Charlotte came to the side of the projection device and quickly tapped on the keyboard a few times. A delicate three-dimensional projection of the moon appeared in front of the three of them.

The three-dimensional projection turns into a transparent grid pattern, and the heart of the moon is a dense underground lair of barbarians.

Charlotte said: We don't have mature outer space navigation technology yet, but even if we can build a qualified ship, it will be very difficult to counterattack the barbarians. The barbarians are hiding under the moon. If we go directly into the moon It would be extremely disadvantageous for us to have close combat with the barbarians. Therefore, we need to use some means to lure the barbarians out.

Kulea breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that Varslan would be like those people and use this technology to do all kinds of dirty things. She didn't expect that it was to counterattack the moon, which made her feel better.

But not only her, but even Charlotte was kept in the dark. In fact, this improved device was instructed by Levi, the man behind Judar, to deceive people.

This kind of device is mainly used in operations against barbarians, but it was stolen due to some accidents, and then flowed to the black market and was used by some lawless elements. This has nothing to do with Varslan, after all. , those who do bad things are all lawless elements. How could the great and upright Varslan do such crazy things?

Charlotte turned off the projection and said: Everything we are doing now will be beneficial to the development of mankind in the long run. Although there will be some minor accidents or detours, I believe that Walsland has the The ability to self-correct, that’s why I made this device.”

Kulea nodded. She was quite confident about her influence in Varslan. She believed that as long as she still had her bottom line as a human being, Varslan would not go astray.

Levi said: Can this device be smaller in size? The current size is not very convenient for martial artists to carry.

Although a warrior wearing armor can carry an armed satellite weighing dozens of tons and exit the atmosphere from the ground, the mobility of the warrior will be reduced to a very dangerous level when carrying the satellite. Although martial arts practitioners can withstand such weight, they will also be negatively affected by the weight. Not only weight, but also volume is a very important issue.

Therefore, the smaller such a message device can be, the better. If it can be compressed to the size of a suitcase, it can be hung on the propeller wing of the warrior's armor and placed directly on the back or on both sides of the skirt. It is also good. When the time comes, let the fast martial artist lure the monsters, and other martial artists can take advantage of this opportunity to output, which can minimize the use of manpower.

Charlotte said: I can only say that I try my best. This is a purely mechanical technology, and it is different from crystal-related technology. It is not easy to compress the size. The current situation is already a temporary limit. Although the martial artist It’s not very convenient to carry, but there’s no problem putting it on a large drone.”

Now, although the traditional military has retreated to the front line and become a support force to maintain law and order, various unmanned weapons are still active on local battlefields around the world, such as high-speed large-scale unmanned weapons with a wingspan of more than ten meters. Man-machine is a good partner for martial arts practitioners. It can provide intelligence and fire support. If necessary, it can also be used as a vehicle.

A signal generator the size of two people weighs only a few missiles for such a large drone, and it hardly takes up much space.

Chapter 4. Pride

After returning to the small garden, Levi's life returned to calm. The dull yet interesting campus life made Levi feel very comfortable. However, the situation over Judal was more complicated. Although it was dealt with The two masterminds behind the scenes, but this fierce reaction also made some people feel the crisis. Time and the situation were turbulent. Things on Varslan's side were over, but other forces looked like a storm was about to come.

However, these things have nothing to do with Levi in ​​the small garden. No one would have thought that he is the real person in charge behind the scenes of Valslan.

On the training ground, Levi looked at the sweating students and felt calm inside. The students performed well. However, considering that they had spent three years in the waiting department and studied various theories, they were able to perform like this. , is also a normal thing.

A qualified martial artist needs to learn knowledge in various subjects. Not only must he have qualified combat skills, but his own cultural and tactical and strategic qualities must also pass the test.

The tediousness of cultivating a qualified martial artist is no different from that of cultivating a traditional martial artist. It can even be said to be even more complicated. It is just that the cost is lower. The actual training of a traditional martial artist requires the loss of the machine itself. As well as fuel, cultivating qualified pilots requires consuming gold equal to the weight of the pilots themselves.

But the situation on the martial artist's side is different. The energy of the armed crystal can be slowly restored by itself, and it can also be quickly charged using electricity. Therefore, the cost is much lower than that of traditional machines, which is the need for maintenance of the armed system. Spending money, energy itself costs nothing.

Especially giant ships like Xiaohuayuan are equipped with several normal-temperature cold fusion reactors. The ship has a complete power recharge system inside. Using this energy supply system, martial arts trainees can boldly use energy. There is no need to wait for the crystal energy to recharge, so as long as your body can bear it, training for hours a day is not a problem.

And there is no need for large vehicles. As long as you wear armor, you can fly freely in the sky. This kind of free experience also makes the intern martial arts practitioners very enthusiastic about training.

The class it is now is the class where the protagonists Hayato Kisaragi and Emil belong to. The top four crystal reaction scores in the entire grade are in this class. To a certain extent, this class is also a top class.

Except for a few of the freshmen in this class, most of them were promoted from the small garden class. After three years of basic and technical training, they stood out among their peers in martial arts. Although this class did not fail Although it has the title of elite, the overall strength of this class is indeed above other classes.

Emil came to Li Wei, lowered his head and said: Teacher, I went to check the information about the war between Chongguo and Amei, and I am very sorry for being reckless and offending you.

Levi looked at Emil and said, Now that you have seen the materials from back then, what do you think?

Levi patted the side, and Emil followed Levi's example and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Emil said: When I saw those materials, I was just shocked. Thousands of people died generously for an order. How can such a country develop from poverty to what it is now? It’s also a normal thing.”

After Emil reviewed the information about the original war, she also reviewed a large amount of other information related to the regular army of the country. Various heroic deeds made her realize that the title of the strongest army in the old era was... How did it come about?

Facing an enemy that is far more powerful than oneself, and facing an environment that is so bad that it can lead to death at any time, one can be ready for battle at any time. That kind of absolute execution of orders is enough to put soldiers from other countries to shame, and like now The martial arts practitioners were left far behind in terms of discipline.

And Emil also understood why Levi was so angry at that time, because what she did at that time, if it were in a war, was simply cheating her comrades and everyone around her.

····Ask for flowers·····

After understanding this, she was thinking about how to apologize to Li Wei. After all, it was her fault. Although the two girls who had been dropped out of school were indeed a little regretful, but Li Wei gave the two girls The reasons for dropping out are quite good. People who are unorganized and undisciplined are not worthy of being in the army.

Although the martial arts team will not be used as a military force on the surface, the martial artists are indeed members of the regular army, and soldiers must behave like soldiers. Just because they are not regular soldiers, they cannot not abide by the rules.

Levi said: That's why I am proud of my motherland, because they support the backbone and blood of the entire country and nation. Unlike the chaotic mercenary-like armies of other countries, they are a real army. The iron army is made of steel, and their glory cannot be smeared by anyone.

. ..

Emil sighed in her heart. The more information she consulted, the deeper the impression of the legendary strongest army became in her heart. As the third princess of the Gutenberg Kingdom, she was also a strong contender for the right to inherit. The people around her The counselor also asked her to take the initiative to make friends with the military officials, so she also had a good understanding of the regular army of the Gutenberg Kingdom.

In her opinion, although the regular army of the Gutenberg Kingdom has advanced weapons and equipment and is relatively well-known in the world, compared with the three armies of the Chongguo Kingdom, it is really a fish-belly existence.

Emil said: I can understand your pride, coach.

Levi just smiled. The most gratifying thing for him is that the motherland in Hundred Arms of War is as powerful as the real world. It does not lag behind others in the development of new technologies, but overtakes them first. , now second only to Varslan in the related technology of Hundred Arms Crystal, leaving other big countries behind.

Now, the Chongguo in this world is researching the Hundred Armed Crystals and is following Varslan's footsteps, crossing the river with Varslan. They are in the same echelon as Varslan, and the two sides have the most armed technology. Only half a generation away, this is the mountain of strength.

Chapter 4. Powerful Peers

Valslan, this huge empire, Li Wei has already arranged the final outcome for it, which is to pack it up and hand it over to the motherland of this world, so that it can truly flourish.

Although Levi considers himself an out-and-out evil person, a combination of Dio, Yoshikage Kira, and Diablo, and considers himself a walking evil with no bottom line, his heart is also Those who value something are their family and their motherland.

Li Weizhi is proud to be a Chongguo native. In his view, his motherland is the only one that has survived the four major ancient civilizations in the world. It is also the country that can do the best in the face of catastrophes. There is no other country. . In his motherland, the people are united when facing foreign enemies, and they are able to support each other when faced with natural disasters. Is this something that other countries can do?

The more he knows, the more he understands the preciousness of this inheritance, which is why he cares so much about his imperfect motherland. Although the development of the world here is different, he can see the shadow of his motherland in the Chongguo of this world. The longer he observes, the more overlaps he finds between the two. It is precisely because of this that he Only then did he come up with the idea of ​​handing over Valsland to the motherland.

If it were the Empire in Lelouch of the Rebellion, it would be considered good if Levi didn't raise the opponent's backhand. How old is it? It's like the feudal empire, and it will be painted red for you. The whole world has witnessed the torrent of steel belonging to the people.

Levi looked at Emil with a guilty expression and said: Soon, my motherland will shock the whole world, and mankind will enter a new era. It is an era where everyone is like a dragon in the true sense.

The most admirable thing about the motherland of this world that Li Wei admires is that during the most difficult financial times, it did not choose to eat real estate, but vigorously developed heavy industry. Therefore, when Li Wei came to this world, what he saw was a country with extremely strong military power. The powerful motherland, the motherland of this world, has the best overall quality of the martial arts army in the world, the most technologically advanced drone equipment, and several huge aerospace carriers, both in the air and the sea, which are about the size of a small garden. Use the mothership.

If we had chosen to invest in real estate, we would have never been able to display such military power, and this move was also a very clever move, because the military power was so powerful that it frightened and despaired all the surrounding countries, as well as the unparalleled mobilization Ability, the Chong country in this world is the country that suffered the least losses from the barbarian invasion.

The time of the barbarian invasion happened to be the year when Chongguo's technology exploded. The vanguard of the barbarians directly collided with Chongguo's heavy machinery troops, and was pushed back by the mechanized troops. However, the Chongguo in this world, Powered exoskeletons and heavy-duty mechas have already lit up a large number of branches on the technology tree. Even without the emergence of extremely black technology such as the Hundred Armed Crystal, Chongguo would be able to break out of the earth within thirty years. .

It is rare to be able to be so awesome. Its strong national power and complete welfare also make the Chinese people's pride extremely strong. Chongguo in this world, like Chongguo in the real world, is the most difficult to naturalize. There is no country like this. People all over the world yearn for it and are proud to be Chinese.

But if you calculate it, on average every year, you can count on ten fingers the number of foreigners who can apply for citizenship. Only those foreigners who have made significant contributions to the development of the country are eligible to apply for citizenship.

Li Wei was extremely pleased to see the motherland in this world being so prosperous, but he would not encourage his motherland in the real world because of this. The country in this world can be so strong only by relying on its steps. It is earned through the efforts of each step. Any missing step will lead to overall problems. The same is true for the motherland in the real world. If you run too fast, you will fall. With the current rhythm, just run fast and take small steps. If Levi's handing over some future black technologies to his motherland in the real world would cause internal chaos. After conducting a lot of deductions and taking into account all internal and external issues, he found that it would be best if he did not intervene. the best... .

The technology in Li Wei's hand can help the motherland in the real world complete industrial upgrading. However, it will also eliminate % of blue-collar workers and % of white-collar workers. With so many people unemployed, it will inevitably cause social instability, so sometimes technology It is not that the faster the development, the better. Gradual progress and stability are what the motherland needs most in the real world.

The motherland in the real world has only taken a few decades to complete the two- to three-hundred-year journey of other countries. It has already accumulated a lot of problems, and it will take a considerable amount of time to digest them. If Li Wei comes up with the future plans at this time, Black technology is simply adding fuel to the existing problems and contradictions, and is simply adding chaos.

Li Wei sighed. If the motherland in the real world could be like the motherland in this world without taking the previous step, then it would probably be a different situation now.

Coach, why are you sighing? Is there something wrong with what I said? Emil said with some 4. anxiety.

It has nothing to do with you, it's my business. Go and tell everyone to take a ten-minute break. Today's free training ends here. Next is dodge reaction training. Levi said.

Hearing Levi talk about dodge reaction training, Emil looked a little excited, because this was an opportunity to directly confront Levi. The rules of this training are very simple, that is, Levi and all students use training weapons. The students besieged Li Wei and supported Li Wei's counterattack for a fixed period of time.

Regardless of the fact that students have strength in numbers, in fact, the final result of every previous dodge reaction training was that the students were beaten.

Chapter 4. Advanced combat power

While Li Wei was enjoying getting along with the students, Judal's clone was doing some housework. Although Li Wei had not read the novel, the overall plot outline of the novel was still clear, so Judal Over there, we began to deal with some later plot characters and some unstable factors in advance.

What Levi wants is a powerful motherland with enough strength to expand into outer space, and some people have hindered Levi's purpose, so those people must die.

Levi himself, limited by his current position as a coach, would not stay far away from the small garden under normal circumstances, so many problems needed to be solved by Judal's clone himself. Without the super combat power of Levi, with Varslan's current strength, it is still a bit difficult to do certain things, and there is no way to maintain absolute confidentiality.

Although the clone of Judar is very useful, it is also the shit of the butt, so Levi occasionally wipes the butt of his own clone. This is the limitation of inheriting the identity of others. Although he can get everything from the original owner of the identity, What is inherited is not only power and wealth, but also certain debts.

So Levi decided to release his two previous clones, Krausa and Geese. The combat effectiveness of these two clones is no worse than that of the so-called martial artists. With a slight modification, they can use the Hundred Arms Crystal. , the combat effectiveness can be improved to a higher level.

In class, Levi defeated all the students easily again, but the students were used to this routine and did not feel disappointed because they lost to Levi.

After finishing Tian's course, Levi came to the lower space below the deck area. After possessing Judal's memory, Levi's familiarity with the giant ship Little Garden was still higher than that of Kulea, so he He quickly found a safe and secluded place, released the two clones, and put them on standby in a special life-support cabin.

Before releasing the two clones, Levi made some small modifications to the two clones, allowing Geese and Krausa to ignore the age factor and have the ability to use the Hundred Arms Crystal.

Now the only adult in the world who can apparently use the Hundred Armed Crystal is Li Wei, but in fact, Judar's clone can also use the power of the Hundred Armed Crystal, and all major countries have regulations on this. According to research, so far, Varsland is still at the forefront. The third echelon is the Chongguo in this world. The main players in the third echelon are the Gutenberg Kingdom and the Amei Kingdom. , as well as big countries such as Rosa and Falasi.

Although Varslan has successfully developed the technology for adults to use crystal power, because the cost is too high, training an adult martial artist requires more than twice that of a normal martial artist. In addition to the abundant countries, In addition, even if an ordinary country obtains such technology, it cannot produce a few adult martial artists. The high cost of transformation and the high failure rate are enough to make ordinary small countries retreat. If you have this free time, wouldn't it be nice to directly train regular martial arts practitioners?

As for the issue of loyalty, if you cultivate loyalty from an early age, you don’t have to worry about rebellion. There is no need to deliberately pursue adults to use crystal power, and let the powerful go to the operating table to gain power. Just the terrifyingly high mortality rate. It was enough to scare those powerful people to shit.

After Geese and Clausa lay down in the survival cabin, the hatch was closed, and the originally transparent material turned into a dark gray like plastic after being powered on, completely covering the clones inside.

In two days, the members of the Guards Team will arrive in the small garden and transport the two clones out in the name of things. With the addition of two top-level combatants, the problem of insufficient combat power faced by Judar will be solved. , and at that time, whether it was an alien who had come to the earth in ancient times, or a demon god, all of them would be torn to pieces by Gith, Krausa, and Judar's clone.

Two days passed. As usual, the members of the Guards team landed in the small garden on a heavy transport plane. The life-support warehouse where the two clones were located was loaded into a special container and carried by a heavy forklift. Next, it was sent into the inner warehouse of the transport aircraft.

After completing the normal supply of supplies, the transport aircraft quickly skidded and jumped under the guidance of ground personnel.

After Varslan's space carrier is launched, it will not land unless necessary, so all kinds of supplies are stationed in the small garden and transported by transport aircraft to the space carrier.

This is also done to prevent someone from infiltrating the space carrier. If the object reaches the small garden first, the small garden can check whether the object is safe in advance. After confirming that there is no problem with the object, the transport plane will carry it to the space carrier, and then There are no hidden dangers anymore.

Inside the transport plane, the young warriors of the Guards team opened the door of the container and pulled out the two life-saving capsules.

Move gently, these two adults are our direct commanders. According to BOSS, the strength of these two adults is second only to Mr. Levi. The captain of the Guards Team said.

The relatively large life-support cabin was dragged out. The captain of the Guards team pressed the open button. The hatches of the two life-support cabins slowly opened. A large amount of white smoke escaped from the gap between the hatch covers and the main body. out.

Two tall figures sat up from the life-support cabin. One of them had a blond combed back hair and a serious face with a hint of evil, while the other had long, curly chestnut hair and was wearing a half-length armor like a century knight. , looks majestic.

Looking at the two tall and strong figures, the martial artists of the Guards team couldn't help but take two steps back. The sense of oppression given to them by Giese and Krausa was too strong.

Chapter 4. Puppet clone in action

While Li Wei was enjoying getting along with the students, Judal's clone was doing some housework. Although Li Wei had not read the novel, the overall plot outline of the novel was still clear, so Judal Over there, we began to deal with some later plot characters and some unstable factors in advance.

What Levi wants is a powerful motherland with enough strength to expand into outer space, and some people have hindered Levi's purpose, so those people must die.

Levi himself, limited by his current position as a coach, would not stay far away from the small garden under normal circumstances, so many problems needed to be solved by Judal's clone himself. Without the super combat power of Levi, with Varslan's current strength, it is still a bit difficult to do certain things, and there is no way to maintain absolute confidentiality.

Although the clone of Judar is very useful, it is also the shit of the butt, so Levi occasionally wipes the butt of his own clone. This is the limitation of inheriting the identity of others. Although he can get everything from the original owner of the identity, What is inherited is not only power and wealth, but also certain debts.

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