Silver Overlord

Chapter 827

For those Shatu cavalry chasing Yan Liqiang, the transition from hunter to prey is just an instant!

The number of cavalry rushing down the grass slope is more than twice that of them. Those who look like the Ranger are instead armed like the militia entering the Gulang grassland, the archers among the cavalry. There were also dozens of people, and an arrow fell, and the Shatu’s cavalry immediately fell more than a dozen.

The Shatu’s cavalry was in a panic, and the horses were called, and the scene in front of them was like a deliberately led by Yan Liqiang and their group to the ambush. At this time, in addition to escape, who can still care about it? of!

The Han Chinese cavalry who rushed down from the grass slopes had at least two hundred people holding not a short weapon, but a variety of long weapons, large spear, spear, three-pointed two-blade knife, long 戟And so, after rushing down, these people with long weapons rushed to the front of the team, and the long weapons on their hands were waved, compared to the short guys like the swords held by the Shatu cavalry. It was a inch long and one inch long. When I touched it, I didn’t wait for the swords of the Shatu cavalry to cut them. The long guys in their hands suddenly stabbed a lot of Shatu cavalry from the horse.

At the beginning of the battle, the screams of the Shatu cavalry sounded at once on the battlefield.

Among them, there is a black-faced big man, who is waving a blue dragon’s moon knife directly on his hand. His armpit is a rhinosteed rhinosteed. The big man laughs and the big knife in his hand is immediately turned into a white light. In the ranks of the Shatu cavalry, where the big knives passed, it was really crowded, flesh and blood, chasing Yan Liqiang, their Shatu cavalry, there was no place for the man’s hand, the place where the man rushed, Headless or the body of the Shatu cavalry that is broken into two pieces, like a straw that is discounted by hail, a series of fallen down…

Hearing the slashing sounds from behind him and the screams of the Shatu people, Zuo Yuquan suddenly took hold of the horse and turned the horse’s head.

At this time, there were Shatu cavalry chasing, so the Shatu cavalry began to flee, just thinking that they could survive.

“Zuo Xiong?” Mao Taishun looked at Zuo Yuquan, and the whole person was eager to try.

“Xu Meng, are you okay?” Zuo Yuquan took rhinosteed and looked at Xu Meng, who was sucking his mouth and sucking cold air.

“Nothing!” Xu Meng regained his big knife in his hand, murderously said, “I can cut those Shatu dogs now, after finishing, say, Mom…”

“Go, let’s kill his mother, cut their heads!” Zuo Yuquan screamed, and the fire of these Shatu people hunted for a long time finally broke out. He clipped his horse’s belly and slammed rhinosteed with a long bang. The first one rushed over.

The six Rangers, at this time, killed a spear together and began to rush toward those Shatu people.

They have just turned the horse’s head here, and the Shatu people there have more than a dozen people breaking through the encirclement and rushing straight toward them.

“Oh…” Before the two sides contacted, Yan Liqiang opened two arrows and waited for the Shatu cavalry to rush to Yan Liqiang. Two Shatu cavalry were shot again by Yan Liqiang, leaving the left. The spirit of everyone in Yuquan is shocked.

“Ha ha ha, king brother, you can leave me some…” Mao Taishun laughed, he had let go of the stables, only used his legs to control the horse, showing his skillful horse skills, his empty hand, already He took the metal shackles he bought with his teeth and spent a lot of money. When the two sides were about 50 meters apart, Mao Taishun’s metal shackles finally began to worry…

In a short period of time, Mao Taishun’s metal flakes shot five arrows. In addition to the two arrows falling out of the five arrows, the other three arrows and two arrows hit the people and shot the two Shatu people from the horse. Another arrow shot a rhinosteed, and the rhinosteed slammed and fell to the ground, throwing the Shatu cavalry on the horse back from the horse to the ground. At the moment of landing, he heard the fracture. Voices.

Before the contact, the number of Shatu cavalry rushed was almost half lost.

When I rushed to the front, Yan Liqiang had put down the bow and picked up the knife. At the moment of interlacing, the swords crossed, and Yan Liqiang cut a head again…

Zuo Yuquan, Zhao Bing, and Jia Lang also had no suspense, and they each took down a Shatu cavalry.

Some of the fierce screams of Xu Meng who wanted to take revenge, slashed and slashed the rhinosteed horse head of the Shatu who rushed over him, and slammed the horse’s hand on Xu Meng’s hand. The broadsword was unobstructed and swept from the waist of the Shatu cavalry. In a scream, the Shatu’s half body fell directly from the rhinosteed, and the other half was still riding without the horse’s head. On rhinosteed, I took a few steps before I suddenly fell to the ground.

The most chicken thief is Mao Taishun. At the moment when the two sides crossed each other, the Shatu man’s cavalry slashed toward him. He fell backwards and went straight on the horseback to come up with a hard work of the iron bridge. Against the back of rhinosteed, avoiding the blow of the Shatu cavalry, when the Shatu cavalry had just rushed over, the machine in his hand shot another arrow at the back of the Shatu cavalry. The arrow plunged into the back of the Shatu cavalry, and the Shatu cavalry screamed and fell from the moment…

In the end, there are still two Shatu cavalrymen who have already been scared. I don’t dare to look at Yan Liqiang again. They are screaming, rhinosteed, and want to escape. At this time, Zuo Yuquan and Zhao The soldiers directly jumped from the horse and directly took the two Shatu cavalry from the rhinosteed, and it was a knife…

“Hurry, hurry, collect people, collect people…” Jia Lang also screamed, and quickly jumped off the horse and cut off the heads of the Shatu people who had been killed by them.

These Shatu people’s heads, one head is a ten-acre grass field, who will waste.

The Shatu cavalry in the distance has been surrounded by people. The Shatu cavalry screams down every second or the head flies up. It is natural to take the opportunity to quickly collect their loot and head.

Yan Liqiang and Mao Taishun both jumped out of the horse and quickly cut down the heads of the dozen Shatu people who had just been killed by them, and put them in a linen pocket. Even Xu Meng, biting his teeth, couldn’t handle himself. The wound on the thigh, but busy to cut the head, search the body, pick up the Shatu’s weapons, and bring the Shatu people’s uninhabited rhinosteed, this rhinosteed are good horses, but also the white flowers, Of course you can’t waste…

Six people are busy here. After the heads of the Shatu are gathered and the horses are re-riding on horseback, the Shatu people underneath are already surrounded by the group of Han Chinese cavalry. Run away.

The hoof roared, the black-faced man with the Qinglong 偃月刀, directly rushed over with dozens of people toward Yan Liqiang.

Looking at the people who rushed over, except for Yan Liqiang, Zuo Yuquan, some of them were a little nervous, ready to shoot at any time. After all, in this place, Yan Liqiang, they are the weaker side of the people, and they are surrounded by No one, if you encounter unreasonable black and black, then it is not good.

“Wang brothers, if you stayed for a while, you cover you, you shoot the black-faced man with a big knife…” Zuo Yuquan approached Yan Liqiang, squinted and whispered.

The battles that have just been experienced have given them a strong confidence in Yan Liqiang’s bow cultivation.

Yan Liqiang squinted at the people who rushed over, didn’t talk, just nodded…

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