Silver Overlord

Chapter 826

The means of rivers and lakes like the smoke can’t be seen in the army, but in the Ranger, the Ranger of this means of the rivers and lakes is not uncommon. These Rangers deal with the people of the Three Religions. The nature of the game is quite a lot, and what is fascinating is just a pediatrics.

In the Ranger, there is a saying like this. The old method is a good way. The smoke has been circulated. I don’t know how many years of things can still be preserved today, and it has a strong vitality. Never out of date.

The smog used by Jia Lang is the most widely spread A-scented incense in the rivers and lakes. This is a very overbearing type of smoke. According to him, let alone be a human, even if it is a cow, it takes a sip to faint.

A smoky smoke spit into a closed tent. The tent became a gas chamber in the eyes of Yan Liqiang. As long as he entered after the five interest, the person who had fallen asleep in the tent was like a dead pig. When I was there, I was unaware.

Zuo Yuquan took the sword into the tent, and Mao Taishun also carried the knife into the tent…

Finally left outside, only Jalan and Yan Liqiang, Jalan screamed in a tent, and Yan Liqiang was still outside, in the dark, still can clearly hear the faint around the tent The slight muffled sound of the chopped meat was broken, and all the horror was shrouded in the tents.

Xu Meng first came out of the tent. When he opened the curtain of the tent, a bloody smell came out of the tent. A few drops of blood were splashed on his face and hands. He was a hand. A bulging sack was opened from the shape of the sack. There were probably four heads inside. There was a thick blood donation from the bottom of the sack. He had a blood-stained knife in his other hand and his eyes flashed. A layer of cold light…

Jia Lang waved at him and pointed to another tent that was blown into him by the smoke. Xu Meng snorted and took a big knife and slammed his foot and quickly walked over, then drilled in again…

Xu Meng has just drilled in here. Here, Zhao Bing has already drilled out of his tent. Like Xu Meng, Zhao Bing’s hand also carries a bulging sack of blood-stained sacks. After recruiting, Zhao Bing quickly went to the second tent…

The headhunting team has a clear division of labor, just like the workers who pick mushrooms, constantly harvesting the tents one by one.

However, the accident still happened. Just when Jia Lang came out of the seventh tent. When the curtain of the tent was just opened with a dagger, a sudden violent scream suddenly appeared in the tent. Oh…”

Bang Bang – This is what people in Shatu mean.

As soon as the voice started, a long, bright knife smashed directly out of the hood. The tip of the knife pierced the copper tube from Jalan’s hand, and Jia Lang’s head looked up. The body fell backwards, and the tip of the knife was worn over his ear. Almost, he stabbed him directly on his face and stabbed his head.

Not good, was discovered!

It is estimated that the Shatu in the tent slept relatively well, and Jalan was found near the tent there.

“Halonsa…” In a scream of “the enemy” in the Shatu language, a scream, a shatu in a pajamas with a beard, opened the tent and rushed out, seeing Jalan still. On the ground, a knife is like Jia Lang, and blade ray is as practiced, and the action is sharp. It is not a mediocrity…

But the Shatu Dahan’s knife was not cut on Jia Lang’s body, because Jia Langyi was discovered, and Yan Liqiang, who was outside the police, rushed over.

Yan Liqiang got out of the knife, blade ray was like a line, and the blade ray of the Shatu Han was smashed in the past. It was just a knife. The head of the Shatu man flew up, and the neck donated blood directly, and he personally fell to the ground.

“Come on…” Yan Liqiang and Jia Lang whispered, then rushed into the tent.

There are three Shatu people living in the tent. In addition to the Shatu Han, there is a Shatu man, 20 years old and 17-year-old. The latter two are slower, but when Yan Liqiang rushes in. They are still wearing their pajamas, and they have already picked up their weapons. One has a short dagger on one hand, and the other has only a wooden stick that has been cut…

The man with the dagger yelled directly, stabbed Yan Liqiang, took the stick, lifted the stick, and slammed it over Yan Liqiang’s head.

Compared to the big man just outside, these two Shatu people are ordinary goods, naturally it is impossible to hurt Yan Liqiang.

Blade ray flashed, the heads of two people flew at the same time…

Yan Liqiang turned and rushed out of the tent. Jia Lang had already rushed to the place where everyone left the horse. On his hand, he still grabbed the head of the Shatu man who had just been cut by Yan Liqiang.

Zuo Yuquan, Mao Taishun, Xu Meng, Zhao Bing, the four people heard the movement outside, knowing that they were discovered by the Shatu people, they have quickly rushed out of the tent, do not ask anything, just turned and ran, this time, ten million Can’t be entangled by Shatu people…

“Come on…” Yan Liqiang snorted at the four people, but he took the knife and rushed toward a tent.



The surrounding tents were all shaken, and the Shatu people shouted and rushed out of the tent…

The Shatu man next to a tent just rushed out with a machete. Yan Liqiang had stabbed him in the same way, stabbed the Shatu’s chest directly, and then pulled it out and shoved the Shatu. I had to fly into the tent and hit the back of the man and flew out. There were a few voices from the Shatu people in the tent.

“Oh…” An arrow flew past Zuo Yuquan’s head and let the left Yuquan, who was quickly evacuating, startled. When he turned his head, he saw a place more than fifty meters away from him. There was a Shatu man with a bow. It was just that the Shatu shot an arrow at him in a hurry, but fortunately he didn’t shoot it. The Shatu wanted to pull the bow for the second time. Zuo Yuquan’s heart When it was a little cold, with a bang, an arrow flew past, straight through the Shatu’s neck, and shot the man on the ground, around the tent, and the Shatu man rushed out with a bow, but They didn’t wait for them to see the surrounding situation and bowed. Hey, after the three arrows, the three Shatu people with the bows all fell to the ground, all of them were dead…

Zuo Yuquan looked at it, but it was the arrow shot by Yan Liqiang. At the moment, Yan Liqiang had already put away the knife and solved the bow on his back. After breaking them, he shot several archers from the Shatu.

In such a blink of an eye, the movement of the Shatu camp was even greater. There was a lit fire everywhere, and the entire camp was buzzing. The Shatu patrols were rushing towards it.

“Come on…” Zuo Yuquan carrying a sack yelled, and the whole man tried his best to run toward the place where the horse was. At this time, everyone really took out the strength of the milk, and was running. In the ears of the people, only the sound of the bow of Yan Liqiang and the screams of the Shatu people were heard. Yan Liqiang not only gave them a break, but also seemed to deliberately make a move, with the Shatu people Zuoquan who rushed out of the tent behind them. Running in the direction of one side, they were at an angle to their direction. .

In the darkness, the visibility is not high. After Zuo Yuquan’s figure rushed out of the camp for 100 meters, there were not many people who could see them. The Shatu people who had just rushed out of the tent faced darkness and chaos. It was only instinctive that it was in the direction of Yan Liqiang.

The Shatu patrol team also chased it, but it was not far from the camp. The lanterns on the patrol team were directly shot by Yan Liqiang.

When Zuo Yuquan went to the place where they were parked in rhinosteed, behind them, there was no chasing soldier. All the Shatu people who were chased out were in the other direction, at least four or five hundred meters away from them, those people, It is the pursuer who is biased by Yan Liqiang.

At this time, among the Shatu people’s camps, there were already many Shatu cavalry who took the torch and chased them out on rhinosteed.

The people pulled up the pile forks on the ground, and hung the sacks with their heads on the saddle, and quickly got on the horse.

“The king brother hasn’t come yet…” Mao Taishun, who was on rhinosteed, screamed.

“I am coming…” Next to the grass, Yan Liqiang rushed out and jumped to the back of the dark clouds with the fastest speed.

Not far away, the Shatu people who were turned away by Yan Liqiang yelled and chased Yan Liqiang and rushed to the side. The Shatu people who rushed out of the camp also rushed here, riding the rhinosteed people. I glanced at each other and found that everyone was there. Zuo Yuquan called out “going”, a whips, six rhinosteed screams, and rushed toward the distance. Behind them, there were more than two hundred Shatu cavalrymen, one by one, with red eyes, ghosts and wags, waving their weapons, and gnashing their teeth…

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