from an early age, you don’t have to worry about rebellion. There is no need to deliberately pursue adults to use crystal power, and let the powerful go to the operating table to gain power. Just the terrifyingly high mortality rate. It was enough to scare those powerful people to shit.

After Geese and Clausa lay down in the survival cabin, the hatch was closed, and the originally transparent material turned into a dark gray like plastic after being powered on, completely covering the clones inside.

In two days, the members of the Guards Team will arrive in the small garden and transport the two clones out in the name of things. With the addition of two top-level combatants, the problem of insufficient combat power faced by Judar will be solved. , and at that time, whether it was an alien who had come to the earth in ancient times, or a demon god, all of them would be torn to pieces by Gith, Krausa, and Judar's clone.

Two days passed. As usual, the members of the Guards team landed in the small garden on a heavy transport plane. The life-support warehouse where the two clones were located was loaded into a special container and carried by a heavy forklift. Next, it was sent into the inner warehouse of the transport aircraft.

After completing the normal supply of supplies, the transport aircraft quickly skidded and jumped under the guidance of ground personnel.

After Varslan's space carrier is launched, it will not land unless necessary, so all kinds of supplies are stationed in the small garden and transported by transport aircraft to the space carrier.

This is also done to prevent someone from infiltrating the space carrier. If the object reaches the small garden first, the small garden can check whether the object is safe in advance. After confirming that there is no problem with the object, the transport plane will carry it to the space carrier, and then There are no hidden dangers anymore.

Inside the transport plane, the young warriors of the Guards team opened the door of the container and pulled out the two life-saving capsules.

々. Move gently, these two adults are our direct commanders. According to BOSS, the strength of these two adults is second only to Mr. Levi~ said the captain of the Guards Team.

The relatively large life-support cabin was dragged out. The captain of the Guards team pressed the open button. The hatches of the two life-support cabins slowly opened. A large amount of white smoke escaped from the gap between the hatch covers and the main body. out.

Two tall figures sat up from the life-support cabin. One of them had a blond combed back hair and a serious face with a hint of evil, while the other had long, curly chestnut hair and was wearing a half-length armor like a century knight. , looks majestic.

Looking at the two tall and strong figures, the martial artists of the Guards team couldn't help but take two steps back. The sense of oppression given to them by Giese and Krausa was too strong.

Chapter 4. Preparations for the school festival

Hearing the name Kirishima Sakura, Levi wanted to complain in his heart. As for why he wanted to complain, the reason was very simple. LSPs will understand after searching for the name Kirishima Sakura and seeing what pops up. .

As an old friend who often visits the forum, although he has not watched Kirishima Sakura's short movie, he knows the name. After all, there are too many LSPs in it, and there are related dynamic pictures at every turn. Levi thinks this is right Very poor health.

So when he watched Hundred Arms for the first time and discovered the character of Sakura Kirishima, the soul of complaining in him began to burn, as if he was possessed by Kyon and Shinbaji.

However, the pink-haired Kirishima Sakura in this world is not Levi's cup of tea, because Levi's preferences are very simple and crude. First, he must be big enough. Compared with the teacher Kirishima Sakura in the real world, this Kirishima Sakura in the side world has a very poor figure, so for Levi, Kirishima Sakura is not his first choice.

Li Wei said: The small garden cannot be opened to the outside world. As for internal activities, no matter how innovative it is, there will be limitations. Moreover, the personnel in the small garden are very complicated, and it is very troublesome to take care of each side. Being able to choose as simple and broad a range of activities as possible.”

Kulea nodded and said: That's what you said, and I know this, but the time to build the school here in Xiaohuayuan is really too short, and we are quite lacking in experience in this area. .”

Levi said: There is not much that can be done, either a large dinner party, a sports meeting or a song and dance concert. Try to choose activities that are not ethnic or religious.

Kulea nodded. That's what Levi said. The people in the small garden come from all over the world and have different customs and religious beliefs. Usually, just coordinating all kinds of trivial and troublesome things is already very difficult. It consumes energy, and if this potential conflict is intensified because of the school festival, it will be more than worth the loss for Little Garden.

Levi opened the floor-to-ceiling window on the balcony, letting in the slightly salty sea breeze. He opened the cupboard, took out two cans of fruit beer, and threw the cans to Kulea.

Levi said: Speaking of which, what's going on with Kirishima Sakura? You actually invited her to hold a concert. When will the small garden allow outsiders to come on board?

Kulea opened the tab of the beer and took a sip. The fruity and sweet wine was quite friendly to women who are not strong enough to drink. Strictly speaking, this thing can be classified as kvass, which is only Can be considered an alcoholic beverage.

Kureya shook the wine jar in her hand and said: Strictly speaking, Kirishima Sakura has a certain relationship with Varslan, so she is not an absolute outsider. That's why they decided to invite her. She came to the ship to hold a concert. She is a talented girl who can speak Chinese and is very popular around the world. There are many people on the ship who are her fans.

Levi is pretending to be confused now, but there are certain differences between the real world and anime. Just like the anime is limited by its length, it does not mention Kirishima Sakura's talent in language and her ability to speak Chinese languages. See It doesn't seem like a big deal, but if ordinary people try to learn it, they will know how exaggerated it is to be able to do such a thing.

Li Weizhi kept in mind the rule that animations can only be used as a reference. There are considerable differences between the real world and animations. Just like when buying instant noodles in a supermarket, the packaging of instant noodles will indicate, Pictures are for reference only. , please refer to the actual content.”

Is she so popular? Levi pretended to be confused.

Kulea said: You probably don't have much interest in pop songs, so you don't know her, but she has received a lot of advertisements. If you watch TV, you should be able to see her advertisements.

Levi said: I don't even watch much TV. I usually use a computer or PDA to surf the Internet.

Then it's normal that you don't know. Anyway, you'll know when she gets to the ship. She will hold a concert on Zewa Island in the next two days, and it will take some time before she comes. But having said that, just having wine is enough. Are there no dishes? When are you going to have a barbecue again? Kulea said with a smile.

Levi wanted to complain in his heart. Although Kureia was in good shape, she actually had a big appetite. With her way of eating, she couldn't burn off so many calories even with high-intensity exercise every day. , so, normally speaking, her figure should be a pear-shaped and fat figure. However, Kulea's figure is very perfect. If she has more points, she will be fat, and if she loses points, she will be thinner. Where did all that extra fat go? This is what makes Levi feel incredible. As for his partner, he doesn't have to worry about his body shape, but now that Kulea is not his partner, he can easily do such a thing. This is what surprises him. The place.

Levi smiled and said: Are you thinking about eating when you come to my place? I do have some semi-finished bread here. After a little processing, it will be a very delicious dish. But it is not suitable to add such a main meal at night. .”

It feels like your place is like a miniature kitchen. As long as you make a request, you can quickly make the corresponding dishes. Kulea said with a sigh.

Because there is an old saying in Chongguo that food is the first priority for the people. Li Wei said with a smile.

Although she did not say this in Chongguo, Kulea could still understand what Levi meant. In her opinion, Chongguo is a very magical country. This ancient country has given birth to countless people in its long history. Wise men and sages have left behind a lot of precious spiritual wealth and knowledge.

And Li Wei, who knew a lot about ancient knowledge, seemed to her like a personal library. She would not feel bored when spending time with Li Wei.

Chapter 4. When things are done

Facing the greedy Kulea, Levi had no choice but to open a small stove for her. At this point in time, all the shops selling food on the ship had been closed. Only the 4-hour tavern was still open, but in the tavern All the dishes were served with wine, and she didn’t like going to pubs, so Levi’s place became her full-time late-night canteen.

However, Li Wei's kitchen utensils are also quite complete, so multiple people trying to eat are not a problem at all. Kulea stayed at Li Wei's side until midnight. Because it was too late, she stayed here. rest.

After this period of development, the relationship between the two of them has become more mature, and they naturally got into bed.

And everything that happened has gone into bed, what else can be done~?

Because the next day was a holiday, the two of them worked hard all night and didn't get up until one o'clock in the morning.

Kureya looked at Levi and bit Levi's arm, but Levi's muscle density was there. After just a few blows, Kureya covered her face and looked at Levi with resentment. .

It hurts so much. Kulea pouted, completely losing her usual strength. She faced Levi in ​​a duck-sitting posture, looking like a little woman.

Levi gently scraped Kureiya's nose and said with a smile: Then you are still so crazy. There are very few things that don't hurt the first time. I have special healing abilities that can help you quickly relieve pain.

No, I want to feel this feeling again. Kulea said.

Kulea stood up and started to get dressed. Although it was a holiday now, as the student council president, she had a lot to do, especially since the school festival was approaching.

For ordinary students, the school festival is a grand celebration where they can relax and enjoy, but for teachers and support staff of various colleges, it is a troublesome matter. Because students can relax, but teachers and support staff must finish all kinds of work first if they want to relax.

Levi looked at Kureya with such a direct gaze that she shyly covered herself with her clothes.

Kurea blushed and glared at Levi, and said, You have already seen everything, what else is there to see?

Okay, I won't read it, I won't read it. Levi smiled like he was coaxing a child.

In Li Wei's opinion, Kureya is a very contrasting person. In front of outsiders, Kureya always looks like a strong woman, giving the impression that she is like a red rose with thorns, noble and proud. But in the eyes of those who are familiar with her, Kulea often looks like a child who has not yet grown up, and is a very childlike person.

Therefore, Levi likes to tease her and watch her funny reactions.

Kulea left the apartment first, and Levi took out his laptop and continued his journey to Pandora. Some time ago, the real world Borderland came out. As an old Vault Hunter, Levi can't miss the big adventure with Noisy and other friends.

There is happiness in everything, and there is happiness in playing games. The happiness brought to Levi by both is equal.

Li Weixiang doesn't like to interfere with things in the real world, but he doesn't interfere in everything. After all, when an individual lives in the world, he affects others and the environment all the time. It's just because of his own Different financial resources and social status have different impacts on the outside world.

Levi's biggest impact on the outside world is probably his investment in the game industry. The economic crisis caused by some unexplainable reasons has led to financial crises for many production companies and studios in the game industry, and many of his opponents have For Levi, who has spare money, this is a good opportunity.

He didn't think about making money when he bought shares in these production companies or studios. After all, if he takes the gold in his hands to the international market, he can directly collapse the entire international gold market and drive the price of gold to the same level as silver. Sample.

He just has pure feelings. After all, those production companies and studios that have produced many classic games have brought him a lot of happiness and emotion, so he doesn't want to see those companies and studios close down.

····Ask for flowers·····

Just like this time, Levi finally got to play Borderlands. However, due to various external reasons and the economic crisis caused by these external reasons, Borderlands 4, which was already planned some time ago, will be compared to The original plan was to postpone the launch in 2020, and the possibility of temporarily canceling the project due to economic reasons was not ruled out. When I saw this message:.::!,?,,':?:;!Use :? ;!'??'.:? News, as a loyal player of the Borderlands series 『?;?;』;'';?!;,?『;』,.':. Li Wei from home sent an email to the official email address that day. A few days later, Li Wei also received a reply, only to learn that the production studio was now facing financial problems.

. ... ...

After the studio acquired the IP of another classic game Doom, it was very financially tight. Who knew that the house leaked and it rained all night? The economic crisis caused by the external environment made the two people behind the studio The major shareholder's financial chain is broken.

Under the influence of the domino effect, there are also economic problems in the studio. Although it is not without employees' work now, the development progress of several subsequent works will inevitably be affected, and their development may be suspended at any time. Two works that bring together people and money to their own key works.

Levi, on the other hand, is preparing to take this opportunity to connect with the two bankrupt major shareholders and acquire 20% of the studio shares held by the two major shareholders.

The negotiation between Levi and the other party was relatively pleasant. Now the other party is in urgent need of cash flow. % of the studio shares only cost 10,000 US dollars. For Levi now, this amount of money is really nothing, even if the other party retains a certain premium. , Li Wei is also able to accept it.

As for the studio, if you have breasts, then you are a mother. No matter who is the major shareholder, as long as the game continues to be developed, and the major shareholder will not interfere with the normal operation of the studio by instructing outsiders and experts, whoever becomes the major shareholder will matter to them. It's said to be a mountain that doesn't matter.

Chapter 4. Emergency situation

Levi can make money very quickly in the real world. After all, if he has no money, he will go to Las Vegas. Whether it is the casino or the other gamblers, they are just Levi's pigs.

For an extraordinary being like Levi, there is no way to make money faster than gambling. After all, it takes time to do other businesses. This kind of method of directly reaching into the pockets of the opponent's gamblers is not something ordinary people can do. There is no way to prevent it.

And Li Wei has no sympathy for those who go to casinos to give away money. After all, who of the serious people goes to casinos to hang out? Do they really think they are high-ranking?

Relying on this method, Li Wei accumulated a huge amount of money in a very short period of time. Although Li Wei's apparent wealth is not as good as those of the oligarchs, if Li Wei wants to make money, his terrifying efficiency will make it even easier. Even those giants who monopolize the industry have to bow to Li Weigan.

So after having enough gold, when faced with the current situation, Levi's practice is to buy whatever he can. It doesn't matter if it is expensive, as long as he can buy it.

Playing the game until about three o'clock in the afternoon, Levi's PDA rang, and the visual interface popped up. It was Erica. Levi saw the background behind Erica and knew that she should be in the command room now.

What's going on? Levi said.

I'm sorry to bother you during this break, but there's an emergency right now, Erica said.

If it's an emergency, just say it. Levi said.

Erica flicked Zhang Haitu onto the projection interface of the PDA and said: Barbarians appeared on Zevat Island. It is speculated that the individuals who failed to intercept have merged together. People from the joint forces have been looking for these barbarians before, but there is no specific whereabouts. Now these once-marked barbarians appear again.

Li Wei said: Our mission is to get rid of these barbarians, right?

Erica said: Yes, the current situation on Zivat Island is not so clear yet. The joint forces have rushed to the scene as soon as possible, but at their speed, it will take up to an hour to arrive.

Because of the air resistance and the physical endurance limit of the martial artist, the ultimate speed of the martial artist in the atmosphere is around Mach 4. This is already the limit of the martial artist, and the speed of the space carrier will only be slower, so the number is limited. It would be quite difficult for the joint force to travel around the world.

The Little Garden is now near Zivat Island, and the straight-line distance is only more than 70 kilometers. This distance is only a matter of minutes from the Little Garden.

Erica said: The vanguard has already sent out, but because we don't know the specific strength of the opponent, I hope you can also dispatch to ensure the safety of the vanguard.

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