Banderas looked at the invitation in his hand with an expression of ecstasy on his face. He did not expect that he could pass Levi's test and qualify to participate.

Banderas is also a smart man. He knows about the vicious incident where the invitation was robbed a few days ago. Now that he is dizzy and DEBUFFed, if he is attacked by other fighters, he may not be able to keep the invitation in his hand, so He ran directly to Kagura Chizuru's feet and sat down on the ground, slowly easing the negative effects of dizziness.

Seeing Banderas running to Kagura Chizuru's feet, the few fighters who had evil ideas in their minds gave up their thoughts. Those who dared to cause trouble in the Kagura family's territory have already paid the price with their blood. I don’t dare to provoke the Kagura sisters now.

Levi glanced at Banderas and continued the assessment. Most of the next fighters were mediocre in strength, and only two passed the assessment.

At the end of the whole day, including Banderas, a minor, only four people passed the assessment, and Banderas was still the strongest among the four, with a strength of 0.65 Terry. With the current situation If the growth rate continues, he should not be weaker than Terry when he becomes an adult.

After dinner time, Levi stayed in the rear courtyard of the mansion to admire the moon. The brightly lit ancient mansion, coupled with the beautiful moonlight, gave Levi the illusion of traveling through time. Kagura Wangui sat down next to Levi and said with a smile: It's been really hard on you these past few days. You have to go through so many battles every day...

Kagura Mangeme put down the tray in her hand. The small plate contained exquisitely shaped cherry cakes, but the drink on the side was not sake, but a large bottle of ice-cold Coke that was full of foreign style.

Looking at this strange combination, Levi showed a knowing smile. Kagura Mangui is also a person who likes Fat House Happy Water.

Levi picked up the Coke and poured himself a glass. In his opinion, ice-cold Coke was more comfortable than any other nectar. In the exchange items of the system, Levi discovered various Coke recipes. The exchange prices also vary, but he still likes the taste of the purest cola, the feeling of the carbonated bubbles exploding in his mouth, the slight sweetness and the slightly astringent taste. It is simply the best in Fat House. enjoy.

Levi poured two glasses of Coke and handed one to Wan Gui. The two of them clinked their glasses together like they were drinking red wine.

Levi said: Although they have fought more times, to be honest, most fighters are not strong enough. Compared with those who can get special invitations, the gap is too big.

Kagura Wangui smiled and said: I can see that, but you have to give them a chance, right? Li Weijun, you have given them a chance. How far they can go in the competition is their own business.

Levi said: The larger the competition, the more lively it is, and the more beneficial it is for the organizer. After all, the King of Fighters Competition has generated huge economic benefits after being held for so many times. Although the officials did not pay attention to it in the previous years. Development in this area, but such a large piece of cake cannot be left uneaten.”

Kagura Wangui said: Li Weijun, you have sent a big gift to our sisters. After knowing that the competition in the Asian Division is organized by the Kagura family, many businesses have contacted Qianhe and want to Advertising in the competition, the advertising fee of the competition alone is enough to help the Kagura family escape the negative impact of this economic crisis, not to mention licensing the personal images of the players in the Asian competition, which is another huge profit.

Kagura Mangei looked at Levi, her eyes a little confused. Levi's arrival had changed the fate of the entire family. She could not imagine what she would be like now without Levi. .

Chapter 288. Goenitz is in danger!

Kagura Mange said: Today's young people are really amazing. Not to mention Kusanagi Kyo and Iori Yagami, Banderas is only 13 years old. Hattori is also a genius. Coupled with Yuri, he is simply called A generation of heroes. But isn’t Yuri going to compete?”

Levi said: It is difficult for Yuli to participate. Qiong is an official member of the competition. Yuli is just traveling. If she wants to participate, she must first get through her father and brother. God Le Mangui sighed: Although the extreme flow has not been established for a long time, it is really full of talents. With Yuri here, Director Sakazaki does not have to worry about having no successors.

Levi said: Actually, many fighters just lack a stage to show themselves. Extreme flow is also one of the participating teams this time. This is a strong and powerful team.

However, Li Wei added in his heart that any team that met him was just a piece of cake, and the only one that could catch his eye was the big snake that arrived in perfect posture. As for the Eight Masters, who in other people's eyes looked like a natural disaster in human form, in his eyes, it was just that, less than the best and more than the worst.

The reason why Levi does not plan to participate in this King of Fighters Tournament himself and is willing to be the man behind the scenes is because if he participates, other players will have nothing to do. Moreover, it will take some time for Gonitz to revive the big snake. Before the big snake recovers, he does not intend to reveal his true strength, so as not to cause excessive vigilance on Gonitz's side and cause trouble.

Kagura Wangui looked at the crescent moon in the sky and said with a smile: Li Weijun, it would be a pity if you don't participate in the competition. With your strength, the title of King of Fighters is within your grasp. Li Wei shook his head and said: Becoming the King of Fighters is not my goal, and the position of King of Fighters is too ostentatious, which is not conducive to the next plan.

Kagura Mangei looked at Levi. The young man in front of her was a ruthless man who planned to pull Orochi off the altar. He was indeed her favorite man. The ancestors of the three artifact families tried their best and paid the price of blood to seal the immortal existence of the big snake, and the seal was not strong enough. The existence of the Eight Masters is the result of the seal not being strong enough. However, Li Wei was ready to take down the opponent, and the gap between them was hard to explain.

Li Wei said: Wangui, could you please locate the location of Goenitz? Kagura Wangui was a little confused and said: Are you going to trouble Goenitz now?

Levi nodded. He was a character who refused to suffer. Goenitz raided the Kagura family's mansion. If he hadn't taken precautions in advance, Kagura Mangui would have been dead at this time. However, Levi I saw the magical power of resurrecting the dead in the system's redemption options, and the King of Fighters world itself also has the ability to resurrect the dead. As long as the soul is still there, it can reshape the body and resurrect it. But if you can avoid this sin, it is better not to suffer this sin. .

Li Wei said: There is an old saying in the Chongguo that it is disrespectful to call but not to reciprocate. Since the big snake family dares to cause trouble, we must beat them until they hurt and beat them until they dare not provoke us. Li Wei's words, It sounds domineering to Kagura Mangame.

Kagura Mangui said: The secret technique of positioning is something similar to a ritual spell. It can only be used once a year, and it can only detect the approximate location. When using this ritual spell, once the user is interrupted, The spell and positioning effect will disappear, which has great limitations.

Levi said: It's okay. The bracelet has its own communication capabilities. Using the bracelet, you can maintain real-time communication more conveniently than a mobile phone. You don't have to worry about the spell being interrupted.

Today's mobile phones, also known as Big Brother, can only sustain a call for 30 minutes after the battery is fully charged. They are bulky and inconvenient. They are completely incomparable with future smartphones, and the call quality is not very good. Easily disturbed. In ancient times, even with such positioning secrets, it was still not easy to launch a surprise attack on the Orochi Familia. Because of the inconvenience of communication, the cooperation between the three artifact families was easily out of touch. Even in modern times, It is still difficult for the three artifact families to cooperate perfectly on this matter.

Kagura Mangui said: Since this is the case, then I can do it with confidence, but this secret technique requires the preparation of the ceremony venue in advance, and it requires Chizuru and I to work together to activate the secret technique. From now on If we start preparing, we will probably be ready to activate the secret technique early tomorrow morning.

Levi nodded. Although the information given by SNK insiders was vague about this aspect, Goenitz's raid on the Kagura family's mansion, in addition to destroying the seal on the serpent, probably also had the intention of making it impossible for the Kagura family to activate the secret technique.

Levi said: That's great. The Orochi Familia's surprise attack is impossible to prevent. We must find a way to take the initiative. By the way, Ten thousand turtles, is there any news about Shiranui Ninja and Kisaragi Ninja?

Shiranui-ryu and Kisaragi-ryu ninjas are considered small sects here in Neon, and ninjas are a group of people who like to hide their existence, so it is very troublesome to find them, so he asked Wangui to ask people to find out the news. In a few days It's over, there must be some news.

Kagura Mangei shook his head and said: There is no reliable news. These two sects are extremely good at hiding their own existence. They released a large number of smoke bombs to disturb the sight of others. Just these few The information searched by Tian's subordinates revealed dozens of locations among the two ninjas, and these dozens of locations may all be fake.

Levi sighed inwardly. Ninjas are indeed a group of cautious people. There are dozens of fake addresses. It would take an unknown amount of time just to find them one by one. Moreover, it is easy to reveal that he is looking for them, giving them more information. time to shift positions.

It seems that the tracing spell must be put on the agenda. However, the tracing spell is really expensive, and Li Wei feels a little distressed.

As long as he knew a name and roughly had the image of the other person in his mind, he could accurately locate the person-finding spell that he had been interested in, and his ability was very foul. But the exchange price of this spell is enough to give Levi a myocardial infarction, a full 17,000 points, but this is already the most cost-effective human-finding spell.

Spells with better effects are more expensive, and they always start at 30,000 points. However, those cheap person-finding spells have various small problems, either the positioning accuracy is not enough, or the target identification is not clear enough, it is easy to Misjudgment of targets with the same name or surname, or similar height and shape, will make him spend a lot of time trying to make mistakes.

The person-finding spell must be redeemed sooner or later. After all, if you want to find a specific person in certain worlds, or locate someone with high precision, such as finding a specific enemy, this ability can be used. Used.

This convenient ability is a must for Levi who needs to find someone. For example, if Levi were in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, he would want to drag Muzan out and beat him up, but Muzan is very capable of escaping, so he would try to catch this slippery person by normal means. It is very difficult to catch a loach, but with the searching spell, wherever Wu Kuai goes, Li Wei can chase him as fast as possible and beat him up as fast as he can. .

Chapter 289. Come to the door

Levi's current point reserve has returned to more than 20,000 points, but if he redeems the missing person spell at this time, his point reserve will return to around 3,000 points. Although it is not said that he will return to before liberation, But it’s not too different.

Only now did Levi realize that the points were really not enough to spend. There were too many good things in the system's redemption items, but his money was really not enough. And in the lottery, the uncertainty was too strong. Luck This thing is too metaphysical, and Li Wei doesn't dare to use the points he has worked so hard to accumulate, so he redeems them according to his own needs, which seems a bit fussy.

Five thousand points for ten consecutive rounds. It would be most embarrassing if you get a bunch of props or abilities that you don't need. Although there are no absolutely useless props, any props and abilities can play their role in the right place, but the devil knows when is the right time, so you can force withdrawals hundreds of times when you have enough points. , there is no need for Levi to gamble on his character.

Li Wei thinks that directly accumulating points and forcibly withdrawing 500,000 points is the safest way to draw the lottery.

However, Levi now encountered the problem of which came first, the egg or the chicken. Without positioning spells, it would be difficult to gain points. If he could not gain points, he would not have more points reserves. But if you start using points to reserve now, how can you save money?

Li Wei was furious. This spell would have to be exchanged sooner or later. Buy it early and enjoy it early, and you can recover the cost faster.

Levi said: Wangui, as long as I can successfully locate him once with secret techniques, I will find a way to locate him on Gonitz. Then I won't need secret techniques. I will be able to locate him myself. God. Le Wangui said: No problem, I will prepare the things needed for the ceremony in a moment. But I feel like you are a little anxious, Li Weijun.

After being able to position Gonitz, Kagura Mangui naturally has no objection. After all, he almost suffered a murderous attack from the opponent. It is impossible to say that he is not angry at all.

Levi said: To vent my anger for you, it's best to do it as soon as possible. It's been a few days, and that guy Konitz must have run away. If he ran out of Neon, it would be even more troublesome to chase him. \

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