Rose said: Menet, I have found the person who can break the deadlock of our fate. It is this person, called Your Excellency.

Menette looked at Levi, feeling a little surprised in her heart. The overly good-looking man in front of her seemed to be a good person who could change their destiny. At least, he was better than an ugly muscular guy. What she disliked the most was, They are muscle monsters like Abigail and Zangief.

In her opinion, if the muscle mass is like Levi's, that's about it. In her opinion, Levi's muscles are just right. If the points are increased, they are too strong. If the points are decreased, they are not perfect. As it is now, it can be called the golden ratio.

Levi was also looking at Maynet. Maynet's facial lines were quite soft, her deep eyes, and the mysterious smile on her face gave her a cat-like feeling that you could never guess. What on earth was she thinking.

Unlike other female fighters in the Street Fighter camp, Menate and her master Rose are both under-muscled, unlike Chun-Li and Crimson Viper, who have overly plump bodies. The bodies of Maynet and Rose are more in line with ordinary people's aesthetics. They are both well-proportioned but not lacking in voluptuousness.

Different from Rose who wrapped herself tightly, Menette wore an Egyptian-style short skirt with a very cool overall style. Next to her, there was a lavender crystal ball suspended, which was her weapon. It is also the divination medium she uses when doing divination.

Maynet said: Master, are you sure this is not the other half you are looking for~'?

Rose's face turned dark instantly, she manipulated the crystal ball next to Maynet, and suddenly hit Maynet on the head, saying: Be polite to adults, understand? Some jokes are not allowed.

Wow, it hurts! Master, this person is so good-looking, that's what I'm saying. Meinet covered her head and squatted in defense, fearing that her master would snatch control of her crystal ball and continue to hit her on the head.

Rose sighed and said: My lord, the child's words are unbridled, Maynet is unintentional.

Levi smiled and said: I'm not angry. I think Maynet is quite cute. As a girl, it's good to be lively. Does she like to eat fast food?

Rose said: It's time for her to grow. I don't want to see these fast food turning her into a ball. She is just right now. When we work outside, we must be flexible. It will be very troublesome if she gets fat. of.

Rose took off her outer windbreaker, and underneath was a tight-fitting combat suit with a close-fitting design and a special material that looked like rubber. This combat suit made Levi feel like an EVA posture suit. , full of astringent feeling.

In particular, Rose has an excellent figure. The moment she takes off her windbreaker, the visual impact on Levi is huge.

Rose said: Unlike those fighters who have trained their physical bodies to the extreme, I, who use mental power to fight, cannot compare with other fighters in terms of physical strength. In addition to mental power, all we have is Speed, without relying on mental power, my 100-meter time is .4 seconds. Only by relying on extreme speed, I can fight against those muscle monsters. If mental power is the sword in my hand, then in itself The speed is my only shield.

Menette said: 々. I am slower than the master. For 100 meters, the result is .4 seconds, but my reaction speed is already much better than that of ordinary fighters.

Levi wanted to complain about what a stupid weak woman she was. With the physiques of Rose and Menette, they would suffer when fighting against those top fighters, but against average fighters, it would be better to fight with them. Sample.

Rose and Menate are the kind of people who can go to the Kamen Rider set and fight just by wearing leather gloves. To a certain extent, the two of them are much better than ordinary fighters.

Rose put her windbreaker back on, and Levi felt a little regretful. This kind of astringent Rose has not appeared in the game yet. Rose in the game is very well protected.

Levi said: I can feel your speed.

When Levi plays Street Fighter, his favorite character is Maynet, because if he plays well, Maynet can show off his opponent's hands so much that they can let go of the joysticks and buttons.

However, it is too difficult to play the character of Menate well. Like Chunli, it is a character that requires the player's reaction speed. Menate in the hands of masters and novices are completely different character stores.

Levi said: Now, I plan to move you to a safe place first.

Levi brought the two people into the floating island. Rose and Maynet only felt their eyes dazzled. They and others had already appeared on a quite lively beach.

Eh? Sister Chunli?! Meinet saw Chunli and smiled and waved.

Chapter 4. BOSS appears

Chunli also saw Menette and Rose, and they were relatively close acquaintances. After all, they had a common enemy Vega before. Chunli also obtained a lot of important information from Rose, and because For this reason, the two parties have established a good cooperative relationship.

Meinet, let sister hug you! Chunli saw Menette, with an excited expression on her face, and hugged Menette, who was more slender than her.

Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet you, Sister Chunli, here. I couldn't see your location in the divination before, so I thought something happened to you. Meinet said.

Chunli touched Menate's head and said with a smile: I just entered here earlier than you. How is the situation in the Red Devil Space now?

Maynet said: There are giant monsters like spiders and bats everywhere. My master and I relied on our mental power to become invisible and were not discovered by those monsters. The others are probably still entangled with those monsters.

Chunli nodded. She was very clear about the fact that Rose and Menette had spiritual power. The magical spiritual power allowed Rose and Menette to do many things that were unthinkable to ordinary people. It was not strange to her to hide in the monster's body and avoid such things.

Chunli said: It's good to be here now. There is no danger here. All you have to do is adapt to the new life here. However, I think you will like it here.

Because the speed of time on the Floating Island is not equal to that of the outside world, it has not been long here in the Red Devil Space, but less than half a month has passed on the Floating Island. Chunli has gradually become accustomed to the time on the Floating Island. Life.

Life on the floating island is quite comfortable and leisurely. At first, Chunli was a little unable to integrate into such a leisurely atmosphere, but as time went by, she also accepted the reality that she was in this space, at least compared to Red Devil Space, this place is already heaven-like.

Moreover, the atmosphere on the floating island is very good. Unlike the world she was in before, where people were always full of hostility and competition, here, there is no mess like the world she was in before. Here It is the promised land flowing with milk and honey. Girls here only need to do what they like without negatively affecting others around them.

After getting used to this kind of life, Chunli found that she had become lazy. Now, although her strength has improved a lot compared to before, she has lost the desire to fight. She found that she I already like this comfortable life.

Levi said from the side: Chunli, I will leave the two of them to you first. Let them get familiar with the environment here. I will come to arrange their accommodation in two days.

Chunli nodded and said: In the past two days, they will be dealt with by me now. I will take good care of them.

Levi said: There must be other survivors outside, but by now, the number should not be many. I will try my best to bring them out.

The trial in the Red Devil Space has now entered the second half. It is more troublesome to recruit people now than before, but this level is still within the range that Levi can accept.

Levi returned to the Red Devil space. Different from the golden beach with spring breeze, it was a huge lifeless city. Even Levi felt a little uncomfortable.

At this time, Levi received a prompt from the Red Devil Space. Carl Bernstein, a trialist from Camp A, failed to challenge the boss Red Devil and was killed by the Red Devil.

Levi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that someone would find the space boss so quickly and start a challenge. Karl was an arrogant man, but now, he was defeated at the hands of the Red Devil and even lost his own life.

The strength of the Red Devil is stronger than Levi expected. There is a high probability that Karl will go to challenge the Red Devil. Although Levi has not directly dealt with Karl, the Gith clone and the Krausa clone have it in their hands. There is a lot of information about Karl. Karl is not only dangerous, but also very proud. He never allows others to interfere in his own battles. He is a lone wolf.

But Karl's own strength and talent made him really proud. Before Krausa became Levi's puppet clone, he played with Krausa and learned Krausa's Caesar Wave on the spot, and later even carried it. After overcoming the negative effects of the serpent's blood, he stabilized his strength and gained the strength he has now.

Unfortunately, everything ended in vain, and Karl's life came to an abrupt end just as he was about to reach his peak moment.

The Red Devil Space has updated the prompt again. Because the challenger failed, the boss now starts to move randomly and attack the trialists randomly until someone defeats the boss or all the trialists are annihilated.

Levi was extremely calm, because he had already located the location of the Red Devil. Levi felt it was a pity that the boss refreshed in the Red Devil space this time was not the first-generation Athena. If it were the first-generation Athena, he would be very interested.

According to clues from comics and games, the first-generation Athena in the Red Devil Space is the direct ancestor of Asamiya Athena. It would be quite interesting for the first-generation Athena and Asamiya Athena to meet, at least for Levi, who has a bad taste. Say, that's it.

If the Red Devil randomly attacks the trialists, it will be a disastrous thing for those fighters who are not too strong. Unless both camps give up their differences and work together, there may be a chance of survival, but consider When it comes to the relationship between the two main camps, just think about such things.

The safe zone still has a few days to complete the shrinking, but now the boss has come out. In this case, for ordinary trialists, the difficulty increases a bit too quickly. Li Wei rubbed his chin, thinking about it, and felt that now There was still plenty of time, so there was no need to rush into the safe zone now. He could wait until the target he was about to take away was contained before leaving.

There are only a few targets left now. It’s not difficult to contain them. You just have to guard against the Red Devil Formation’s indiscriminate killing and take away his targets. If such a thing really happens, then Sorry.

A red shadow passed over Li Wei's head, and Li Wei knew that it was the red devil.

Chapter 4. Divine Moon Karin

The red devil did not find Li Wei and passed directly from the height above Levi's head. Levi was now hiding his true strength and minimizing his sense of existence. Under such circumstances, the red devil did not find Li Wei. dimension is also a normal thing.

Levi saw clearly the posture of the red devil from below. It was a little different from what he saw through the paper crane. The shape was closer to the image of the game than the image of the comic book. It was more ferocious and close to the image of the devil in Western legends. The kind that can scare a child into tears just by showing his face.

I don't know who will be unlucky next, as long as it's not my target. Levi said.

Levi has determined the location of several of his targets through positioning spells and paper cranes, and they are all quite far away from here. Even if the Red Devil chooses a target nearby, priority will not be given to them. But even so, Levi still speeded up and moved towards the goal closest to him.


When Levi arrived at the temporary destination of this trip, he saw the corpses of various monsters. There were more types of monsters refreshed in the space than before, but for the goal of this trip, such pressure , still within the range she can bear. But a high-intensity battle would overwhelm her, so it was a suitable time for Levi to appear now.

Levi looked at the golden girl who was leaning on her knees and panting, and said, You are Shenyue Karin, right.

Who are you? Shenyue Karin put on a fighting posture vigilantly. Levi's camp was different from hers, so when she saw Levi, she was already wary in her heart.

I was entrusted by someone to save you, Chunli, you know. Levi said.

Shenyue Karin was stunned for a moment. The relationship between her and Chunli was indeed good. She supported many of Chunli's logistics and intelligence. As the commander-in-chief of the Shenyue Consortium, the young she also had a unique Her own ambitions, and the existence of Vega hindered the development of the Shenyue Consortium, so she cooperated with Chunli and used Chunli to create obstacles for Vega.

Although her initial intentions were impure, as she got along with Chun-Li, she was gradually impressed by Chun-Li's personality charm, and the two eventually became good friends.

Chunli? Is she okay? Shenyue Karin said.

She has gone to a safe place, and she is not in this space now. Levi said.

How is this possible? If you want to leave this space, don't you have to follow the current rules and defeat the boss before you can leave? Shenyue Karin found it incredible.

Levi smiled and said: As long as you find a way, the problem can always be solved.

Shenyue Karin said: But I can't believe you with just a few words. After all, there are all kinds of conspiracies and conspiracies in this space. How do I know if you are plotting against me?

After Shenyue Karin defeated her father and took the position of commander-in-chief of the Shenyue Consortium, all kinds of malice were directed at her, so she no longer dared to trust other people easily. She can count the number of people she trusts on her ten fingers.

Levi said: I don't expect you to believe me now, but when you see Chunli, you will know what is going on.

What did you do to Chun Li, right?! Shenyue Karin kicked Levi in ​​reverse.

Suspicious little girls are really not cute, but I don't have that much time to explain to you. Levi easily grabbed Shenyue Karin's ankle and sent her directly to the floating island.

Levi is not going to waste his words on such a matter. As the commander-in-chief of the Shenyue Consortium, Shenyue Karin is not an ordinary little girl who can fool her with just a few words, and Shenyue Karin is not Rose and Menate. This way, you can see fragments of the future and directly choose the ones that are most beneficial to you.

Shenyue Karin relies on her own acumen to judge everything, and if such a woman is given a few more years, she might become a ruthless character like Wu Zetian again, so Li Wei doesn't bother to talk nonsense with her.

When Shenyue Karin came back to her senses, she found herself on a lively beach. She observed the surrounding environment vigilantly and found that the entire beach was filled with various women and men. No shadow can be seen.

Where is this place? Shenyue Karin had more and more doubts in her heart.

This is heaven, you are already dead. A slightly naughty voice sounded from behind her.

Shenyue Karin turned around and saw the owner of the voice that just spoke. She was a cute girl with wheat-colored skin and purple bob hair. The girl was wearing a cool three-point swimsuit and a cute yellow duck-shaped swimming ring around her waist.

You are... Shenyue Karin felt that the girl in front of her looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Sure enough, noble people forget things so much that they even forgot about me. It's me, Maynet. You changed your clothes and you don't recognize me? Maynet snapped his fingers and changed back into his swimsuit. Her previous daily attire, with a crystal ball suspended next to her.

····Ask for flowers····

It's you?! No wonder it looks so familiar. Where is this place? Why are you here? Shenyue Karin asked.

This is our promised land, a place where we don't have to worry about being hurt, and we don't have to worry about livelihood or fatigue, Menette said.

Shenyue Karin looked around the surrounding environment. The girls on the beach all looked quite leisurely. Some were lying on beach chairs under umbrellas and taking a nap, while others were sunbathing. You could also see surfers on the sea. She found it incredible that they were completely untroubled by the swimmers.

I am no longer in the Red Devil Space? Shenyue Karin noticed that she could not receive the prompts from the Red Devil Space in her mind. Normal methods could not block the prompts from the Red Devil Space. Therefore, she had this thought in her heart. Suspect.

………… ………… …….

Yes, this is indeed not the Red Devil Space. People here call it the 'Bliss Space' or 'Paradise'. Welcome to the new world. Maynet changed back into his swimsuit and said with a smile.

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