Chapter 218: Get Ready to Parade.

At this time, the director of the factory also said: “This conference is over, and Yi Zhonghai will accept the street tour in the afternoon!” When the time comes, everyone can go and watch! ”

Everyone also began to disperse one after another. Yi Zhonghai over there was extremely gray.

The whole person is like losing his soul, losing his spirit, just like a walking dead.

Zhang Shengli’s bastard, why can he get everyone’s encouragement and praise? Why can I get a reward from the plant director? Why should I be imprisoned by parading through the streets!

By what? What did I do wrong!

I just want to make my life a little better.

“What’s wrong with that?”

Yi Zhonghai suddenly collapsed, and the string called reason in his heart began to break.

He suddenly broke free from the grip of the two people beside him, and frantically rushed towards Zhang Shengli, shouting as he rushed: “Zhang Shengli! I won’t make you feel good when I die, and I will drag you to the burial today!” ”

Yi Zhonghai rushed towards Zhang Shengli like a madman. After seeing this scene, everyone was also stunned. The director hurriedly shouted, “Stop him!” ”

At this time, the two young men who were stunned next to him also came to their senses, and quickly rushed towards Yi Zhonghai, intending to stop Yi Zhonghai.

Can Yi Zhonghai not know what medicine he took wrong at this time, the whole person seems to have been beaten with chicken blood, the whole person is extremely excited, and the speed has also climbed, as if it was a missile shot at Zhang Shengli.

Yi Zhonghai also forgot one thing. Zhang Shengli is not an ordinary person.

Even if Zhang Shengli does not have systematic blessings, Zhang Shengli is also a young man, much better than this old man in terms of physical fitness!

Therefore, Zhang Shengli watched Yi Zhonghai rush over, the corners of his mouth just tugged, and his eyes were also very disdainful.

Even if he wants to fight with himself, what if he wants to? It’s just ignoring the facts, doing useless work, and will make himself guilty and equal to Zhang Shengli, in fact, he didn’t want to care much at all, but Yi Zhonghai rushed over, and he kicked it out directly.

Zhang Shengli’s kick directly hit Yi Zhonghai’s stomach.

Even if Yi Zhonghai rushed over with a certain amount of kinetic energy, Zhang Shengli did not care, anyway, under the transformation of the system, his strength was already extraordinary.


This kick directly kicked Yi Zhonghai to the ground, and the two young men who were watching over Yi Zhonghai before also came over. They were also anxious and angry in their hearts.

Because of their mistake just now, the prisoner Yi Zhonghai fled.

If Zhang Shengli hadn’t suddenly made a move and subdued Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai went crazy, what if he really died with the employees next to him!

They were really panicked and angry in their hearts, looking at Yi Zhonghai was angry, and directly greeted Yi Zhonghai, punching and kicking Yi Zhonghai.

The two people who were extremely angry moved their hands, but they did not stop their hands, and they beat Yi Zhonghai with three punches and two kicks. In the end, Zhang Shengli couldn’t stand it, for fear that they would beat Yi Zhonghai to the point that he couldn’t swim the streets.

He quickly added a few words: “You guys still don’t fight anymore!” Leave him for a breath! So as not to be inconvenient when you are parading the streets! ”

“If he can’t parade the streets, he will lose a lot of warning meaning!”

Everyone listened and thought it was no problem, and quickly said: “Yes, you can’t kill this old boy for six!” ”

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