Shenyue Karin saw more familiar people, Chunli, Julie, and Crimson Viper, which made her unable to recover.

Are there new people here? It looks like you don't know what happened. He is such a lucky guy. Julie came to Shenyue Karin's side, inserted the surfboard on the beach, and surrounded Shenyue Karin. Circle, with a sour expression on his face.

Chunli said from the side: Julie, don't make trouble, I have to arrange a new person, Karin, welcome to the new world.

Chunli held out her hand and smiled.

Shenyue Karin said: Chunli? Finally I saw an acquaintance. What is going on? Why am I here? And why are you here?

It will take some time to answer your series of questions. Chunli looked at the girls watching the fun and said with a smile: Let's all leave. Didn't you all come here like this? What's so good about it? of.

Tch, it's really boring. I went to the seaside. Zhu Liren went out on a business trip and picked up a surfboard on the beach. He tucked it under his arm and walked towards the seaside with the others.

Chunli looked at Shenyue Karin and said: Let's find a relatively quiet place to talk. This matter is a long story. I will answer all your doubts.

Shenyue Karin nodded and followed Chunli's footsteps.

Chapter 4. Big melee

Li Wei also separated several thinking circuits to observe the situation on the floating island. Shenyue Karin was quite vigilant and asked Chunli a lot of questions, and Chunli also patiently answered her questions. , Shenyue Karin asked for more than an hour, and gathered all the information that Chunli knew. Based on the information obtained from Chunli, she had a considerable understanding of this space.

Levi withdrew his attention, and at the same time slightly adjusted the flow of time on the floating island to speed up the passage of time, so that when the next girl was sent in, the time in the floating island would also pass. This way we can avoid peak times and arrange everyone as well as possible.

There are more and more people in the back house, and there are a lot of trivial matters to deal with. If he hadn't been able to control the flow of time on the floating island, he would not have been able to achieve such micro-management as he is now.

The trial has entered the final stage. It took Levi two days to send the last few targets to the floating island. After all the targets of this trip were safely contained, Levi no longer had any scruples. After finding the location of the red devil, he approached it.

But just before Levi, other challengers had already taken up the idea of ​​​​the Red Devil. The area where the two sides fought had been reduced to ruins. The Red Devil faced three, against Akuma and Giroud from the Street Fighter camp, and Long. , even though he was at an absolute numerical disadvantage, he was still able to fight evenly with three people.

And just outside the heart battlefield, masters from both camps are also rushing here. The confrontation between the three top masters from the Red Devil and Street Fighter camps has caused huge movements. The masters from both camps have keen perceptions. They are all seizing the time to move closer here, and the moment of decisive battle has arrived.

The current situation is that as long as whoever kills the boss first, the camp where the killer is located will be considered a victory for all members. In addition to the killer himself who can get the opportunity to make a wish, everyone in the camp can be teleported back to their original home. The world, and the loser camp will be wiped out by all members. This huge contrast between heaven and hell forces both sides to go all out to deal with this fierce battle.

Levi saw the battle between the two sides from a distance. Giroud, who had the ability to move, was the main force to contain the Red Devil. His own output ability was weaker than Akuma and Takashi, but with the help of his ability to move, he could control the Red Devil's actions. The range is limited to a certain extent, which is more conducive for two people who do not have the ability to stay in the air for a long time to attack.

The fierce battle completely destroyed the entire city. This scene reminded Levi of those monster blockbusters shot by Hollywood. Although a few people were only slightly larger than ordinary people, the damage they caused was no better than Godzilla. Or Ghidorah is too bad.

The Red Devil is not fighting alone. As the final boss of the entire trial, he has control over all the monsters in the space, so a large number of monsters are also surrounding here. The masters of both camps staying on the periphery of the battlefield are not completely Instead of fishing, they are intercepting a large number of monsters to prevent these monsters from affecting the battle on the inner battlefield.

On the side of the King of Fighters camp, Igniz, who has already arrived, has joined the battle. In terms of high-end combat power, if Levi does not take action, the King of Fighters camp will be weaker. Because Keith Howard and Clausa, both top players, became Levi's puppet clones and did not have the space to enter the space. As a result, the King of Fighters camp lost two top combat powers. In addition, Karl had been Killed by the Red Devil, the King of Fighters camp now loses three top masters.

The target of Igniz's attack was not the Red Devil, but the fighting Akuma. The beams of light were like particle cannons, instantly covering the area where the Akuma was. Akuma was alert the moment he saw Igniz approaching. Seeing the movements of Igniz's hands, he had already predicted the opponent's attack and dodged the moment the opponent made his move.

The torrent of light washed away, leaving only a huge regular ravine where Akuma once stood. The inner wall of the ravine was very smooth, because the inner wall had been burned by high temperature into an object similar to glass.

That stupid subordinate of mine was killed in your hands, right? Igniz stood in the air and looked down at Akuma.

Akuma saw the combat uniform on Igniz that was very similar in style to Zero, and he immediately understood who the person was. However, he had many enemies. Now he had too many debts to worry about, but he also had too many lice. Not itchy... .

Akuma tied up the messy lion's mane on his head, assumed the starting position in the wave flow, and said: I will never refuse any challenge, no matter who you are, as long as you stand in front of me , that’s a dead end.”

Haha, zero is a very useful tool, and it is also an important link in my plan. Since the plan has been messed up by you now, use your life to compensate for my losses. Igniz opened the door His hood and combat uniform were automatic, and he was ready to take action.

On the other side, Takashi and Giroud are also in crisis, because they now have to face not only the Red Devil, but also Sakazaki Takuma and Jingensai who are attacking from behind. Sakazaki Takuma has already brought the red devil. Tengu Mask, the cursed Tengu Mask unleashed the potential in his body, and now Takumi Sakazaki is so strong that he can suppress fighters.

Before Long could react, he had already been hit by the Overlord Xianghou Fist. Its destructive power was not inferior to that of the Vacuum Wave Fist. Even Long, who had a strong defense, could not bear it even when he was attacked by a sneak attack. With minor injuries, at best, you can only exert your full strength.

When Giroud saw this scene, his red and blue face had a rather ugly expression.

Julian, hold them back! At this time, Giroud asked his brother for help without hesitation.

A tall figure emerged from the diagonal stab and stood in front of Takuma Sakazaki. This tall young man had a face and body very similar to Giroud, but his skin was dark brown and his body was wrapped with purple electric light.

I can only hold off the opponent for two minutes at most! Although Julian is considered a master of Fang, his strength is still much lower than that of his brother Giroud, so he cannot completely hold off Takuma Sakazaki. It can only hold the opponent back for two minutes.

Two minutes is enough. Within two minutes, I will take the Red Devil's head! Giroud said loudly.

The current situation has reached the most dangerous point for both camps. Whoever kills the Red Devil first will be able to leave here with everyone in his camp.

Chapter 4. The Street Fighter camp is completely destroyed

The situation on the field instantly became chaotic. The Red Devil laughed loudly and said: Stupid humans, even at this time, still don't forget about internal strife. If this is the case, then you all will stay and become the nourishment for my growth. alright!

The King of Fighters camp and the Street Fighter camp started a head-on confrontation. Neither one wanted to let the other side kill the Red Devil first, but this also gave the Red Devil a chance to breathe. The original one-on-one battle was a bit difficult for him, but now the King of Fighters camp and the Street Fighter camp are fighting each other head-on. The Overlord camp started fighting, and his pressure suddenly became less.

As the trial boss of space, the Red Devil has a characteristic, that is, the more trialists he kills, the stronger he will be. Even after the trial is over, most of the temporary amplification ability obtained will be recovered, but the small part that remains can still make his strength grow.

Therefore, the Red Devil wants to keep all the trialists so that his own interests can be maximized.

Just when the Red Devil was gloating that the human side was starting to fight internally, an unexpected voice sounded behind him, making his skin crawl.

You seem to think you have a chance to win? If you want to win, have you asked me about such a thing? Levi appeared behind the red devil, with one hand already on the red devil's shoulder.

Levi, who appeared behind the Red Devil, made the entire Street Fighter camp nervous. The Red Devil's strength was obvious to all. He was able to fight evenly with the opponent under the siege of three top powerhouses. Such a A fighter with average strength would have no way to get started, and would be instantly killed if he got close enough.

However, Levi appeared behind the red devil, especially Levi's appearance was very sudden. If Levi hadn't spoken himself, others would not have noticed that he was already there.

The red devil suddenly jumped up and sprayed out a huge fireball from his mouth. The giant fireball that Akuma and Jirou didn't dare to meet head-on was flicked by Levi's finger and was instantly extinguished.

Seeing this scene, not only the Red Devil was stunned, but also the fighters in the Street Fighter camp were too afraid to show off. Even Giroud and Akuma looked quite ugly. Even in the eyes of top experts, Levi is unfathomable. For such a person to become an enemy, it would be a disaster for them.

The red devil's fireball was shattered, and he spread his wings as if to distance himself from Levi, but Levi stretched out his hand and grabbed the red devil's neck.

My goal has been achieved, and you have no value in existing. Levi had a warm smile on his face, but what he said made the Red Devil tremble.

The red devil said with difficulty: I can't be killed.

Levi said: I know that as long as the space is immortal, you will not really die. This body now is just your temporary carrier. But if this body is destroyed, it will take years for this space to seal itself. , used to accumulate strength and prepare for the next trial.

The red devil's pupils shrank and he said sternly: Who are you?! Why do you know this?!

Levi smiled and said: Do you have to answer if you ask me? Just stay in the dark room for me. It's a pity that this time it's not the first generation Athena who comes out, but you, the red-haired ghost.

Levi's hand ignited a golden flame, and the flames instantly enveloped the red devil's body, causing him to let out a shrill wail. Looking at this scene, not only the fighters from the Street Fighter camp, but also the King of Fighters camp The fighters are also a little scared. Levi's strength has far surpassed them and reached a new level. This is a level that they can't even see when they look up.

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! The red devil couldn't even utter a complete sentence. The severe pain made him blurred even his own consciousness.

Before the battle was over, the red devil was burned to ashes by the golden flames.

The entire space began to collapse, and a literal earth-shattering occurred. Everyone received the prompt from the space. The final result of this trial has been determined. The final winner is camp A.

In Street Fighter's B camp, everyone's bodies began to become translucent. At the same time, an indescribable feeling of weakness enveloped everyone in this camp.


I don't have to die! Hahahaha!

Unlike the ashen-faced fighters from the Street Fighter camp, the fighters from the King of Fighters camp had difficulty controlling their emotions and cheered as if they were helping children.

The entire space collapsed faster and faster, cracks appeared in the sky, and the ground felt like an earthquake. A large number of cracks tore the entire ground apart, and various buildings, vehicles, and even other man-made objects fell into the depths. The bottomless darkness.

This scene was like the end of the world, and it had a huge psychological impact on the survivors of the King of Fighters camp. But for Levi, who was used to seeing big scenes, this kind of thing was just that.

Everyone in the King of Fighters camp was wrapped in the teleported light. When the light shone brightest, they were all teleported out.

When the entire space collapsed, the Red Devil space became like a network virtual space. Everything existed in the form of translucent models. Levi could feel that this was an extremely brilliant spiritual materialization technique, although it was not yet as good as The level of mediating creation, but it will not be worse than the skills he has mastered now.

The space began to gradually shrink, leaving only a small platform with an area of ​​less than 300 square meters. Outside the platform was a deep and endless darkness, and in the center of the platform was a white round ball of light.

Infinite terror? It's just something specious, but I thought wrong. Levi came to the white light ball, put his hand on the light ball, and closed his eyes.

There is no interface or any prompts, but Levi has an intuition in his heart that as long as he expresses his wish, the wish will be realized. Li Weibei tried to reach the limit of his wish and maximize his own income as much as possible.

I want my luck to be very good, and the good luck of the whole world surrounds me. Levi made his wish. The probability of this wish being realized is extremely small, but negotiating with space requires a sky-high price. When you sit down and pay back the money, the other party's bottom line is determined through trial and error.

The color of the light ball became gray and flashed a few times, like a short-circuited light bulb. Levi knew that this was space's way of reminding him that this wish was not feasible.

Chapter 4. Luck improvement

After getting the prompt, Li Weibei lowered his requirements, but not too much.

I want my luck to become extremely good. Every once in a while, my luck can reach its peak, and when my luck reaches its peak, I can get special prompts. Levi said.

The white ball of light flashed several times, but Levi's wish still didn't get a response. Levi wanted to complain in his heart. Compared with the dragon in Dragon Ball, the wish-making ability of the white light ball is really useless, and it can't even make the second best wish.

Now he can only continue to shrink his wishes, so that the wishes he makes can reach the range that the white light ball can realize.

I hope my luck will become very good, and there will be a small chance of lucky things happening every once in a while. Levi said.

However, this time, the white light ball still flashed for a few times without any reaction. Levi covered his face. The ability of the Red Devil Space to fulfill wishes was much worse than he imagined. Compared with the Shenlong in Dragon Ball, Not even suitable for carrying shoes.

But now that Levi is allowed to enter the world of Dragon Ball to search for the Dragon Ball, he is not ready to take such a risk. If he wants to get a share of the Dragon Ball world, his own hard power must meet the standards, and considering the behind-the-scenes of the Dragon Ball world view, Those existences, foreign gangsters like Li Wei, are easily overturned.

If it attracts the attention of the Kaio God and the God of Destruction, even ten of his lives are not enough, and if he attracts the attention of all kings and makes the opponent hit people along the network cable, then he will really be finished.

Levi thought for a while, weakened his wish again, and said: I hope my luck will become very good, and I can sacrifice props to increase my luck threshold in a short time.

The white light ball vibrated, and at the same time burst out with dazzling white light. Levi felt the mysterious rules begin to work. He seemed to have gained something, but it seemed that he had gained nothing. In just a short moment, the white light dimmed, and Levi could feel that the entire Red Devil Space became sluggish. It seemed that the realization of this wish seemed to squeeze the Red Devil Space a little hard.

But what Li Wei didn't know was that several of the wishes he made were extremely excessive. Things like luck have already involved the underlying laws of fate and cosmic luck, as well as some of the rules of time. It can be said that any ability and luck related to The props are very unnatural. If you want to permanently increase your luck, you need to pay a huge price for every bit of luck.

And Levi himself is a huge interference with destiny. His luck is already good enough. It is already very difficult to continue to improve. The difficulty of making further progress is naturally much higher than starting from the beginning. .

This is the last version of wishing mentioned by Li Wei. Sacrifice props can increase luck in a short period of time. This principle of equivalent exchange can make this version of wishing successful.

If Levi does not add sacrificial props in exchange for luck, no matter how he adjusts his version of wishing, the Red Devil Space will not be able to help him improve his luck.

Levi sighed. Although he had to pay a price to improve his luck, he had accumulated a lot of messy props in his hand, and he also made some props himself. If the props he made could also be used as sacrifices, If you can sacrifice, then this ability is amazing. If you can't, then this ability will seem a bit useless. After all, the items produced by the system all cost money.

Levi chose to exit the space. He returned to his mansion in the King of Fighters world. On the table was the dim red magic gem. Levi used the system to identify the current status of the red magic gem, because the excess output was achieved for Levi. Due to the wish, the Red Magic Gem is now on the verge of being semi-destructed. The gem that originally only took ten years to recharge now takes more than ten years to start the next trial.

Li Wei took out the mass-produced gold battle suit he refined from the Consciousness Sea Space. The performance of this mass-produced product is pretty good. According to the system's evaluation, it belongs to the green level. If placed in an ordinary low-demon world, It can be regarded as a legendary treasure.

Li Wei thought about sacrifice, and the golden battle suit taken out from the consciousness sea space was instantly broken down into the most primitive qi. The clear qi rose, the turbid qi fell, and completely dissipated in the world in just a moment.

Levi felt that his luck seemed to have changed a little. He left his mansion, teleported to the bustling Ginza district, and found a lottery shop.

Looking at the lottery shop with people coming and going, Levi sighed: It's time to test your luck.

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