The expressions of Yi Zhonghai and Yima are quite wonderful. Early in the morning, comrades from the Military Control Commission actually came to deliver banners. This treatment was absolutely unprecedented. The key is that they have no idea what Zhuzi is doing outside.

This makes the couple feel uncomfortable. They looked at each other and saw the complexity in each other's eyes. As the most hypocritical moral deity in the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai did a pretty good job on the surface, among other things.

No matter what his starting point is, at least all the residents in the courtyard house at No. 90 Nanluo Lane can say a few words to Yi Zhonghai when they meet him, especially when it is their turn to speak justice. With his conduct and his status as a senior worker, everyone is willing to give him some face.

The entire courtyard is basically under his control.

In this case, Silly Zhu got a banner directly, and he didn't even know the omen.

This is not good news.

But at this time, Yi Zhonghai knew that it was not the time to pursue this issue.

Once the banner is taken, the status and status of the pillar will be completely different.

If Zhu Zhu was the cook at Hongbin Building before and his job was pretty good, then everyone could just talk about it casually after dinner.

But now, just relying on this banner directly means that whoever dares to act rogue in front of the He family in the future will bully the young hero. If this name spreads, things will become serious. As long as the pillars are made bigger, the Military Control Commission will come directly to the door and take people away! This can kill your head!

Of course, this has little impact on Yi Zhonghai's family.

Although this old guy has a bad mind all day long, he doesn't bother to bully others and take advantage of others. After all, he is a senior worker in the factory. Yi Zhonghai attaches great importance to his own retirement because he cannot have children. Putting this aside, there was no real conflict between him and Zhu Zhu.

But Zhu Zhu now has a banner at home, and when his reputation spreads, he will definitely become a well-known figure. If Zhu Zi is willing to provide for himself in old age, his current value will definitely far exceed that of Jia Dongxu.

However, Yi Zhonghai began to have troubles in his heart.

It was difficult for him to handle the pillars before, but now that he has taken the banner, his identity is different. You can imagine how difficult it is, and it is definitely a very labor-intensive task.

However, Yi Zhonghai doesn't want to be too hasty. As he said, take it slow and steady. He is still young and there are no elders in Zhu Zhu's family. He can take his time.

But at this time, Jia Zhang's face was uglier than if she had eaten dead human flesh.

She looked at the banner in Silly Zhu's hand and her eyes almost popped out.

This stupid pillar! how can that be possible! How come something like a banner is handed out so casually?

At her age, she naturally knows what the pennant represents. If their Dongxu family can have a pennant, why worry about the steel factory becoming a full-time official? The factory director will definitely take the initiative to invite him to work! Even if you join the factory, the treatment will definitely be first-class, and you will be regarded as a famous figure in the factory and be promoted from time to time!

These are all real benefits!

Thinking that just now she had belittled Silly Zhu openly and covertly in front of Qin Huairu, and now they just took a banner, Jia Zhang's face became even more ugly.

Qin Huairu's eyes flickered as he stared at He Yuzhu with a glint in his eyes.

She comes from a rural area, but that doesn't mean she doesn't understand what the banner means.

If this were in their rural area, the pillars would probably attract people from several villages to come and watch.

At the same time, He Yuzhu said: "Brother Wang, I'd like to trouble you all."

After putting down the banner, He Yuzhu did not lose his composure, and there was no arrogance on his face. He regarded it as a normal thing.

In this regard, Wang Weiguo also nodded slightly. What he admired was precisely Zhu Zhu's ability to deal with favors and disgrace in a down-to-earth manner and to be so capable. Thinking of this, he felt a little regretful that Zhu Zhu could not join the Military Control Commission.

"Come on, Zhu Zhu, I won't hold you back. As I said before, just come to the Military Control Commission and see me if you need anything."

Wang Weiguo patted Zhu Zhu on the shoulder, his voice not shy.

On the one hand, it was from the bottom of his heart. If Zhuzi figured it out and joined the Military Control Commission, everyone would be happy. On the other hand, it also meant taking care of Zhuzi.

Of course he knew the situation at Zhuzi's family. His father ran away with the widow, leaving Zhuzi alone with his sister. Although Zhuzi acted very capable, he was still a fifteen-year-old baby after all. In this era, there were no parents. If so, life would inevitably involve some gossip. If he spoke openly like this, at least the Military Control Commission would be able to give Zhuzi some confidence.

He Yuzhu immediately heard what Wang Weiguo meant. He nodded gratefully to Wang Weiguo: "Okay, Brother Wang, I won't send it away. I'll pack up and go to work."

Even without Wang Weiguo's help, He Yuzhu can still live a good life, but this is a friendship from others, whether he needs it or not is one thing, he has to appreciate it.

After the people from the Military Control Commission left, the discussion in the yard became more and more heated.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Zhu Zhu.

"Zhuzi, what... have you done? Why did the Military Control Commission even give you a banner?"

I don’t know who spoke first.

Soon, the neighbors came over curiously and wanted to ask more questions.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai cleared his throat and said, "Don't be so anxious, everyone. Zhu Zhu has to go to work. If you have anything else to do, wait until Zhu Zhu gets off work." This was to help Zhu Zhu out of trouble.

After listening to Yi Zhonghai's words, those people glanced at Yi Zhonghai with a strange look, but no one continued to ask questions. After all, no one dared to mess around with Zhu Zhu at work now.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked towards the backyard.

"Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu, let grandma see what happened today?"

She is a deaf old lady. She is not using a cane yet, but her body is already a little stooped. Walking from the backyard, the old lady's eyes kept flickering in He Yuzhu's hand.

After Yi Zhonghai saw the old lady, he quickly stepped forward to help her.

"Old lady, please slow down."

Yi Zhonghai can be said to be the biological son of the deaf old lady, and he naturally takes care of him very considerately.

At the same time, Yi Zhonghai's eyes also lit up.

As soon as the old lady came forward, he understood what the old lady meant.

This is a close call.

If he and others came to do this, firstly, it would be too deliberate, and secondly, Zhuzi would not accept it.

But because of the old lady's identity and age, if someone had to come over to get close to her, she would be the most suitable one.

Just thinking about it, when He Yuzhu saw the deaf old man coming, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

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