After the millennium, although Orochi's blood has stabilized, Yagami still has to face a lot of demons and ghosts, and has lost the sense of oppression it had on other fighters before the millennium.

Iori Yagami bypassed Levi and continued to move forward. Levi smiled without looking back: Young man, the Kusanagi family has received a special invitation letter for the King of Fighters Tournament. You can definitely participate in the King of Fighters Tournament. You really don't care about this. Don’t you feel anything at all?”

Levi still has a certain understanding of Yagami-an. Among the pile of information provided by insiders, there are many related to Yagami-an. After all, Yagami-an is more popular than the protagonist, so the official has also devoted a lot of attention to this character. The hard work and perfect setting made Levi's understanding of it far beyond that of ordinary people.

Iori Yagami stopped, turned around, and said with a cold face: Where is that guy Kusanagi Kyo? Will he participate in the competition?

Levi smiled and said: Who knows about such things, but the probability is not small. Young man from the Yagami family, are you here to cause trouble for the Kusanagi family? Yagami did not speak, which was regarded as acquiescing to Levi's statement. .

He is indeed looking for trouble. After all, the feud between the Yagami family and the Kusanagi family can be traced back hundreds of years. The accumulation of hatred from generation to generation has made the relationship between the two parties like a powder keg, which is about to explode. A generation has accumulated a lot of trouble and must make a final bow.

Levi smiled and said: Leave the grievances to be resolved in the competition. This kind of private revenge is too shameful. Don't you want to prove in front of everyone that you are better than Kusanagi Kyo? Levi's words , which made Yagami a little excited, but he was also a little hesitant. The competition required a team of three to register, and now he still lacks teammates.

The Kusanagi family is the most prosperous among the three artifact families. Not only is it prosperous, but it also has a strong group of retainers. It is very simple to build a qualified team for the competition.

The situation on the Yagami family's side is a little complicated. Not only is the population not as prosperous as Kusanagi Kyo, but they also don't have enough financial resources to support a group of retainers, so it is still a troublesome thing for him to get three people to participate.

After all, ordinary fighters cannot catch his eye. Most of the fighters who can catch his eye have their own teams or forces. It is not easy to persuade the other party to participate with him.

Levi had a special invitation in his hand. He tossed it gently and Iori Yagami caught the invitation.

Levi said: Participation is based on an invitation letter as a voucher, so don't lose this thing, and the invitation letter can also be snatched, but don't let someone snatch it away, young man. You don't need to remind me. After Yagami said that, he put the invitation letter into his arms and turned to leave. He looked back at the Kusanagi family's castle with complicated eyes. .

Chapter 285. Fighters with strong mobility

Levi enjoyed this feeling of fighting against the fire, which made him happy. Watching Kusanagi Kyo and Iori Yagami fighting, he felt like watching a live-action movie. The scene he had been looking forward to most as a child was about to be staged before his eyes. This kind of It was quite fun for him to have his childhood romance come to fruition.

Originally, Yagami'an only appeared on the stage of the King of Fighters Tournament in 1995. Now it is 1991. Because of Levi, Yagami'an's debut time has been moved forward by four years. Now Yagami'an is still a little young, and he is slightly older than Kusanagi Kyo. It is not an exaggeration to call him young man by Li Wei.

Qiong on the side said curiously: Master, doesn't that red-haired boy just now need to test his strength?

In Qiong's view, every fighter who gets a special invitation letter is a powerful being, either a strong person from the older generation or a leader from the younger generation.

Although Yagami'an was full of momentum, she still had some doubts about whether Yagami'an was qualified to receive a special invitation.

Levi smiled and said: Qiong, you should not be judged by appearance. The red-haired boy just now can defeat you in less than ten moves. How many exams do you think a person of this strength needs to take?

Qiong showed a surprised expression. She was quite confident in her own strength. After all, if she had not been as strong as she is now, she would not have been strongly attracted by Mr. Big. The underworld organization was interested in it. With personal force, she was able to have a place in a chaotic metropolis like Nanzhen because of her own strength.

During the period when Mr.big collapsed, many people had the idea of ​​opening that bar, but they all failed in the end. Not only did they gain nothing, but they also lost their manpower.

Qiong, who relied on force to gain a foothold in Nanzhen, knew that although she was not as good as Li Wei and the older generation of masters, she was still considered a second-top master among the younger generation. However, she would be beaten by that red-haired boy. She was defeated within a few seconds, which was a bit hard for her to accept. Looking at Qiong's expression, Levi said: There are many young geniuses in this generation. Kusanagi Kyo and Iori Yagami are just one of them. Even Yuri's talent is very outstanding. This will be an era where all heroes will rise together. Qiong said: Master, will there be a place for me in this era?

Levi said: This is inevitable. This world is big, big enough to accommodate anyone's ambition. In fact, South Town (cgci) is still small compared to the entire world, and you can still become stronger.

As for the ways to become stronger, Levi did not continue to talk about it. After all, there were too many ways to become stronger. Qiong can choose to practice hard, or she can choose to lie down, and then use her fellow practitioners to increase her strength. She at least has a choice. Even if she lies down, she doesn't have to worry about the version change and the environment. In comparison, Other fighters who have no choice have no choice but to practice hard.

The two of them got in the car and returned to the Kagura family's mansion. When the car parked in the garage at the back, Levi saw that the entire front yard area had become a large construction site, with construction workers everywhere who were hammering away. The speed was faster than he imagined.

After the millennium, with the development of the economy and cheap human resources, China has earned the title of Infrastructure Mania. Although this title is mixed with the blood and tears of workers, it can ultimately illustrate the country's commitment to infrastructure construction. The power of one side. However, now, Neon can also be regarded as an infrastructure maniac. The post-war generation who created the economic miracle are quite desperate in their work. As soon as they carted away all kinds of garbage from the ruins, they have already set up a framework in place, preparing for Build the house according to the frame.

In addition to being extremely earthquake-resistant, wooden frame houses are constructed much faster than reinforced concrete buildings. Although quick-build wooden houses can only be built up to three stories, they can be completed in a few days. This is the advantage of wooden houses.

Levi found that Yuri Sakazaki was also helping. She was wearing labor protection gloves and helping construction workers transport various heavy objects. Although she looked like just a cute little girl, when transporting heavy objects, she was like a humanoid crane.

The physical fitness of the fighters in this world far exceeds that of ordinary people, so it is not unusual for them to be able to do such a thing.

Seeing Levi, Yuri placed the wooden beam on her shoulder on the roof, which was still only a frame, jumped down lightly, and took away the towel on her shoulder. Levi said: Yuli, why do you come here to work?

Yuri Sakazaki smiled and said: Of course I hope the house will be built soon. After all, this is going to be a place for martial arts assessment. The sooner it is completed, the sooner it can be put into use. And when you leave, Li Weijun, there will be The fighter came to ask if you were here. He heard that you were not here and the assessment venue had not been set up yet. He said he would come back in two days.

Li Wei was a little surprised in his heart. At this time, a fighter had already arrived in Tokyo. Not only were the fighters well-informed, but their mobility was far beyond ordinary people. It is estimated that this fighter had already arrived and simply packed his bags. let's go.

Levi said: Did he leave his contact information?

Yuri Sakazaki shook her head and said, No.

Li Wei thought for a while and found that he had asked a very stupid question. After all, mobile phones in this era have not yet been widely popularized. In addition, the person opposite may not necessarily be a neon person. It is very likely that there is no phone contact information. After all, now the phone It is difficult to apply it cross-border.

For this fighter who came earlier, Levi could only say sorry.

In the afternoon, Levi accepted the challenges from three waves of fighters. Out of more than ten people, only one received an invitation letter.

The King of Fighters Tournament is a three-person team system. As long as one of them has an invitation letter, he can find the other two teammates. As for the strength of the teammates, it depends on the skills and connections of the fighter who received the invitation letter.

Then, under Levi's nose, a slightly funny deal was born. The fighter who got the invitation stopped the people in front who failed to pass the strength test and said that as long as they offered the right price, You can team up with him to participate in the King of Fighters Tournament.

Just when Levi thought that this deal would end with two people joining the team at a suitable price, reality taught him a lesson again. The fighters in front who failed to pass the test directly surrounded this group. Some unlucky guy stole the invitation.

When Levi saw this scene through perception, he couldn't laugh or cry, but this was also caused by the rules of the invitation letter for the King of Fighters competition. The competition now recognizes the invitation letter, not the person, even if it is the holder of the special invitation letter If your invitation is taken away, you will not be able to participate.

Therefore, after getting the invitation letter, you either have enough strength to ensure that the invitation letter will not be taken away, or you hide in a low-key manner and wait for the competition to start.

What happened before is one of the chaos that will inevitably occur in this King of Fighters competition, and this is also the result of Levi's deliberate laissez-faire. After all, this is quite fun, isn't it? .

Chapter 286. Characters who appear in advance

In the next few days, Levi faced waves of fighters. However, to his disappointment, most of the fighters who came to challenge him were relatively mediocre in strength. Except for a few Except for those who are relatively powerful, the strength of most fighters is around 0.3 to 0.5 Terry. With such strength, there is no way to go far in the competition.

However, among the challengers this time, there was someone who surprised Levi. A young man from Bashi, because he was afraid that he would miss the invitation to the King of Fighters Tournament, traveled all the way from Bashi to Neonlai to participate in Levi's qualification assessment.

In the open space outside the Kagura family's mansion, a brown-skinned boy who looked slightly immature was confronting Levi.

The boy was dressed as a ninja, wearing close-fitting soft armor and pumpkin pants. His legs were tied with knee pads and soft cloth armor. His arms were wrapped in sock-style arm guards. He wore an eye mask like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle on his face. He had dirty hair. Braid into a ponytail.

Mr. Levi, Banderas. Hattori challenges you! Please give me more advice! The young man's voice trembled slightly, but he still shouted out what he wanted to say firmly.

Oh? Are you a ninja? Which school do you follow, Shiranui? Kisaragi flow? Iga? Or Koga? Levi smiled.

Banderas showed an embarrassed expression and said: Among the ninjas here in Neon, the entry requirements are very high, and foreigners are not accepted, so I have to explore and practice on my own.

Levi is quite familiar with the boy in front of him. After all, although he hasn't played much of King of Fighters 14, he has been exposed to Banderas. Although the character Hattori is a Bashi, as a ninja, his strength is pretty good and he can be self-taught from scratch. With such a talent, if someone teaches him systematically, his achievements can be even higher.

But there is still a big gap in current Banderas' strength compared to King of Fighters 14. After all, his body is still in the growth stage, and he has more than enough speed but not enough strength.

In the game, it is a pure agility character who is very fast, but the damage dealt is like scratching. After a whole set of combos and a sure kill, the damage may not be as much as that of some cumbersome characters with a small routine. Li Wei said: You are trying to practice by yourself? How did you get started?

Levi was a little curious. The energy in Banderas' body was different from the qi or fighting energy used by ordinary fighters. It was more active and had a certain protective effect on the body. This special energy could make him Maintaining the peak of strength longer than other fighters.

He had seen similar power in the old ninja of the Kusanagi family, so he was a little curious.

Banderas respected Levi very much. Faced with Levi's question, he answered decisively: It's a special training method I learned from an ancient neon book. In order to become a ninja, I taught myself neon language. , through the reference of ancient books and the systematic training of modern martial arts, I have mastered the 'Ninja Road'. The energy in my body is different from the qi mastered by ordinary fighters. The ancient books call this energy 'Chakra' '.

Levi almost showed a black question mark face, Banderas. Are you sure Hattori didn't run into the wrong studio?

Considering that there is also a different world team in The King of Fighters 14, the team members are either time travelers or world travelers, Banderas. Hattori seems to have run into the wrong set, which doesn't seem to be a surprising thing. After all, there are quite a lot of monsters in King of Fighters 14.

When Levi played The King of Fighters 14, he played the character Banderas. This character is like a physical ninja who ran from the set of Naruto, although he can't act like a watermelon head. Eight-door Dunjia, but with powerful physical skills combined with clone techniques, double techniques and shadow clone techniques, ordinary fighters can easily be beaten by him.

The Substitute and Clone Techniques alone can kill many opponents, not to mention the shadow clone with a short-lived entity, which can cause a siege-style attack in a short period of time. An ordinary fighter encounters Banderas. Hattori, if you are not familiar with his moves, it is easy to be killed at first sight.

Levi said: You are a very powerful person who can be self-taught. Come on, I hope that one day you can achieve your goal. Now, use all your skills to prove it in the King of Fighters Tournament You must first gain my approval.

Banderas showed an excited expression. He has been observing Levi's fights with other fighters in the past few days. He has great respect for the powerful and gentle Levi.

Young Banderas can be recognized by a strong man who respects him. The joy in Hattori's heart almost overflowed, and he also decided that he must show his true strength in front of Levi. Even if he loses, he cannot leave any regrets. . . Asking for flowers.

Around the open space, there were many fighters and more ordinary people watching the excitement. It is human nature to watch the excitement, even the neon people are no exception.

Banderas assumed a starting position similar to the bone method, but his starting posture has a lower center of gravity than the traditional bone method, and at the same time, his feet are padded, which means that in the traditional bone method, the foot is used as much as possible. , has been changed in him.

The Bone Technique does not use feet as much as possible to ensure that one is always on the move, using ground-wiping movements to destroy the opponent's sense of distance. At the same time, the special swing method of the hands is used to perform high-intensity hypnosis, thereby gaining opportunities for one's attack.

0...0 As for Banderas' bone technique, he will use his legs to attack at a glance. Although this deviant bone technique is more offensive, it can also easily put himself in danger, but considering that Banderas' unique ninjutsu, this change is understandable.

Banderas' figure suddenly disappeared from the spot and suddenly appeared behind Levi. Seeing this scene, the onlookers all showed expressions of wonder. A layman was watching the fun, and an expert was watching the door. Although Banderas He was young, but his exaggerated speed amazed all the fighters present.

Banderas kicked Levi in ​​the back of the neck with a tornado kick.

Levi didn't look back, just tilted his head slightly, blocked the blow with his lute bone, and at the same time used his strength to knock Banderas away.

After Banderas landed, his figure disappeared again and appeared in the blind spot on the right side of Levi's sight. He swept his low leg towards Levi's bent knee.

Levi changed his position on the spot, just turned his body, and hit Banderas with a knee. Faced with this powerful and heavy blow, Banderas raised his arms to block. When his knees hit his arms, he turned into a ball of white smoke, leaving only a piece of quilt in place. The wooden pile was smashed, and Banderas, who had escaped the heavy blow, appeared a few meters away. His hands kept rubbing his forearm to relieve the pain.

Not bad, it feels a bit like a ninja. Levi smiled.

Some of the ordinary people watching shouted: It's a substitute technique! That Bashi boy is really a ninja!

Chapter 287. Under the moonlight

It was not only the fighters and ordinary people watching the excitement who were shocked. Yuri Sakazaki and Qiong also showed shocked expressions. After all, this was the first time for the two of them to watch the fighting style of ninjas, the ninja's elusive speed, and being attacked. The stand-in technique that allows him to escape instantly is astonishing.

That is to say, the well-informed Kagura sisters did not show any surprised expressions. After all, the Kusanagi family among the three artifact families has a ninja family in the retainer group, and this ninja family also has its own ninja in Chiba Prefecture. , although the scale cannot be compared with those big schools, it is an elite route.

Therefore, the substitute skills displayed by Banderas did not shock them, but they were a little surprised that Banderas could skillfully use the substitute skills at this age. Ninjutsu such as the Substitute Technique is one of the standard Zero Six Three assessment items for a ninja's strength. Those who can master the Substitute Technique must at least be at the level of a chuunin, and those who can master the Clone Technique can be called jounin. , and those who can master the shadow clone technique are ninja masters.

Among the ancient martial arts passed down by the Kagura family, the congratulatory speech is a fighting method, which is similar to the ninja's shadow clone technique.

Banderas' ninjutsu may seem very wonderful to others, but for the Kagura sisters, it is a fairly basic skill. They can use it easily if they are proficient in using blessings and divine dance Similar to the shadow clone's ability to launch an attack, Banderas' stand-in technique is considered an entry-level technique in their opinion.

Levi waved and signaled the other party to continue. Seeing this, Banderas launched another offensive. His figure instantly transformed into two people and attacked Levi from different directions. In Levi's perception, the two Banderas both existed physically, but the power in one of them was obviously much weaker. He could tell at a glance that it was a clone.

Levi directly kicked the clone with a whip kick. At the same time, he reached out with his hand and hit Banderas directly on the chin with the heel of his palm, sending him flying backwards.

Banderas turned several times in the air and landed lightly on his feet, but he staggered around like a drunkard.

Levi smiled and said: It's not yet ready, but we can look forward to the future. That was the Shadow Clone Technique just now. If you can create more clones, it will be difficult for ordinary fighters to defeat four with just one fist when encountering such a situation. Hand. Banderas' head was groggy, and he could barely hear Levi's words clearly, and said: Thank you sir for your advice, I will work hard.

Levi took out an invitation letter from his arms and threw it out like a throwing knife. Although Banderas was a little dizzy, as a ninja, his perception ability far exceeded that of ordinary people, even if he was dizzy. Even in a negative state, he can easily catch the invitation thrown by Levi.

Many of the onlookers' fighters showed envious expressions, but the strength shown by Banderas also won their approval. Levi sent the invitation letter to Banderas, and they had no objections. of.

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