Siheyuan: Rebirth of the Silly Pillar, with incredible understanding

Chapter 262 Uncle Wang returns to the city, new news!

"Zhuzi, come on, let me take a look at this thing."

With the support of Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady quickly came to He Yuzhu's side. Her eyes flickered as she glanced at the banner in He Yuzhu's hand. The deaf old lady was really not calm this time.

She finally managed to create an identity to the outside world, and with the help of Yi Zhonghai, she managed to gain a foothold in the courtyard. She was the one who understood best the value of issuing a banner from an organization.

The deaf old lady had already been thinking about winning Zhu Zhu over to their side. The sudden incident today made the old lady make up her mind to let Yi Zhonghai take down this boy Zhu Zhu!

She has Yi Zhonghai and his wife to help take care of her in her life, but she also has to help Zhonghai think about the future.

The deaf old lady spoke, and the eyes of some people in the yard also fell on the banner in Zhu Zhu's hand, all looking at something strange. He Yuzhu smiled slightly after hearing what the deaf old lady said, but he did not refuse.

"Old lady, this is the banner handed out by the Military Control Commission. After you finish reading this, I will have to go to work at Hongbin Building in a while."

He Yuzhu said that he didn't take the banner seriously at all, it was not even as important as him going to work soon. This look fell in the eyes of the deaf old lady, and she couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. Good guy, is this pillar really stupid or fake? Did he know that with this banner, his life would be completely different in the future?

Absolutely no one in this Nanluo Lane courtyard or even in the whole street dares to look down upon him.

However, when the banner fell into the hands of the deaf old lady, her eyes scanned it excitedly: the young hero He Yuzhu. On the side with the inlaid words, the signature is Military Control Commission. Yi Zhonghai, who was on the side, kept scanning the banner.

No way, this thing is indeed a rare thing.

The deaf old lady claimed that she had knitted straw sandals for the organization in the beginning and that there were heroes in her family. But in fact, he has never won anything like a banner. If you really want to talk about Zhu Zhu's qualifications in this regard, he is now higher than him, a deaf old lady. However, if Yi Zhonghai didn't take the initiative to say it, the hospital would not Someone thought of this level.

"Okay, okay." After reading it, the deaf old lady nodded repeatedly. She patted He Yuzhu's shoulder, "Zhuzhu, you are really good. You have brought glory to our courtyard. The old lady is happy today. Let's go together tonight. How about a meal?”

Hearing this, He Yuzhu shook his head slightly, "Old lady, I don't necessarily have time tonight. I have to go to the master's place after get off work. Besides, it's just a banner. There's no need to make such a big noise, so forget it. ."

He Yuzhu came back from outside the city and had not yet gone to see Master Yang Peiyuan. He still needed to communicate and discuss various situations with the master, so naturally he did not have time to participate in such messy things. After all, He Yuzhu had no intention of having much contact with the deaf old lady Yi Zhonghai and others.

Given the virtues of these old foxes, if they were to make a plan, He Yuzhu would be afraid that he would accidentally fall into the trap. Although He Yuzhu will not be manipulated like the original Shazhu, he will inevitably cause trouble for himself, so it is better not to cause it.

Seeing Zhuzi's direct refusal, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai both had a look in their eyes. "No time? Okay, but Zhu Zhu, you can't say that. This is an honor given to you by the organization. From now on, our courtyard will all learn from you!"

Yi Zhonghai was on the side and echoed. "Yes, Zhuzi. You are the first one to be awarded a banner in our street. This is a good thing and worth learning from everyone!"

Hearing what Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady said, He Yuzhu didn't react at all, but Jia Zhang's face turned darker and darker. Behind him, he simply snorted and pulled Qin Huairu directly: "Huairu, let's go first. Go back to the house and I’ll ask Dongxu to take you to work!”

In the morning, Changping Rescue Station. Today is the last day for He Yuzhu to work.

Because I had something to do out of the city the day before, Hongbin Tower temporarily sent a master stove to help for a day.

Today, after Aunt Zhang and the others saw Zhu Zhu coming, their eyes lit up.

"Zilla? You're here."

Aunts from several rescue stations gathered around him, their attitude was enthusiastic.

There is no way, after this comparison, everyone knows what the level of Zhuzi's craftsmanship is.

Originally, everyone didn't think there was anything wrong with the chef who was sent from Hongbin Tower yesterday, but after eating the food made by Zhu Zi, when another chef came, the taste was immediately obvious.

It’s not that the chef’s cooking wasn’t delicious, but that Zhu Zhu’s previous cooking was so delicious. Only then did everyone realize that even in a large hotel like Hongbin Tower, not everyone has skills like pillars.

After seeing Zhu Zhu arrive today, not only these aunts, but also the other refugees at the rescue station were more excited than usual.

"Well, Auntie, I was delayed by something yesterday. Let's get started directly."

He Yuzhu nodded, but he was not lazy and started working as soon as he came up.

At this time, Qin Huairu was also following several aunts, making moves from the side. However, she could no longer hold back her eyes and glanced at the pillars from time to time.

Zhuzhu is too mysterious. He is just so good at cooking. He is silent and even takes the banner. With such a big movement, the whole street knows that there is a young hero in their No. 90 courtyard.

That night.

He Yuzhu came to Master Yang Peiyuan's home.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw another figure.

"Uncle Wang? You're back."

He Yuzhu said excitedly after seeing it clearly.

This person is Wang Xing who has been out of the city for many days. At that time, the master said that Wang Xing went out to follow the military control committee. Now it seems that Uncle Wang should have gone to Brother Zhang and his team.

"Well, Zhuzi, your strength has improved a lot."

Wang Xing was wearing a thin white cloth at this time, his body was as strong as an ox, and when he spoke, he was like Hong Zhong Da Lu, full of energy.

He Yuzhu insists on practicing Chinese martial arts and standing skills every day, and with systematic help, progress is naturally normal. But He Yuzhu discovered immediately that Uncle Wang's strength had also improved.

At this moment, Yang Peiyuan on the side smiled and said: "It seems that you two have gained a lot from this trip out of the city."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Xing's eyes lit up. He just returned to the city today. When he came to Mr. Yang, he learned after a conversation that Zhu Zhu had also followed the Military Control Commission out of the city.

"Zhuzi, I heard that a team from the Military Control Commission outside the city took over the stronghold in Yutun Village. I didn't expect that it would be you."

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